All Chapters of The General’s Genius Daughter: Chapter 131 - Chapter 140
338 Chapters
Chapter 131 Sound-Transmitting Spiritual Stone
It was known that one who had thousands of gold would also have it difficult to own one such medicine pellets. And as for these excellent medicine pellets, it was likely that only Yun Shimo could refine them. Of course, there would be other reclusive masters. But they also were hard to invite over. It was even harder than inviting Western Buddha. So the First Prince could ascertain that the Universe Revival Pellet must have been refined by Yun Shimo! The Changlong Emperor's eyes were bright and said happily, "Was this made by Prince Nan?" "Yes. I went to Prince Nan's mansion for several days to ask for medicine. Prince Nan was moved by my sincerity, so he promised to make this Universe Revival Pellet to me. Your Majesty and Father, this kind of pellet can strengthen the body, which is suitable for you to take!" Huangfu Shenglin said with a light smile, but his eyes did not have any sense of self-publicity. The Cha
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Chapter 132 The First Prince's Invitation
Princess Huiya nodded cleverly. She said, "Okay, I'll wait here for your return." After hearing that, Shui Qianruo was satisfied. He thought that thanks to the Queen's hallucinatory drug, Princess Huiya had become so clever and gentle. It was worth paying anything. Naturally, Shui Qianruo would not think that he would be killed by Hua Qiyue. After all, he was the most outstanding poisoner in the world. Although Hua Qiyue and Yun Shimo had detoxified his poision, if he really wanted to be ruthlessly... Shui Qianruo left the dining hall. Princess Huiya sat there with a complicated light in her eyes. —————— "Idiot, this rune is written like this, not like that!" With a roar of anger, Hua Qiyue looked helplessly at the tiny hare in front of her. She was speechless. It was said that the rune was the most difficult thing to learn in the world. Each time she wrote down a rune, her head was in pain as if it
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Chapter 133 Pentagram Tactical Deployment
The Prince had already set up a banquet by the river. There were probably dozens of Qi Artists on one side, dozens of maids standing quietly beside the First Prince and all the delicacies from mountains and seas on the table. The crescent moon had climbed high in the sky. Its cool light fell on the river, covering it with a silver light. As the wind blew, willows danced in the wind. The current was cool and made people feel confortable. Musicians were blowing soft and sweet melodies on one side, which made the whole people feel relaxed. "To my surprise, Princess Jinghua is present. I'm flattered." First Prince greeted politely, with a complex look between his eyebrows and eyes. Of course, Hua Qiyue had felt his changes. At the beginning, the First Prince was full of affection for her. No—it should be said to be full of desire. Now, Hua Qiyue and Yun Shimo showed up as a pair. And she was the enemy of the Liu famil
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Chapter 134 Entering the Trap
"What's going on? My poisonous fog... It should only deal with the designated person!" Shui Qianruo cried in shock. The poisonous fog had drifted between them. Several Qi Artists failed to defend from it and fell into the imaginary scene. Shui Qianruo's face changed greatly, and the First Prince also seemed to see something. He was drooling and cheered, "Come on... Hua Qiyue, how beautiful you are... You're so beautiful. Let me kiss you!" The First Prince's words made the Qi Artists not far away from him angry and fearful. They did not expect that the First Prince would be poisoned in this risky hour! "Now, everybody attack her together!" Shui Qianruo saw his hallucinogen was ineffective for Hua Qiyue, so he could not help shouting angrily. After his voice fell, everyone emerged from the darkness! All the Qi Artists had surrounded Hua Qiyue with a thick circle in a flash! Shui Qianruo immediately too
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Chapter 135 Whereabouts
The Changlong Emperor also said that Hua Qiyue must come forward within ten days, otherwise the whole Hua family would be killed by the Palace Guards. The news caused turbulence in the whole continent. Everyone knew that Hua Qiyue was a remarkable woman, but she suddenly became a great enemy of the imperial dynasty. It could be seen that she was too abnormal. Old Madame Hua was so angry that she was ill in bed. And Hua Liting produced pained looks. In the past, when she was proud of herself, he warned her not to be too high-profile, otherwise it would cause trouble. Unexpectedly, this time troubles really came to her. The Emperor had issued an order to kill her. It seemed that it was really difficult for Hua Qiyue to recover from this. The relationship between Yun Shimo, the Prince Nan, and Hua Qiyue was private. However, when the Palace Guards went to check Prince Nan's mansion, there were just empty rooms left.
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Chapter 136 Besieging and Attacking
In the Qifeng Palace, Queen Liu sipped and tasted tea slowly. When she heard the news from her fellows, she could not help raising her eyebrows slightly. At last, there was information about Hua Qiyue. But this time, she was betrayed by Huangfu Shenglin. "Hum, that silly woman really thought Huangfu Shenglin loved her? She must not expect that she would be betrayed by him this time? Huangfu Shenglin forsook her just for earning rewards!" The First Prince said coldly. Although he was already half-paraplegic, the Emperor had promised that he would seek help from Prince Nan to cure him. The First Prince was very angry, but he had to wait until Hua Qiyue was captured and then try his best to find Prince Nan. "Hua Qiyue was cunning. I am afraid that... it could be a trap." Queen Liu gently took a sip of tea. Her heart was full of confusion. Hua Qiyue and Huangfu Shenglin were best friends. She disclosed her hiding place to him inten
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Chapter 137 Thunder Calamity
After circled crazily by that moon-white gas, those liquids quickly condensed into a moon-white medicine pellet! "Done!" Yun Shimo shouted again and clapped on the tripod furnace. Powerful anima energy rolled into it. It was steaming hot inside. Then there was sunglow coming out of the tripod. The medicine pellet flew out, diffusing a strong glow, surrounded by fairy gas, which was extremely beautiful. At this time, there was a great storm outside, and it seemed that there would soon be a Water Thunderstorm. The medicine pellet landed slowly and Yun Shimo was puffing slightly. He felt his spiritual energy almost had been dried up. If he refined longer, he must fail. Fortunately, the tiny hare was around! "Thank you, Sun Moon Deity. Thanks for your ink fire!" Yun Shimo took the medicine pellet that had fallen down. He had finished refining this Rebirth Soul-body Pellet finally. It was as big as his fist, with perfe
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Chapter 138 Evil Eliminating Array
The man who came was Ouyang Youche. The new House Master of Ouyang's family was handsome, tall and strong. With his practice probably in the great completeness of Cultivation Dimension, he was a rare genius. With his practice, he could come up with his skill without walking by himself. Hua Qiyue didn't understand why he showed up suddenly. "Infanta, you are here." Ouyang Youche smiled lightly. He was so handsome that people and gods were indignant about his look. "Yes, I'm here. Young Master Ouyang, I don't expect to see you here. Are you here to kill me?" Hua Qiyue asked with a smile. She spoke so lightly to show she was not nervous at all. It was obvious that she had something or someone behind her. "No." Ouyang Youche shook his head lightly. "The Four Great Families are united to kill you. Infanta, don't you know that?" "Aren't you from the Four Great Families?" Hua Qiyue asked in do
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Chapter 139 Starting the Array
"You are right, House Master Baili. Prince Nan is the most mysterious person. Although Hua Qiyue also has a mysterious master, she can trick us. Maybe Prince Nan is the person behind her!" Ouyang Youche looked up faintly. They looked at each other, and they really had to be ready to be on the run. But to be honest, other people were quite confident about this array except for House Master Baili. A moment later, the powerful array was ready. With a loud shout, the leading Qi Artist put down some handprints to start the array and printed them on the ground ruthlessly. "Start the array! Eliminate evils!" People could see that circled as Hua Qiyue on the Red-crowned Crane Mountain, there was a strange cold light coming up immediately. The Evil Eliminating Array was successfully launched. The array light from the mountainside went straight into the clouds and interweaved instan
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Chapter 140 Ending
"Spirit Absorbing Array! Start!" Hua Qiyue gave a light shout. As for this array, it was taught by Tianpi temporarily. Hua Qiyue found it funny, so she decided to find out the effect at first. "Yun Shimo, let's retreat!" Hua Qiyue shouted softly. She picked up the rabbit lying on the ground in one hand and withdrew from her array with Yun Shimo. Boom, boom— The rune of Spirit Absorbing Array flickered, causing the earth to shake. For an instant, Qi Artists still alive on the mountainside were sucked into the array one by one with whizzing sounds! Liu Mo, House Master Baili, and House Master Xia, who were fifty miles away, also felt soft all over their bodies. They were sucked up by a powerful force. And they couldn't move. With sounds of whiz, they were sucked into the array and fell to the ground awkwardly. It was funny that creatures not far away, such as wild boars, leopard cats, phe
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