All Chapters of When A Bully Falls In Love: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
119 Chapters
~Xander~Heartbreak is a funny thing. It happened to a person you would never expect. I never thought I would become a villain to Aoife, not when I was the one who saved her life. I became the last person she wanted to see in this world, and unfortunately, she was the only girl who drove me crazy.For the entire night, I fought with my feelings, hiding them underneath. I thought it was just a stint of unsettled emotion that would pass with time. It became worse when the time came to see her again. Her angered eyes toward me thrashed in my spirit. She hated me for a crime I didn’t commit. She didn’t believe I was innocent.My desperate eyes waited for a single glance of understanding, but she ignored me as if I had never existed to her. Above all, I became possessive of her when I saw her hugging Matt. No girl rejected me like that and never dared to make me feel vulnerable.I questioned myself about why I was craving for the warmth she gifted to Matt while I was the one who found her u
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~Aoife~After Matt left, I settled on the chair next to my study table, thinking about the last words he left me with.How could Matt expect me to forgive his friend? He knew Xander was the biggest bully in school who liked to trouble other people. How could I forget he was the one who made my life hell since the day I landed at this college? First, he mocked me in front of everyone, and then that bucket.“Argh... I hate him!” I screamed, throwing cushions on the walls.Why should I forgive him? He doesn’t deserve my forgiveness. I looked in the mirror with a disgusted expression that filled my face with Xander’s thoughts.“Is he really so bad?” Thinking about him, the only thing that happened was my blood boiling, and my nostrils flared with anger. Hating someone is easy; the hardest thing was to forgive.I smiled when my mother’s thoughts popped into my mind. Even after her death, her thoughts help me in difficult times.What Matt told me—is it true? Did Xander save me? But why? W
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~Matt~It had been two days with no news of Xander. Aoife reached out to me almost as if on routine, while Xander was nowhere to be found.Finally, I called Raphael, Xander’s elder brother, in hopes he’d seen him.“I was waiting for your call,” Raph answered.“Hello, big brother. How are you?”“I’m good. Tell me what happened this time in between you two?”“Nothing with me this time. Where is he? I haven’t seen him for two days. Is he with you?”I sighed, not going into any more details. How could he tell Raph about Xander’s weird actions regarding Aoife?Raph didn’t bother to know about it either when he answered, “He is in his relaxation zone. You can find him at the club. I got the call from the manager; he was there all day.” “Thanks, I’ll check. Bye.”Just great! Xander has different phases he goes through.His relaxation zone phase means sex and lots of it, combined with booze all day, and nobody dares to stop him. I rolled my eyes, remembering Aoife asked a few times about Xan
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The speakers were so loud that he couldn’t hear me even if he wanted to. I found myself in the middle of the room and called his name again. I rubbed my temple with my hand in stress and ran my hand through my hair.“He is not here,” I whispered.I turned, and suddenly I hit something.With a little jerk of my body, I felt his presence in front of me. My eyes widened in shock. The dim blue light glistered on his bare body, piercing eyes doting on me.“What are you doing here?” he said with a husky voice.I kept staring at him without uttering a single word. His broad shoulders with ink took my breath away. My words choked in my throat and only warm air was coming from my mouth.“Ahem...” I tried hard to say something, tried to avert his piercing eyes on me. He darkened his shadow over me, taking a step closer. My body went cold like ice.“I asked you something.” I backed myself to keep some distance and calm myself.“I came to...” Before I finished my sentence, I saw a girl coming f
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~Xander~The next evening, I was in my room with that booming of Dolby sounds of my favorite songs when the least expected thing happened. Suddenly, I got an intercom call from the front desk, informing me a girl wanted to meet with me. If it were Zareena, I would kill her for disturbing me, but an unknown figure was standing in the middle of the room, not long after I got the call. Her back was turned, but I knew I knew her.I scanned her body in the dim light. Her short, white floral dress caught my focus, and her flawless skin tried to grab my sight. I walked toward her, and I got hit by her lavender scent.This can’t be her. And then she turned and hit my chest. A current flowed through my body when I saw her face. Her sapphire eyes captured mine before I said something, but she was not ready to answer.Slowly, my eyes trailed toward her cleavage that she tried to hide with her hand. I think she was testing me. She wanted to tease me without spilling a single word from her juicy l
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~AOIFE~It’s been a week, and I was back to my regular routine at work. And not to forget, I still didn’t know who wanted to kill me, so I tried my best to lie low from Xander and his friends' radar.Out of the blue, I got a card, and it was from none other than Xander. He apologized for his actions, but as I promised Matt, I was done with him. I threw that card in the trash and pretended I had never seen it. For the last two days, he’s tried to talk to me and even showed up at the library, but I was lucky to hide myself with Miss Agnes help. Watching him made me feel vulnerable, and I wouldn’t say I liked the feeling of giving him a chance to clear the air. I hoped he would stop trying to reach me, but I was wrong.It’s Friday, and Luka, Clara, and I planned a movie night. Aunt Agnes needed to see her doctor, so she left early, leaving me responsible for closing the library. I dropped a message to meet my friends in an hour and wrapped up my work quickly. No one was there in the libr
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~Xander~I wanted to kill the bastard who slapped her. I didn’t know why she protected him, even after he hit her. Don’t tell me he’s her eternal love. I rolled my eyes at the thought. My anger burst inside me like a volcano when I saw her hugging his unconscious body in the car. If I would have acted like him, beaten and unconscious, maybe she would have shown concern for me, too.How could she love a junkie? Can’t she see he is not good enough for her? My blood was boiling, and I totally forgot about my hand, which was hurting like hell. That idiot hit me with a knuckle duster. Didn’t she see her lover hit me?I slammed the door as Matt tried to help him get into the car. Give me another chance, and I will break him in two.We reached the hospital, and the staff took Caleb on the stretcher. No doubt she would follow him to the emergency room, so I sat on his car hood just watching her gush over him.Matt came out as I was nursing my hand. “Come, let’s go,” he said, waving me toward
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~Aoife~How innocent those glossy brown eyes looked when they were calm, but how did I forget how much pain they have given me in the last few days? I was angry at him for ruining everything I loved, but the way he blamed me for sleeping with others and making assumptions about Caleb hurt me. It broke me more when he knew he was hurting me, but he didn’t stop himself.Why did he want to hurt me? Why did he act like I was responsible for answering him for everything in my life?His words cut into my heart like a knife, but I could feel the pain in his eyes. There is a lot more going on in our minds. I was unsure about him, but his constant apologies for continuous ill-tempered actions didn’t justify it. All I knew was everything he offered shattered me, and when he dragged my mom’s name into this, I slapped him.Yes, I slapped him to make him stop assuming things about me. I wanted to run away from all this. I can’t understand what was going on between Xander and me. The more I tried to
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~Xander~There was peace in my heart after going through an emotional upheaval between Aoife and me. Her words echoed in my ears again and again. And there was nothing I could think of to fix the situation. Why did I behave like a selfish brat?What was happening to me? I didn’t have a clue.It could be the first time I was getting constant rejection from a single girl who kept me around her finger, and I was not too fond of the thought of her arrogance affecting me so intensely. Maybe I was not ready to accept the change her presence made in me.I didn’t want to accept that I was falling for her, either. Is this even real because I am not a man that falls in love?A bully who never falls in love. Love binds freedom, and I am a free spirit.Shut it down... I screamed at myself in the hospital and punched the picture on the wall. After the influence of sedatives came down, I woke up.Raph was sitting next to my bed, working on his laptop.“Hey,” I said in a raspy voice.“This time you b
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~Aoife~“Aoife, come out,” Clara screamed.“How do I look?” I answered with a nervous tone in my voice.“Super hot, babe. I hope we will find some hotties at the party.” She winked at me.We had tried dozens of dresses and it took four hours to choose the two for us. After shopping, we took our bags and went to grab a quick lunch.After I came home from the hospital, unnecessary stress consumed me. I can’t control things like Caleb’s health and Xander’s unpredictable nature, but when she popped up at my door with a piece of good news, I was excited to get out of the dorm room for a while. She told me about her sister’s engagement with her love of life. She invited me to her sister’s engagement party, and I found this opportunity could be my rescue from my current situation. I accepted her invitation, and here we are shopping around. She insisted I come shopping with her as her sister and mother were busy with ceremony arrangements.According to her, she has a large family, and most mem
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