All Chapters of Princess of Faerl: Chapter 61 - Chapter 70
84 Chapters
60. Pre-Bridal Shenanegans
*Elentari* “So much stuff to think about! I always thought if I got married, I would elope… This is CRAZY!” I laughed as my mom put swatches of white over parts of my body to see what colour would work the best for me. If my eyes rolled any harder they would fall out of my head. “You know my dress is going to be black, yes?”  Hand on her hip she glared at me profusely, “I haven’t asked for one thing in this wedding. Black can be the accent color, but your dress will be white. Your reception dress can be black and gothic and everything that embodies you, but your wedding dress is gonna be white!” Her nose was even getting red. I had to laugh.  “Mama!!” I yelled over my
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61. Startled
*Khalith*“So uhm… does she do this a lot?” I asked the guy standing next to me. He looked kinda like he had the sun coming out of his hair and I recognized him immediately as auntie’s twin, Helios, except the human wasn’t Helios. I’d figure it out eventually. “When she’s stressed out, seems to be the pattern. So you’re her kid?” He asked me, his voice full of disbelief. “Well, obviously not in this lifetime, and it’s a story that needs to be shared with her and my dad, Hephaestus. It’s not complicated, really, but I don’t want to keep repeating myself, to be honest.” I ran my fingers through my hair. It was a bright red that got me a lot of attention, good and bad. When I was younger it w
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62. Eternally Bound
*Hephaestus*She died. I felt the bond snap. She didn’t live. I wasn’t able to be with her. How is this child coming here claiming he’s mine? Nonetheless mine and hers. I can’t accept this. I had to leave. The walls feel like they are caving in on me. My eyes search for the nearest door. Finding it, I run for it, almost barreling through it. Once I'm out of the room I let out a scream. Okay, more of a loud ass sob mixed with a strangled scream that probably made me sound like a prepubescent boy whose balls hadn’t dropped, but I’m distraught. “This can’t be true. This can’t be fucking true! She died! She fucking died! I saw her, felt her. She had no pulse, she was fucking dead. She was stolen  from me.” My screams continued as I punched the ground. I don’t cry. Not s
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63. When I Thought it Couldn't Get Weirder
*Elentari*Son? How do I have a son? How did I have a kid with someone I just met a year ago? This doesn’t make any sense. My head swims with these thoughts. Okay, well I get the past life thing, but really? How could he still look at me like I’m his mom? I looked between my parents, giving the whole situation a once over. I jumped when I heard a door slam harshly. Hep had left the room. Everything in me wanted to follow him. I didn’t want to go through this alone. “Please, let me,” Khalith spoke gently. “Besides, I’m the only one who can take a punch from him if he completely loses it.” He gave me an awkward hug and followed the thunderous reverberations as Hep terrifyingly cried out. “Can someone exlapin all of this to me?” I needed to know ev
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64. Leap of Faith
*Khalith*I followed my dad and uncle, I had no idea where we were going or how this would help me find her. I scratched my head and tried to be calm. I never thought I’d have a mate or a fated for that matter. I didn’t know which one she was but I’m down for whatever. Someone, to love me unconditionally the way mom has always loved dad? Someone I get to love with that same unconditionality? Yes please, sign me up. I know it’s possible without a bond, but the bond makes it so much easier. I’ve watched so many people fall in love over the years. Forbidden lovers, mates, fated, chosen, and every time I longed for someone to call my own. But every time I tried, it didn’t work out. Now I know why. I was meant to be with this lovely angel. I guess I shouldn’t say an angel. Cuz that’s not what we are. We’re
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65. Take A Deep Breath
*Khalith* So I’m sitting in this room waiting for some miracle to happen and the most beautiful woman I’d ever laid my eyes on, besides my mom of course, to appear. My nerves are off the chain and I have no clue what I’m waiting for. “So uhm, why are we in a dojo lookin place?” I needed to make conversation, desperately. “This is where Elena and Aran train with Alke. When they come in here, she shows up to help them train. So, this seems the best way for the two of you to be able to meet and her to not run away.” Dad scratched his head. “I’m not sure why she’s running from you. I don’t think she ever thought Adalith would pair her with anyone and probably came as a shock. But the runnin part, don’t make sense to me.” His tone was softer than I expected it would be. I alway
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66. Whispers of Past
*Khalith*Her hand fit perfectly. Hers in mine, mine in hers. It was the most amazing, complete feeling. I’m sure we can feel even more complete eventually. I can’t wait for that day. She stayed in my lap, and simply allowed me to hold her, “Tell me whatever you need to, whatever you can. Zeus can’t stop Adalith, no matter how much he may want to.” A realization came over her features. “So you’re saying Adalith put this bond together, and it’s not Zeus or Choas trying to control things? I was always told that if I ever felt a bond, it would be a lie for me. I would ruin it and harm the person I was bonded to. I was always told that I would be alone, and no one would truly care for me.” Her eyes were filled with tears at this point. “They never touched me, like they did others, they knew they coul
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67. Before the Wedding
*Elentari*It was that time. The week had gone by without incident, thank goodness. No new family members dropping out of the sky, no surprise deities trying to bring the world crashing down. I got to focus this week on making my wedding exactly what I wanted. Though there wasn’t much for me to do. Apparently, mom had been planning this for eons and knew me better than I thought. I smiled as I walked through the garden the day before. It was lovely. An archway of white lilies and white roses adorned the front of the walkway, where we would be married. I was only 19 and I was getting married. This was crazy. “Hey, bride-to-be!” Lily snuck up behind me and gave me a hug, “How are you doing?” She was cheerful as always. Whenever conflict came up she tended to hide away till it was dealt with, and Eliza hadn’t shown up in a bit. I knew that the drama wasn’t over. I hoped she would make a good decision and try to fix her bonds, but who knows what would happen. This was only the beginning.
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68. Vision in... Black?
*Hephaestus*I didn’t sleep. I couldn’t sleep. Too many emotions swirling. I hadn’t dared to let myself imagine this day for so many years. Too many to count. Call it cheesy but I asked for them to play an instrumental of “A Thousand Years” because it encapsulated my life waiting for her. My skin finally didn’t hold poc marks and red tones from being at the forge. I hadn’t been making anything new for the last few months. I spent the days with Elena, training her and learning a few new things myself. I had even taken some advice from Lily and started using some all natural botanical stuff to help my skin heal. She admonished me for not caring enough about myself to take care of myself. I honestly had no reason to care and as a god, I had no reason to care about physical injury. None of it would hurt me. She told me it would still hurt Elena to see the marks on me, because they would hurt her, so that would be ever prevalent in her mind. That got me to change my ways real quick. I wou
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69. Finally, a Wedding
*Elentari*I was so nervous waking up, I threw up. Multiple times. Mom was questioning me if I had done anything that would make me have morning sickness. I glared at her. Hep and I agreed to wait till after the wedding. She laughed at me. “Your nerves are that bad?” Alisee asked. She was smiling as she asked, but still was concerned. “I’m marrying a god. A freaking god. You would be shaking like a leaf too! He’s giving up his chance to have an immortal wife for me. I’m going to get old and die. He’s not. He’ll have to wait for me life after life till I am old enough in each life and repeat this cycle. I may or may not remember him and I may or may not come back. So yes, I’m nervous because a god is making an eternal commitment. He’s making a commitment to a level that, as mortal, I’m incapable of making.” It was weighing on me. Alke came up to my side, “Don’t let that weigh you down. There are many things that cannot be foreseen, and you never know what gift Adalith may bestow on
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