All Chapters of My Lovely Wife is a Forensic Doctor: Chapter 431 - Chapter 440
530 Chapters
Chapter 432 Female Suspects?
"Please!" Rong Jian, who was walking at the end, immediately paused and turned around."Tonight after nine o'clock, uh, now I should say last night, when I went out after nine o'clock, I saw a cleaning aunt knocking on her door. I didn't think much of it at the time, but now that I think about it, I think it's very wrong, because there's no way a cleaning auntie wouldn't be off work that late. Unless this cleaning aunty is a relative of her family."This clue immediately aroused Rong Jian's great attention: "Do you see this cleaning aunt's appearance?"He knew very well that Yin Anran didn't have such a relative.The woman shook her head, "I was in a hurry to get out of the house, plus I didn't notice anything strange at the time, so I didn't look closely.""Then how do you know she's the cleaning aunt?" Mu pursued."Because she was wearing the blouse of the neighborhood cleaning aunts. This blouse is uniformly worn by the neighborhood cleaning au
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Chapter 433 You Can't Help Yourself
"Sister Shin Tian, why are you here?" MuYu looked at Yin ShinTian who appeared at the aisle entrance in surprise."Young granny!" When Mu Yu greeted Yin Xiaotian, Weng Yun, who was afraid that she would walk towards Yin Xiaotian, immediately rushed over to stop her, while staring at Yin Xiaotian vigilantly.Weng Yun's very hostile reaction embarrassed Yin Xiaotian, the smile on her face instantly became unnatural, perhaps out of politeness, she did not turn away immediately, and after a slight pause, she forcefully smiled before voicing her confusion, "I was woken up by the noises over here, and I didn't know what was going on, so I came over to take a look, and I didn't expect you to be in the ......""Forensics Feng, Forensics Zhang, I'll have Xiao Wu escort you back to the station."Not far away, Fan Li Feng's voice unexpectedly inserted, Yin Xiaotian immediately paused, at the same time greatly surprised to follow up, "The forensic doctor and the police a
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Chapter 434 It's Too Hard
"What does missing mean?" Mu Yu climbed up in a single bound and asked after him sharply."Missing means, just can't find her!""Didn't I give you her ward number? How come you can't find her? Either that or you ask the nurse lady where that ward is.""Young granny, you've heard the wrong thing!" Li Xianglan was anxious, "It's not that I can't find Ms. Jiang's ward, it's that Ms. Jiang is not in the ward, she's disappeared! I don't know where she went! The hospital doctors and nurses are looking for her everywhere!""She just gave birth to the baby by C-section last night, she's so weak and the baby is still in the hospital, there's no way she'd leave the hospital! Wouldn't have been kidnapped, right?!" Mu Yu jumped out of bed with great nervousness.After all, Jiang Wenwen is now the wife of Wen Zeyu, the youngest member of the Huiming Group, and it's not uncommon for people who seek money to kidnap her in order to blackmail Wen Zeyu."I don't kn
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Chapter 435 Arguments outside the Operating Room
"Huan don't!"Mu Yu exclaimed and went forward to pull Qin Jinhuan, at the same time, Wen Ze Yu who was beaten immediately returned the favor to Qin Jinhuan without showing any weakness.Bian Zijun and Huang Bo, who are standing behind Qin Jinhuan, immediately went to stop Wen Zeyu, and Wen Zeyu's bodyguards and assistants, who were afraid that Wen Zeyu would suffer, also went forward, each one of them rubbing their fists."Don't make a move!" Mu Ye hurriedly straddled the middle between Qin Jinhuan and Wen Ze Yu, pushing Qin Jinhuan back with one hand and holding Wen Ze Yu with the other, shouting to persuade him, "Slowly say what you have to say! Don't make a move!""I've also endured you for a long time!" Wen Ze Yu's gaze looked coldly across Mu Ye to Qin Jinhuan, "Since you started it today, let's have a proper ending."Qin Jinhuan didn't care about him at all, "You tell me how you want to end it.""We ......"The door to the operating r
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Chapter 436 Jiang Wenwen's Pain
Mu Ye secretly breathed a sigh of relief after Qin Jinhuan left: at least she didn't have to worry about him arguing with Wen Ze Yu.Wen Zeyu was also a little surprised to see Qin Jinhuan leave without a word, but he didn't ask much, only glancing faintly out of the corner of his eye for a few moments before turning back to the door of the operating room."It's been in for so long, how come none of the doctors have come out? Wen won't be in trouble, right?""Don't be ridiculous! Shizuku will be fine!"Wen Ze Yu's rebuke caused Mu Yu to be a little aggravated, "I didn't mean anything else, I'm also worried about Wen Wen!""If it wasn't for you, how would Shizuku be sent to the resuscitation room over and over again?!"Wen Ze Yu didn't appreciate Mu Yu's feelings at all, which made Mu Yu even more aggravated, "I don't even know about these things!"After thinking about it, she tried to ask again, "Does what happened in Huacheng really have no
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Chapter 437 Stand-in = Murderer?
Mu Yu grabbed the paper package Bian Zi Jun presented to her and quickly opened it.There are a couple of photos wrapped up inside.The content of the photo made her not feel funny, "Zijun, why did you take in the takeout order? Were you lost in thought when you took the picture?""He didn't make a mistake, it's these photos," Qin Jinhuan took the photos and explained, "This is the consumption record of a phone number that ordered takeout in Huacheng the other day, and the time of the order coincided with the time of your attack in Huacheng."Mu Yan immediately responded, "You found this calling card in Yin Anran Anri?"Qin Jinhuan nodded, "Last night Yan Hao Hao inadvertently touched an organ while rummaging through Yin Anran's belongings at her home ......""Right! Did you find out anything about Yoon Ahn Ran's death? Did you find that cleaner?" Mu Yan suddenly thought of Yin Anran's case and immediately interrupted to interject a follow-up ques
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Chapter 438 Another Hand?
"Stand-ins?!" Rong Jian then reacted, but didn't pursue this issue, but pondered about the height, "We have carefully investigated, there are three women in this apartment who are around one meter seventy-five in height, one of them is traveling on business, and two of them have been in the apartment the whole night and are being investigated. In addition, because it is not sure whether the woman wore high heels, considering that most women's high heels are more than six centimeters, so all the women in the apartment who are taller than one meter sixty-eight are also in the focus of the investigation. Considering the fact that the cleaner could be a man dressed as a woman, men of similar size within this height range were also included in the investigation. If this fake cleaner is the double that Yoon Ahn Ran used to use, then our investigation scope can again be reduced.""These are the only residents of this apartment, if the murderer is really in the apartment, it shouldn't
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Chapter 439 A Ridiculous Hostage Taking
Mu Yu was stunned by her actions, her hand instinctively gripped the blade of the knife, and while trying to push her away, she asked in shock, "Sister Shin Tian, what are you doing ...""Don't move if you don't want to die!"Yin Xiaotian's grim voice sounded from behind her ear, and when her body stiffened slightly, Yin Xiaotian clasped her throat with one hand."Sister Shinten ...""Yoon Shin-ten! What are you doing?!" Weng Yun, who wasn't far from Mu Yu, realized something was wrong and immediately rushed over with a stern rebuke.Because of the last car accident, he had been wary of Yin Xiaotian, so every time Mu Yan and Yin Xiaotian came into contact he was very careful, not daring to take his eyes off Mu Yan for a second. But today, after entering this apartment, Yin Xiaotian had been crying because of Xin Yihan's injury, and her sad and worried look paralyzed him a little, plus when they entered the kitchen, he saw the knife resting in the corner
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Chapter 440 How is she?
"What did she do to you?""You don't need to know that much." Yin Xiaotian ruthlessly pressed Mu Mu against the guardrail."Ah!" The small half of her body hung in the air, Mu Yumi fumed as she looked at the people and cars that were as small as ants under the ground."Stop! Let go of Xiaoyu!" Qin Jinhuan's urgent voice rang out from behind himself, "Don't hurt Xiaoyu!""No coming over!" Yin Xiaotian immediately yanked MuYu back and warned in a stern voice, presumptuously approaching Qin Jinhuan, "Back off! All of you back off! If you dare to take half a step forward, I will die with her!""Don't mess around!" Already seeing Yin Xiaotian's madness, Qin Jinhuan stopped it while taking small steps backward."Stay away if you want me to stop messing around!""Yin Xiaotian, what is your purpose in holding Whisper hostage? Tell me your demands and I'll fulfill them.""Demands?" Yin Xiaotian stared at Qin Jinhuan and smiled coldly, "I've alr
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Chapter 441 The Anguish
"Convenient for revenge."Yin Xiaotian's four light words enraged Weng Yun, "You wicked woman! Kengtian has treated you well, and you're doing this to Kengtian! Do you want to bring down Kengtian?""I only care about avenging Xia, I can't care about anything else!""You're so selfish!""She's not just selfish, she's downright hateful!" Huang Bo picked up on Weng Yun's words and scolded Yin Xiaotian, "You've been with Prime for so many years, you should know very well how many people will face unemployment once Prime closes down, and how many families will face difficulties in their lives. Your revenge is avenged, you are happy, but you have never thought about how many people will suffer as a result of your happiness! If Xiaoxia is alive, do you think she'll be grateful to you for avenging her death? No! She won't be grateful at all! She would only blame you! Blaming you for your ruthlessness! Blame your selfishness for causing harm to the innocent!""R
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