All Chapters of First Dragon: Blood Ties : Chapter 61 - Chapter 70
99 Chapters
Kal’s POV Spending time with my children was an incredible, out of this world experience!!! I wish it did not come under such dire circumstances that they were attacked and fought for their lives though. I wish I did not have to pretend as to whom I was to them. I wish their mother were alive!! Ever since I realized they were my children, there was something that has happened to me. The sheer thought of them both elated me and petrified me at the same time. I missed out on so much in their lives, and I swore I was not going to miss out on another second! And I would die making sure they were safe! “Nobody can hurt them now; our babies are under our protection!!!” Beast’s voice boomed as if daring somebody to try. He was right. I would sacrifice everything to protect my children! There were no two ways about it. I remember the times I teased my siblings and their devotion to their born offspring. I completely understand it now, and then some! Every time I saw Emma, she looked more
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You Cannot Leave Me
KAL POV “Everything??? Isn't that a bit of a broad-spectrum statement Mom???!!! Are you overstating???” I chuckled and laughed at her words, but I was concerned because everything from my mother’s perspective, was exactly that. EVERYTHING!!! My mother literally knew everything given that she created the world, so what was everything that she wanted to tell me???? Anxiety and fear grappled me as I looked into her eyes, studied her face. She looked around my office, as if she were seeing it for the first time. It was always kept impeccably clean and decorated with the latest styles, although I liked to keep a thing or two from the past. Spacious windows were looking over the Los Angeles skyline and the ocean in the distance, casting a beautiful image.“It looks kind of bare here…”, she observed. Priceless art was hanging on the walls of this space, including some of the original statues made by famous creatures and human artists. I was not sure what she meant. “I assure you a lot of car
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They Are Twins
Kal’s POV “This is not your decision to make, my dearest child”. “I WILL NOT ALLOW YOU TO LEAVE!!!”, I roared now. I am the First Dragon, ruler of this realm and, mother or not, you will have to listen to me!!” I knew the power she wielded, but I also knew that she willingly submitted herself to my authority, making sure that there would be no division in the ranks, no factions, that my rule would go unchallenged by any of her supporters. I knew that - she knew that. She never meddled much, but I looked to her for advice and guidance on a regular basis, especially after Catherine died. She was there to bring me back from the depths of depression when that happened. A small smile crossed her face. “You were always fierce, my son! Always loyal to those you love. I knew you were so very special, the first time I laid my eyes on you, all those years ago, on this very beach. Do you remember it?” I knew what she was doing. Ever so gently, she was reminding me of her powers, and of the fac
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Poker Game
Cassius POV My mate’s smell and kiss were still driving me crazy, even after I left him… I was picturing his eyes, his gentle smile, touch of his hand, and all I could do is think of him and pine over him.. I never knew mate bond was this strong. I never realized how empty and lonely I was, how shallow my life had been before I met Leo. But also, with Marcus’ new revelation, I was concerned. Dragons – born ones, did not have to abide by the mate pull, or quite frankly any rules of our realm. Considered apex of our species, the rules did not apply to them. The only other kind that rules of mate bonds were different for were Tribrids, but they were even more unique and hard to find. Most other creatures, including dragons made, followed and were bound to follow the mate bond and all the expectations that came with it. Dragon born, had a luxury of knowing a mate bond, but having an option to follow it or not, deny it or not, without any pain or consequence if they opted not to choose the
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Pearl Palace
Kal POV Mother was still skipping happily around the beach, looking like a little girl, with not a care in the world. I was overwhelmed by emotions, confusion, and a sheer sense of impending doom of some kind. Something else was wrong and I could not shake the feeling. Thoughts of Mother not being on this plane were petrifying me. I did not know how and what to think of this, and ever since she said it, it felt as if somebody grabbed my heart with an iron fist and was not letting go, squeezing the life out of it. The knowledge that she had of my marriage to Catherine was new to me. I thought it was a well-guarded secret. We took every precaution, I thought to myself – apparently, I was wrong. “You know Mother knows everything”, Beast said softly. “She knew of our children, even before we did,” he continued. Not making much fuss, Beast was unusually quiet upon realization of all Mother and I discussed earlier. I expected him to roar or act out, yet he was quiet, which was very strange
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Family Always, Family First
Amelia POV The trip to see my father did not go exactly as planned. I felt as if everybody could see through me, as if everyone knew of my betrayal. After my recovery with much help from my sister-in-law, Lady Nasrin, I did manage to have a much-needed discussion with him – the main reason I wanted to see him. I recalled the prophecy – the prophecy of born dragons, born of human – twins. The prophecy also spoke of the great danger. The twins had ability to destroy our world, and everything in the process, and based on the earlier vision, I was afraid that this is exactly what was going to happen. In addition, prophecy spoke of love and the three-fold energy that would usher the time of peace, stability and finally bring balance to the species, and happiness to the realm. I did not know why but I felt that had something to do with First Dragon and his interest in two humans. Father did not seem phased or really surprised. He listened to me carefully, but somehow, I felt his eyes were
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How Do We Kill Them?
Lord Alwyin POV Watching my precious daughter leave on Ying hurt my heart, yet again. Knowing that she betrayed us was painful. It was almost unbearable, and I was, in a way, grateful she did not stay long, as I was not sure how much longer I would be able to continue this charade, how much longer I could keep up the pretense. “My Queen???”, I mind linked my mate and wife, Lady Sahar – Amelia’s mother. “I am in the drawing room”, she said, expectantly. After all this time, this woman knew me, loved me, and was excited to see me as I was her. She was my one true love. One of my powers was teleportation – I could move through space and at that moment, I did not feel like seeing anyone but my wife, so I decided to shimmer to the drawing room. I needed her scent, her soft embrace, her eyes, her smile. And I needed to talk to her.. I needed to break her heart and confirm what her prophecies had foretold – that our own child would betray us – that she would be the downfall of the supernatu
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Since Always
Emma POV The voice in my head and conversations with her have started becoming more frequent, almost like a regular thing – a few times a day at least. While I was initially apprehensive, I grew fond of this voice, of her advice and friendship. In all fairness, somehow through it all, she became my sounding board in the way. However, I was worried. The voice appeared after the explosion, and I did not know if I was suffering some serious medical issue – hallucinations perhaps, or was it because of the medication I was on. I was simply concerned, even though I appreciated her, I was still struggling to understand if she was real or not. Her advice was yet to be wrong. . She was encouraging, as a mother or friend, and I was starting to get very attached to her. Was I bipolar??? Did I have a split personality disorder??? And if so, how come these things did not happen until now??? I was confused, fearful and very scared. Leo was sitting across from me, reading a magazine. I decided to t
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You Are Different
Leo’s POV I never thought much about the voice in my head. I always looked at it as some type of support system, maybe some type of divine intervention or something akin to the voice sages in history heard thought the centuries. For a while, after I figured out, I was gay, I thought that even perhaps the voice was my real, gay identity – I thought it may disappear once I come out and come clean to the world – but it did not. I did not hear it always – in fact, it was not a constant presence, but it was there, and I knew I could rely on it, on its advice. At times, it was dormant. At times of struggle and distress, like during the time of explosion, it was very strong, empowering and encouraging. I recalled early days of hearing it - it started when I was very young, maybe when I was 3 if memory served me correctly. As Emma was saying, it was there – but unlike her situation, mine did not appear out of nowhere and did not change after the explosion. I heard the voice twice or thrice si
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Different How?
Emma POV “Different HOW?”, Leo and I asked him almost in unison. Dr. Sina was looking at us as if he said the most natural thing in the world. Firming up his glasses on the bridge of his nose and putting his pen down, he said gently “Different, my child, is not necessarily something bad. In fact, different is often a very good thing – it takes different people, different species, different things to make the world go round!!!”, he exclaimed, beaming at us again. “I understand that”, I said, my voice shaking slightly, “however, I am curious as to what do you mean WE are different??? Do you have many patients like us?” I asked, worried now somehow. “Young lady, you know that I cannot divulge patient/doctor privilege and confidentiality!”, he said, reassuring me, albeit a little sternly. “But, let me put it to you this way – you two are most definitely not my first or only cases with other self-awareness”, Dr. Sina retorted. I was looking at him like he had three heads. “Other self??? Ot
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