All Chapters of The Alpha Triplet’s Curse: Chapter 131 - Chapter 140
210 Chapters
Hundred and thirty One
BECCA.Then Magdon growled before turning to the side where I was still shocked looking at my mom’s body. There was no head, her blood was sprouting like tap water. My hand shook as I raised them to touch her, I didn't even know which part of her body I wanted to touch. My tears blinded my eyes as I stared at her. I heard Magdon growl again and started coming toward me but I didn't care. I didn't care that he was coming to kill me, I didn't care that he was thirsty for my blood. Just my mother. The woman that had been with me ever since I was young, cared for me and loved me more than anyone. Memories of her laughing and smiling at me came to view. When we moved here, she and Ezra had the best laughs. She loved being around him, they were best friend and I accused her of crushing on him. I regret doing that cause it ruined their friendship, she was so disappointed in me. I lost my dad and mom the same day in the hands of this magdon monster. By the time I turned to the side wit
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Hundred And Thirty Two
BECCA I couldn't help it. I wasn't able to as much as I wanted. “I can't, I can't I can't...” I screamed before falling down before Reid who tried to catch me by the waist. “Becca, you're alright. It's fine, you did good.” Reid voice kept sounding but I didn't listen to him. I wasn't able to. As much as I wanted to, I couldn't. I couldn't help it; I was helpless and miserable for the first time in my life. My mind was blank, in a daze almost like an abyss. “Leave her alone, Reid.” Ezra’s voice sounded, he came toward me and squatted in front of me. Both of his hands went to the side of my cheeks. “Hey, look at me... Here, my eyes.” He uttered and slapped my cheeks roughly but I didn't feel any pain. At least it got my attention enough for me to raise my head to him. “Its fine...” he added, looking in my eyes. There were some emotions that I didn't know I could still in Ezra’s eyes running on them. “Ezra...” I called. “You are going to be fine, I promise. Everything is fin
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Hundred And Thirty Three
BECCA. “Becca, wake up. Becca, fight it!” Said the voice shaking me but I wasn't able to. I wanted to fight it, get off and not be in this place. The place I was at was like an abyss. It was dark and there was nothing anywhere. Take me away from here. Take me away from here. I don't want to be here. I screamed and screamed but nothing happened. A point came I didn't hear anything around me anymore. It was nothingness. Please, take me away from here. I screamed but nothing happened still. Just then I saw a light, a beautiful light and I went to the direction. There was no light but darkness and darkness but there was someone. There was someone that emitted light. “I am here, Becca, wake up.” said the light and then the light suddenly turned to darkness. Behind me I could feel something coming, running toward me and wanting to kill me but before I could find out what it was, my eyes flung open. Before me was Alexander, he had removed the hospital bandages in him and was
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Hundred And Thirty Four
BECCA He removed his trousers with his other hand and then his dick bounced on my tummy. Fuck. I moved my eyes downward to look at his dick, there were huge, curvy and long. Instantly, I wanted it inside of me and feeling every part of my inside. “Put it in.” Alexander whispered to me before bringing his hand along my thigh, going to pussy which was already drenched in my wetness. I moved my hand quick and held his big dick and then I used it to rub my clitoris. I moaned as I moved it up and down my pulsating clit which let out a squeamish sound at every flicker. Fuck! I moaned, my eyes going backward as the pleasure hit me. Still flickering his dick against my clit, his voice sounded through the link. “How hard do you want me to fuck you?” He asked and I shut my eyes open. His eyes had darkened and he moved my hand from his dick pinning it above my head in a slam. “Tell me.” He moved his mouth closer to my ear and whispered while his dick moved on my belly. “H-hard.”
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Hundred and thirty five
BECCA “On one condition,” “What?” I rolled him my tired eyes. “I can touch your boobs when I want and however I want.” He widened his eyes and then a smirk grew on his face. “No.” I rolled my eyes although I loved the idea of him touching my boobs without me being able to stop him. I love it when he touch my nipples. “Then you have to walk yourself to the bathroom.” He uttered before turning around, about to walk away. “Okay, fine!” I screamed at him, rolling my eyes as though he was blackmailing me. Alexander smiled before carrying me to the bathroom. He placed me in the bathtub before opening the tap. He knelt in front of me and moved his hand behind to regulate the water as it was too cold that I flinched. I couldn't help but stare at my man, he was so handsome. Everything about him was perfect. The way he moved his lips gently makes me want to kiss him again. Alexander stood from where he crounched and went to the drawer in the bathroom, he brought out some soa
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Hundred and Thirty six
I didn't know I held her waist to pull her closer until I saw her froze and looked at it hand on her body. Then she looked back up at me, her green eyes boring into mine. It was as though I had never seen eyes like hers before. “Why do you keep staring at me as though you've seen a monster?” She uttered, sarcasm obvious in her voice. I didn't realize I was still touching her until now. I removed my hand from her waist quick before heading toward the direction in front of me. As I walked I mind linked Ian to come meet us. “We have to...” Before I finished the words of my mouth she had bumped into me, making me frown slightly although I loved the contact. No, I don't. I faced the direction that I expected Ian to come from. He would be able to locate us by our scent hence there was no need to panic. Staring at that direction, her voice came to my hearing. She was singing. “The darkness is not fear Cause the stars are here...” Her voice wounded melodious in my ears almost like an an
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Hundred and thirty seven
“Ezra get out if you're going to talk to Becca without respect, she is still the Luna of this pack.” Alexander glared at me. His hand was on Becca’s waist, gently caressing her. I looked away. “I came here because you said you want to tell me something, I'm all ears.” I uttered without looking at my brother. As much as I would like to leave, I still wanted to hear what Alexander has for me. Hopefully, it worth it. Just before Alexander and Becca go to sit opposite I and Reid, the door opened and a woman walked in. Her exposed legs and thigh didn't miss my eyes. It was her, I hadn't seen her in a while and I didn't even remember that she was still alive. Why didn't she die, Veronica shouldn't have died but her. “You invited her?” I stood in anger, Alexander shook his head and stood as well. “I didnt” Answered Alexander. “I did.” Reid uttered beside me and I looked at him with incredulity. “Okay, I am out of here.” I didn't care anymore, I hated my mother more than anything. She
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Hundred and thirty eight
The next day came like every other day, I work up and we tidied our room before going to the major living room. It had been tidied up, it didn't even look like a party had happened there. Ian sat on one of the sofas with Chelsea by his side attending to his black eye. I wonder where he got that from. “Hi...” I waved at Ian, he didn't look at me. I noticed he didn't share me a glance since I came down. “What’s wrong?” I wondered. Just then, Sandra came to me, she dragged my by my arm to the kitchen. I hated the kitchen I have always hated the kitchen ever since that horrible incident happened.Bianca was already in the kitchen, she was in front of a big pale of chickens. We were cooking for the whole pack like they had told me before. “Can you guys let me wash the chicken and whatever needs to be washed? I will do everything except anything that has to do with the fire.” I looked at Bianca who looked at Sandra that was by my side. “Sure, she can chop the vegetables, onions and othe
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Hundred and thirty nine
EZRA.I was going to someone I said I would never need her help. Becca. My car reached the pack, the men at the gate bowed their heads as I drove past them. I reached the Alpha mansion few minutes later, and then sniff the air to be sure Becca was home. She was home with Alexander. “Where are we?” She asked me, looking around the place. “Where all my questions will be answered.” I told her before going to open her side of the car door. In the process of doing that my body pressed on hers and that side of my body changed, sparks rushed up from that side. Her eyes bored into mine, I felt it. I didn't look at her green eyes in order not to be lost in them. After opening the door, I moved away from her and walked out the door. She opened her side of the door and walked out as well. She looked around again, her fear smelt like rotten egg, it was concentrated. “I am not going in there to hurt you, stop being scared.” I uttered as I walked in while she walked behind me still lookin
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Hundred and Forty
EZRAI raised my brows. Attacks? Almost quickly I mind linked Ian, it didn't connect as he was probably still sleeping. It was midnight who attacks at midnight. I ran to the boys quarter, woke everyone up by the alarm. “My brothers pack is under attack, we have to go and help them!” I said into the mindlink going down the stairs. As I reached the living room I saw Erica coming into the living room, meaning she wasn't in her room, to begin with. “Where were you?” I asked, looking at her suspiciously. “Walk...” she paused and looked around, wondering what happened and why everyone was moving around. “Walk?” I asked, and she nodded again. I didn't have the time to continue to question her, I had to go to my brothers pack. Ian and the rest of the pack followed suit. “Stay in your room!” I told Erica and she nodded. With this I walked past her and shifted before going to my brothers pack. By the time I reached, the pack was deserted, everyone was in a state of sadness. Some o
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