All Chapters of Chased By The Dark Alpha: Chapter 51 - Chapter 60
141 Chapters
His hand was snaked around my waist and his chest connected to my back. A delicious shiver ran down my back, his body was comforting and aroused emotions in my body, which I had no name or explanation for. I had never felt like this before.I took deep breaths to calm the jittery feeling in my body, but to make it worse, his hand moved beneath my shirt and now was touching the skin of my bare belly. The warmth sailed up my body like a trail of fire ignited and I bit my lip to suppress a moan. This… shouldn’t be good. Then why did it feel the opposite?“Dom—”“Hush,” he whispered on the shell of my ear, “Sleep, kitten,” I felt his nose on the back of my neck, covered by my sprawled hair. He took a sniff and a low growl escaped him, which made my legs wobble. Thanks to the bed, I was not in a vulgar position. Or was I?“Did you change your shampoo?” his voice came from the back, vibrating on my skin.“Mhm.” How did he know? When I checked the bathroom, which was technically his bathroom
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Oh my God!I pushed past the crowd and ran to where my bag was. One of the professors came forward with a fire extinguisher and told me to step back. I did as told, and it was Professor Jade, who sprayed the gas on the flames, and soon enough, the fire dimmed down, leaving my burned-out bag and the notes with it. I moved close to my bag and sat on my heels.Pain twisted my heart as I carefully touched, whatever remained of my months of hard work. Whoever did this, made sure that all my notes burned under the fire and that there was nothing valuable left for me to study. Jannet knelt beside me and started to gather the ruins of the papers.I pressed my lips in a grim line, to cease the tear, which was threatening to slip down my eyes. Here, I thought all my problems would be put to rest since Sam and Nat were not around anymore. How gravely was I mistaken!“Av, don’t worry! You can use my notes. I will send you p*f files of my notes in chat attachment,” she caressed my shoulder, while I
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I went to the dining room with him, all the while, my eyes shooting daggers at him, which he supposedly, did not notice. He pulled the chair for me to sit on, but I stood before it with my arms crossed. He tilted his head in my direction, a slight hint of amusement mixed with curiosity glinting in his black eyes.“What’s the matter, kitten?” he asked, playing innocent. It enraged me even more. I was not in a good mood, my notes were burnt and here he was, playing with me.I huffed and flashed a fake smile, “Nothing. Why would there be any matter? Since you did not come to check on me in the study room, I studied quite well. Really well!” I put some emphasis on the last words and sarcasm dripped from my tone.He smirked, “Were you? That is good to know. Come, sit.”I uncrossed my arms and stared at him with an ‘I can’t believe you!’ look. He was acting as if it was not a big issue at all. An unsettling feeling nagged my chest. Was he really losing interest in me?Totally tensed, I settl
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DISCLAIMER: THE CONTENT BELOW INCLUDES USE OF STRONG LANGUAGE, THEMES OF SUBSTANCE ABUSE AND MIGHT BE TRIGGERING. READ AT YOUR OWN DISCRETION. ||JANNET’S POV||I pulled on the earplugs and put the music on full volume. The shouts coming from outside the door slowly reduced as the music started. My erratic heartbeat slowed down and went to the normal pace. They could come barging at any moment.After checking the tightness of my door lock, I went back to my study table and started leafing through the pages of the notes. It was early in the morning and they had already started their daily routine. I could not sleep because of it, so I thought it was better to revise the notes.I was leafing through the notes when the sound of glass breaking reached my ears and startled me. I pulled down my earplugs and walked to the door. Taking a deep breath in, I opened the door slightly and peeked out. The sound of screaming and fighting increased again.“Derek! Clean this! How dare you throw a glas
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JANNET’S POVI grunted and looked back. There was no one in the living room and the shouts were coming from upstairs. Stepping outside into the porch, I closed the door shut behind me as soundlessly as possible. I silently prayed they won’t see me with the Beta.“Bleh! And here I was thinking I would get a sweet invitation to come in,”he made a little pout with his little lips and I rolled my eyes. How could he be the Beta of the strongest pack? He was so childish.I crossed my hands over my chest, “Why are you here?” my voice was serious, as I intended it to be, shooting a glare at him.Skylar cocked his head and his stark sapphire eyes examined me, the smile intact on his face. If anything, this smile was not genuine. Not at all. There was a kind of evilness playing behind it. And that turned me all the more wary. He wasn’t here to kidnap me, was he? What if he sold me to a brothel? Could Betas do that?Of course they could. He had power. I would kick him in the groin if he tried so
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JANNET’S POVAvery was shocked to see me. She immediately ran to where I stood and pulled me in a warm hug. I hugged her back and all the stress from morning escaped my nerves.“I can’t believe you are here,” she pulled away and held me by arm’s length.I smiled, “Me neither. It's so good to see you here.” I pulled her back in a hug.“Can I get a hug too?” Skylar asked from behind and I rolled my eyes.“No,” I replied and found him pouting.“You are so mean, Jan,” he said and a nerve popped in my head on hearing him call me by my nickname. Only my friends were allowed to call me that! And my parents, but I did not like them to.Suddenly, I heard footsteps behind and a cold shiver ran down my spine involuntarily. It must be the Alpha. He had the kind of presence that scared the shit out of me for some reason. I slowly turned around and found the Alpha standing close to Avery, his white shirt unbuttoned halfway, not a single crinkle on it, and his hands tucked in the pocket of his black
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AVERY’S POVI changed into a fresh blue top and looked into the mirror to make sure there was no apple juice on my face. But what I saw in the mirror shocked me. There was a subtle red tint on my cheeks and a light smile on my face. I knew why it was there.I hadn’t expected Dominic to bring Jannet in here. Who would have known he paid attention to my words this much? I was feeling lonely since I had a lot of work ahead and now when Jan was here, I felt like I could climb mountains.I owed him again. A sigh left my lips. Owed was a bad word and didn’t sound right. It was harmless to say that I was actually grateful. For someone who was looked so cold in the exterior, he did consider my feelings a lot.I headed back to the dining room, excited to study with Jannet. Once I was close to the dining room, I heard some voice inside. The bridge of my nose wrinkled when I heard Jannet speaking to Dominic. What were they talking about?I decided to not ponder too much about it and pushed the d
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Sky pouted as he watched Jannet tear the paper into pieces. He said, “Oh, you could have been a little gentle with the paper, Jan. You tore the pieces and it was my heart that broke, " he faked tears and wiped them.Jannet rolled her eyes, “Let me tell you about two things. One, my name is Jannet and I like to be addressed that way, except for my friends and close ones. Which you do not fall into. Second of all, I don’t care who you are, and don’t try flirting with me,” she said with a serious face and the air between them crackled with tension.Rather than feeling offended, Skylar’s smile only widened, “You look sexy when you do that. I like my future wife to be a little feisty,” he winked and my jaw hung. I looked up at Dominic, who held a passive look as if he did not care that his Beta was flirting with my best friend.Jannet groaned, “I don’t want to talk to you!” she harrumphed and looked away.Dominic spoke, “Drive her back home safely, Sky.”Jannet looked at Dominic with shock
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I banged on the door and tried the knob several times, but it wouldn’t budge. Even the windows were locked. Who could have done this?! My breath started to feel heavy and I slumped down on the floor, my back leaning against the door.What if no one heard me? Would I have to stay in here all night? The thought caused my body to hyperventilate. I had been once trapped and it wasn’t a great experience. My throat felt dry and I chugged some water from my bottle down the throat.Calm down, I kept chanting inside my head. Someone would come for my help. I took deep breaths to normalize my breathing but all of a sudden, my vision turned dark and I saw myself in a hospital room.Rows of beds with people lying on them came into my view. The nurses were running around as if panicked about something. I looked around and my eyes fell on two tall ladies in gowns. One of them wore a brown gown while the other wore black. They were talking about something.“We can’t stay here. They will attack and ki
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What I read in the article and saw in the pictures shook me. In the article of the blog, it was written that in 1950, there was a fire in the Winterville Hospital that caused the deaths of all the people residing there. Not a single person lived, and no injured person data. All were claimed to be dead due to the hospital fire.After the incident, the hospital was shut down permanently and later one of the founders of Wilfair transformed the hospital into an institution. The institution was my college. Winterville was named after the hospital that was burned down in the 1950s!So the vision I saw this time was not the present or the future. But it was the past. And that was the reason the room and corridor looked oddly familiar. It was the corridor of the college, only in the state before it was renovated.But why did I see this vision? What did it get to do with me?My thoughts were broken by a burning smell coming from behind me and I turned around to find the smell coming from the mi
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