All Chapters of The Dragon's unexpected mate: Chapter 81 - Chapter 90
101 Chapters
A free woman reconnects with her brother
The next few days were like walking on the edge of a dagger. No one said anything argumentative, everyone was waiting to see how things would develop. Astrid started to go on walks with Ben and he didn't seem to mind the guards that were ordered to watch them, but he avoided talking about anything important. Instead, they reconnected, shared memories about their family, and just exchanged pleasantries. It felt good to talk with her brother, but the distance between them was evident. Life pulled them apart and no matter how hard they try to ignore it, they are now strangers to one another."Mars would always complain that you take my side. Even though he was the youngest." Astrid remembers her most annoying brother fondly. Death has the power of erasing sins from the memory."When I grew up, I was expected to be the one that they all leaned on. Teach them, protect them. Because, you know, I was the oldest. But I would look at them and think... I was their age too and no one protected m
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The free woman enters labor
A few months pass by unbelievably quietly.It was like the harem had entered a dormant state where no drama happens. Up until tonight. Astrid had barely fallen asleep after tossing and turning for hours. This baby better be coming soon. A while ago everyone was scared that it was too early and now it's two weeks pass the due date and he is still sitting comfortably, while her insides are all pushed into a corner."My child is giving his mother a hard time?" Loras ask as soon as he sees her appear in the world between their souls."Everyone assumes this child will be a boy. What shall we do if it's a little girl? I, for one, will be much happier. Showing that weird wizard wrong.""He's an astrologist, Astrid.""He's a scam. After all, he has half-half chances of guessing and he gets a ton of money either way."It's been months and she still can't forget that old frog."If it will make you feel any better, for our next children, we will not ask him the gender. It will be a surprise." L
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A free woman gives birth
When Astrid opens her eyes her mind flies to the irony she found a while ago. She really is fainting a lot. When she was young, she can't remember to ever do that.She finds herself in the space in between souls and she is happy to see that at least she is not dead. Not yet. Remembering the last things before waking up here, she starts to panic."The baby..." She whispers to herself pacing around the empty space. "Come on, Astrid! Wake up! Wake up!"She tries to slap herself, but she doesn't feel anything. Her soul is not built of anything material. Time passes differently here, like the hours are minutes so the longer she stays, the more worried she gets.That's why she is so relieved when she sees Loras appearing in front of her."Astrid! You need to wake up!" He says like she can just snap back to the reality."The baby. What happed? Why are you here?" She bombs him with questions as she realizes that his being here means that he is asleep in the real world. Loras wouldn't have fal
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A free woman recieves letters
"He looks like an old man. Bald and without teeth." Ben comments as Erik grabs his finger with his little hand."How can you say that? Look how chubby he looks. Like a dumpling." Astrid protests. Her baby really is chubby. All babies are, but hers is special, hers is perfect, simply the best."A fat old man, then." Ben continues to taunt his little sister."I will tell him his uncle said that when he will be older. He will order your execution!""Heard that, little Erik? Your mother is a tyrant!""How is it going with the legislation?" Astrid asks, feeling the need to change the subject. She loves spending time with Erik and the attention and love he receives from others, but talking about the baby all the time makes her go crazy sometimes. Loras isn't saying a word about the legislation as he knows she would want to get involved and get stressed out over it as she always does. It's been two weeks since she gave birth and the medic was clear about the do’s and don't’s. Mostly about th
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A free woman's baby is attacked
Dressed in a beautiful golden dress, with black accents and radiating diamond jewelry, Astrid feels like someone else. A stranger took over her body and is now sitting on a high throne, looking down at the lords who bow their heads. To be fair, they don't look at her, they look at the little baby that can't even hold his head up yet.They came from all around the kingdom to present themselves in front of the new prince. Tradition asked for him to be placed, alone, in a golden cradle, but the king insisted for her to be there. The lords are not happy, it can be read all over their faces, but who dares to question the king's orders?They bring him lavish gifts. An absurd competition of whom can flaunt their wealth better. From afar, Ben looks amused at the charade."A thousand horses from Lord Connarand!" A guard shouts, reading the card as a fat old man takes a bow in front of the newborn. It will be years before he can ride one. Most of them will be too old by then so Astrid can't hel
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A free woman and her mate reunited
"It took you long enough..." Astrid comments when Loras comes back to the room. Two weeks after the baby was born, he had to start spending the nights with the milkmaid, as Astrid's wasn't enough. It took a while to get used to the idea, but seeing Erik grow faster and happier reassured her, and the fact that she got to sleep with Loras again helped."It was something that needed to be addressed." He answers with a long sigh, throwing himself on the bed."I do hope you weren't too harsh on her... Her feelings are valid and...""I am not an idiot, Astrid. I know her feelings are valid. Omar's too and if this would be a normal situation I would like to be more patient with this. But those types of things left unresolved can turn into wars of succession, into a bloodbath. You saw what happen with Tommen. And we got along when we were young. Can you imagine if we didn't? This would have started before my father would have even been dead. It would have thrown the kingdom in chaos. So, no.
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A free woman hears the constitution
The passionate night is unfortunately followed by more meetings for Astrid and the baby as new lords arrive from further away regions of the kingdom. By the afternoon, all the ones that have any titles have arrived to bow in front of the new prince.There are even some foreign envoys present now. Dark-skinned men from the Sultanate of Sinistra and squinted-eyed ones from the Kingdom of Tasaria. They are all very polite despite some having to speak through a translator. Astrid finds the language of the Sultanate of Sinistra's people particularly interesting and melodic, even more so when one of their diplomats recites a song with the help of a peculiar stringed instrument in honor of the newly born prince. The Tasarians, on the other hand, are rather quiet and stern, preferring to place numerous gifts at the feet of the baby instead. Jade-made toy soldiers, a blanket made of immaculate white which, if she wouldn't have known better, Astrid could swear was woven from actual snow. More n
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A free woman deals with the consequences
Astrid is standing in front of the door, now unsure what to do. From inside, she can hear Lysa crying as Sansa and Tamara are trying to say something to her. She feels like an intruder. A parasite that came into their lives and threw everything that they knew out of the window. Suddenly, the door opens before she has time to walk away and she finds herself facing Tamara. "Are you listening at the door, you snake?" Sansa shouts as she sees her. "I... I just wanted to..." She stumbles to answer. "Drop it, Astrid. Let's talk in private." Tamara cuts her short and grabs her arms, dragging her to the princess' room. "I'm sorry... But trust me, I had no idea he wanted to dissemble the harem entirely...He was so secretive and..." Astrid tries to explain herself, with tears in her eyes, afraid that she is about to lose her friend. "Calm down, Astrid... My brother's decision is not something that we have the right to sit and question. And moreover, I knew he planned this since we came ba
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A free woman fears for her child
The minute that it takes for Astrid to sprint through the long corridors to her room is the longest minute of her life. Time passes like in a nightmare where your mind moves so much faster than your body is able to.She sees nothing on the way, she pushes anything and anyone out of her way until she reaches the doors. There, she freezes, with her hand on the handle.What will she see if she opens it? Is it hell on the others side? As scared as she is now... a moment more of incertitude may feel better than whatever waits for her.She takes a deep breath and bursts into the room."Erik?" She rushes to the crib only to see her baby crying, startled by his mother's scream. "Oh, my baby. Hush. I am sorry!"She picks him up with shaking hands. The maids are looking at her surprised and the guards that she didn't even notice at the door are packing inside to make sure everything is fine."Lady Astrid? What happened?" Esmee asks concerned."A guard came when I was with Loras... He said that
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A free woman reveals her secret
"Esmee, calm down and explain. What happened? Did one of the guards do something to you?" Astrid asks, confused by the sudden outburst. But when the girl hears the possible accusation for the guard, she just starts to cry even harder."No! No! He did nothing wrong! I jus... I was the one..." In between old sobs, the words are almost unintelligible."Esmee. Look at me!" Astrid holds her head straight with her hands and forces the panicked girl to look at her. "I swear to you! Whatever happened. Whatever you did. I will help you and I won't get mad!"There are things that would make her mad and for a second the possibility of Esmee being involved in Omar's disappearance creeps into her mind, but she waves it away. She won't get anywhere scaring her even more.Esmee looks at her with a bit of doubt in her eyes, but the promise quickly calms her down enough for her words to tie up together in sentences again."I talked to him...""Yes, I understood that. What did you talk to him about?""
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