All Chapters of The Alpha Within Her: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
31 Chapters
Chapter 11
WREN“NO!” Lucius yells as he walks away from me.“Lucius, we’re in trouble. We need help!” I follow him out to the spot where he chops his wood.“Forget it, Wren. Not happening?” He grabs a log and places it on a stump and grabs his axe. He swings it up and brings it down on the log, splitting it in two.I sigh in frustration. “Lu. What are you going to do when the rest of the Nomads come down on us? Devlin was right. We can’t fight all of them.”He picks up a half and puts it on the stump. He swings and splits in quarters. “We’ll fight. Just like we always have.” He splits the other half into quarters.He picks up the wood and carries it to his fire. Squatting down, he throws one piece onto the burning pile.“You can’t fight everyone, Lu. You don’t have the fighters!” I flail my arms out to the side.He stands and leans close. “I’m not calling the fucking Alliance, Wren. Drop it!” He growls.“Lucius, please be reasonable here. We have the manpower, the weapons. We can get you anythi
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Chapter 12
LUCIUS I stand with Curtis on my right side. “What do you want, Xavier?” I grumble. “Lucius. I only want to talk. To see if there’s any negotiation we can do.” Xavier smiles. I raise a brow. “You want to negotiate.” Out of the corner of my eye, Wren joins me on my left. I glance behind me and the Alphas are flanking me. “Lady Alpha. Nice to see you again?” Xavier bows. Wren leans to me. “What does he want?” I lean to her. “He wants to negotiate.” She nods and continues to glare at him. “Name your terms.” I stand firm. Xavier brushes his suit sleeves and steps forward. “Ok. We provide you protection as it were, and you give us one fighter. That’s it. We also call off the other nomads.” He eyes me. “One fighter. That’s it?” I don’t believe him. “One specific fighter to be exact.” He tilts his head down and eyes Wren with that evil face of his. I follow his gaze. “No. Not a chance!” I push Wren behind me. “If we can’t come to an agreement, Alpha, I’ll have no choice but to
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Chapter 13
WREN“There’s no service!” Luke spins around, holding his phone up to the sky as he walks around the clearing toward the village.I look back. “No. You need satellite phones.”He throws his arms up. “Well, how the hell am I going to play my Playlist now?”“Stop complaining, Alpha.” Alexi walks beside him.He scowls. “Babe, you know I like to fire guns to music.”“You’d be surprised how much you can live without, Luke.” I turn and walk backwards.“Hey, if I can’t hear Black Sabbath at least once a day, I’m grumpy as hell, alright.” He stuffs his hands in the pockets of his jeans.Alexi huffs. “I swear. It’s like dealing with a child.”He points to her. “Hey. This child rocks your world every night, Ok. Remember that.”She rolls her eyes and shakes her head. I laugh and turn back around.We get half way across the clearing and Lucius is standing at the village entrance. His chest is out and his arms are crossed. He has a threatening look on his face.Luke leans to me. “Is that him?”I n
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Chapter 14
LUCIUS“Ok, Lu. Come on." Luke adjusts my feet and arms while I hold the gun in my hands.I watch him touching me, making me feel extremely uncomfortable.I narrow my eyes. “Don’t call me Lu.” I grumble low.He looks at me and grins. “No problem, buddy.” He taps my elbow straight.“Alright, Tarzan. Show me what you got.” He slaps back.I turn my head to him, scowling.He waves me to go on.I huff a breath and look at the target paper pinned to a tree. I aim the gun and pull the trigger. The guns fires making me flinch. The bullet glances the tree and flies into the forest. I drop the gun to my side and roll my head to Luke.He stands with his arm around his chest and his other hand rubbing his chin. “Ok. Maybe. Here….” He comes behind me and twists my hips. Adjust my feet and arms.I look straight ahead. “Stop…. touching me.” I seethe. He backs off. “Will you relax! No wonder you can’t fire a shot. You’re too stiff. Look.” He grabs his gun and positions himself and fires. He hits the
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Chapter 15
WRENAfter Lucius' serenade last night, I’m feeling light headed this morning. It was so spontaneous and romantic. My heart swooned as he sang. It brought back all kinds of memories of him playing songs for me when we were kids. I loved it then and I love it even more now.I was lost in daydreams of the past, carrying a load of wood in my arms to the wood pile by the big fire. It was all good until the pile in my arms shifted and I started dropping wood.“Shit.” I look down at the pieces on the ground.“I’ve got it.” Lucius come running and he bends down and picks them up.“Thanks.” I smile.He takes a few more pieces from me. “No problem. I’m going hunting later. Want to come?”“On two legs?” I raise a brow.He chuckles as we walk toward the fire pit. “Yeah. Sorry about my wolf. He can be an ass.”I smile. “It’s fine. I actually….”I was cut off by yelling coming from the training field.“DRAGONS!”I look at Lucius and he looks at me wide eyed.I drop the wood. “GET THE CHILDREN TO T
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Chapter 16
WRENDealing with this nightmare is weighing on me as the days go on.Lucius' been gone now for almost a month. He’s shifted back, but he’s not out of the woods as the chemicals refused to leave his body fully.So, until he gets back, I’ve been organizing us and waiting for the upcoming Nomad council meeting. The first ever. It’ll be stressful since these Alphas have never been in one place civilly ever. I’ll have to be the Alpha that everyone expects to keep the peace and get the Alphas on our side to beat Xavier.I walk into the courtyard with another pack member.I place a hand on his shoulder. “Make sure you check all the fencing. The last attack damaged it. We have to get that repaired.”“Yes, Lady Alpha.” The man nods and turns on heels jogging back into the clearing.Curtis and Dale met me at the entrance. “Lady Alpha?” Dale smirks.“The Dragons called me that. I guess it stuck.” I shrug.He looks at me and crosses his arms. “I like it.” He smiles.Curtis places an arm out. “We
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Chapter 17
LUCIUS“Good morning, sexy.” I’m woken up the next morning by soft lips on my eyelid and the tip of my nose.My eye opens to a slit. “My little songbird is singing to me. I could get used to this.” I smirk.She giggles as she runs circles with her nails through my hair.The morning sun is creeping through the treetop canopy. The morning air is crisp. A bit chilly on my bare chest. I turn to face Wren and pull the furs up around her shoulders.“Good morning.” I whisper. “Good sleep?”She nods. “Definitely better than my tent.” She smiles.“Mmm….My beds a bit warmer.” I pull her naked body to mine.I rub my nose against hers.“Yeah, it is.” She giggles.I roll over on top of her. Planting my lips on hers. Her lips part and I deepen the kiss.I can already smell her arousal and it goes straight to my dick. Her lavender scent, swirling around my head, was driving me crazy. I had to have her now.“Hey, Lu! You up?”I stop with Wrens pouty, bottom lip in my teeth. I growl.It’s Luke.Wren g
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Chapter 18
LUCIUS “Wren, will you stop!” I’m practically chasing her through the woods. “Wren! Talk to me!” “Leave me alone, Lu!” She yells back. She’s been acting weird since breakfast with Luke and Alexi the other day. She was quiet at the council meeting with Malakai’s bone headed requests. She hasn’t been to my house since then either. So, I confront her. Demand to know what’s wrong? Which is why we are now stomping aimlessly through the woods, thoroughly pissed off. I sigh. “Come on Wren! What did I do?” “Nothing! Just forget it!” She stomps through the brush. “Wren!” I kick some brush aside. “Look. You’re going to get lost. Just stop!” She turned. Stopping in her tracks. “I said leave me alone!” “I can't do that, Lovebird. You know that.” I say as I get closer. “Don’t say that word!” She shouted. “Baby, what’s the matter?” I plead to her. She holds herself and looks everywhere else, but at me. I can see her face heating and her eyes glass over. “Please, just leave me alone.”
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Chapter 19
WREN I’m not alone. Not anymore. My love for Lucius may not be the same, but it’s true. He may be harsh. Roughed up by the wild forest, but I found him. The Lu I loved before the Dragons brought death to our door. He’s right. He is the same Lucius. He’s just more somehow. Strong, brave, yet gentle. He knocked down my defenses and I sunk. I’m drowning in his ocean blue eyes, completely in love with the Alpha of the forest. I smile from my perch in the treetops while I make some improvements. I strap the extra quiver and arrows to the platform when I hear him call. “What are you doing?” I lean over the edge and peer down. I smile because he’s been gone all day hunting. I grab the rope tied to the tree and swing to the platform he’s next to and jump down. “Hi.” I chirp. He smiles. “You really like it up there.” He points to the sky. I look up. “I do.” I look back at him. “How was hunting?” He turns to walk toward his cabin, or I should say our cabin now since he insisted, I mo
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Chapter 20
LUCIUSI sat, staring off into the forest, knowing my Wren was gone. Knowing my village was destroyed and knowing exactly who’s to blame.My eyes are angry, my face is red and my mouth is small. My fists are in my lap. I’m squeezing so hard; I start to shake.There’s only one thing to blame or should I say…one organization.I spin off my knees to my feet and head back to the village.The morning sun revealed the destruction.I walk slowly, almost in a daze, as I watch my people clearing the dead into a pile. I see the smoke of dying fires rise from what was once my home.I climb the hill to the village entrance.I stand and stare, helplessly, at our once vibrant home that has now been reduced to ashes. I watch as my people try to salvage what they can from the piles.As I look around, another tear slips down my cheek. My people's faces look the same as mine. Their eyes follow me as I walk slowly toward my own ash pile of a house. The trees around my yard have been reduced to trunks.I
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