All Chapters of One Night Child : Chapter 41 - Chapter 50
156 Chapters
I quickly place my hands on my face to cover my eyes, believing that what I'm seeing in front of me will corrupt or even blind my precious eyes.'Oh my God!' I grumbled to myself, closing my eyes tightly.I slowly remove my hands from my front while staring at Arthur in disbelief.He wasn't wearing the bathrobe he was previously wearing.The only thing covering Arthur's entire body right now is a white towel wrapped around his waist.His back was bare, and he was enticing.He's sexy, hot, and most importantly, breathtaking.Arthur has ripped muscles. He is attractive, tall, with sharp features, well-built, with a balanced weight, and his back was Damm captivating.I felt hypnotized because I couldn't get away from him.I put my finger inside my mouth and bite my nails while drooling on my body.His exposed cheat reminded me of the previous five years, specifically the night he took my breath away with his manly body.That faithful night, his body felt so good beneath my palm.That nig
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Rich tycoon.
My heart was now racing so fast that I knew if I didn't leave his presence... Arthur would have to rush me to the hospital because I thought I was having a heart attack.Arthur looks at my wet lips, which I got wet with my saliva a while ago.Everything seems to be moving quickly because I just realized he's my long-lost one-night stand, and I'm guessing he's trying to have an erotic time with me.He looks at my lips for more than two minutes before leaning in closer.I force myself to swallow my saliva before blinking a few times to ensure that I'm not daydreaming.Arthur closes the gap by bending his head.On the other hand, I close my eyes and wait for Arthur to do what he wants because my body was so weak that I couldn't resist the fact that the most beautiful creature was standing in front of me and was currently trying to kiss me.Arthur slowly opened his mouth as his hot breath touched Cornelia's lips.I could tell the kiss was coming soon, so I held my breath.I could feel Art
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Teach William a lesson.
ARTHUR'S POINT OF VIEW'I felt relieved when I confessed to Cornelia that I've been her Mister handsome of last five years.Confessing to her was the most difficult thing I had ever done in my life.Yeah.Cornelia is the type of person who doesn't take things seriously, so discussing serious issues with her is difficult.Cornelia was my first and only love, and I was embarrassed to tell her what had happened.Would she believe me if I told her I was a Prince?Apart from that, who would believe that a prince would steal jewelry that isn't worth a fortune in his eyes?The jewelry may be expensive to Cornelia, but it is not to me, because I can spend billions of dollars just for jewelry.Well, I still appreciate the fact that she values everything that she owns, both big and small.The smile on her face when I showed her the jewelry was priceless.It was genuine, and the smile was all I needed to melt my tense heart.Cornelia became enraged after discovering that everything I had just s
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Do something nice for her.
ARTHUR POINT OF VIEW.I frown furiously. "Well. Cornelia sobbed when she saw me in this pricey suit. It reminded her of a time when her parents could afford her hospital bills but couldn't find a way for her to be cured. She was angry because if someone like me could afford something as expensive as this, then I should have helped the poor with the money I spend on expensive things that are irrelevant to me." I explained before pushing William into the chair."Why is she upset about your suit?" Willaim's question, because he doesn't understand what I'm trying to insulate.I exhale. "Cornelia is implying that she has never seen me assist those in need. She believes I am the type of wealthy tycoon who oppresses the weak and always gets his way." I tried to explain.Cornelia must believe I oppressed others because I told Divine, the lady who delivered my clothes early this morning to apologize, but my initial intention was to stop Divine from bullying my pumpkin 'Cornelia.'"Do you mean
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You are in love.
Willaim asks, his brow arched. "What kind of girl are you falling in love with?" Willaim inquired, laughing."Are you making fun of my future wife?" I asked, coldly, before dragging Willaim's shirt."Please accept my apologies. Please don't ruin my shirt, which is both expensive and valuable." He begged, which irritated me even more."And that's why I'd have to ruin it because you don't know how to control your mouth." I declare while raising my fist, ready to land them on William.William closed his eyes, expecting a blow to land on his face, but it didn't."What do you think I should get Cornelia? And how do you think I should reveal myself to her without scaring her to death?" With a panicked voice, I inquired."I would suggest that you take her on a date, and not just any date, but a nice expensive date." Willaim declares, smiling.My brows furrowed. "So you want me to take her on a date?" I inquire while tapping the table in front of me.Willaim exclaimed, his beautiful wide smil
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Deny my feeling.
I frown. "You know you have to be serious, right?" I asked, forcing a fake smile on my face."I'm serious, Cornelia. Can't you hear yourself properly? You sound like someone madly in love, and you still deny your love," Elizabeth said, smiling, and since I still had a look of disapproval, she had no choice but to roll her eyes.I scoffed, unable to believe what I had just heard. "I believe you and my doctor are sick upstairs. I refused to believe my son when he said I was in love, and now you're saying the same thing about him, huh? I guess you and my doctor have been stressed recently." I shrugged before getting up from the chair because I don't want to stay here any longer.Elizabeth arched her brows. "Where are you going?" She asked because she had thought that I came to the restaurant to air my annoyance while trying to get drunk.Well. I'm not here for either of them, so I'll have to pass. "I'm going to talk to someone I know that isn't stressed out. Someone who could calmly list
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Proper date.
"Hahaha. Nothing bad ever happened to me. I had only intended to take Arthur on a date." I replied with a smile, as if Willaim could see me through the phone.It doesn't hurt to be honest, and I have nothing to hide because if I really need Arthur, all I have to do is tell William the reason why I need him."Wow. I'll inform him as soon as he exits the meeting room." Willaim exclaims, which earns me a smile, and it's clear that he's pleased with what I've just said to him.It's rare these days to see a lady brave enough to ask a man out on a date, and I'm one of those brave ladies."Hahaha. I expected you to call me a crazy lady because you had offended me at the supermarket and we both didn't seem like people who would get along, so why didn't you insult me?" I wonder what happened after I stopped laughing like a lunatic.William exhaled loudly on the other end of the phone line. "I've known you're insane since the first time I met you. You lied to me about your name, called me your
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Flower surprise.
It took a lot of courage for me to open the door and see a beautiful little brown long-haired Chihuahua dog.The dog is adorable, and it has luminous (shiny) dark or possibly ruby eyes. If I had to describe the eyes, I'd say they're hazel like Arthur's because they shine in different colors and I'm sure I'll get lost in those beautiful eyes of his.The dog is a brown Chihuahua with a lot of hair on its body that is mixed with some white hair, and his shiny eyes look at me with awwn. A Burgundy rose flower was being carried by the black dog in his mouth.The flower symbolizes 'Unconscious Beauty.'When I bent down to pick up the flower, I noticed a white folded paper on the floor.Perhaps the dog accidentally dropped it.I opened the paper and read what was written, and tears streamed down my cheeks.'Cornelia. 'I'm sure you already know what this flower represents.' Was boldly written in the paper, and I found myself nodding my head as tears streamed down my cheek.I put my hand over
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I love you.
"Do you hear my heartbeat?" He asked, and I nodded, because I could feel Arthur's heart racing.It's fast enough that I can hear it."This is a sign that I am madly in love with you." Arthur said with a sexy voice as he smiled at me.As I blushed hard, my cheeks turned bright red. "Well. I kinda noticed it, because who would look for a lady based on a one-night stand and still call it love?" I inquired after a brief chuckle.Arthur licks his lips seductively while staring at me, his eyes piercing mine."Why did you feel the need to purchase so many flowers? You are aware that flowers are not edible, right?" I inquired of Arthur, my brow furrowed.Arthur chuckles as he sexily messes up his beautiful hair. "Hmm... I noticed you like flowers, so I bought some for you." He responded.I rolled my eyes and shook my head sideways before bringing Arthur closer for a hug.He smells nice, and I can't help but become enchanted by it."What if I tell you that I don't deserve your love?" I suddenl
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Breath taker.
I'm… I'm sorry, and it's our first gift in our relationship, so I was hoping we could name the dog together, but it's perfectly fine with me if you don't want us to name the dog together." Arthur stammered as he spoke.I'm not sure what's going on with me, but hearing Arthur's words hurt me because it felt like a string had been tied around my heart.I turn to face him and smile slightly. "How about we give her the name Karma?" While smiling brightly at Arthur, I suggested. "Are you fond of the name?" He asked, his brow furrowed, because he believes such a name should not be given to an animal.Before responding, I nod. "Yeah! But I can change the name if you don't like it, and because it's our dog and we need to name her wisely." I spoke softly.The name karma isn't appropriate for the dog, but I'm just trying to give it the best name possible."Sure, why not? I like the name, and as long as you like it, I'm fine with it." He replied before approaching me and attempting to hug me fro
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