Semua Bab Fallaciously inlove: Bab 81 - Bab 90
102 Bab
Find it weird
" BANG!!"The man did not even get to finish what he was saying when he was startled by the loud sound coming from the door as it was kicked open from the ouside and followed by a man walking in." Shit, who do you think you are coming here to disturb us now at this critical moment, leave right at this moment if you do not want to be killed!."Although everyone in the room looked at the man with spite only one person looked at him as if they had found their saviour and that person was none other than Nelly, she had never been this happy to see a person before and the man at the door right now was indeed her saviour."I dare you to touch her and see if you will get out of here still alive."Instead of taking him seriously, the men only laughed at Eric as they were professional holigans thinking he was also one of the rich guests attending the show and there was a huge possibility that he was just an all talk and no action kind of person, hence the man next to Nelly named Peter took it
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Her terms
" Do not think too much about it, you are her daughter's friend after all so I do see why she would be worried about you."Nelly shook her head, she felt that the man did not understand the intensity of this whole situation and felt the need to explain further"" I totally disagree, it is not like Amanda and I are the best of friends. We have only just started hanging around each other which means that Mrs Jingela is not that familia with me, so why would she be this concerned about me, I think something is up."although Eric finally understood where Nelly was coming from he too felt there was more to this than what met the eye, but he also felt that his wife had just went through a traumatic ordeal so he did not want her to stress over such matters, so he just said" let's not stress over this maybe she has her reason but let's focus on the matter at hand, like I said the house is no longer safe for you and the kids so we are not going back there."Immedietely she heard that she was
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Serves her right
While the two sisters had their chat that evening, some people were also gathered together in the living room at Sindi's house. She had invited the ladies over at her house just so that they could have an early celebration. They had left the show as soon as the kitchen staff had signaled them that Nelly was now captured by those men in that room, so not wanting to be among the suspects they quickly left and went straight to Sindi's house." That witch has finally got what she deserves, heck who did she think she was, snatching everything from us. I am the one and only miss Electrotainment, how dare she come in the company I have worked years for and take all my work the moment she comes. Serves her right."" Exactly, that woman played me for a fool, asked her to help me get together with someone and yet she goes and seduce that person first, arg why do I event bother with her I hope those filthy men make sure she never lifts her head high ever again just maybe she would return to her
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Marriage contract
As they had not expected such results, how come was she nt trending, Linda had paid a lot of money to put this plan together. what made it even hard to believe and swallow this bitter pill was the fact that she had used up all of her savings to hire an army of influencers to spread out the whole scandal, and because the contract they had signed stated that there would be no refund unless they failed to provide the service but now that it was not their fault Linda would not be getting any of her money back."What do you mean her scandal is not trending?""Why the hell is she not trending?"They both asked at the same time, one was shocked while the other was purely angry. She immediately took out her phone and made a call to the leader of their hired men, but to her dismay her calls never went through."Arg! "She threw her phone on the table as she was frustrated that she wasn't getting through to her guys."Could it be that they took our money and left just like that?"Sindi question
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Debt collection
After the man had left the house, the atmosphere in the room became increasingly sour and Zara did not want to be there anymore."Could you send me to the hotel something has come up. "This request annoyed Sindi even more, was she stupid, couldn't the woman read the room, they were in deep trouble and she still had the guts to ask for a ride. She raised her voice and shouted"you got to be kidding me, get out of my house right this moment, who are you to ask me to send you back? How dare you order me around, you are nothing, do you hear me? Nothing!"She shouted and cursed while she pushed the woman out of her house. After being kicked out Zara fixed her clothes and walked out of the gate feeling humiliated by how the other woman treated her."just you wait, Sindi Parker! We will see who will get the last laugh when Dickson is mine."She made a mental note about this day, she would make sure she humiliates Sindi just like this when she officially gets together with Sindi's husband.S
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Not that simple
As soon as the manager left the hotel room Vivian started panicking so she pulled her daughter closer and asked"Zara are you sure that they can call the police? I mean will that not spell trouble for us and end up getting arrested, we are the ones who have been making those room service after all?"As harsh and cruel Vivian was to those who were not related to her, she was actually a coward and now that things were getting serious and the law enforcement was being called, that characteristic of hers was now being clearly displayed."Yeah otherwise how are we going to pay that kind of money when we ourselves can not afford to lease a home of our own."" So what are we going to do now?"Her mother's endless questions started to irritate her, they were both in a new city and the only person who was helping them financially was the same person who had mercilessly abandoned them and was nowhere to be found and so now they were left out to fend for themselves. She wished she could just lea
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Surprise visitors
She was shocked to hear that Dickson had overheard their conversation, As much as she was scared to know what the man would do to her after finding out the nature of her relationship with Zara she was still annoyed by him." Dickson why the hell would you eavesdrop on our conversation?""Well let me remind you again, this is my house and you did not contribute a cent when I built it so I can do what ever I want. You on the other hand will head over there and make sure that you pay that bill and cut all ties with that girl, I don't want to see or hear about this issue on the media so you better cooperate. Ohw before I forget, don't come back here later I need to see Eric Jonas' men to fix all the mess you have caused me."She was about to say something to get the man to change his mind about her not coming back home tonight , alas, he did not give her the chance to do so as he turned around and left the hall immedietely after his last word fell. She ground her teeth in frustration and
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Father christmas
Although they were made aware that their numbers were blocked by Nelly which meant that she wanted nothing to do with them and will probably will not help them even if they were to get hold of her, they still continued to wait for her, enduring hunger and the harsh night conditions.They kept telling themselves that Nelly would come back and was probably held up by a gig or something, but time proved them wrong. It was already ten in the evening but still no signs of Nelly coming home so they finally gave up. They took their belongings and left the place while cursing the other woman."She is really so heartless leaving us out in the cold like that. I bet that man had already warned her not to come back. I'll make sure she regrets this hmm! ""we need to figure out where to sleep right now."They knew no one in this city and the only person whom they thought they'd force their way in to her life was actually avoiding them. Going back home in the villagewas also not an option as there w
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Was stabbed
Nelly walked out of Electrotainment heading to the black SUV parked opposite the company's entrance, She was meant to meet up with her husband Eric for some time alone from the kids before headind back home but just as she was about to cross the road, she heard a loud scream from what seemed like a mad woman." Nelly Smith I am going to kill you, you have ruined my life you bitch."The voice belonged to none other than Linda herself, who was running her direction with a big knife in her hand pointed directly at Nelly's chest aiming for an instant kill. Nelly who was not expecting to see the other woman here was so shocked that she even forgot to move and just as the knife was about to plunge in to her chest she closed her eyes and thought that this was how she was going to die." Oh no, my children will now grow up without a mother. Eric will eventually forget about me and find himself another wife who will mistreat my precious babies like those evile stepmothers on television."Sudde
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Already family
As much as the saying " A favour for a favour" was a well known fact in life, but it was never her intention to get a favour from the Jonas family in fact her family was rich enough and had lots of connections meaning she was capable of doing anything she wanted or needed. She waved her hand," Why would I need a favour from you when we are already family? If I need something done I will ask you and as a son you are obligated to do it for me."She answered playfully but right after her words had fell, her expression immedietely turned grave as if she had something really important to say. After being quiet for a few seconds while looking at the couple in front of her, she finally opened her mouth" Nelly I was serious about everything I said in the ambulance, I do owe you guys a lot."Seeing that there was more to this than what met the eye in fact she had been suspecting the other woman since her abduction, she wondered why she was acting so weird, Nelly looked at her in confusion ex
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