All Chapters of Godly Stay-Home Dad: Chapter 1581 - Chapter 1590
1732 Chapters
Chapter 1584 Wait Where's the Backer?
"No!"The pupils of Supreme Expert Tianjue turned solemn.He watched helplessly as Zhang Han blew out a breath of air, broke through the storm of swords, and slowly dissipated.The tens of thousands of people around were silent."Zhang Hanyang?"In the distance, Tailun from the Black Mountain Manor looked a little different. He looked at Supreme Expert Tianjue and then at Zhang Han. It was unknown what he was thinking.Bai Qiran and the others didn't expect it to be a bad start.Supreme Expert Tianjue made two moves, but his opponent easily cracked them.In their eyes, this was a bit inconceivable.Because Supreme Expert Tianjue cared a lot about his reputation.At this time, he felt that if he didn't show any advantage, he would really be embarrassed."Zhang Hanyang, you are indeed quite capable."Supreme Expert Tianjue s
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Chapter 1585 Visit the Bai Family
"Hmm?"Zhang Han chuckled and said, "Weren't you determined to kill me just now?""Please listen to me." Supreme Expert Tianjue panicked. From Zhang Han's faint smile, he seemed to have sensed the faint killing intent."Everyone from the Fire Wing Dynasty, kill them now!"Supreme Expert Tianjue quickly retreated.At the same time, many elders and protectors of the Fire Wing Dynasty around also quickly came to help.But how could Zhang Han give Supreme Expert Tianjue a chance to leave?"Seal!"Zhang Han took out the Yin-Yang Brush and waved it forward a few times. Then, a cage appeared and trapped Supreme Expert Tianjue within."No, this is impossible!"Supreme Expert Tianjue attacked furiously. However, no matter how hard he tried, he was only able to make the cage formed by the white threads tremble violently. There was no way for him to escape.
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Chapter 1586 Showing Off in Front of Me?
When the people of the Bai Family flew up, many core figures, led by the patriarch, Bai Yuanfeng, looked gloomy."Zhang Hanyang is too arrogant!""He came straight to our Bai Family without even resting after fighting against Supreme Expert Tianjue. Is he looking down on us?""The patriarch is still here. How can we let Zhang Hanyang from the aboriginal world get what he wants?""It's not about me." After hearing what the young man said, Bai Yuanfeng glared at him with great dissatisfaction."What's wrong with this junior?"Supreme Expert Shanghe is still here. He doesn't even know how to curry favor!""That's right."Just as Bai Qiran was about to say something, she suddenly felt a slight force on her hand behind her, and she immediately gasped for breath.She looked at the man next to her with her charming eyes and said coquettishly, "Our patriarch is very po
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Chapter 1587 The Title of the Immortal Master
Hiss!There was dead silence in the field.Supreme Expert Shanghe was sent flying by Yue Wuwei's punch. Before he could even make a defensive move, he spat out a mouthful of blood and was seriously injured."Will you keep showing off?"Yue Wuwei looked grim, and even his white beard was trembling.Generally speaking, one would always give the other party a chance to answer the question.The answer could be - "Senior, I was wrong. Please don't hit me."Or - "I won't. Senior, please spare me."However, that didn't happen.Yue Wuwei flashed over with an excellent body movement at an incredibly fast speed. It was dreamy and illusory, like a red butterfly, which disappeared in an instant."AAAAH!"Bai Qiran was not attacked, but she was scared out of her wits at such a close distance.She was seriously injured by the aftermath
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Chapter 1588 Sect Master Don't Be Sad
A junior of the Bai Family said, "Grand Master, shall we go and watch the fun? Look, those people are also flying over.""Well..."Bai Yuanfeng thought for a while.He was also very curious about whether the Witchcraft Sect would pay a heavy price or not."Supreme Expert Shanghe is dead."Report this news to his disciples immediately, and then this matter will have nothing to do with our Bai Family. It was the Immortal Master who took action just now. By the way, what's the Taoist title of the Immortal Master?" Bai Yuanfeng suddenly asked.Everyone suddenly fell into silence.Meanwhile, in the secondary space, Yue Wuwei and the others were also talking about this.Kong Ling'er said, "What about Immortal Master Blue Wave? It sounds okay."Hearing this, Yue Wuwei shook his head slightly to show his refusal.Everyone was sitting together.
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Chapter 1589 The Ruthless Divine Woman Kong
In this way, more than a month later, Zhang Han and the others returned to the Southern Mountain Area.The message had not been sent back yet.The First Elder of the Starlight Divine Sect and the others asked nervously, "Has it been handled?""Yes." Kong Ling'er fiddled with her black hair and took the initiative to say, "The Sect Leader of the Fire Wing Dynasty died, and Supreme Expert Shanghe, who was at the fourth tier of the Tribulation Stage, also died. After that, a total of seven sects paid a lot to be spared. My master may have a hundred times more resources than the whole sect."The First Elder asked, "Is, is this true?""You don't believe me?" Kong Ling'er curled her lips and said, "Then you can ask around about it, First Elder. We will leave after resting here for two days. As for the sect, I don't belong to it anymore. I will not go back for the time being.""You, you..."Th
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Chapter 1590 The End of College Life
Everyone settled down in Mount New Moon."On the 19th of September, we'll be in our junior year.""Let's go back to college to have fun."Yue Xiaonao couldn't wait any longer."We'll go back after dinner." Mengmeng was wearing sportswear and a cap. She sat in the pavilion and enjoyed the leisure time of Mount New Moon."We must have a meal here." Yue Xiaonao raised her hands in agreement. "We've enjoyed the delicacies in so many places, but the food on our mountain tastes the best.""Yeah," Mengmeng replied.Since Mengmeng wanted to eat delicious food, Zhang Han made many nice dishes in person."My dad is really good at cooking."Mengmeng muttered as she ate, "My dad used to cook for me every day, but now he can't. He's always busy."Zhang Han was speechless.For a moment, he didn't know what to say."You now go home much
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Chapter 1591 The Big Boss Goes to Work
"Oh, rare visitors come."When the tutor saw Mengmeng, Yue Xiaonao, and the others, he laughed. "You turn out to be willing to come back and have a look.""Of course," Yue Xiaonao said."There's a new student."The tutor looked at the team of four girls. They were all beautiful.It was much more lively than before. In front of beautiful girls, many male students subconsciously wanted to show off.What if they could win the favor of the girls?After graduation, they might have a chance to fall in love with the beautiful girls. There were many examples of people reaching the Peak-Stage of their lives.It was a pity that there were some things that could only be thought about.A year passed by.The third year of college was over.Many companies came to recruit interns. Everyone was busy at the time.They were about to separat
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Chapter 1592 Application
The spring of Modu City was also a busy season. In the new year, many companies had new goals. The new students also went to the major cities like a river.In a stylish coffee shop in the Eastern District of Lin Hai City, a girl was wearing a white cartoon jacket, light blue cropped trousers, and white sneakers. A small part of the pink socks and part of the white and tender beautiful legs were exposed.She was Mengmeng. She wore a cap and had a single ponytail. Her black hair swayed behind her.When walking on the street with a small schoolbag on her back, she glanced at the sign of the cafe and pouted."The second interview.""Alas!"She thought of the first interview a few days ago and felt a little powerless.The male interviewer narrowed his eyes and said to her, "Beauty, your internship salary is very low, generally about six thousand dollars. But we can talk with each other for a
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Chapter 1593 Talking About Cooperation
Mengmeng walked into a park.Under the shade of the trees, the light appeared. She left through the Space Portal and returned to Mount New Moon in the blink of an eye."I've succeeded, Mummy."Mengmeng ran to the pavilion and said with a smile, "I succeeded the second time. I agreed on the spot. It's very simple.""How did you fail for the first time?" Zi Yan smiled and said, "Did you meet an improper interviewer?"Zi Yan had experienced a lot in the past, so she knew about such things.As a top-notch beauty, she naturally faced a lot of harassment."Yes. He was not polite. I beat him up," Mengmeng said."What about the second time?" Zi Yan asked again."The two interviewers looked normal. When seeing my certificates, both of them fought for me," Mengmeng said arrogantly. "Now your daughter is also an elite in the business world.""Of course, my da
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