All Chapters of The General’s Genius Daughter: Chapter 201 - Chapter 210
338 Chapters
Chapter 201 Hua Qiyue's Mad!
Hua Qiyue raced madly to the tall tower. It's getting near! When she was there, Hua Qiyue indeed did not see a soul. Prince Nan's mansion was so big, yet there was no one inside. Even the plants in the big herb fields had been all pulled out. Hua Qiyue dashed to the front of the tower. She saw that the black array surrounding the tower was gone. The leaves of its large, mysterious door were half-open. "Tianci!" Hua Qiyue cried. Her heart was thumping. For some reason, the uneasiness in her heart had intensified. Hua Qiyue kicked open the door of the tower with one kick. Other than grave shock, she also felt terror. The door could only be opened by Yun Shimo in the past. Now, she could kick it open with one kick. In other words, the sorcery of the tower was gone. Hua Qiyue instantly felt her heart being ripped apart. Yun Shimo was certainly not a simple man. H
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Chapter 202 Her Enemies in Former Days
That two men quickly left Cloud Dragon Inn and came to a small wood that was located in the north of the city, throwing Hua Qiyue heavily down to that pile of withered grass. "Sect Leader, junior Sect Leader, we brought them to you!" The two men said reverently. There were several people in front of the two men, and one of these people was an old woman who was roughly fifty or sixty, while another was a maiden of seventeen or eighteen. They were Sect Leader Hong and Hongyi. In the battle against Gnawing Devils Sect, they didn't join the alliance, but hid themselves to witness the battle. They had expected that Hua Qiyue would have been seriously injured or killed by the Venerated Supreme Devil, but unexpectedly, Hua Qiyue had survived from the battle. However, when they intended to seize the chance to kill Hua Qiyue, Left Custodian and Right Custodian had already taken action. Surprisingly, Hua Qiyue
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Chapter 203 To Fan the Emperor Down to the Ground
"Qiyue, don't be guilty. If you let go of them, I'm afraid that they will turn against you in the future." Ji Feng comforted Hua Qiyue as he thought that she was feeling guilty about killing so many people. Hua Qiyue slightly twitched her mouth and gave a smile which looked uglier than crying. "I'm not guilty..." "Yes, Princess, if you didn't kill them, you might leave trouble to yourself!" "Right, such vicious people deserve to die!" "They actually intended to torture you to die, why would you let go of them?" Those people from gangs who stood aside said and showed their support. Hua Qiyue glanced at them and found that many of these kind people once accepted her tasks, so she bowed with her hands folded in front of her chest to show her gratitude to them. Then, Ji Feng set forth to return to the capital. One month ago, she was so hurried to chase after Princess Qianyang
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Chapter 204 Leaving the Capital
The Emperor and the others were all brought crashing down, their blood spattering across the floor. They struggled to get up but felt that their meridians had been shattered – they could not move at all. Hua Qiyue moved forward. A great number of Qi Artists had dashed in from outside, but when they saw the scene, they were so startled that they dared not move. After all, the 20 Qi Artists with the Emperor were supreme experts, but they had been knocked aside by Hua Qiyue's one move. If they attacked, would they not die? Hua Qiyue gave a derisive snort, the chilling aura emanating from her body causing the Qi Artists in the front to move aside, allowing her to pass. "I'm not going to kill you, for the sake of the Crown Prince. But... you will end up being crippled for life and paralyzed on the bed because of the power of the Drunken Flower Fan. If you dare to oppose me again, you will die!" The Emperor was in so much pain
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Chapter 205 A Letter from Yun Shimo
How could Huangfu Shenglin accept this? Hua Qiyue smiled. Her haggard face showed a gentle smile, but the look in her eyes was exceptionally deep and meaningful. "Your Royal Highness, no matter where I go, as long as you treat me as a friend, I shall always remain a citizen of Changjing Kingdom." Huangfu Shenglin felt his heart shudder. Hua Qiyue meant that if he did not raid Hua's Mansion and chose to believe in her unconditionally, treating her as a friend, she would never betray Changjing Kingdom. Huangfu Shenglin stared into her crystal-clear eyes and began to nod. "In my heart... you will always be the most important. If, one day, you would like to return to my side, I will wait for you, Qiyue. The Empress's seat will be vacant for you!"Huangfu Shenglin's eyes revealed his madly adoring fervor. Hua Qiyue only lowered her head quietly, not saying anything. He stood quietly, feeling an infinite sense of despond
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Chapter 206 The Mysterious Handsome Man, Xuanji
Hua Qiyue gazed indifferently in the direction of that voice. She saw a woman in purple robe staring coldly at her, with a young man by her side who was also deriding her. "Yes, he has contributed greatly to the defeat of the Gnawing Devils Sect. Wasn't this Qi Artist sent by the Changlong Emperor?" So they were admirers of Yun Shimo. Hua Qiyue did not care for them. After all, since that battle, she had been the victim of Yun Shimo’s actions! Especially after he had eloped with Princess Qianyang, the cad. That woman in purple remembered something suddenly and started to shriek. "Ah... she couldn't be that Hua Qiyue, could she?" Her words aroused the curiosity of everyone. All their attention turned to Hua Qiyue. "Would you like the assignment to be long-term or short-term?" "A long-term one," Hua Qiyue said quietly. She took out her only banknote, equivalent to 1,000,000 taels of gold. "After you ha
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Chapter 207 Surrounded by Handsome Guys
The speaker was Medicine Saint Ji Feng, accompanied by Ji Jing and Huangfu Xuan.Hua Qiyue was quite surprised; she left the capital secretly and had not notified them, but they took only two months to track her down. Seeing their clothes dusty from travel, their faces sallow, she could tell how hard they were searching. Hua Qiyue felt touched. She had not expected Ji Feng and the others to care so much about her. "Sister Qiyue, we've finally found you!" Ji Jing dashed into her arms, embracing Hua Qiyue. She also started to complain bitterly. “I’m so tiiiiiiired!”Ji Feng and Huangfu Xuan drew near her. "Qiyue, are you alright?" Ji Feng asked.Hua Qiyue smiled and nodded. She was used to disguising the pain in her heart and seemed unruffled on the surface. No one could guess how much grief she felt inside. "I'm fine. I didn't expect you guys to be here," Hua Qiyue said, quite embarrassed. She looked int
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Chapter 208 Xuanji's Divination
Xuanji strode over to her, giving Hua Qiyue the bag with the bottles of divine fluids. "Qiyue, don't you want these fluids? Take them." Hua Qiyue took the bag in a daze. She could still remember Yun Shimo stuffing the refined fluid into her hand. Since it had been specially refined by Yun Shimo, it would be much better than these purchased by Xuanji. But Xuanji was also quite concerned about her. However, Hua Qiyue could not accept the fact that someone once so loving and gentle to her had turned into a completely different person. Seeing Qiyue's dazed look, Huangfu Xuan called out to her softly, pulled her over to his side, and stared coldly at Xuanji. He was fuming. "Xuanji, what do you mean by this? You know that she will miss Yun Shimo when she sees this!"Xuanji's countenance was cold as he glanced at Huangfu Xuan. "If a person cannot face her weakness and her past, what's the point of being alive?" "You're ru
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Chapter 209 Where is he?
Xuanji stared quietly at Hua Qiyue. "If you can't untangle the knot in your heart, you won't be able to calm down. Let me cast a divination lot for your heart." Hua Qiyue was relieved that he had agreed to divine her future, but she was also worried – what if the news was bad? After all, she did not know the reason why Yun Shimo had taken Tianci away. Could Tianci have had an accident? Xuanji took out an Eight Trigrams Diagram from his Space Ring. Then, he took out a few crystals Hua Qiyue had not seen before and placed them on top of it. He then took out a very mysterious diagram. Hua Qiyue could not understand the strange symbols on it. Even though she had learned the rune, it was obviously quite different from the inscriptions on this diagram. Xuanji took up a white crystal and placed it gently on the diagram. He spun it, and it spun for a while before slowly coming to rest. It stopped on a spot with some strange textures re
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Chapter 210 A Burning Love
As the night breeze caressed the air gently, Hua Qiyue put all her concentration on cultivation. She no longer thought about Yun Shimo and Tianci. The pain she had felt was now concealed without a trace. The Bodhi Tree emitted a faint silvery light, like moonlight, gently enveloping Hua Qiyue under it. The hidden pair of eyes was suddenly full of astonishment. Hua Qiyue only felt her entire body full of anima energy. The Spirit Summoning Art's anima energy in her Sea of Qi was now abundant. Each time a person mastered a secret art, his or her body would contain a Sea of Qi. How much anima energy was contained in one's body would depend on that Sea of Qi. The bigger it was, the more powerful the secret art, and the higher the level. Even when Hua Qiyue shut her eyes, she could still sense the anima energy flowing inside her body. The abundant anima energy of the heaven and the earth all gushed into her Sea of Qi. S
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