All Chapters of Sweet Chief Secretary: Chapter 121 - Chapter 130
562 Chapters
Chapter 121 Wanru's invitation
She tossed and turned on the bed for a while. She couldn't sleep anymore, so she sat up and lighted a cigarette.After she had smoked two cigarettes, the sky began to get bright. First, there was a vibrant blue color. Then the color faded and a white color came out. A beam of light could be seen in the clouds.She believed it was going to be good weather, and sure enough, when she stopped the car at the clinic door, she saw the sun peeking out, casting a few rays of light on the moss on the steps.It was nearly eight o'clock, and there was no one behind the information desk. Wanru could only go in from memory of her last visit. She had to walk through a corridor, which was made of old bricks, with patches of moss in the cracks. The walls were gouged out with random little squares, each with a pot of green plants. All of them were of different shapes and colors, but all were growing well.With plenty of time, she called Xia Yu and t
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Chapter 122 Face-to-face Provocation
Chen's father stared at his stunned son, urging him to come over."Xia Yu, I …" Chen Wenxuan looked at Xia Yu in embarrassment, not knowing what to do.Xia Yu also did not know what to do, so she quickly said: "Uncle Chen, don't mention that. Wenxuan's going to get married. He and Bao Na are very affectionate."Chen Wenxuan's father waved his hand, indicating Xia Yu to stop saying that. "Would I not know what kind of temperament my son has? Xia Yu, you're the only one Wenxuan has in his heart. I know, I implicated Wenxuan. If I were capable, he wouldn't have been so foolish to choose Bao Na. However, now he knows he did the wrong thing. Wen-xuan, come to tell Xia Yu that you know you were wrong."Xia Yu was worried that he would be too agitated and this would do no good for his health. So she continuously winked at Chen at the side.Chen Wenxuan probably did not expect his father would react like this. After being stu
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Chapter 123 Getting a Powerful Man to Bail Them Out
"My god!" Surprising shouts sounded in the restaurant.Xia Yu's gaze was cold as she looked at Bao Na who was covering her face with her hand. "Listen, Bao Na! You thought you tried so hard to push me out and so you would win? You were wrong! I don't even care to compete with you! As for you and Chen Wenxuan … I have to say that you two are perfectly matching. I gave him up to you! "Bao Na had never seen such an imposing Xia Yu before. She was completely stunned.It was lunchtime, but there was no sound at all in the restaurant. Everyone was looking at Xia Yu's table, and some of them even took out their phones to shoot videos.The two girls behind Bao Na initially wanted to give a hand. However, when they saw Xia Yu's cold gazes that were as sharp as knives, they became a little scared and did not dare to step forward.Bao Na slowly turned her head while covering her face. She stared at Xia Yu viciously and said word
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Chapter 124 We could only be friends
Xiang Hui did not say it clearly, and Zhang Hanyu could not continue asking. He watched them enter the elevator before going back.After getting downstairs, Shen Mo got in the car: "What's going on?"Xiang Hui turned his head and replied, " Young master Mo, Miss Xia got into a fight with someone. Now she's in the police station.""What?"Shen Mo was tugging his tie and then suddenly stopped. He frowned as he stared at the secretary Xiang Hui.Miss Xia, Xia Yu?Wasn't she Shen Yan's secretary? Even if she wanted some help, she should ask Shen Yan. Why did she tell him?"Xia Yu just sent us the records of the conversation between Miss Zeng and Bao Na. From the conversation, it's not hard to tell that Bao Na making things difficult for Xia Yu and Mrs. Zhang was Miss Zeng's idea." Xiang Hui explained.Mrs. Zhang, Qin Wanru?Was she also involved in this?Coul
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Chapter 125 I'll give you an answer
"Sis, my dad said that we should thank you because of this." Shen Qiang said emotionally as he put a hand on Xia Yu's shoulder."I don't dare to take credit for this. It is because of the belief that your families share. That is, you don't want to leave one another." Thinking about that his families fought with each other not long ago and now they made up, Xia Yu was also surprised.Although she was surprised, she was thrilled to see Shen Qiang being happy, and immediately congratulated him.The people of Shen Mo left after they sent them to Shen Yan's villa. Once Xia Yu got out of the car, she rushed to her room and turned on the computer.Since her friend said that Zeng Mina had contacted the media, she wanted to see what they said. She thought that the video of her conflict with someone must have been posted online, but after waiting a long time, she still couldn't find any news about the fighting, making her feel quite puzzled.
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Chapter 126 Don't Ever Talk about Money
Shen Mo frowned worriedly as he looked at the number on his phone.Wu Shiyu smiled slightly and said: "Young Master Mo, if you have something to do, just go."When Shen Mo called her, she was shocked, but she was also wondering why on earth he was looking for her now after breaking up with her without any explanation, so she came.But to her surprise, he didn't seem to want to talk even after he'd drained a cup of coffee.He just wanted to sit with me for a while?This was not Young Master Mo's style. One had to know that his time was money.Just as Wu Shiyu was thinking about getting another cup of coffee, she heard Shen Mo's phone ringing. This expression told her that the call was from First Madame.Thinking about First Madame's slap on her face, Wu Shiyu heaved a sigh of relief in her heart. She was already prepared to stand up and leave.Shen Mo gestured to Wu Shiyu to wait a
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Chapter 127 Snatching a Little Leisure from the Busy Life
Xia Yu's eyes rolled a few times consecutively. Since he did not lack anything, then she would sincerely thank him again: "Thank you again Young Master Mo for taking the time to bail us out amid your pressing affairs. I am extremely grateful."After that, she bowed very gravely.Xia Yu bowed very gravely, making Shen Mo open his eyes wide. Her expression looked as if she was facing the portrait at a funeral.Was this girl thanking or cursing him!?After rolling his eyes a few times, Shen Mo opened his mouth: "Alright, err, so much for the thanking part, now come with me to a place first."With that said, Shen Mo started the car.Xia Yu was thoroughly bewildered, having no idea where he was bringing her. Xia Yu subconsciously turned around to look at her cousin, only to see her shaking her head. Xia Yu turned around.Since he didn't want to talk, she wouldn't ask anymore. Let's see what would h
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Chapter 128 I Don't Have That Influence
"I am the one who should be asking this question, what is it?" Shen Yan leaned on his swivel chair and looked at Xia Yu.This girl was so bold as to ask Shen Mo to bail her out.Wasn't this slapping Shen Mo in the face? Even after stirring up trouble, she still didn't know how to restrain herself and went so far as to go out with him. Shen Yan really didn't know what to say about her.Xia Yu thought of when he entered the elevator, Shen Qiang did say that he would call Shen Yan.Could it be that he was looking for her because he was afraid that Shen Mo would harm her?Although this master was a bit randy, he was still quite loyal to friends. Shen Yan's affability level in Xia Yu's heart increased a little bit more."Young Master Mo had some things he wants to discuss with you. Maybe he couldn't contact you, so he called me to go out." Xia Yu recounted the matter of her meeting with Shen Mo.So
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Chapter 129 Which Beautiful Woman?
"That place is perfect, but something is just inevitable. It's getting late, I'll send you back." Shen Mo then walked in the direction of the car and Wu Shiyu could only follow. Looking at Shen Mo's back figure, she thought, she can't just give up like this, she must call Xia Yu again.After sending Wu Shiyu home, Shen Mo went straight to the Red lip Bar. Zhang Hanyu and Young Master Yu were already waiting for him.Seeing him walk over, Young master Yu was the first to speak: "Young Master Mo, did she help?" He knew how difficult it is to deal with Xia Yu, but he couldn't believe that she would beg Shen Yan for the sake of Wu Shiyu."It doesn't matter if Wu Shiyu helped or not. The key question is whether Shen Yan will believe Xia Yu in the future." Shen Mo didn't hope for Wu Shiyu to persuade her at all. If Xia Yu were a person without principles, Shen Mo wouldn't be at ease letting her stand by Zhang Hangyu's side.Towards such
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Chapter 130 Coming to a Restaurant Was Naturally to Eat.
This child, how could he do this? Qingqing was a girl, why didn't he have compassion for girls? Zhang Peng glanced at Shen Qiang a few times, but all of them were ignored by him.Today, she came over on her own accord, and he wasn't the one who was aiming at her on purpose.Qingqing was also not an easy target. Today, she had taken the initiative to come over to treat him, occupying the initiative. If this really got in front of the elders, Shen Qiang would definitely be at a disadvantage.Xia Yu quickly said: "Xiao Qiang, I'll ride in your car.""Sister Xia, take my car, my car is right beside you!" Zhang Peng protested from the side. If she walked away from him to Shen Qiang, then what face did he have?"It's all the same." Although Xia Yu said that, she did not stop and directly got into Shen Qiang's car.Although Qingqing hated Shen Qiang, she couldn't openly offend him either. Looking at disappointed
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