All Chapters of Sweet Chief Secretary: Chapter 451 - Chapter 460
562 Chapters
Chapter 451 Have a Beloved Woman
After waiting for two days, there was still not any movement of the other side at all. Xia Yu couldn't help looking for Shen Yan and asked him to withdraw the bodyguard so as to draw out those people. Shen Yan asked about the reason, and Xia Yu told what Aunt Ma said to her to Shen Yan. He frowned when hearing that. "Xia Yu, now the government and the underworld in S city are looking for them. You think they really dare to do anything to you boldly?" "If they don't come out, how can I prove my innocence?" Xia Yu thought Shen Yan was right, and they did not dare to appear, but this was exactly the worst situation. "You are innocent without any evidence." Even if no one believed Xia Yu, Shen Yan would definitely believe her. "Although this is true, if others say that you are engaged to a person who has already been married, your reputation will be harmed." Xia Yu heard every word uttered by his families and relatives that day.
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Chapter 452 See the Person Who Framed Her
After Xia Yu came out, she looked around and finally found Shen Yan in the crowd. She had to sit down not far from him and wait for the ending of their talking before she came for him. Young Master Du came over to greet her. "Xia Yu, why don't you go there?" "You know I don't like to socialize!" Xia Yu smiled slightly, looking away from Young Master Du's face at his female companion beside him and nodding to greet her. But she was wondering in her heart where Fang Feifei was and why she didn't come with him. The woman looked very tasteful. Was Fang Feifei not afraid that Du Zishu would be robbed by this woman? "That's true." Du Zishu smiled and sat down next to Xia Yu. After a while of chatting, Xia Yu saw that it was almost time, so she tenderly asked to leave first. "I'll take leave of the host!" Shen Yan stood up. "Let's go, too." Du Zishu didn't like this kind of wine party as well, so he intende
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Chapter 453 You Should Give Me the Alimony Payment
Xia Yu just made a casual comment, while he really took it seriously and was ready to watch a movie with her. Wanting to say no, she was a little embarrassed. After standing at the door for a while, she said, "Wait for me for a while and I'll change the clothes." Her clothes were full of the smell of alcohol, and Shen Yan was obsessive about cleanliness. Xia Yu was afraid to bother him. Soon they went to the theater, and Shen Yan bought the movie tickets and some snacks. Then they entered the screening room. The movie hadn't started yet, and the music was playing. When the deafening sound came into her ears, Xia Yu felt a saw constantly sawing the nerves in her head. "Xia Yu, what's wrong with you?" Shen Yan asked Xia Yu anxiously when he saw that she didn't look well. "The sound is too loud. I'll go to the restroom first." Xia Yu immediately stood up from her seat. She had to take a break. Just afte
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Chapter 454 My Master Wants You
What appeared was an arresting title. "A notorious scumbag betrayed his boss and ex-wife." With a video attached below, it showed the scene that Wanru, holding the divorce agreement paper, asked for alimony from Zhang Hanyu. Was he so cruel to her that she revenged on him so hard? Zhang Hanyu felt desperate, but he could do nothing to her. This video was more of a hit than the former one because Wanru got the evidence. The Internet was rife with railings. Shen Mo was so angry that he almost smashed his phone to vent his anger. Though Zhang Hanyu took all the responsibility of having set up Shen Yan, plenty of people in their circle thought Shen Mo was the one to blame. A busybody checked the security monitoring video of the hotel this time and found the suspect was the one wanted by the police, who tried to kidnap Xia Yu. Considering that Zhang Hanyu violated the law on bail, many people advised that he should be put into pris
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Chapter 455 They Are True Love
She had made a decision? What did that mean? Xia Yu was shocked and looked at Shen Yan again, who frowned heavily. She was sure in her mind that they had something more important. "She really has made up her mind. Otherwise, she wouldn't let me come to find you, Young Master Yan." The woman said calmly. "Well, good. In this case, I'll go with you." Shen Yan said and stood up. Xia Yu and Zhang Peng stood up, too. They looked at him without saying anything. "I have something to deal with. Zhang Peng, send Xia Yu home later, please." Shen Yan finished his words and left without looking back. "Xia Yu, what does he mean?" Zhang Peng was really very confused. How could he leave without any explanation? "He has his own business. Never mind. We just have fun. Leave him alone." Though Xia Yu was very curious as well, she believed that if Shen Yan didn't say it, he must have his reason. When they
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Chapter 456 Don't Want to Go Home
"Auntie, you can rest assured. As long as I can do it, I will do it." Shen Yan patted Madame Zeng's back and comforted her while saying. "Shen Yan, thank you. I said back then that you were a good boy. It was her father who couldn't tell the good from the bad. That's how we got to this stage." Madame Zeng cried even louder. Was this a promise to Madame Zeng? Xia Yu turned pale and took a step back before turning around and running out. She fled weakly. Eventually, she did not go in or pull Shen Yan away. She ran out of Mr. Huang's house and kept running on the road until her tired legs could no longer move. Her legs were soft, and the whole body was paralyzed on the ground. "Huh, huh…" Xia Yu panted and gasped. She bent down, and her body was shaking constantly. "Xia Yu?" A silvery BMW parked beside Xia Yu. The door was opened, and Li Wen came out. He looked at her with surprise. "Why are you sitting on the ground
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Chapter 457 We Should Break Up If There's No Trust
Xia Yu hesitated for a while before pressing the answer button. "Xia Yu, you finally answered my phone. Where are you now?" There was a voice of excitement and exhilaration on the phone, which belonged to Shen Yan. Yet, his voice sounded hoarse and tired at the same time. It seemed that he didn't sleep all night. "I'll go back later." She would have to sit down and talk to him anyway. She had to face it eventually, didn't she? "I will come…" "Xia Yu, I'll send you back later." Li Wen came over and said to Xia Yu with a smile. Apparently, Shen Yan on the phone heard his words, and he stopped talking suddenly. Xia Yu heard the heavy breath sound from the phone, which was followed by a roar of gritting the teeth. "Why is there a man's voice? Where are you now?" The roar pierced through Xia Yu's eardrum, and it almost deafened her. It showed how strong Shen Yan's fury was. "Where am I? It s
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Chapter 458 In This Way, You Are Satisfied?
"Xia Yu, Shen Yan loves you. You can feel it from his words and actions. You didn't come home last night. He was worried sick. He was both worried and anxious. Don't overthink it." Wanru would never believe that Shen Yan still had feelings for Zeng Mina. She asked Xia Yu to think about it calmly. But Xia Yu really couldn't let it go just yet. It might be because she was the one dealing with it. So, the thing's severity got magnified countless times. So did her emotion. Wanru couldn't feel her sorrow and pain in her mind. Wanru's phone rang at this moment. "It's from Shen Yan." Wanru said to Xia Yu while pointing to the phone's screen. Xia Yu's heart bounced rapidly several times. "Um. Xia Yu is at my place now. Okay. I know. Don't worry. She is fine now. I'll take good care of her." Wanru chatted with him. After she hung up the phone, she said excitedly, "See. He cares about you a lot. He asked me to take good care of you. Stop
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Chapter 459 It Turned Out to Be a Joke
"Listen to her. She admitted herself." Second Madame pointed to Shen Yan's nose. This useless brat wouldn't defend her, would he? "I admitted. Are you satisfied?" Xia Yu sat in front of her computer after saying that. She typed a resignation letter quickly and gave it to Shen Yan. "I will vanish myself. So, you won't become a joke to your family." "Xia Yu!" Shen Yan wanted to go after her. But Second Madame stopped him. "Mom, what are you doing?" Seeing Xia Yu going into the elevator, Shen Yan went back angrily. He sat on the couch. "Mom, I really don't know if you are my real mom or not." "You bastard. How dare you talk about your mom like that? How badly I have suffered for you all these years! Now you dare to blame your mom for a fickle woman?" Second Madame was so angry that she was shivering. "You did this for me? Then why do you always help First Madame? They bribed Madame Zeng into starting a rumor about me
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Chapter 460 Give Some Compensation
"What are you doing while surrounding my home?" A woman who seemed to be 40 years old walked over quickly with her loud voice and eyebrows which were risen. There was a shrewd look in his eyes. "Shu Hong, your nephew, Cheng Xi, has come back." One of the villagers said. The woman named Shu Hong turned stiff when she heard the name of Cheng Xi. A look of dislike flashed through her eyes quickly. This woman was the wife of Cheng Xi's first uncle. It was their family who bought this house in front of them to raise rabbits. Cheng Xi instantly hid behind Xia Yu and Wanru when he saw that woman was coming up. Xia Yu's heart sank when she saw this reaction of Cheng Xi. "Well, you are the one who is from the city and adopted Cheng Xi, right? Well, our Cheng Xi is so lucky that he can follow you to live a rich life in the future." The woman said with a fake smile and then went to pull Cheng Xi. She said, "Let's go! Let's g
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