All Chapters of Yours, Forever: Chapter 61 - Chapter 70
128 Chapters
Damien checked his watch as he walked into the private air strip. He still couldn't believe a week had passed so quickly. It flew by so fast that he barely noticed, and this was because he had spent most of it with his family. After dinner with his mother the last time, she and his sister Layla had begged and convinced him to stay for a few more days, and he had agreed because he had nothing important to do.It had been a while since he spent quality time with them, and he didn't regret his decision to stay back one bit. Frankly speaking, the last week seemed to be the most fun days he'd had in months.At his large apartment, when he came back from work he would just sit around with nothing to do, but with his family, they had kept him on his toes and busy always and he had enjoyed every moment.He had felt human again, and even though he returned home few days later he still missed them, cherishing the time they’d spent. Now he vowed he would always make time to go see and spend s
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Sixty One
Madison had never walked to work as fast as she did that morning. After a long week, it was finally the last day of the month, and also payday for her. She was so excited for all the things she would finally be able to get, and internally she had promised to treat herself to something really lavish when she finally got paid. Maybe a baked strawberry iced cake would do some good to her sweet greedy tooth, or some chocolate chip cookies. She didn't remember the last time she'd had those treats, and she certainly deserved it as she had been working so hard. She smiled as she cornered into the street that would lead to her workplace. The fact that she felt excited seemed strange to her suddenly, as Madison noted to herself that she couldn't describe exactly how she felt right now. She'd had such a shitty month, so it was nice to have something to look forward to, but even then whenever she recalled the threats lingering at her neck, her excitement died down instant.Discarding those
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Sixty Two
KATHERINEKatherine was feeling pretty confident after the bakery incident with Madison. She was glad with how everything seemed to have gone, and even though she was already planning her next move, for now she decided to lay low and not do anything else so soon. All she had to do for now actually was observe. It was necessary for the threats to sink in. So she just stayed in her hotel, checking his things would play out. Today though, she was busy scrolling through her phone, when she remembered that she needed more information on Damien's whereabouts – She had to know if he was still in New York and what plans he had, or if he was not. Better still the only person she could call, and who could answer this questions was his secretary. She also decided to ask why he had canceled his flight, and she was going to ask a whole lot. Katherine was past caring if the secretary would suspect anything, as she just needed to have the necessary information now.Picking up her phone, she di
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Sixty Three
"What are you doing here?" Madison gasped in surprise when she opened the door to see Gina standing in front of her door. She didn't have work today as it was the weekend so she wasn't expecting anyone, and she had been surprised when she heard someone knocking at her door. She had also been a little scared, but then it was broad daylight and the weekend too. All her neighbors were hanging around the front yard, and so so she confidently opened up. Gina had a huge smile plastered over her face as she faced Madison, “What do you think? It's morning, and I can visit my friends or can’t I? Have you also forgotten what we planned to do today?”Madison laughed, shaking her head as she remembered that they had made plans to go out today, but she hadn't expected Gina this early at all. “It's nine in the morning miss. Don’t you think it’s a little bit early?“ She complained, rubbing her forehead and opening the door wider for her friend to come in but Gina just shrugged, "The earlier we l
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Sixty Four
Damien felt refreshed when he awakened the next morning. He had slept for about ten hours and he was feeling much better now.His visit to the spa yesterday which included a needed body massage, had also helped his intended relaxation. Not accustomed to eating breakfast, he showered and went through his morning routine, and then checked in briefly with his company in New York. It had only been a day since he got to London, but he had already resolved within himself to check in with the manager whenever he got the chance, and so far it was going smoothly. He spent the rest of the morning going through the documents and charts concerning the hotel he was staying in, and so far Damien was impressed. There was practically nothing to complain about. The system was so spotless that he didn't see the need to take over or change anything, as that might even ruin their momentum, and he found that he quite enjoyed how the manager ran the place. He was even considering applying the same syste
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Sixty Five
Damien munched on his toast and scrambled eggs in satisfaction. His morning had begun on a very good note. With the cool air and the amazing view of the sunrise right outside his window, he couldn't possibly wake up in a bad mood. The first thing he had done was to head to the gym, and after an hour of rigorous exercise he had come back to his room, drenched in sweat but invigorated as well.After that he had taken a long cool shower, and since he had already requested for room service before going to the gym, the knock that sounded on his door by 9AM did not surprise him. They had brought in the requested breakfast meal, and right now he was almost done with it. A fresh glass of juice sat on the edge of the tray and as soon as he was done with the eggs and toast, he gulped the fresh squeezed fruit juice down. Thirty minutes later, Damien sat in the balcony of his suite. He had finished his morning routine, checked in with the company, with his mother, and with the hotel as well.
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Sixty Six
Damien checked the address Alvarez had sent him for the fifth time, as he neared the neighborhood. He glanced at it once more to make sure he was correct, and then looked up at the signboard at the beginning of the street, but it was the exact same thing. He couldn't help but feel astonished. He knew Madison wasn't living as comfortably as she used to, and that she was having a very hard time, but he never expected that it would be this bad. The street narrowed as he progressed, and although it had not been raining much, the whole place was basically a swamp. Every house Damien's eyes fell on was dilapidated and tiny, with barely any windows and weak strips of wood that were supposed to serve as the door. For a moment, he began to wonder how she was surviving in this place. It was so terrible. She was really having it bad, and he also realized that this was where she must have been living even before she came to New York, as his private investigator had also made it known to hi
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Sixty Seven
KATHERINEThe first thing Katherine felt as she slowly awakened was an annoying sense of déjà vu. She was in the exact position as she was the first time she had opened her eyes, and speaking of that time she didn't even remember what had happened. All she knew was that she had been injected with something, but surprisingly and unlike the last time, she was calm and composed. She looked up at the tube descending all the way down to the cannula in her hand, wondering what all of this was about. The lights overhead in the ceiling were still as blinding as before, piercing into her orbs and she had to put a free hand over her eyes to shade them. When her eyes had finally adjusted to the light, and she no longer had to wince every few seconds, she let her sight roam the ward she was in. For the first time since she'd awakened, she noticed that a man was standing a few feet away from her bed, and the white coat he had on told her that he was the doctor, supposedly the one in charge of
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Sixty Eight
Today, Madison woke up earlier than she usually did, so she had about about two hours to clean, make breakfast and probably dinner as she would be coming back a little late, clean her room and then prepare for work. She felt so much better today than she usually did. The past few days had been somewhat therapeutic for her, and she liked it so much.Shopping with Gina had been a major incident that had brought her happiness, and just yesterday, Mrs Sterling and her other neighbors had invited her over. She had spent nearly the entire day with them, talking and playing with the kids, and when night dawned and she had to leave, she had been quiet, but even then she did enjoy every moment. Madison had decided to make out time to visit her friends in the neighborhood at least once a week, since they’d complained of not seeing her very often since she'd started working, and she knew there was truth in their statement. She left early and came back late, unless she had the day off and on
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Sixty Nine
KATHERINEKatherine eyed the nurse in contempt as she disconnected the tubes they had fixed in her, pulling out the cannula gently. Hissing, Katherine pushed the nurse aside and stood from the bed. Being in this darn place had felt like being caged, and she longed to teach all these bastards a lesson. They'd had the audacity to push her around and drug her at will, and once again she still hadn't gotten over the fact that the idiot who called himself a doctor had said she was crazy. She had a mental illness right? Well she would show them she was really mad by the time she was done with them.Shutting down the damn hospital should be enough of a lesson to them, and she would do so as soon as she got her bearings. She would get in touch with her lawyer soon, and take matters in her hands.She had gotten the chance to speak with her father about this, saying bad things about the staffs, and as soon as he could, he had sent someone over to London, calling and ordering the hospital to
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