All Chapters of Mated To The Mafia Werewolves: The Alpha and Beta Wants me: Chapter 171 - Chapter 180
192 Chapters
Hundred and seventy-one
Sandro growled loudly, slamming into an undead, grabbing it by the neck, and snapping it completely. He leaped onto another, heading for Arabella, who seemed momentarily stunned, and tore out its heart."Would you stare all day or get down to business?" Sandro snapped."Sorry!" Arabella squealed, patting the jeans she wore and fumbling for her knife. Blaze had given her this small knife back at the Phoenix cave, an alternative to using her powers in a fight.She had rarely used it since Alessia, as battling Alessia with a knife could have been risky."Astralys!" Arabella snarled, deflecting an attack and driving her blade into an undead jugular. It sizzled, and he screeched, vibrating nonstop. Arabella eyed the knife; it had never sizzled before. It was strange that it was happening now."That is a silver blade coated with wolfsbane," Sandro commented, eyeing her. "Blaze gave it to you, I presume," he added dryly.Blaze never explained the knife's usefulness; he only told her never t
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Hundred and seventy-two
"How do you know about this?" Sandro asked Blaze, glancing aside as he spotted an attacker rushing toward him."A call from Janice," Blaze replied, landing a punch on the approaching assailant's face. He swiftly snapped the neck and tossed the body toward another, causing a stumble.Wrinkling his nose at their scent, Blaze noted they were werewolves, but much more powerful than the ordinary werewolf. Thalia and Sandro might handle a few, but he doubted he or Arabella could last much longer, especially him.The lingering wolfsbane in his system weakened him, and he wondered how he remained standing."Your whore," Sandro sneered, "How did she get the information?""Janice isn't my whore, and I don't know. Let's be grateful she's helping us escape," Blaze said."I am grateful," Sandro rolled his eyes, snarling as he tackled three approaching attackers."We can discuss any issues later; for now, let's focus on surviving," Blaze urged, hearing grunts not from Sandro, Arabella, or Thalia.
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Hundred and seventy-three
Arabella wiped away the tears sliding down her cheeks, hissing as pain shot through her side.Her chest tightened, and she gulped in two deep breaths, blinking back tears."Blaze," she muttered, shaking him in her hands, though he remained stiff. "Please wake up, please."Her shoulder trembled, her lips quivering, her head pounding, and her eyes aching. She wanted him to stir, to tease and laugh, but nothing happened.Now, more than ever, she longed to hear his voice and the reassurance he always provided, promising that everything would be fine.'He's dead, Bella. He's dead,' The words she didn't want to say aloud echoed in her head. Arabella shook her head, unwilling to accept the truth. In her mind, he would rise, and they would return to the villa, her tending to his injuries.He had to be okay; her tears held healing properties, just like the first time she had saved him. She believed she could do it again.Even as more tears fell, he stayed motionless in her arms."What's happen
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Hundred and seventy-four
"We were attacked after escaping that dratted past I had to delve into with Bella," Sandro explained. Currently, in a small room within the meeting hall, he narrated the events to Brianna, who sat listening."I need to verify everything the bitch said; she can't force me to endure all that and knowing she was lying to me," Sandro grunted, pacing the room.He halted, glaring at Brianna, who remained silent. She neither agreed nor disagreed with what he said; instead, she stared blankly ahead."Brianna!" Sandro growled, moving toward her to grab her attention. However, he stopped as he heard her voice."She spoke the truth, Alpha," Brianna said, turning her gaze to Sandro. "She was the first of her kind, responsible for this calamity. The first doppelganger and your ancestors played a part, too."Brianna continued, "She lured you into the past to manipulate you both for her evil agenda. If she had succeeded, she would not only have killed you both but all supernatural beings, making the
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Hundred and seventy-five
They stood outside in the De Luca's graveyard. It marked Arabella's first visit, and she wished it would also be the last.Despite the daytime, mournful howls echoed before the funeral commenced. She guessed it was traditions.Brianna and her sisters took charge of the ceremony, as Sandro had handed it over to them."Today, we lay to rest Nicholas Armstrong, a fierce Beta, and guardian of our pack. Let's remember the beautiful things he did for us. He died a hero, sacrificing his life for his friends. He'll be forever missed."Blaze was truly gone, Arabella pondered. She had spent the whole previous day waiting for him or someone to reveal that it was all a joke. To assure her he would wake up, hug her, kiss her, and tell her everything would be fine.But no one came. She had seen him give up, and not even her tears, which had awakened him the first time, worked this time. Brianna had mentioned something about him running out of luck. Tears streamed down her cheeks, and though she vo
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Hundred and seventy-six
THREE DAYS LATERGriefArabella wondered if this was what she was feeling.The intensity surpassed even the sorrow she felt when her father passed away. Although it had been three days since Blaze's death and funeral, it seemed as if everything occurred just today. It felt like a part of her, irretrievable, had been taken away.And she believed so. Each time her thoughts wandered back to Blaze, she listed all the things she could have done to save him.She failed him.Sitting cross-legged, she focused on the wall, absentmindedly tracing the outline of the knife in her hand.She was going to end it all, and she had given it enough thought.She had attempted to use a rope, but Sandro's vigilant presence prevented her. He had been watching her like a hawk.Sandro hadn't spoken much since the funeral, giving her the space she appreciated.Arabella eyed the knife she had quietly brought from the kitchen, choosing a new and sharp one, thinking it might be the best option if she decided to
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Hundred and seventy-seven
That witch!How ungrateful could she be? Despite all the warnings about their lives being connected, she still wanted to end hers—not just hers, but the lives of their children within her.Of course, Sandro understood her pain, feeling a similar, if not greater, agony.He and Blaze had shared a deep bond; Blaze was more than a friend and Beta; he was a brother and a relied-upon family.Blaze was everything to him, and his death was still surreal. He didn't want to believe he had died, but he had seen him lifeless, cold, and not smiling.If Arabella were to die, how could he seek the revenge he so much desired? As their life was intertwined, he was going to fuking die as well.Sandro's fists pounded the punching bag even harder, growls escaping him as he noticed blood on his hands. Yet, he didn't relent. Since leaving the room, he relentlessly struck the bag, channeling his frustration away from Arabella.He didn't want to get mad at her, but with the way she was acting, he doubted he
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Hundred and seventy-eight
After Arabella's tears subsided, Sandro guided her to the sofa, offering a cup of water. He watched as she drank slowly, only finishing half the glass instead of the whole cup he expected.Placing her hands in front of her, she sighed and looked up at him. "Will you stand watching me all day?" she asked."I need to know you're not planning anything drastic. I don't know if you have a knife on you," he explained, scanning the room and spotting a knife on the vanity table. He took it, slipping it into his pocket."I don't know your next move. Perhaps you want to hang yourself, which would be easier for you since I am barely in this room.""I tried that, but I couldn't go through with it," Arabella replied.Sandro scowled, a vein ticking in his jaw. "Why do you make this hard for me?""What?" she asked."I am trying my best to help you, Arabella, but all I can see right now is...""I never asked for your help in the first place!" she snapped, jumping to her feet."Would you prefer I watc
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Hundred and seventy-nine
Arabella left the room a while later after taking a few bites from the food Sandro brought to her again. He had wanted to stuff her with it, but Annalise had come to her rescue, testifying to bringing her food. Now, in Thalia's room, the latter wasn't present, but her scent lingered. Arabella sat for a few minutes, and when Thalia didn't surface, she stepped outside, heading towards the garden at the back of the villa.It was a large space dedicated specifically to gardening, situated near the infirmary. Since Arabella's arrival at the villa, it was her first time exploring the garden. Sandro had often confined her, not allowing her freedom, but she guessed Mrs. Mabel's words earlier had influenced him.However, Arabella doubted that strolling along the garden could restore the iron in her blood. She rubbed her stomach, sighing. Her ears perked up, and she halted, glancing around as she heard sobbing. Tracing the sound, she arrived at a small pond filled with ducks, and Thalia was hu
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Hundred and eighty
THREE MONTHS LATERArabella gasped, rolling on the large bed, hands clasped over her stomach and her eyes wide with tears.Staggering out of bed, panting, she wiped the sweat from her forehead.It wasn't a nightmare that woke her; those had somewhat stopped since she accepted Blaze wouldn't return.Plus, she was grateful they had stopped, as it wasn't fun waking up each day seeing Blaze's helpless, lifeless form while she wouldn't be able to do anything about it.Now, she had been rudely awaken by her children. They seemed to think it was a good idea to kick her.This wasn't the first kick, though, but it was the most intense. Rubbing her hands over her protruding stomach, only five months gone, she felt the pressure as they continued to kick."Are you alright?" Sandro's voice came from the door. He stood there in plain pajama bottoms.His hair was tousled as though he had brushed his hands into it several times to give it that messy look, and his eyes were tired, trying to stay awake
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