All Chapters of Dr. Song’s Secret New Wife: Chapter 441 - Chapter 443
443 Chapters
Chapter 449 Preparing to Empty Xiao Yu's Hands
Xiao Yu put down the phone, and lowered her eyes to ponder for a while, thinking that Xiao Rong couldn't make any waves in Su City, and only then did she settle down.And the same moment.Han Lu also let out a low whimper next to Xiao Chengye, "You want Yui to give up the project in her hands?"Xiao Chengye nodded with a grave and serious expression, "Right."Han Lu gave a slight lurch, her heart snickered with joy, her face did not show too obvious,"Youyi has been following this project for three or four years, this I am aware of, if you want her to give up, I'm afraid she won't do it, right?"Xiao Yu has a project in hand that goes into - military - real estate.It's a land project that North City was interested in developing five years ago.But it's been five years of planning discretion.Many companies in the North City, are keeping an eye on the project.It's been five years, and the slightest breeze is closely watched.
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Chapter 450 Locking Her Up in Her House
"Ban her from going out?"Lin Fengya received a call from her mother and felt a bit sudden when she heard her mother talk about banning Gu Baisheng from going out again."She really should go out less."However, it was in favor of the mother's approach.Only, she thought it was a little strange."You were a little against me when I said earlier that she should go out less and stay home to nurse her child, why are you in favor of it now?"Lin Fengya was a bit surprised by her mother's change in attitude.Originally, when she thought of Gu Baisheng's stomach, she had hoped that Gu Baisheng would honestly be a woman - person in the Lin family who was at ease with her pregnancy after arriving in Suzhou City.But the mother said she had the right to be free.That's why they didn't keep arguing to keep her in the house.Now that her mother finally agrees with her, what is this about?After thinking about it, Old Lady Lin fi
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Chapter 451 Discovering Father's Plan
Gu Baisheng had no way to rush out.And not so great at rushing out.But she didn't like being controlled like this, being trapped and watched like a bird inside a birdcage.After she went upstairs, she put down her jacket and called Song Frost.Song Frost's phone went unanswered.But soon, a call came in from an assistant.Explain the situation to her, "Mr. Song is in a meeting.""Ask him to call me after the meeting.""Yes, ma'am."She finished talking to her assistant on the phone.Another moment of thought before dialing Qu in the North Side.She hadn't spoken to Qu Xiaobo on the phone since she came to Sioux City.Qu Xiaobo's side was on her way to work, and when she heard that it was Gu Baisheng calling, she answered it directly without hesitation."Sheng?""Bobo, I don't think things are quite right."Qu Xiaobo knew that she had been sent to Suzhou City for sure that her days were not as
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