Semua Bab Her Tormentor Alpha : Bab 51 - Bab 60
63 Bab
Chapter 51
AriaThe effects of my heat had reduced more than a lot since the last day. It was obvious because mainly it was Hunter's mark that my wolf side craved for and Sierra was on the ninth cloud ever since. Surely she was loving all the love she was getting from our mate.Currently, I did not know what I was doing. I was mindlessly staring at the sleeping Alpha beside me. I could notice the marks I had left on his neck during having sex a few hours ago, countless nail scratches were scattering over his board back as well but they could not be seen right now since he was sleeping facing me.My marks on the other hand were scarcely visible due to the nightgown I had on me. If it was the last few days, I wouldn't have bothered to wear anything but now that my heat was fading, It was reasonable for me to wear something.Even though it was late at night, I still could not sleep. My thoughts were loud and awake. The tingling feeling where Hunter's mark was kept my emotions on the edge. Did not k
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Chapter 52
Aria"What a great plan you have made, Alpha Hunter Rodriguez! What a clever trap!" I wiped my tears before clapping for them, "A huge applause for both of you."Hunter looked like his soul had left his body; There was an inexplicable horror within his eyes that did not fit with his deeds."Aria, listen..." He tried to speak."Don't you dare, don't you fucking dare to say anything from that filthy mouth of yours." I seethed. I did not want my tears to fall, I did not want to show any sign of weakness for this monster I loved from all my soul but they did not seem to stop. They fell without any boundaries."Great. First, you ruin our moment and you are creating a scene. How much more pathetic do you need to be huh?" Ashley stormed toward me and without wasting a single second, I landed a tight slap across her cheek."I am not your Alpha who might tolerate this behavior of yours, I won't put up with a fucking slut like you so keep your mouth shut, and don't you dare to interrupt."Her
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Chapter 53
AriaI did not know where I was going. In the pitch-black darkness of the night, I could not realize anything. The silence of the night felt burdening as every little thing said by Hunter kept circling in a loop inside of my head, banging against my eardrums causing a sting of pain to cut through every time.The fact that I was wearing his mark made it even more miserable for me. I'd sensed him trying to track me through the bond but due to my scent being masked and my thoughts I have blocked, he could not succeed.Sierra went completely silent and hid herself in a corner of my mind.The betrayal made our whole world come to a standstill. What he did to us was even harsher than rejection and he knew it very well. After all, how could he not know? He was the one who planned everything.I wiped my tears for the umpteenth time, the pain kept increasing and I was unable to control myself. The overwhelming emotions were attacking me from every side.I did not realize that I had gotten very
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Chapter 54
AriaMy eyelids felt heavy as I tried to open them. It felt like a huge weight was pinning me down on the surface. The softness of a mattress underneath me told me that I was laying on a bed, but the silence around me was unnerving.Where was I?Was I in my room? Or was I somewhere else?Suddenly I began hearing a voice of a person talking to someone. It was not clear, I could not understand or hear anything properly but all I could understand was that I was not alone in this room.Just the moment when the panic began rising within me, my eyes flew open meeting with the plain white ceiling and unfamiliar surroundings.I shot up to sit straight. My heart beats so loud that the sound of it buzzed in my own ears along with the sound of blood pumping in my veins.And then I saw him. Knight.He was talking to his beta...Ben.It was then when all the memories of last night washed over me like a storm and everything clicked. They were in our pack disguised as victims of Knight. It was all th
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Chapter 55
Hunter"Hunter, calm down," Mom said, "Breaking things like this is not going to solve the problem.""I don't have any idea where the hell she is, she is not in the pack, mom. Do you fucking understand what that means? Do you even understand the things that can happen to her?" I shouted, "There are enemies everywhere, they can seriously hurt her, and I might never be able to get her back.""We will get her back, son. Please calm down." Dad spoke."No, I can't calm down. I can't until I find her," I threw away the chair against the wall, till now the entire office was a mess; Everything was destructed to the point of no return but I could care less about that, all that was in my mind was my Aria.It was all my fault.I should have told her about everything. How much pain she must have gone through!The look on her face from last night was still haunting me. She looked so...broken; It was all because of me.I knew she was in danger, it was so obvious. She has gone through the toughest
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Chapter 56
AriaSince the past hour, I had not been able to move an inch from where Knight tied me. These ropes were so tight that every time I moved my hands my skin would end up getting sliced, the more I strained against it the more it'd hurt me.Tension, fear, anxiety— I felt all sorts of emotions attack me from every side.I had to do something to save my pack but here I was, under this brute's captive. And if I can't get out then he'd destroy my pack, he'd succeed in his mission. I needed to warn the members about Knight's plan.I struggled against the restraints, ignoring all the pain it was causing me. The gag muffled my groans and screams, almost suffocating me.And then suddenly the door opened and entered none other than the demon himself—Knight.Amusement shined in his atrocious grey eyes, "I see, you haven't given up yet."He stalked closer, there was a plate of food in his hand and he rested it on the side table."Although I'd love to have you tied and gagged this is not the way I'
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Chapter 57
Hunter"Where is Aria? Where have you taken her? You fucking bastard!""Ugh! Why are you shouting," He groaned, "What is wrong with you and your mate, huh? You both keep shouting like mad dogs.""Shut up, motherfucker. What do you think of yourself? Trust me, the moment I see you, I am going to kill you." I growled."Sorry my friend, I can't trust you on that." His vicious laughter sounded through the phone, "There are two reasons, first there are close to zero chances that you'll reach your mate, second within only fifteen minutes the rouges who are all around your pack are going finalize the attack and before you holler up with your overconfidence, let me tell you they are not at all the ordinary rouges you have ever come across. They are filled with hunger and vengeance, and the blood and flesh of your and Deadcrest packs' members are going to quench their thirst."I became hyperaware of the entire situation.The dismay for the pack's safety stirred awake within me along with the c
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Chapter 58
AriaWhen Knight hung up on his call with Hunter, at first I did not have any idea what was I going to do and what was going to be Hunter's decision when Knight intentionally put him in the middle of such a dilemma. Knight has no intentions to kill, he has told me by himself even though his intentions were far worse than killing me.Knight's agendas were so vicious and tricky. It was impossible to learn what was going to be his next move going to be.And that was why I did not want Hunter to reach here. Yes, I did not care or give a damn about what was going to be my state but I did not want my mate to get hurt or injured. Only because of that, I tried to send Hunter a signal to stop him from trying to reach where I was, taking Sierra's help to convey the message.I still had no idea if I had succeeded in doing that because Hunter's mark on me was still fresh and raw. But at the end of my attempts, I began badly regretting my decision.I did not know how that signal went, I did not ha
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Chapter 59
HunterKnight was smart enough to choose to build his mansion in the middle of the forest, but not enough to choose a forest that did not have only a slight distance of a few hundred miles like this one had.Once I entered the forest, using the mate bond to track where Aria exactly was. I became aware of the fact that Knight was not that confident about how he sounded on the phone because on every corner he kept rouges as the guards to prevent me from reaching his mansion.However, I did not let his arrangements succeed because I tore down every one of the routes into pieces just like I had told him. I knew my Aria was with him, captured by that son of a bitch and I needed to get her out at any cost. I wanted to rescue her as fast as possible before he could hurt her. I did not want to lose her.And I was like a ravenous animal who had no mercy left inside of him. I had forgotten everything, the only thing that was in my mind was that I needed to save my mate before that monster could
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Chapter 60
Aria"Hunter..." His name fell off my lips before I even knew it."I your mate's here." He spoke, lowly, "Too bad he has invited his own death.""Or maybe, it's you who's going to die."He laughed, looking at me in disbelief, "You really think so? Guess, you can comfort yourself by saying that but for now, my beta and gamma are enough to take care of your mate since after defeating all the rouges I put to guard, it's impossible for him to defeat them." "You are really a victim of the disease that destroys people, and you know what it is? It's your fucking overconfidence." I spat."But as far as I can see it's you and your mate who are going through the demolition," He said raising one of his eyebrows, "Anyways, let's see what's your mate doing downstairs...has he died yet or not, perhaps—" A loud growl of Hunter buzzed throughout the mansion once again causing Knight to stop in the midway of his sentence."Or maybe, he just killed your dear companions." It was my turn to ra
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