All Chapters of Always Finding Mr Wrong: Chapter 41 - Chapter 50
80 Chapters
Chapter 41 - Why Does My Heart Hurt?
Dani pulls a face and scrunches her nose, “What did you say you fancy? I couldn’t hear you I’ve the noise.” I stare at her, unable to repeat the words, let alone believe them. “I fancy…” my voice trails off. She looks at me in bewilderment, “what? A dance? A drink?” I nod, snapping out of my daze. “Yes, I fancy a drink.” “Well, it’s my round,” she says, pulling her purse from her bag. “You’d better wait here; in case these lot start throwing their knickers at him.” As Dani heads to the bar, I find myself wandering away to look for Chris. I spend twenty minutes searching the venue, desperate to reinstate order in my twisted mind. I fancy Chris, not Scott. Chris not Scott. I fancy Chris. The more I say it, the more convinced I am and the better I feel. Unfortunately the improvement in my psychological well-being is short lived. It becomes obvious that Chris has ditched us. He’s abandoned us and disappeared to god knows where. I feel a flash of panic that he saw me watch
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Chapter 42 - Monday Blues
Rachel stays the entire day Sunday and I spend the day bumping into her and Scott and exchanging awkward pleasantries. I keep expecting her to leave, but she doesn’t. By Monday morning, I’m desperate to get out of the house so head off to work at quarter past seven. I have my bag over my shoulder and my hand on the door handle when Rachel emerges from Scott’s room, wearing one of his new shirts – and a flush on her neck. “Hi again.” All of a sudden she looks shy, which is odd from someone who had no compunction about her orgasmic groans reverberating through the walls for over twenty four hours. “Hi Rachel,” I smile. “Good weekend?” “You could say that,” she giggles. I’m at my desk by ten to eight and spend the first hour sorting through the mountain of emails I didn’t manage to look at on Friday. At eight fifty, I can hear Mr Brown approaching the double doors from the corridor; I’d recognise his laugh anywhere. He’s chatting to someone as he opens the door. “Morning,
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Chapter 43 - New Hobby
The Rachel Weekend as it’s become known by me, Dani and Katie, turns out to just be the start. The new Scott has been unleashed. The weekend after the Rachel weekend, he has a date with a photographer called Jenny. It lasts for several days. The Saturday after that, there’s a gym with a Pilates instructor called Leanne. She only lasts one night, but then he’s back with Rachel. But only in the Tuesday, Thursday and Friday. By Saturday, a graphic designer called Chloe pops out of nowhere. She stays until Monday, when Rachel appears again. But only for one night, because he’s back with Jenny again the following evening, while I’m left to fight off phone calls from others. And so it goes on. In the three weeks or so since the Beverley Races, I hardly see Scott. When I do he’s either off out with some woman or other, or coming back with them, where they closet themselves in his bedroom – emerging hours, or more often – days later, with the most nauseatingly dreamy look on their face.
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Chapter 44 - Casanova
As my only other single friend, I invite Katie over to share chocolate and wine. There was a time when, if I didn’t have a date on a Saturday night, I’d sit in with Scott watching something on DVD from the corner rental shop. It was an exercise in compromise as this is a shop that time forgot. If you wanted mid nineties classics, this would be your place. Anything approaching a new release, you’d have to wait another five years, before Gary the owner, contemplates getting it in. Aside from that, Scott’s idea of a great movie and mine aren’t always the same thing. My choices have been; just like heaven, maid in Manhattan, just my luck. His choices have been speed, Shawshank redemption. I took it for granted until now. I can no longer count on Scott to just be there. To listen as I whinge about my love life. To hold my bag of minstrels so that I can pretend he’s eaten them. To hand me the tissues when David kisses Elizabeth and her souls returns to her body. Still, I’m having
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Chapter 45 - Intervention Gone Wrong
Scott arrives home at eleven the next morning and immediately jumps in the shower. Fifteen minutes later, he finds his way to the kitchen, as I’m making brunch. “Rachel called for you, again, last night,” I tell him as I try to unpurse my lips. “Uh. Did she?” He at least has the decency to look guilty about messing her around. “Yes,” I reply, coldly. Scott is wearing a pair of cargo pants and a pink T-Shirt. Nothing special, yet he manages to look impossibly sexy. I haven’t got my head around that idea yet. Scott being sexy, I mean. Scott looking half decent used to be a difficult enough concept. Every morning, I expect him to emerge looking like he used to; as if he stepped out of a Time Machine, all monstrous clothing and mad hair. Instead, his clothes enhance a physique to which I had never paid a moment’s attention to, until recently. One with sculpted biceps, a toned stomach, a broad and muscular back and a perfectly formed arse. It’s hard to believe that’s always b
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Chapter 46 - Worst Date Ever
The following weekend, things are looking up. I’ve stopped wallowing in self pity and I have a date. I know that some people might not see this as a reason to celebrate, given my success rate. But. As I have discovered only too well, it’s better than sitting at home, watching Dirty Dancing, again, and listening to the groans of ecstasy coming through Scott’s wall. Besides, I have a good feeling about this one. Call me blindly optimistic, but, Wayne – whom I met at a business lunch – seems like a gentleman, unlike some of the guys I’ve been out with. He’s also slightly less, how can I say this…. Obvious in the looks department. A bit shorter. Thinner. Pointy-nosed. Oh, that makes him sound terrible and he’s not. He’s quite good looking. Certainly passable. Which will do for me, because what makes a man sexy and nice – and all the other things I’m looking for, has nothing to do with how he looks. I’ve learned that much. I’m also convinced that Wayne has the potential to be mo
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Chapter 47 - Slipping Through My Fingers
I pray that Scott is in when I arrive home at nine thirty. I’m desperate to talk about what happened tonight and he is the only person who’ll do. Aside from the fact that Katie and Dani are out, they aren’t as good as listening as Scott is. No disrespect to them, but no one is. And after tonight’s trauma, I need someone to do some serious listening. I remind myself, however, that it is a Saturday night and Scott hasn’t been around on a Saturday night since since the dinosaurs roamed the Earth – or at least that’s how it feels. The point is, I’m not holding out much hope. As I put my key in the door and push it open, I spot Scott’s coat on the coat rack, hanging next to mine. The sight makes my heart skip with happiness. Scott’s home and I know I’m going to be okay. His keys are on the side table next to his phone. I pick it up and look at the screen, a daft picture of the two of us dressed up in 80’s gear. I can’t help smiling, even though I’ve seen it a thousand
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Chapter 48 - Lunch With Mum
There’s something rather strange going on with my Mum. It’s lunchtime on Monday and I’ve popped into the town centre to buy some new make up. I’m currently testing out some lip gloss, when I glance over and there she is. My Mum. Heading into Body Shop. I know most people wouldn’t find this suspicious, but my Mum does not frequent beauty shops. Whatever she needs, she picks it up from her local One Stop.i know Body Shop isn’t exactly upmarket, but for her, well it’s a solid five star shop. Her idea of a luxury skin product is a bottle of Aveeno. I just have to know what’s going on. I discard my lipgloss and head to the shop, I march up to Mum and tap her on the shoulder. She almost drops bottle of vitamin c revealing liquid glow. “What’s happening?” I ask. She catches her breath. “Emma! You practically gave me a heart attack. Did you Dad tell you I renewed the life insurance? Is that it?” I laugh at her sarcasm. “You don’t normally shop in here, do you?” “I was only lo
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Chapter 49 - Waiting For Saturday
I’m starting to feel extremely frustrated about things between Scott and me that I decide it’s time to take action. Only as I come home and find the house empty yet again, I acknowledge that it’s easier said than done. Throwing my keys on the sideboard I wander through to the bathroom. With two empty bottles of conditioner lingering in the shower and dried toothpaste encrusted on the sink, it’s more neglected than usual. The same thought strikes me in the kitchen as I wash away the crumbs from under the toaster and begin to wash the coffee cups that have been abandoned in the sink. Then I realise the difference: Scott. Our division of chores used to be perfectly clear cut, despite never having formally designated jobs to each other. I’d cook because I enjoyed it. And Scott would look after the housework – because I didn’t enjoy it. He’s now for better things to do than mop up after me. Acting on impulse, I grab my phone and call him. To my surprise, he answers straight away. “
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Chapter 50 - Haze of Lust
As Scott is out tonight, I decide to use the time wisely. I was my legs, under arms and bikini line; paint my nails, spray on fake tan and inspired by the models in my magazine, I stick on false eyelashes. I end up with three lashes stuck successfully to my lid and so much glue that I look as though I’ve developed cataracts. When I retire to bed, I’m satisfied with my extensive beautification and find myself thinking constantly about tomorrow night. I drift into a light sleep, waking just after one am when Scott comes home. I use the opportunity to go to the toilet, just so I can bump into him. God, I’m pathetic. He’s looking ridiculously handsome in an end of the night kinda way. He’s slightly dishevelled- his toe loose and his suit jacket is flung over his arm- and he’s unbuttoning the top of his shirt as we come face to face. My eyes are drawn to his neck as he swallows and his Adam’s Apple bobs. “Nice night?” I ask. “Better than I imagine.” “Oh. That’s great. Did you
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