All Chapters of The Best Actor's Courtship: Miss Scriptwriter, Please Love Me!: Chapter 191 - Chapter 200
332 Chapters
Chapter 191 Not Surprised
Murong Yunxi was discussing the details of the shoot with the photographer when she overheard the conversation behind her. An easily-unnoticeable cold intent appeared in her eyes and she quickly ended the conversation with the photographer. "Um, you're called Gill, right? My husband should be arriving soon, could you please pick him up at the door for me?" Gu Yuxuan glanced at Murong Yunxi. At this moment, she was feeling extremely dizzy, accompanied by waves of headache. She was very unwell and did not have the energy to deal with Bella. She got up and went downstairs. Murong Yunxi looked up and glanced at Gu Yuxuan's back view as she left. She then walked towards the dressing room. While passing by Bella, she deliberately ordered in a cold tone, "Um, Bella, right?" Hearing the Chairman calling out for her, Bella quickly got up and walked towards her with a smiling face. "Yes, Chairman Yun, I'm Bella." "Could you
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Chapter 192 The Happy Atmosphere of Festivals
Murong Yunxi responded quickly and immediately grabbed onto Bella's collar from behind. She pulled with huge strength and Bella was pulled back. Murong Yunxi frowned and her expression was extremely bad. "Why? You even want to take revenge?" Bella's heart shuddered. She never expected Murong Yunxi to get rough. She stayed still immediately. "Fired immediately! We don't tolerate this kind of people at Xing Shang." Murong Yunxi's were sharp and everyone on set just watched quietly, not daring to say a word. Gong Yu and Fourth were also surprised as they watched from a side. The power that the current Murong Yunxi displayed had completely subverted her usual way of doing things. Murong Yunxi was also secretly rejoicing in her heart. Seemed like the recent monstrous training with Fourth had seen great improvements. Her arm strength had now improved by a lot as compared to before. Holding back a Bella was a piece of ca
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Chapter 193 Proposal
Gu Yuxuan lifted up her gaze and her eyes met with Murong Xu's starry gaze that was filled with the twinkles of all kinds of stars. Her heart seemed to skip a beat again. She could not stop her cheeks from turning red. "Xuan Xuan, will you marry me?" Murong Xu seemed to be nervous, his elegant voice trembled a little. Gu Yuxuan was slightly surprised. She stared intensely into Murong Xu's eyes. Murong Xu reached out into the pocket of his pants and took out a delicate flannel box. Gu Yuxuan's heartbeat became so fast her heart was almost going to break through her throat and jump out of her mouth. "Xuan Xuan, I really like you. In the past, I wanted you to enjoy the happiness from the dating life for a few more years, but I realized that I really cannot wait to marry you home! I promise, even if I marry you home, I will still continue to treat you like when we were dating. Let us enjoy the sweetness of dating ever
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Chapter 194 I Don't Approve of This Marriage
Gu Yuxuan found herself jumping into the trap and it was getting harder and harder to tackle. It seemed like Zhuang Yaru was courteous on the surface, but she was actually more interested in Murong Yunxi. "Um, about this..." Just as Gu Yuxuan was brainstorming on how to solve the crisis, Gu Chengkang entered the room while being led by a waiter. While Gu Chengkang was dressed formally, the small folds on his suit showed his difficult story easily. "Oh my, I'm sorry for coming late, I've kept you all waiting. I rushed here once I got off the plane. This Xuan Xuan did not inform me earlier. When she told me, the earliest flight I could book was the one I just took." Gu Chengkang smiled and entered the private room. He bowed apologetically and went up to shake hands with Murong Haotian. Murong Haotian also smiled and stood up to welcome him. "No such thing, we were not ceremonious, we should have settled an appropria
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Chapter 195 Why Did It Have to Be the Murong Family
Murong Yunxi was feeling very perplexed. She had never heard Gu Chengkang mention the Murong Family, she wondered whether there was some sort of discord between Uncle Gu and the Murong Family. Gu Chengkang lifted his eyes to look afar as if his vision had transcended this space and time into another space and time and he wore an expression of melancholy and bitter resentment. Murong Yunxi walked up to the table and poured a glass of water for Gu Chengkang, handing it to him and said, "Uncle Gu, please drink some water." Gu Chengkang was whisked back to reality by Murong Yunxi at that moment. He turned to look at Murong Yunxi, but the look of melancholy remained in his eyes and he was unable to shake it off. Gu Chengkang took over the glass of water and sighed. Murong Yunxi looked at Gu Chengkang silently, not pressing him for an answer, nor did she try to console him. She was a generation younger than him, so she
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Chapter 196 Why Should I Give Up
Gu Yuxuan eyes became lifeless as if it had been covered with a layer of mist. She shook her head and said, "I'm alright!" "Xuanxuan, you have to tell me when you feel that you can't take the pain anymore. I will be by your side because I can empathize such pain." Gu Yuxuan nodded as a drop of tear rolled down her cheek into her hair in silence. "Xiao Xi, I would never abandon my father. You know how important he is to me. I've failed Murong Xu by giving him up. It only goes to show that he is not as important to me. I've failed him, I've failed him..." Gu Yuxuan kept repeating this until she burst out in tears. In a frenzy, Murong Yunxi tried to wipe away her tears, but to no avail. Gu Yuxuan's tears were like tap switched on that they kept coming. Eventually, even Murong Yunxi could not hold back her tears which was suffocating her, and she broke down in tears too. The two ladies sat
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Chapter 197 Can You Stay Here to Keep Me Company
Murong Yunxi took a step forward, squatted and patted Murong Xu lightly on his shoulder and said, "Don't behave in this way, cousin, Xuanxuan would be very sad if she sees you like this." "..." Murong Xu responded to Murong Yunxi with more weeping. "It is the best for you to be separated now than later, cousin. If you insist on staying together, you'll be more devastated. You won't be happy together!" "Why? Why did you say we won't be happy together?" Murong Xu raised his brows and shot a piercing look at Murong Yunxi. "I can't reveal the reason to you, but please trust me that this is really the best solution." "How could you draw such a conclusion? You've found your happiness, is that why you don't want to see others find their happiness too?" "I can't help if you want to think in this way. You're not at your right mind now, so I won't argue with you." "I'm definitely in my right mind
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Chapter 198 I'm Always Missing You!
Murong Yunxi heard the words. She was quite stunned: Jia Tianxin is going to give birth to her baby? She quietly calculated it in her heart. It was indeed close to Jia Tianxin's expected date of birth. Jia Tianxin was very likely to give birth to the baby at this time. "Is there anything wrong with her body..." Murong Yunxi asked in a tentative way. When she gave birth to her baby, she had a premature birth and big bleeding. At that time, she was to some extent at risk. She experienced the thrill of giving birth to a baby. "At present, no news from the hospital saying something went wrong about her. It is just that she has just had some contractions, and her child may be born tonight. She proposed to see Lian Can before she entered the delivery room." "Why do you come and ask for my opinion?" "For this person, I think you have more right to say." "..." Murong Yunxi fell into a moment of silence.
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Chapter 199 Everything Is Normal
Cold sweat once again filled Jia Tianxin's forehead, and she looked at her lower body with horror. Lian Can saw the sudden change of Jia Tianxin, and she was shocked and her body was also covered by cold sweat. She stood up nervously and asked, not knowing where to put her hands, "What happened? What's wrong?" Jia Tianxin's stomach had a sharp pain. She bit her lower lip and said with a trembling voice, "Come on, call me a doctor. It seems that my water broke." "Water broke! I, I, yes, call the doctor! I will call the doctor..." Lian Can had been completely panicked. The common sense that she had learned online before, especially for delivery, had been forgotten quickly. At this moment, because of hurry and confusion, she didn't know where to put her hands and feet and her brain turned blank and stopped working. She just obeyed Jia Tianxin's instructions and ran out of the ward. She shouted while running, "Doctor,
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Chapter 200 In the End, You Will Still Be a Joke
Xiao Shi hurriedly handed the child to Lian Can, and turned to enter the delivery room again. Lian Can, who had just been excited, with a bright face, suddenly became panic. She wanted to catch up with the nurse, but the child behind her suddenly burst into tears. Lian Can lost her head and wanted to catch up but she had to turn around to look after the children behind her. She turned and looked at the little body, crying and waving his arms in the small pusher bed, and the powerful little ankles made the little quilt wrapped around her body messy. Lian Can looked at the soft and small body and wanted to get up and hold him, but she didn't know where to start. She hung her hands in the air and wanted to hug the baby but she didn't find the place to hold. At this time, a male doctor with glasses came over from the end of the corridor. He asked in a low voice, "Do you need help?" Lian Can
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