All Chapters of He Was My Crush: Chapter 81 - Chapter 90
126 Chapters
Part 3: Chapter 2
Alex's P. O. V "A-alex!?" She stuttered, her eyes widening. I couldn't help but break into a grin. " Hello Sylvia." I replied, my voice deceptively calm. She fumbled for words, her eyes not leaving mine. I didn't want it to. For six years I had imagined how she would look like when I finally saw her again and what's in front of me, beats every of my imagination. She's amazing. Forcing myself to remember why I was here in the first place, I continued. " I take it you're the owner of this place?" I asked and that seemed to snap her out of her trance. She ran a hand through her hair, a blush staining her cheeks. " Uhm.. Yes. I-i am the owner of this place." She rambled, turning her gaze on me. " Actually I just arrived and on my way to meet my family. I promised my sister I'd get her something and this looks like the perfect gift. Could you maybe, show me some collections and help me out with the perfect sweaters for a teenage girl? " " O-of course... Exc
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Part 3: Chapter 3
Sylvia's P. O. V " How do I look?" I asked, twirling around so she could get a full view of me. "Amazing..." She muttered, chuckling. I smiled, picking up my bag and phone. " Well then, I have to go now. Take care of yourself." I said, heading towards the door. " Will do. Have fun." My mom said as I closed the door behind me. I got into the car and starting it up, began driving to the Jones house. It didn't take long before I arrived. I drove in, pulling my car into a stop beside the car I had seen Alex drive to my store. I stepped out and reveled at the difference. While his looked super expensive and so like him, mine was, small... Like me. I laughed at my silliness in comparing the car and proceeded to enter the house. Feeling nervous, I clicked on the door bell and waited for some time. The door opened and Hazel peeked her head out, a smile on her face. " Hazel!... Good evening." I greeted, grinning. She opened the door wider. "Sylvia! Come on in. How are you?" She called o
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Part 3: Chapter 4
(The next day) Sylvia's P. O. V I was getting ready for work when Olivia called. Picking up at first ring, I put it in my ears and listened to her ramble. " Hey, girl! How are you?" She called out and I chuckled, running a hand through my hair. " I'm good. How are you? " I asked in return. " I'm great. Well, not so great. Jeremy won't let me breathe here." She mumbled and I laughed out loud. Jeremy is her son. She got married to Tyler and they have a kid together. Although their marriage is quite early, you can tell that this duo is happy together. " Awwn... I'm sorry to hear that. But Tyler is helping you out right?" " Ugh... He's just as exhausted as I am. But we both love it and we wouldn't have it any other way." " I'm glad to hear that." " So... Tell me about you. What has been going on with you?" " Well... I began, twirling my hair. Alex is back, I announced." " What!? No way!!" " Yes, way! He came yesterday and God I was excited to see hi
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Part 3: Chapter 5
. Skyler's P. O. V My heart thudded in my chest as my gaze met his. What the....!? It's Patrick. He finally found me. " Skyler James... Meet Patrick Jamison. He'll be our new partner. " I glanced at Mr. Kentucky, managing a small. Taking in a deep breath, I glanced back at Patrick and continued as professionally as I could get. " Nice to meet you, Mr. Jamison," I replied. He only nodded, his eyes still on me. I could feel the goosebumps rising on my skin. " Please have a seat, Miss James." Mr. Kentucky gestured and I nodded my thanks, slowly lowering myself into one of the chairs in the room. " We're about to close a partnership deal but of course, Mr. Jamison here has his doubts. Could you maybe fill him in and let him know this is for the best? " Mr. Kentucky asked. " Of course... " I said. Turning to Patrick, I asked." Where exactly are your doubts? " " Uhmm... How this is going to benefit the both of us?" I cleared my throat, getting read
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Part 3: Chapter 6
Sylvia's P. O. V " May I sit?" I asked as he stared at me. " Of course..." He muttered, standing up so he could usher me in. I nodded my thanks and sat, he went to his, still staring at me. " You... Look beautiful." He said after a while. " Thanks, you're not so bad yourself," I replied. Looking around, I continued talking. " Love this restaurant. Beautiful design." " Thanks. It was the best I could find. " He answered and I glanced at him smiling. " So, shall we?" I asked. " Of course. Waiter, please... " He called out and moments later, an attendant came to our table. " A bottle of your best wine please..." " Okay, sir. " He replied and walked away. The wine was brought in and Alex opened it, pouring a little into both our glasses. " Let's have a toast.." he began, raising his glass. " To what? " " To happiness." " To happiness," I repeated, taking a sip. Placing the wine back on the table, glancing at
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Part 3: Chapter 7
Sylvia's P. O. V " Yes Alex... I would love to be your girlfriend." I answered and he stared at me, a blank expression on his face. " What? For real?" He muttered, his voice barely audible. I chuckled, running a hand through my hair. " Yes. For real." " Oh my God. I can't believe this." He muttered. " Why?" " I know this sounds weird but I kind of was expecting a no." " Why would you expect a no? " I replied, laughing. He grinned, leaning closer. " I don't know. You women can be pretty unpredictable sometimes. " " True. But I didn't say a no. I said yes. " I replied. He chuckled a bit, then slowly reached out to hold my hands, caressing them. " Thank you. " He said, sincerity dripping from his words. I almost teared up. He brought a hands to his lips and kissed it very tenderly, sending shocks of awareness through me. " Uhh... We should celebrate. I have a girlfriend now. Wow... Waiter!" He called out. The
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Part 3: Chapter 8
Sylvia's P. O. V Wrapping my hands around his neck, I let Alex kiss me. It was slow but sensual and I kept wanting more. We pulled apart only to catch our breaths before he descended on me again, harder and more demanding. " Alex..." I moaned as he grabbed my butt. He left my lips to kiss the rapid pulse of my neck and I arched my back in pleasure. I desperately wanted more. " Wrap your legs around me." He ordered and I immediately obeyed. I could feel his member against me and be surprised at how much I wanted that to be in me. I don't know how he did it but we were soon leaving the kitchen to his bedroom, all the while kissing and touching. Pushing the room door open, he carried me in and gently on the bed, stopping so he could remove my clothes. I wanted to remove his but hesitated. The look on his face told me I could. I began unbuttoning his shirt and he groaned at my slowness. I bit my lips to keep myself from chuckling. Left with only his boxers, he resumed
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Part 3: Chapter 9
Alex's P. O. V. " Hello, Alex... Missed me?" She asked, walking closer. " Wha... What are you doing here?" I asked, shocked beyond words. " This is my home. Can't I be here? " She asked. " No... " I stopped, palming my forehead. Taking in a deep breath, I continued. " What do you want?" " Nothing. Just wanted to see you. I've missed you. " She replied. I made to speak but clamped my mouth shut. There was nothing to say to her. "So..." She began, walking even closer. " I heard you went overseas to study. How was it?" " Fine. " I muttered my gaze on her. She nodded, smiling coyly. " Getting back with Sylvia?" She asked and I tensed. " None of your business. " I muttered, my voice harsher than I had intended. " Of course, it's none of my business... Until you see this." She announced and snapped her fingers. Someone walked in with a laptop and placed it in front of me. " What is this?" I asked, glancing at the closed laptop in front of
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Part 3: Chapter 10
Sylvia's P. O. V " What did you say?" I asked, but it came as a whisper. He tensed, rubbing his neck. "I-i'm really sorry Sylvia but I have to do this." He muttered, his eyes pleading. I desperately tried to understand why he was doing it but nothing came. " Why? What for? " I asked but was met with silence." Answer me!" When no words came out of his mouth, I turned to Tasha. " Does this have anything to do with you? Are you behind this?!" " Oh come on... " She drawled, rolling her eyes. " You heard the guy. He wants to break up with you. Just leave already. " She muttered with disdain. " Alex..." I called again, my voice breaking and my eyes brimming with tears. " I'm sorry. I'm very sorry..." He whispered. Tears slipped out my eyes but I quickly cleaned it off. I can't cry here. Shuddering, I took in a deep breath, running out of the apartment, followed by Alex's calls that I paid no heed to. I should've known....
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Part 3: Chapter 11
Sylvia's P. O. V Later that night, I decided to call Alex. Picking up my phone, I mailed his number but he didn't go through. Eventually, it just said switched off. " Now he's not picking up," I muttered, running a hand through my hair. My lips trembling, I blinked back tears. Is it really over? I couldn't keep the hurt in as tears kept slipping out and I almost started crying when my phone rang again. Thinking it was Alex, I hurriedly picked it up. It wasn't. It was Olivia. I shuddered, reluctantly picking it up.“ Hey... I muttered, my voice hoarse.”“ Hi Sylvia... Why do you sound like that?”“ Nothing, I'm fine. How are you?”“ Now that's a lie. What's wrong?” I sighed, taking in a deep breath.“ Alex broke up with me.”“ He did... WHAT!?”“ Yes. He.. he broke up with me today.”“ Oh my gosh! Are you okay?”“ I will be... Eventually.”“ Why would he do such a thing? She asked, her voice angry.”“ I don't know... I only know that he's with Tasha.”“ Wait... Who's Tasha?
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