All Chapters of Guilty Secrets: Chapter 61 - Chapter 67
67 Chapters
Chapter 61 - A night full of surprises
Monica and I met each other at college. We were both very young and ambitious. Monica is human and even though she knows about our kind, she doesn’t have a problem. She’s always been supportive and understanding. Seeing her again already brightened my spirits. We went to a fancy restaurant to have dinner. We were having a really good time talking about our current lives and trying to catch up with everything. We mostly talked about our jobs and our common past. We were having a great time talking about all the embarrassing moments we shared together when suddenly I felt my wolf stirred happily into my head. It was then that I saw Elektra with this Andros getting inside. She was wearing a very sexy pink cocktail dress and had her hair up. Seeing her smiling standing at this man’s side made my blood boil. They sat four tables across ours. They seemed to having a very good time. Before allowing myself to get angry and ruin our night I decided to concentrate on Monica who all this time wa
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Chapter 62 - Jealousy?
Alexander’s pov: Over the next few days, Monica and I attended every party and big social event that happened in town. While I know Monica's purpose was good, I found it extremely boring to attend to all these events. Never the less seeing Monica having a great time kept me going on. The only thing we definitely accomplished was to become the main topic of various newspapers and tabloids. The week was coming to its ending and Elektra was nowhere to be found. I was starting to feel really desperate. Monica's plan obviously didn't work out the way we expected. -“Relax…..At least we had a great time!” Monica exclaimed in enthusiasm. -“Yes, but going to various events doesn’t bring Elektra back” -“Do you love her that much?” -“I….think so……” -“You know what? I really don’t get it. We passed the whole week together while she did absolutely nothing….” -“What do you mean?” -“She didn’t show any sign that she really cares about you……” -“You know what? You’re right! If Elektra doesn’
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Chapter 63 - Unreasonable demands
Cito fit quod dei volant – What the gods want happens soon (Petronius) Alexander’s pov: -“What did you say?” I asked completely amazed. Hearing Elektra saying something like that surprised me deeply, especially now that I had lost every hope to win her back. -“You heard me” she said with a deeper voice than she used to. -“It isn’t you that talking but your wolf” I commented disappointedly. Of course it was her wolf who felt jealousy when she saw me with another female. Even though she rejected me, her wolf hasn’t given up our bond. No wolf can escape the bond. It is more complicated for them. -“No, it’s only me” she strongly denied. -“Please Elektra. Don't treat me like an idiot. I know you don’t have any feelings for me. You've been kind enough to show it to me several times in the past." I said in annoyance. -“Alexander I am sorry. I know I treat you badly but now I’m here to make amends…” -“To make amends? What are you talking about?” I asked in surprise…. I really didn’t ex
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Chapter 64 - Premonition
Elektra’s pov:When the elevator opened I saw to my great surprise Andros tightly hugging and passionately kissing a blonde woman. I gave her a quick upside down glance. She was tall with long blonde hair and a fit body. She was gorgeous!-“What the hell?” I commented in frustration.-“What are you doing here? Are you following me?” he asked angrily.-“What? Of course not! I lost my phone and came to search for it”-“Here?” he wondered incredulously.-“That’s not the point Andros. Who is this woman?”-“I am his mate” the blonde woman replied.-“Your what?”-“I thought that you mate was dead along with your four year old child”-“We don’t have a child” the woman intervened again.-“Is this your second chance mate?” I addressed to Andros. I knew that second chance mates were scarce but Andros was lucky enough to find her and didn’t have the opportunity to tell me about it.-“What? No! I am his first and only mate” the blonde protested.-"Well, everything you told me a few minutes ago wa
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Chapter 65 - Fight for your life
Roxanne’s pov:-"My Goddess. Is she dead?' I said and started sobbing uncontrollably while David went over to her checking for a pulse.-“She’s alive. But her pulse is very weak” David said some seconds later.I got closer to her unable to hold back my tears. I took her in my arms and held her tight while David called 911.-“What happened to you my beautiful daughter? What monster did this to you?” I said enraged.During our waiting for the ambulance I was holding her tightly in my arms while David checked the whole apartment looking for a clue about who have done this.The ambulance came and took her to the metropolitan hospital while we followed behind with a taxi.David called Jax, his Beta and asked him to send some wolves immediately here. He was in rage.Electra was immediately operated on. According to the doctors, she was severely beaten and suffered from internal bleeding.Hearing the news made my heart fall apart. I just couldn’t believe it. Elektra was a very strong woman.
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Chapter 66 - The vision
Alexander’s pov:I stood on my spot for several minutes feeling completely numb. My head was spinning as I tried hard to regain my composure. I was in a dilemma, trying to take a decision. On the one hand, I had Monica lying unconscious in her bed fighting cancer alone, while on the other hand Elektra was in a coma. But she wasn't alone. Roxanne and David were with her.– “This is not enough reason to leave her. You must go to her. She needs you" said Ares inside my head.-“Monica also needs me and she is completely alone. How can you ask me to leave her alone in a hospital room to fight for her life? I can't leave her now. He helped me when I was desperate and alone"-"You can have someone take care of her. Your first priority is your partner and not your friend" Ares scolded me.-"Stop it Ares. I didn't ask for your advice"-“You just can’t sit here and do nothing while your mate desperately needs you”-“I can’t do anything for her…”-“Of course you can! You have to go there and let
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Chapter 67 – The dream
Roxanne’s pov:A month passed with Elektra in the same state as always. The doctors said the hopes faded as time went on. Alexander did not visit her even once disappointing me more than expected. I couldn't believe his cruelty towards his own mate. What got into him? Didn’t he love her anymore? Didn’t he feel anything about her? I just couldn’t believe it. What happened to him? How did he become like this? Such an indifferent person….Electra lay on her bed pale and weak in a coma. I talked to her and brought her flowers every day. She was like a child to me. I couldn't come to terms with the idea that I was going to lose her soon…… The doctors were adamant. According to them, there was little chance of Elektra waking up. She was doomed to sleep for eternity and eventually die.I started sobbing. I couldn’t hold my tears anymore. I was devastated. I didn’t hear David entering the room. When he talked to me, I jumped out of fear.-“Roxanne?” he asked worriedly approaching me. “Are you
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