All Chapters of My Guardian Alpha: Chapter 81 - Chapter 90
107 Chapters
Chapter 81
DRAX'S POVBefore going to bed, I was worried about sleeping inside the room. Although I bolted the door, and closed all the windows, I'm pretty sure that if my wolf wanted to break down the door and rampage through the entire town, no one would be able to stop him. After I woke up, I got myself cleaned up, and then I put on my disguise and went down to the reception area to get some cups of coffee, scrambled eggs, and some buns for breakfast in a tray. The breakfast was purposely to let the girls know that I'm no longer mad at them after the stunt they pulled last night.I was so worried last night. I thought something bad had happened to her. Rissa is my responsibility, and if anything happened to her, I wouldn't forgive myself.Though their actions were dangerous and unreasonable, I just have to let go so we could move on. We have to come up with a plan as soon as possible, because things seem to be getting worse and I have to do something about it. I took the cups of coffee to
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Chapter 82
RISSA'S POOThe rogues’ hideout was a cave. There were some personal belongings around the mouth of the cave, showing that there were people living there. “Chain them to the wall.” Ryker ordered.They took us into the cave, and although it was relatively small, it wasn’t entirely dark. Courtesy of the small ray of sunlight coming in through a hole at the other end of the cave.The Iron hooks pinned to the wall, and the big chains on the floor made me to realize that it probably wasn’t the first time they’d kept prisoners here. The chains looked like they had been used a lot, and that information did not sit well with me at all. It gave me goosebumps.What that meant was that Ryker’s threat may not have been entirely a bluff. If they’ve had prisoners here before, it means they definitely had a purpose for them, and my mind is telling me they don’t give massages.They made us sit down on the floor, tied our hands up against the wall, and left us inside the cave alone. It was really pai
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Chapter 83
RISSA'S POVI opened my eyes, and the morning brightness made me squint. The environment was quiet and serene. I looked to my right and noticed Drax hadn’t woken up yet. His head was bowed, and his glistening dark hair covered his eyes.“Drax!” I called to him in a whisper. “Drax!!” I called again.He raised his head slowly, revealing his bloodshot eyes. His face was all sweaty, and you could tell that he had been crying.“Are you alright?” I asked him, feeling concerned. He wasn’t like this last night. The last time we spoke, he said he was hearing voices in his head.Is this a side effect of the voices he heard last night? I was confused.“Talk to me Drax. You’re making me scared. What’s wrong?” I asked.“It was my uncle all along.” He managed to mutter after a long silence. I was still confused, as I had no idea what was going on. His statement was simply not enough to give me a clue of what he was taking about.“Your uncle?” I asked in an elevated pitch.He gave me a long, fright
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DRAX'S POVShe's obviously new to the game, because if she knew how resilient and determined those guys are go kill us, she'd understand that at this point, the destination does not matter as much staying alive.To be fair, her question is not entirely out of place, but sincerely, I have no idea where we're heading to. I don't even know where we are at the moment, because those rogues had obviously taken us off course, and made us lose our sense of geographical orientation."I don't know, just run." Rissa replied her.I see she has gotten the gist. Prior to now, she would be the one asking these questions, but it's good to see her answering them for a change."Oh shit!" I under my breath, but Rissa heard me."What's wrong?" She paused a little and asked me."I forgot to take our backpack from the cave." I facepalmed.We were in such a hurry to leave that environment, I forgot to pick it up."Just forget it. It's not important. At least we made it out of there alive." Rissa tried to en
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Chapter 85
RISSA'S POVDrax picked up the phone and talked to Mrs Rebecca. "Hello, Mrs Rebecca... We need your help.""Is my Lily ok?" Mrs Rebecca asked."She's fine, ma'am. She's just feeling a little emotional right now. But we need you to do something for us. It's very important, and it may be the only chance you'll have in seeing your daughter again." Drax adviced.The environment went silent for a moment, then Drax continued. "We need you to be our eyes inside the palace. As you know, Alpha Damian has been a thorn in the flesh of all werewolves... So we need to find a way to take him down before he completely destroys the entire packs.Mrs Rebecca hesitated for a second, then she said to Drax. "How can I trust you?! The entire pack is looking for you. Why did you murder members of the pack? How can I be sure you're not the villain? How do I know you're not holding my daughter prisoner??"To be fair, she did make a good point. I mean it'll be difficult to believe someone who is being labelle
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Chapter 86
RISSA'S POVWaking up to that scenery made my memories flash back to the times when my mom and I had just left the city and were newly homeless.Those were very tough times, but my mom struggled very hard to make sure we survived, and I’ll be eternally grateful to her for her strength.Unfortunately, I’m back to being homeless. Thanks to that maniac.Shit!What the fuck is wrong with me? I just remembered that I promised myself not to blame Drax entirely for the situation we’re currently in after hearing his apology yesterday. It wasn’t intentional. And besides, he tried to make things right by not letting me be captured by those hunters.It’s safe to say that there was no harm intended. The problem is, I have my own issues to deal with, and now I have extra. It’ll definitely be hard to let it go and accept my fate.Speaking of Drax, I wonder where he is. I know he was feeling upset yesterday from the way I spoke to him, and if I understand his last statement from yesterday correctly,
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Chapter 87
RISSA'S POVAs we fled for our lives, I looked back at my shack as it was being invaded by those wolves, and I immediately knew that my situation had just graduated from bad to worse, and my life would never be the same. All thanks to this asshole who I’m escaping with. I still can’t believe I’m on the same team with the idiot who’s responsible for all this.As soon as we crawled a safe distance away from the shack, we picked up the pace and took to our heels, knowing that the angry mob would continue their pursuit once they searched and realized we were no longer in the vicinity.We continued running through the bushes for about five hours (at least that was what it seemed like) until I was all fagged out. Panting heavily like a dog who just ran a marathon, I bent over, placing my hands on my knees to catch my breath and recover from the hours of running.“Come on, we need to keep moving. They may be on our tail.” Drax turned back to me after walking a few steps without hearing me be
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Chapter 88
DRAX'S POV“So, how was your first day of representing your father in the business?” Jeff asked her while he removed the strap of the gun from over his shoulder and placed the gun on the table.“Um, it was good. Just that I didn’t expect that there’ll be so much people and so many guns.” She replied.Amelia had not mentioned that Mr Clark was still in a coma and that he was not aware that she was representing him during the transaction.“Yeah... transactions like these could get really rough. Most of our clients are top mafias in this city. Some of them own the biggest pubs, hotels, clubs and things like that.” Jeff explained.“Oscar, get these guns into the car and get the cars ready.” He ordered one of the men standing by the side.“Sometimes, there could be a misunderstanding, and we may end up having a shootout. In cases like that, the last group standing wins and takes it all.” Jeff continued.They both strolled towards the building’s exit as they talked.“How long have you been
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Chapter 89
LILY'S POV To make matters worse, I just implicated this innocent girl. I guess my bad luck is contagious after all.Rissa put the walkie talkie on the wooden table by the side and made a thinking face. "Hmmm, I wonder who these guys are after. Well, whoever it is, I'm definitely sure they're in a lot of trouble." She said shaking her head.With panic written all over my face, I stood up and reached for one of the backpacks on the floor. I ransacked it and selected a pair of jeans and a shirt from the clothes inside. I put them on hastily, and grabbed Rissa's hands. "Quick... We need to leave here now." I said hastily.Rissa snatched her arms out of my grip forcefully. "What do you mean we need to leave here?! I'm not going anywhere with you." She pursed her lips. I facepalmed in frustration as my heart rate elevated rapidly. "Don't you get it? We're in danger. They're out looking for us, and they have orders to kill us on sight."Her face contorted in confusion. Then, she gave me a
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Chapter 90
DRAX'S POVNow we're back to where we started — Running and hiding.I saw the look on Rissia's face when the announcement came on the news. She was obviously disappointed... Tired from all the running and hiding that I put her through."I'm sorry for putting you through all this." I inched closer to her."What are you saying, silly?" She sneaked in a smile that could light up an entire room. "It's not your fault. You didn't put me through anything."The tension in my heart dropped by a lot after hearing that.Typical Rissa... Always trying to look out for others. She obviously did not sign up for this... I'm the reason why she's a fugitive. I'm the reason why she has been running for her life for the past few weeks. But yet she still tries to stay strong.She has been the one by my side since this whole adventure started. She's the major reason why I have to be strong and determined to carry on till the end. "So what do we do now?" Rissa asked me. I didn't know what to say. I didn't
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