All Chapters of Delivery of Fate : Chapter 701 - Chapter 710
711 Chapters
Chapter 700
This was a definite slap to those who thought he would accept a challenge from a suitor for the hand of Chai Xuanlu. If he had accepted the challenge, was he not accepting Chai Xuanlu’s choice? This would have disrespected her as a person. Besides, with his strength, the man had no chance of winning against him.The celebration continued and the Emperor then rose from his seat and got everyone’s attention.“Distinguished guests. I thank you for coming. As our honored guest showed such skills yesterday, we created this marvelous feast. Surprisingly, he is from such a marvelous place as the Upper World to have such strength at a young age. As the Emperor of the Inner World, I will cordially welcome such a powerhouse to our world. Welcome.” The Emperor said with a smile and lifted his goblet to Blake, who lifted his to accept this warm welcome.“That being said, I also want to bring up a disturbing situation for the four provenances. With the turbulent quake that had been unleashed a few
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Chapter 701
The celebration ended on this downward note; Blake and Xuanlu left Hana at the carriage and went to see the Emperor. When they received clearance, they entered and gave a courteous bow to the Emperor.“You are the Formation Master who insulted my son.” The Emperor blurred out, not showing any hostility, just stating a fact.“The Emperor has eyes that see clearly, but I was not going to hide it any longer. Your son faired off lightly for having set his hands on my wife,” Blake said casually and went and took a seat without permission. Showing how brazen he was in front of the Emperor.“I could have you arrested and thrown in prison.” The Emperor said, looking at Blake.“What, no tea? How can you treat your guest like this? As for prison, I don’t think you want a pile of rubble left behind.” Blake said. “Oh, this inhibiting array in the room? Trash.”Blake then released his aura and the center of the room runes lit up and then disappeared.The Emperor’s eyes widen. Not only did Blake fi
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Chapter 702
“Alright, well, you have sampled some of the resources I can bring to the Inner World, and the agreement has been finished, Miss. Chai Xuanlu and I will depart; your Majesty doesn’t have to see us out. Come Xuanlu.” Blake said while looking a the royal seal on his document agreement with the Emperor.When the couple left the room, the Emperor took another swallow of his wine, and his eyes became shrewd with a scheming look.“Why did you let him leave like that?” The person who entered the room was none other than the Emperess. “We’ve confirmed that he was the one who framed my Xiang Ma. We could send the guards to retain him here and have him executed.”“If we do that, will we even survive? Listen, he’s already a Martial Ancestor cultivator. How do you believe we can arrest such a force? He destroyed the array here with only his aura. Leave Master Blake Elon to me; I’m already ahead of him. He wants to start a trade route between the two worlds. I’ll allow this, but will it be smooth?
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Chapter 703
Blake looked at Sylvia, and with a wave of his hand a hot pot of coffee was before her. In Blake’s Space Pouch he had collected many items from Earth and had prepared them readily. Being in the Space Pouch, nothing could deteriorate or spoil, As it was entered as it would exit.“Thank you. You are my lifesaver.” Sylvia called out as she poured herself a cup and sighed in satisfaction.“Could you please?” Claire asked.Sylvia looked over to Claire and handed her the coffee pot so she could partake in the wholesomeness.Blake looked over the table and smiled. This was what he needed to recuperate.“Uhm, may I ?” Sister Song asked, looking at the coffee.Claire smiled and handed her the pot as well. Sister Song had grown fond of this bitter water they call coffee.“I can’t understand how you can withstand such taste. If it were, I would have settled for hot chocolate.” Xuanlu stated, looking in Blake’s direction.Blake sighed, and a large thermos appeared before Xuanlu. Xuanlu hurridly a
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Chapter 704
Blake watched Sylvia’s back as she departed and shook his head. He definitely felt a presence not belonging to Sylvia. Blake had known his third cousin since they were little and could sense another presence within her. If the other person didn’t show any hostility or killing intent towards his woman or himself, he would ignore it for now, but if anything happens to anyone, may god have mercy on their souls. But for now, he would leave it be and focus on other matters. He and a few were to leave today and head over to the Chai family in the Southern Provenance and reunite Xuanlu with her family.Helen, Sister Song, Claire, Elsie and Helenor were coming while Sylvia and Hana were staying to oversee the beginning of their trading company here in the Inner World market. With Sylvia’s knowledge of sales, it should be easy for them to establish a profitable business.Blake went to where the teleportation formation was located this area was the safest spot for the next plan of action. How c
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Chapter 705
Blake’s clone was awakened by a soft body sleeping over him. Looking at the person, he smiled at her beautiful sleeping face. Turning his head, the exact same face was sleeping on the opposite side of him. If Blake Prime was here he would have been thrilled being sandwiched between these two women. Tabitha and Tabby had unsatiable appetites last night and took Blake’s clone for a long ride.So he wouldn’t disturb their very needed rest, be teleported out of bed, arrive in the bathroom, and begin to shower off the night’s wild ride. Feeling refreshed after he changed, and smiled at the two sisters as they began to stir.“Morning, my dears,” Blake said, smiling at the two.“Morning.” The two said in stereo.“I’ll be leaving for Philidelphia with Susan for a few days,” Blake said, giving them all a good morning kiss.“We are going to be presenting our last commercial before the vote. I believe you will be happy with the results.” Tabitha said.“I’m sure I will.” Well, I’m off; see you in
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Chapter 706
“Old man Rockefeller, I’ll be frank with you. Your nephew here kidnapped me and my assistant and wife, Miss. Writtle. Blew up my limo to eliminate me and tried to forcefully take my wife, Sara Shuler. Any one of these charges could land him with the death penalty.”Blake explained.“Now see here, I admit my son went a bit overboard, but the death penalty is a bit harsh. He’s a Rockefeller, after all.” Gary’s Father, Steven Rockefeller, stated with a cold sweat on his brow.“Mr. Rockefeller, we have met before with my Father at a gathering. It was this encounter that has saved your son from his punishment thus far. I have also given face to old man Rockefeller in this regard.Gary, hearing this reasoning, was outraged that he was given a pardon due to his Father and Grandfather’s prestige and couldn’t hold his anger any longer. They were the Rockefeller family of old money and held power in their hand. So what, Blake Elon was a cultivator? What could he really do to him?“What can you d
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Chapter 707
When Susan finished her typing she placed her tablet back down onto her lap.“What else have you done?” John asked with fear in his heart.“You will know in a few minutes,” Was Blake’s only answer.The five of them sat there in silence until they could hear hurried footsteps coming from inside to home. A well-dressed woman in a white blouse and tan skirt with heels rushed to where the five were sitting. When she saw the embryo floating, she screamed in horror, forgetting the urgency of her arrival.“Ahh, what the hell is that?” The woman pointed at the embryo.“Never mind, what is it that has you in such a state?” John asked with fear for what he was about to hear.“It’s, it’s the stocks market. All our investments are failing and being bought out.” The woman said, remmebreing her reason for her arrival. “Our holders are calling to cancel their investment also. The banks are calling in all our loans; if this keeps up, we will become bankrupt within a day.”John looked at Blake, who to
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Chapter 708
Everyone was startled by this revelation. Most women would fight for the affection and resources their husbands could provide, but according to what Blake is saying, it’s the opposite within his close-knit family.“The sisters all have a mutual understanding. If they want to be with Blake, they need to have the mindset of accepting each other. Some have already become lovers.” Susan stated to verify what Blake had said.Freya stayed silent hearing this reveal, trying to process the whole affair. No one knew what she was thinking.“Mr. Elon, What are your terms for this injustice that my family has caused? Although the punishment was done, I’m sure it’s not to your satisfaction.” John asked, knowing that the minor punishments were not enough for Blake’s temper.“A bill will be presented to the government, and I would like the Rockefeller family to back it up. I’m sure with all of your contacts and influence, you can convince more of the, say, Elites to back it up and get the public opi
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Chapter 709
Blake looked and could only guess what she was thinking but decided to stay out of other family affairs. After what she did at the Shuler family on her last meeting, she will have to apologize wholeheartedly to her husband to get his help.“Where would you like for me to dropp you off? Do you have a way to get back home?” Blake asked, looking concerned.This was the young boy she knew, one who was caring and concerned towards others. Freya smiled at the warmth she was receiving. If she had not provoked Blake, she and her family would have had an easy expansion into the American market and even in the Eastern market, the family’s prosperous outlook would have been continuous, but there was no pill for regret.“I need to return to Sara and Travis. Apologizing will not be enough, but I need to try for what I have done these past few days.” Freya explained.“I understand, Susan prepared the private jet for Mother-in-law to return to the Capital in California,” Blake said, nodding. “Driver
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