All Chapters of For the Love of a Guardian: Chapter 41 - Chapter 50
87 Chapters
Chapter 40: Lily
When Clint walks into the bathroom, I sit on the bed and take my boots off. Every time we’ve been intimate, it’s me that experiences the pleasure and never him. He’s never pressured me to give him anything, but I want to. I want to give him the same pleasure that he’s been giving to me. When I walk into the bathroom, I can see that he’s taking matters into his own hands, literally. I shouldn’t be the only one that is getting pleasure from our time together. When I offer to help, I don’t know what to do, so I pull my dress over my head, before walking into the shower with him. He hasn’t said a word, he’s just watching me. He steps back, letting me in and the water from the shower pours over my back. I look down and gulp at how large he is. His hand fits around his girth, but I can tell that mine won’t. I reach down, replacing his hand with mine. He immediately sucks in air, and my eyes shoot to his face. His eyes have closed and his mouth is open slightly. I begin to stroke him, as I
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Chapter 41: Clint
I’m not sure life gets any better than it is right now. Everything is perfect. My mate is opening up to me, she’s agreeing to future time together and she’s wanting to become more physical with me. I literally thought my head was going to explode last night when Lily went down on me. Well, one head actually did explode. Nothing has ever felt as good as her mouth on me. I could tell she wasn’t experienced in giving blow jobs and that just made the whole experience that much better. She’s a natural, she’s perfect, and she was made just for me. Thank you, Moon Goddess! It's obvious this morning that Anders and Calista had gotten intimate as well. I won’t ask him about it. I won’t share my relationship with Lily, and I know he won’t share his with Calista, but it’s there, and I’m happy for him. It makes it a lot easier to spend time together since they were already close friends and he and I are as well. We’re all so relaxed. The company is easy and fun. We alternate between spending tim
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Chapter 42: Lily
I did it. This weekend has been amazing, and I wanted to give myself to Clint. Maybe I should have waited another couple of weeks to see if he’s my mate. But this weekend is perfect. This place is perfect, our time together has been perfect, and he has been perfect. He is everything I have ever wanted in a mate. He’s funny, considerate, loving, caring. He is constantly making sure my needs are met, that I’m happy. He hasn’t pushed me to do anything that I didn’t want to do and it’s why I finally decided that tonight was the night. I don’t think I could have chosen a better time or place to lose my virginity. Clint made it so special. He made me feel like I was precious to him, he made sure it was good for me and goddess was it good! For once, I appreciate his sexual prowess. I got to reap the benefits of that knowledge tonight. Beyond that, he told me he loved me. I’m not sure he realized that he said it, but I heard it, and it made my heart soar. His head is still beside mine, and
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Chapter 43: Clint
After returning from the best weekend of my life, I drop Lily at her room. I hate leaving her. After just one weekend, I don’t want to be separated from her. I know we will be meeting on the roof soon, but I want to shower with her, go to bed together in an actual bed, not one made up of blankets that I’ve gathered. I’m not paying attention as I head up to my room, my mind still on my perfect weekend with my perfect mate. It’s not until I’m at my door, unlocking it, that I catch the scent of perfume. I turn, seeing Anna stepping out of the shadows. “Anna, what are you doing up here?” “Can we talk?” “Is everything alright?” I ask her. “Can we speak, privately?” She says and moves past me into my room. She may want to speak privately, but I’m not closing the door to my room. I don’t want her getting any ideas. I follow her into my room. “What’s going on, Anna?” She’s turned away from me, so I can’t see her face. I walk over to my bed, putting my bag on it. I hope this won’t take l
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Chapter 44: Lily
I cried all night. I feel so stupid, I fell him. I knew better. I knew his reputation, that he’s a ladies’ man. Cali called it weeks ago. He only wanted me because I was a chase, a conquest. As soon as he caught me, he moved on to greener pastures. I ignored him all night, crying myself out. Before the sun rose, I jumped in the shower, dried my eyes and swore that I would not cry another tear for Clint Nelson. I put on my big girl pants and decided to take charge of my life. I would not be a victim of my father or of Clint. I am a Guardian and it’s about time I started acting like one. First things first, I stopped by Alpha Patrick’s office and requested that Clint be removed from my guard duty. I refused to tell him why, just stating that I would prefer if he assigned someone else. He didn't say anything about my puffy eyes, but he hugged me and agreed to pull Clint off my guard duty. I’m not foolish enough to think that Clint won’t fight me on this, but I won’t budge. I’ve had enou
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Chapter 45: Clint
“What happened?” Anders says as we watch Lily walk out the door with Lucas. I can’t believe that douchebag is taking my mate to school. I can’t believe any of this is happening. Donovan is pacing angrily in my head, and I want to hit something or someone so bad my fists are twitching. Anders hand comes down on my shoulder, forcing my attention to him. “What. happened?” He asks slowly, forcing me to focus on him. I take a deep breath and we walk out to his car. I wait until I’m inside before telling him about the events of the night before. He whistles low. “That’s a fucking mess, Clint.” “No fucking kidding, Anders. Why do you think I’m about ready to explode?” “What are you going to do?” “I don’t know. She won’t even speak to me. She has agreed to train with me in the afternoons and your dad recommended that I not say anything about this and focus on training. After this morning, I think he’s right.” “My father usually is.” Anders says, as we pull up to Calista’s house. She does
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Chapter 46: Lily
After leaving Clint, I decide to grab food and head to my room. Cali said she would join me tonight so we can talk some more. I filled her in on everything that happened this weekend and then finding Clint and Anna wrapped in each other’s arms. Cali, being the amazing friend that she is, is surrounding me in her armor and supporting me in my decision to ignore Clint. Lucas walks up behind me as I’m getting my food. “Hey Lily. So, now that I know that you are Clint aren’t together…you aren’t together, right?” I look at him over my shoulder, adding more food to my plate. “We are definitely NOT together.” “Then, I would love to take you on that date that we never got a chance to go on.” The last thing I want to do is go on a date with Lucas and I’m about to say something like that to him, when Clint walks up, acting like he still has a say in my life. His immediate dismissal of Lucas has my hackles going up. I turn and put myself between Clint and Lucas. “You don’t have a say in wh
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Chapter 47: Clint
I was still with Patrick when Lily mind linked him about going for a walk. It should be me going with her. Patrick told me I needed time to cool off, but it wasn’t working, so he took me to the indoor weight room and sparred with me until my murderous intent toward Lucas was gone, leaving me feeling empty. I went back to my room, taking a shower and trying to practice my guitar. Now, more than ever, I needed to figure out my grand gesture for Lily. One way or another, I’m going to win her back. I finally give up and decide to go look for her. I won’t get close, but I need to see her. I go out the omega’s entrance, not wanting to alert Patrick or Calvin to my plans. I catch her scent, along with Calista’s and I begin to make my way toward them. I haven’t gone far when I hear Andra’s howl for help. Donovan immediately forces the shift and we’re running toward Lily. When we get there, I recognize the scents as those lingering in the packhouse from this weekend. Alpha Mahli and his warr
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Chapter 48: Lily
His mate? Did he say I’m his mate? “How do you know?” “I’m 18. I knew the minute I saw you after my birthday. It was Monday morning, and you were straddling Lucas, defeating him in your sparring match. Donovan almost killed Lucas that day, seeing you like that.” I look at him, not sure if I believe him. “I turned 18 on a Friday. Anders and I went out all weekend looking for my mate. Little did I know that my little slip of a mate was in our pack but was underage and wouldn’t recognize me as her mate for another couple of months.” “So, the only reason you’ve been giving me attention is because I’m your mate?” “Yes and no. I was hoping I could get you to fall in love with me before you realized I was your mate. I thought I as doing a good job of it until this mess with Anna happened.” “What about me being a Guardian?” Did he fall in love with me because I’m a Guardian? He shrugs. “What about it? You hadn’t gotten your Guardian spirit when Donovan recognized you as our mate. I don
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Chapter 49: Clint
I hate it when Lily walks out of my room. A part of me worries that she wouldn’t come back. I laid all my cards on the table. I have to hope that it’s enough for her to give me a chance to prove that she’s the only woman for me. Not long after she leaves, Alpha Patrick comes in. “Clint, I was happy to hear that you awakened earlier today.” “Good afternoon, Patrick. It was good to wake up and have Lily at my side.” “She didn’t leave you. She’s the one that carried you from the battlefield to the hospital.” That’s news to me. I know she’s strong but I’m nearly a foot taller than her. “How did she manage that?” “Have you looked at your feet?” He asks, raising an eyebrow. I pull the sheets off and see that, indeed, my feet look like they’ve been drug through the mud. I chuckle before pulling the sheets back over me and shrugging. I don’t care. I’d get shot with wolfsbane every day if that’s what it takes for Lily to stop pushing me away. “Have you spoken to her yet?” I ask Patrick.
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