All Chapters of Never Let Go: Chapter 121 - Chapter 130
249 Chapters
Chapter 121
Matthew asked her to cook dinner, so she could only cook the most delicious dishes.She didn\'t want to argue with Matthew. She owed Matthew so much. As long as it didn\'t threaten Richard\'s life, she wouldn\'t refuse Matthew\'s request.She just hoped that she could live peacefully. She couldn\'t bear too much ups and downs.The fridge was so big that she was dazzled by the sight of the food. At last, she only cooked a few dishes.She didn\'t know what Matthew meant, so she didn\'t dare to disturb him. She didn\'t move her chopsticks until she saw Matthew coming down from the second floor. She smiled and said, \"dinner is ready.\"Anyway, she was grateful to him for helping her at noon.When she read the newspaper, Matthew was no longer in the villa. It took Simona more than two hours to arrive at the downtown center. Then she took a bus to her shop.As soon as she arrived at the door, she was held tightly by Maria.\"Simona, did he do anything to you?\"Maria knew that she
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Chapter 122
Perhaps other people\'s parents would probably be disappointed in their marriage, but she was not. She just made a decision secretly that she must not let her marriage be involved in any interests and impurities.Marriage was the most distant and secret heaven in her heart. Except for Maria, no one knew the meaning of marriage to her.But she still chose to marry Matthew for Richard, for the temporary rest and peace.She didn\'t know how it happened.When the rain fell on her body, she thought it was tears. When she raised her head and saw the increasingly dense rain, Simona suddenly realized that it was raining.But she didn\'t know where she was.She couldn\'t find any sign except for a long road and the trees on both sides.The force of the slap on her face made her grit her teeth. The phone in her bag rang.Simona was a little excited. She thought it was Maria, but when she saw the caller ID, it was a long number.She hung up the phone directly, but the person on the other
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Chapter 123
Matthew had just turned on the heat in the car, and now returned to the villa. Her clothes were wet and clung to her body. She only felt that every inch of her skin was cold.She wanted to stand up, but she found that she had no strength. She could only close her eyes and look at the wall behind her. She was trembling and panting while pressing the button to rush to the bathroom.The coldness of the wall came along with the wet clothes. She only felt cold in her heart, but her hands and feet were all soft. She could not stand up and fall down.Sure enough, people were sentimental when they didn\'t work.The door was not closed tightly. When Simona was pushed open, she only opened her eyes and saw Matthew looking at her condescendingly.\"Do you want to die here and give me a charge of killing my wife?\"Simona raised her head and saw Matthew looking at her, frowning and speaking in an unfriendly tone.Matthew hadn\'t changed his clothes yet. When he got out of the car and pulled
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Chapter 124
The autumn rain had cooled down a lot.After thinking for a while, she went back to bed, pulled out a sheet and walked to Matthew.She wanted to cover him, but she was afraid of waking him up.She didn\'t sleep well these nights. For no reason, just as Matthew said, she had nightmares, really nightmares.One after another, as if it wouldn\'t break, and she would often wake up in the middle of the night.Most of the time, she had tried her best to give up her own action. When she woke up, she basically sat on the bed and did not dare to move. She was afraid that the people beside her would also be awakened by her.But Matthew always turned on the light. He didn\'t turn it off until he took a look at her.She often couldn\'t fall asleep after midnight. Her body was stiff and she didn\'t dare to move or fall asleep.Most of the time, when she turned around, she heard Matthew\'s faint voice, \"you also have nightmares.\"It was cold and full of sarcasm.But at the same time, she
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Chapter 125
In the middle of his words, Simona knew what he meant.She moved slightly and looked at him without saying anything. She just walked over and picked up the sheet, folded it and put it aside.\"I\'m sorry to make you unhappy again.\"She stood in front of him and said word by word sincerely.Matthew sneered, \"Simona, don\'t always pretend that I forced you. Who are you going to show it to? If you don\'t want to, we\'ll divorce tomorrow!\"Divorce?Would Richard be left alone in the United States after divorce?If they couldn\'t divorce, how could they divorce? If they divorced, Matthew didn\'t want to play anymore. What should Richard do?Her throat was tight, and the cold wind from the window hit her face, making her whole forehead painful.She clenched her lower hem and shook her head, \"I won\'t divorce you.\"She looked at him and said firmly, which surprised Matthew.Simona looked at Matthew. Seeing that he didn\'t say anything, she thought he couldn\'t hear her, so she
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Chapter 126
She stared at the phone for a long time before getting up to wash up.There was a breakfast on the table, probably made by Matthew by the way.When she married Matthew, she didn\'t expect the two to be in love, but she also tried her best to be a good wife. Just as Maria said, marriage was her last heaven.The heaven was destroyed by herself. She couldn\'t let it be destroyed too ugly.But now it seemed that she didn\'t know what a good wife would do. Her husband was on a business trip and she slept so late. The breakfast was made by Matthew.She always knew that Matthew was very independent. Carole pulled him up alone. He was precocious than other children. When she could only hold Richard\'s arm and act like a spoiled child today, Matthew would prepare dinner for Carole and wait for him to go home.Both of them grew up in single parent families. Matthew was much better than her.It was a simple breakfast, milk and toast. She couldn\'t help crying while eating.After the bankr
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Chapter 127
For the first time, the two of them slept so close. When she opened her eyes, she saw his side face. The other half of his face was stuck in the gray quilt, and his nose was right in the direction of her forehead.Matthew looked haggard with dark circles under his eyes.She moved just now, but he didn\'t wake up.Simona didn\'t dare to move for fear of waking him up.With her eyes closed, the wind outside the window was blowing and the curtain was drawn. She could even hear Matthew\'s breath clearly.His hands on her waist were warm. Simona was only wearing a thin long sleeve shirt. Matthew put his hand on it, and the two thin layers of clothes couldn\'t stop the temperature spreading.She closed her eyes and felt much clearer than before.The two were so close that she didn\'t dare to move. Every breath Matthew exhaled hit her cheek. Simona could almost feel every hair on her face stirring.She didn\'t know what to do with the moist air.It was still raining outside the windo
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Chapter 128
When she came to her senses, she stretched out her legs and cotton slippers. Looking at Matthew, she felt that her face was burning.The man didn\'t look at her. He withdrew his sight from the ground and went out directly. She was left alone in the kitchen, embarrassed.In order to save time, Simona had studied the fastest, nutritious and most convenient dish before. Now it was used. After Matthew went out, she went straight to the fridge.She lifted the knife and began to cut the vegetables. More than half an hour later, she cooked three simple home cooking dishes.Fortunately, she had calculated the time when Matthew came back when she cooked the soup. At that time, she guessed that he probably came back at night. The soup had been stewed for so long that it had already lost its water, so she had cooked a whole pot from the beginning.Although it had been stewed for nearly seven hours, the rest of the soup was more than enough for the two of them to drink.When she went out of
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Chapter 129
When she woke up in the middle of the night, Matthew was not in bed. Simona raised her hand and touched one side of the bed for a long time, only to find that Matthew was really not in bed.When she was about to turn on the light, she saw a person standing in front of the big French window.The window was 1/4 open, and Matthew was standing outside. Sitting on the bed, she could only vaguely see his hands on the balcony.Simona frowned and couldn\'t help getting out of bed. When she approached, a gust of wind blew, which made her shrink back.Matthew stood there, with a cigarette between his right index finger and middle finger. The cigarette was almost finished, but he didn\'t notice it at all.The rain had stopped outside, but the wind was as cold as it was when it rained.She stood in the window and called in a low voice, \"Matthew.\"The moon in the sky was only half bowstring. Matthew turned around and saw the moon on his face, but it was not very clear. He frowned, then rai
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Chapter 130
Simona didn\'t know herself. At least until now, she had to admit that she was living a better life than before except for the nightmare that woke her up at that night. She didn\'t need to sleep for at least a few hours every day, but she had to work for more than 10 hours. She didn\'t even need to worry about whether Richard\'s medical fees for the next month were enough.She raised her hand and touched her wrist. In just a few days, she had been sick more than healthy, but she had gained some weight.She pursed her lips and finally dialed the number she had memorized.In this world, except for the emergency call, the only thing she remembered was the call from Maria and Spencer.One was that she would never call him again, and the other was that she didn\'t dare to call him during this period of time.\"Dudu.\"The sound of the phone kept coming through, and her palms were full of sweat. Less than half of her palms suddenly became quiet, only the female voice of the machine.S
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