All Chapters of Claimed by the Devil Alpha: Chapter 151 - Chapter 160
263 Chapters
Chapter 151
CLAIRE's POV As the days went by and I spent the time in my clan, I had assumed that I would get accustomed to the environment and become even more comfortable, but what I felt was the opposite. My discomfort grew with each passing day and I could not shake this uneasiness from my chest. My nights were spent alone, and I was completely overwhelmed by how lonely it was. I would often find myself, thinking about Dominik, every single night as I lay in bed, unable to sleep. I would wonder how he was and what he was doing at the moment. Did he also long for me, and miss me the same way I did? These questions probed my mind along with the thought of him. In addition to my uneasiness, there was this feeling of being watched. I felt it whenever I walked down the hallways with Bianca, and even when I lay in bed at night. I could not pin point the source, so I brushed it off as me being paranoid because of the discomfort and uneasiness I had been feeling lately. I blinked and broke away fro
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Chapter 152
CLAIRE's POVThe fear and anxiety I was feeling right now was different from anything I had felt before. As we walked like prisoners behind Enzo in the hallway, I felt a feeling of dread crawl up my spine. My mind began to play out different scenarios on how this could go.Enzo may just give us a harsh scolding and then let us go, or he would kick me out of the clan. I swallowed and shook my head. There was no way that would happen. Enzo wanted me here, to stay for good. I exhaled sharply to calm my thumping heart as we approached his office.Enzo opened the door and stood by it, waiting for us to go in first. Bianca and I shared a look before holding hands and walking into his office. Once we were in, Enzo walked in and slammed the door shut with a great intensity that made me flinch. I had to look back, to examine the door, to see if it had broken from the sheer force.Enzo walked to his desk and sat down on it.“Why did you go outside the clan premises for a run Bianca?” Enzo asked
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Chapter 153
CLAIRE's POVThe worried look on Luis’ face struck me with a lot of questions, as well as fill me with extreme worry. Luis was not the type to come to my bedroom, especially in the middle of the night, so I knew something was up.I gazed at him with worry in my eyes and spoke.“Of course, we can talk.”Luis looked around the hallway a bit frantically and peered into my room before turning his gaze to me.“Not here, let us talk in my room.” He said, a pleading look in my eyes.I turned to look at Bianca and saw that she was still fast asleep. I sighed and slipped out of my room, shutting the door as silently as possible behind me. Luis nodded and started down the hallway. I followed behind him carefully until we reached his room. Luis pushed open the door and held it for me. I walked in and I heard the door click softly behind me. I made myself comfortable on Luis’ small bed and my eyes began to wander around the room. Luis’ room was not as extravagant as mine. It was in fact the com
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Chapter 154
CLAIRE's POVI could not fathom the happiness that exploded within me the moment my eyes fell on Daniel. I was about to take a step forward, towards his direction when I began to recall how he had suddenly bailed on us, which led us to our current predicament. I stood a step back, making sure I was standing beside Luis as I folded my arms.“What are you doing here?” I questioned in a rather hostile and firm tone.Daniel went grim and a soft sigh escaped his lips.“I can understand your fury, but let me explain t-““Explain what? The fact that you left us hanging at the crucial moment? Do you know the things we went through because of your absence?” Luis snarled with his eyebrows furrowed.Daniel raised his hands up in the air, a sign of defeat and surrender.“I cannot imagine what you both went through, but bailing on you was not intentional and was not within my control,” Daniel said, his eyes gazing at me, pure and without any deceit. I eyed him for a while and spoke.“Why did you
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Chapter 155
CLAIRE's POVThe ground shook like it was being attacked by an earthquake. I quickly grabbed unto the wooden frame of the bed to stop myself from falling to the ground. The sudden loud noise and the vibrations of the ground, put me in a state of distress and fear. I made a sharp turn to Luis and noticed that his eyes were fixed intently on the window. What was he looking at? As I opened my mouth to speak to him, he hurried to the window, despite the violent quake. Luis pried the window open with such a speed I had never seen before. As soon as the window flew open, the sounds of intense wailing and screaming caught my attention. I steadied myself and walked over to the window. The scene before me left me completely dumbfounded and in a state of utter shock.Enzo's clan was being ravished by attackers. Under the bright moonlight, I could see their fearful features. Most of them wore thick silver and bronze armour, clad from head to toe, holding large swords in their hands, which the
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Chapter 156
CLAIRE's POVThe warrior standing in front of with bloodshot eyes and a menacing smile swung her blade at me. I reacted fast and squatted down, causing her blade to fly over my head with great speed. The woman with large wings hollered and raised her sword up in the air.I watched in horror as she swung it down towards me. My body began to move on its own. I rolled to the side and her blade came landing on the floor, the spot where I had been crouched down. I stared at her blade in horror.Her eyes snapped to me, and her grin slowly disappeared. She seemed displeased, that her blade had not cut me down yet. I did not hesitate. I picked myself up from the ground and bolted away from her. She looked way out of my league, stronger than me.A part of me wanted to fight back, but another part of me could see the difference in strength. My magic powers would not stand a chance against her. I ran through the clan grounds, that had now become a battle field. I jumped over bodies and ducked pa
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Chapter 157
CLAIRE's POVI groaned and clutched my shoulder as more blood spilled from the wound. At this point, I feared that I would bleed out to death. "Claire!" I heard someone scream my name.I made a sharp turn in the direction of the voice, and my eyes fell on Luis. He ran up to me, his breath haggard and his face stained with blood."Are you hurt anywhere?" I asked as my eyes frantically scanned his body from heard to toe."I am fine, this blood is not mine," he replied with a nod.I let out a sigh of relief and actually felt stupid for worrying about him. I watched his eyes trail down to my shoulder and he frowned."I should be asking you the same question. Are you alright?"I grimaced and moved my hand aside. Luis went solemn as he gazed at the injury. He quickly sheathed his sword and walked closer to me. I watched him rip a piece of his clothing and he held the torn piece up to my face."Hold still, we need to stop the bleeding or you might die."I swallowed and nodded. Luis began t
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Chapter 158
CLAIRE's POV“Come in,” Bianca beckoned to whoever was behind the door.I watched the door slide open, and my heart skipped a beat when I saw Enzo walk into the room. He looked fine, and without a single scratch on his skin. It made me a bit skeptical on whether or not he actually joined in the fight.I could not help but notice the grim look on his face. It made me feel nervous and a bit uncomfortable. I shifted on the bed as Enzo approached us. He turned to Bianca and folded his arms.“I am going to borrow Claire for a while, I hope you do not mind,” My head snapped to him the moment I heard my name come out from his mouth. Why was he here for me? My heart began to race. Was he going to try and ask me out again? I grimaced at the thought.Bianca glanced at me and back at her brother. She went solemn and gave him a small nod. Enzo shot her a small grateful smile and turned to me. My heart almost escaped my throat when his hard eyes found mine.“If you do not mind, I need to speak wi
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Chapter 159
CLAIRE's POVAs I trudged down the hallway, I was slowly hit with the awful reality of everything that unfolded in alpha Enzo's study. The reality hit me like a blow, and I could feel my heart sinking to the darkest and deepest depths.I let out a shaky breath and trudged down the hallway further. I was still dumbfounded by Enzo's statement. How exactly had he found out that I had used my powers and how did he know that I joined in the battle? A lot of things were not adding up, but i could not quite lay my finger on it.But what did this mean for me? In order to keep my identity a secret, I had to lie to Enzo. Was he going to kick me out of the clan since he did not believe me? Or worse, execute me for being a hybrid? I swallowed at the thought. It was not quite far fetched seeing how angry he was. A chill ran down my spine, the moment I recalled the hot blazing glare in his eyes as he looked at me. It was fierce and for once, I was convinced that Enzo would hurt me.I walked down t
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Chapter 160
CLAIRE's POVLuis closed his room door shut quickly and exhaled.“The hallways are crawling with these wolves, I just hope they did not see us come in together, we definitely looked suspicious.”I sighed and propped my back by the wall, my eyes fixed on the large wall clock that ticked with each passing second.“I honestly hope not,” I replied.Luis strolled to the bed and plopped down on it.“What do you think we should do now? We can’t stay here anymore since the alpha already knows about your magic powers. It would be far too dangerous for you,” Luis said.I nodded.“We need to leave, and quick,” I said while chewing on my nails as my mind went into deep thought.Luis turned to me, his eye brow cocked.“But where do we go from here? We cannot go back to the clan for now.”I pondered on his question until it hit me. My eyes widened as a wide smile graced my lips.“The witches clan, we can go there. It is the perfect place for me since everyone there knows that I am a hybrid. It is t
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