All Chapters of The Fated Alpha Queen: Chapter 71 - Chapter 80
120 Chapters
Chapter 70 - Rabid Wolves
* * * Eve’s POV * * * The cage doors continue to rise, while the wolves inside snap and snarl at the bars, while frothing at the mouth. This isn’t as we had planned, we were meant to kill them off one at a time while they were held within their cages. This will be a fight to the death. We have to make sure that we send them home to the Moon Goddess, no matter the cost. They can’t be allowed to leave this sanctuary. I see the moment they realise we’re there, their eyes lock onto us and their hackles rise as their snapping and snarling intensifies.“OK, everyone. This isn’t as planned, but I have an idea. Keep them distracted and hold their attention. Joe can strike them with lightning, and I will use my fire against them. If you’re able to get a clean kill shot, move in and straight back out. Work together and do not play the hero,” I instruct my group, while also mind-linking the other groups. There have to be at least 30 rabid wolves, just as Arthur had said, kept within cages so
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Chapter 71 - Unhappy Finding
* * * Max’s POV * * *The silent strength I receive just from her holding my hand, is all that’s going to keep me going now.Send me to war, send me to fight genetically modified crazed wolves and I’m fine. Nerves of steel. But ask me to walk towards where my mother is potentially buried. I could curl up and cry. I could sit in a corner rocking while repeatedly hitting my head against a wall. What if she’s not there? What if she’s there? What if she’s really dead? I need Eve’s strength more than I can express. And I greedily take every ounce of strength she offers me. We walk at a steady pace away from the nature reserve, the pack discussing the fight and the challenges they had faced within their quadrant. The rabid wolves had been extremely difficult to kill, and it had taken teamwork to take them down. “Will we be holding a funeral for our fallen pack members?” Keith asks.“Of course. It’s the least we can do for any pack member. Any fallen pack member will be honoured in their
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Chapter 72 - Loss
* * * Eve’s POV * * * The walk home is slow, and a sadness fills the air around us. Not only have we lost two of our pack members, but Max has also lost his mother. Despite it being years ago, finding her now makes it fresh and raw for him. He doesn’t say it, but I know that he was hoping that she would be alive after all these years, just as my mother had been.Five of our pack members have volunteered to help Max carry the makeshift coffin, while the wizards work continuously to maintain the illusion that they’re carrying a sofa. I walk beside Max, quietly loaning him some strength to get through this walk. I can feel his swirling emotions through the bond, rage, sadness, anxiety, anger, sorrow, loneliness and grief. I feel powerless and useless, all I can do is to be there for him. The beauty of the nature around us has lost its majestic appeal. We’re just going through the motions. Each of us wondering how a world so beautiful can be so messed up. Are living beings just programm
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Chapter 73 - Grief
* * * Max’s POV * * *I wish I can say that over the years I have gotten used to people dying. I never have. I don’t want to. It tears a hole through me whenever somebody I care for dies, no matter the circumstances. But I don’t want it to “not matter” either. I don’t want it to be something that just passes. My pain and my scars are a testament to the love and the relationship that I had for and with that person. And if the scar is deep, so was the love. So be it. Scars are a testament to life. Scars are a testament that I can love deeply and live deeply and be cut, or even burned or lacerated, and that I can heal and continue to live and continue to love. And the scar tissue is stronger than the original flesh ever was. Scars are a testament to life. Scars are only ugly to people who can’t see the beauty of what once was. It has been years since I had seen my mother, and yet I have always hoped that she was alive and well. I had loved her deeply, the way a boy does. The way a mummy’
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Chapter 74 - Memorial Service
* * * Eve’s POV * * *The last ten days have been beyond difficult, watching the man I love disappear within himself. His body is there, but his mind has been clouded from me. All I’m able to feel through the mate bond is a swirling torrent of emotions, that I can’t begin to describe or understand. I can only imagine what he’s feeling, I know that Nate has tried to close off, to reduce the intensity of emotion I will feel. But I still find it debilitating at times. All I can do is be here for him, I feed him small bites of food when he will allow and will place a straw at his mouth, and he will drink. But there’s no recognition in his eyes. Max isn’t there. I have begun to feel fear for my mate and have mind-linked Dr Marshall for advice, but all she has been able to tell me is that he has to process his emotions, he has to feel what he’s feeling. He has spent most of his life wondering what had happened to his mother, and now he knows that she’s gone. Forever gone. He needs time and
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Chapter 75 - Challenge
* * * Max’s POV * * * Lucas is sitting there, his shaggy brown hair blowing in the wind. He looks as though the wind will blow him over if he were to stand. The poor guy is petrified. Damian has checked the cameras that were triggered by the motion detection, the guy has come alone. As far as we can see, the camera’s and detector’s only cover a 300m range around the boundary wall. I arrange for a patrol to scout the area and make sure he hasn’t brought any surprises with him. Poor guy. Sent like a lamb to the slaughterhouse by his Alpha. Only, I won’t prove his Alpha right. As long as he does as he is asked and poses no threat, I won’t kill this young man. I wait for the patrol to finish their lap. ‘He's definitely alone, Alpha. We have run a mile radius and can only detect one scent’. Jessica informs me. I will speak with this Lucas, now. Lucas stands as I exit through the gates and walk towards him. His legs are trembling as his fear takes over him, and I can tell that his wolf
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Chapter 76 - Response
* * * Max’s POV * * *Once again, I find myself sitting in my office with my ranked members. I can’t help but look at the chipped and peeling magnolia paint that is on the walls. It’s a dump, and our rebuilding and remodelling work is once again on the back burner. Always needing to be done, but never done and never started. There’s always one drama after another, that prevents the work from being done. Perhaps once this latest drama is over, we can finally rebuild this pack as we had planned. Jasper is sitting on the sofa, his foot bobbing with his impatience. I know he wants to crack on with the security system installation. His pale complexion is a stark contrast to his jet-black hair. His eyes have darkened to almost black, showing that he’s hungry. He hasn’t aged a day in the ten or so years that I’ve known him. One of the benefits of being a vampire I suppose. I’ve always been afraid to ask him how he became a vampire, but that’s going to change. He has become the father I’ve n
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Chapter 77 - Problems and Surprises
* * * Eve’s POV * * *Max returns to me, exhausted and covered in bruises. It reassures me that Nate is able to recover quickly. His mood has lifted, and he’s looking forward to future training sessions. His eyes are wide and full of life, and he seems carefree for the moment. He rushes towards the porch and swings me around in his arms, making me giggle in delight like a young child. “Max, you’re making me dizzy,” I squeal. “Thank you,” he tells me as he kisses me passionately.“For what?” I ask him.“I don’t believe I have thanked you yet for being my strength and support after finding my mum. I think I would’ve perished if it weren’t for you,” he tells me. “Max, we’re together no matter what. I’ll lift you up when you don’t have the strength to stand. When you have no courage to face the world, I’ll do it with you. I’m with you every step of the way, in the good times and the bad,” I tell him. And I know it’s true; this man has my entire heart and soul. “Let me make you some din
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Chapter 78 - Preparing
* * * Max’s POV * * *Eagerly awaiting the return of Jasper and Allan, I’m pacing by the gates. Back and forth, back and forth, every movement of grass, tree or bush and my eyes search the area for any sign of them. They have been gone for almost five hours now. We’d anticipated that it would take them 1.5 to 2 hours to travel the distance to the Blood Eclipse pack. I should have gone with them, but I would have slowed them down. There’s no way I can keep up with them over that kind of distance. I repeatedly check the time and my phone for any messages or missed calls. I’m going to miss the training session this morning if they don’t return soon.The last few days, I’ve trained morning and evening, making sure that I take an ice bath to ease my muscles. I made sure to take Dr Marshall’s advice and had Joe transfer some healing energy. It had felt amazing; within the space of a few minutes, I’d gone from tired, aching, and sore to feeling invigorated and full of energy. He has volunte
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Chapter 79 - The Challenge
* * * Max’s POV * * * Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep. My alarm blasts the sound of a horn repeatedly until I turn it off. I sit in bed, rub the sleep from my eyes, and take a deep breath. Today is the day I will challenge Alpha Derek and finally stop this madness; I have trained hard and feel confident in my abilities and our plan. The only problem is that I have no idea what Alpha Derek has in store for me. I look down at Eve, smiling up at me, but her eyes tell me she is worried. “Good morning, beautiful,” I say to her. “One more day of hardship, and we should finally be able to live our lives as the Moon Goddess intended. You can do this, Max. I believe in you,” she tells me as she sits herself up. “We are well prepared, and our pack is strong, we will save all who we can and build them a strong and happy home,” I tell her. “Famille vient en premier,” she whispers. “Famille vient en premier,” I say firmly. She has made it our pack motto, and I truly believe it. This pack is fami
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