Semua Bab I Am Not Your Victim: Bab 61 - Bab 70
76 Bab
Something's Wrong
CHAPTER 61: SOMETHING’S WRONG~Harper’s POV~I woke up feeling empty in my chest. Something is wrong. I got up out of my bed and looked to the side of me. I know Gabe got in bed with me last night. A memory of him leaning over and kissing my forehead drifted into my mind. “I love you Harper, I’ll come back to you.” Did he leave? It must have been a dream! I felt a heaviness in my heart, tears started to flood my eyes. Why do I feel this way? I ran from my room and up to Gabriel’s. I threw myself through his door. “Gabriel?! Where are you?” silence. What’s happening!I ran from his room and to his office. He is not there either. Panic took over, I ran from his office and Tanner grabbed me before I could make it to the dining hall. “Tanner! Something is wrong. Where is Gabriel?” I was shaking. “Harper, he is fine. He had to leave early this morning. He should be on a plane right now on his way to Russia. He has an important meeting with some Alpha’s there.” “
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This Place Is Creepy
CHAPTER 62: THIS PLACE IS CREEPY~Gabriel’s POV~ “You’re lucky I love you, Gabe. If I were a normal Gamma, I would have said NO the moment you wanted me to trudge into a freaking swamp with water up to my damn thighs!” “No, you wouldn’t. You have always been right there with me Kai. You wouldn’t let me go without you.” I looked back at him. “You're right, I let you get me into all kinds of shit situations.” I grinned at him. “No, you are mistaken for Tanner.” He nodded his head. “Yeah, I guess.” I don’t blame him for complaining. This is a shit situation. We left my truck on a back road. We have been walking for over a day now through a swamp, going off only my instinct. It is starting to get dark again, so I turn to look for a raised part of the swamp where we can find dry land. “Over here!” I follow Kai to an area big enough for the two of us to rest for the night. We have been living off the canned food and water we brought with us in our backpacks.
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CHAPTER 63: BETRAYAL~Gabriel’s POV~Mika keeps flashing images of my beautiful mate in my mind. I am thankful that he is able to maintain control, Goddess knows I don’t want to betray Harper. What is this witch playing at? She took a seat across from me. “You have heard the stories of my friend “the wolf” who tricked me into creating the stone. Yada, Yada, Yada.” She rolled her eyes. “Now the stone has fallen into the hands of Thane Kago, who is much worse than my so-called friend was. Thane is power hungry, and he will become immortal if we don’t do something soon. Werewolves everywhere, as well as other species including humans will not be safe. In fact, there’s a chance that humans will be eradicated all together.” She said, finally she stopped focusing on me. Her mood became more serious the longer she spoke. “I know Thane has the stone, and that is where he is getting most of his power. I also heard that he may have an even stronger source of power, do you know anyth
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He Wouldn't Do That
CHAPTER 64: HE WOULDN’T DO THAT~Tanner’s POV~I left Harper sleeping in her bed. I am so angry right now. I have never hit Gabriel in my life. He is my best friend and Alpha. Right now, if he was in front of me, I would knock him the fuck out for hurting Harper. She didn’t deserve this. She is sweet, kind, responsible, and beautiful. Not only that but she has been through HELL with that piece of shit Thane. I tried to call Gabriel to get an explanation for what Harper was telling me. I am praying to the Goddess that it’s all just a misunderstanding. It went straight to voicemail. I haven’t spoken to Gabe or Kai for days now. I don’t even know where they are. I couldn’t tell Harper, but I really don’t have a good feeling about any of this. I have to stay strong for Her though, I have to have faith in Gabe. “Gabe wouldn’t do that would he?” Kelly asked me. I shook my head. “Not the Gabriel that I know. And he is crazy about Harper. None of this makes any sense.” Gabriel’s of
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You Are No Harper
CHAPTER 65: YOU ARE NO HARPER~Thane’s POV~ “You fucking bitch! I WILL KILL YOU BOTH! You stab me in the back to partner with a weakling!” I growled out. “If you remember correctly, Thane.” She spat into the receiver of her phone. “The original plan was for you to fall second in command to ME! You are the backstabber, and I can’t trust you! You are power hungry; you have lost sight of what the real purpose of raising Hades from hell is. He is to be the most high, not you!” “You have no idea what you are talking about you stupid bitch! Hades will get what he wants, but so will I. Immortality is only a drop in the bucket for what he will owe me for getting him out of hell. Don’t come back to me begging when that little partner of yours turns up dead. Gabriel is a Lycan King, and everyone will follow him now. My wolves don’t because they serve a higher power and aren’t bound by the Moon Goddess any longer. You won’t find another wolf willing to help you. You have fucked yo
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Stay Away
CHAPTER 66: STAY AWAY FROM ME~ Harper’s POV ~The city still visible below us on our right, the forest was growing thicker to our left the farther down the trail that we walked. Crickets were chirping, and I heard owls hooting. I loved nights like this. We stopped at an area that had some pay to see through binoculars. Chad looked back at me and smiled. He reached in his pocket and pulled out a couple of quarters and placed them in the coin slots on the binoculars. He looked at me again and grinned. “This is great!” He said to me then looked through the lenses. He pulled back and motioned for me to take a look. “See?” I stepped up to the binoculars and peeked through the lenses. They were pointed at a tall apartment building far away into the city. Wow, you really can see all sorts of things through these. I giggled when I saw an old man and woman dancing through their living room window. I pulled back and smiled at Chad. He took the binoculars back and pointed them in another
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It Touched Me
CHAPTER 67: IT TOUCHED ME~Gabriel’s POV~Kai and I had been walking for days. I couldn’t get that fucking witch out of my head. How did I fall into her trap so easily? I thought the mate bond was stronger than that. What happened to me? The moment I was out of her house the lustful thoughts were gone. It had to be a spell of some kind. I just don’t understand her motive behind it. “I’m telling you man, just be honest with Harper. I know she will understand. I know it wasn’t you purposefully acting that way.” Kai was trying to make me feel better. “Harper knows that I kissed someone Kai. Mika said Mia knew, so I know she has told Harper. Imagine what she is thinking and feeling right now. I am a piece of shit mate. I wouldn’t blame Harper if she left me and never looked back.” It had been three days since we left the witch’s shack. Kai and I were in a desert type area. I knew we were getting closer to the dragons because I could feel it. If I focus hard enough with Mika’s L
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Show Me What You Got
CHAPTER 68: SHOW ME WHAT YOU GOT~ Gabriel’s POV ~Kai and I walked through the field toward the mountain. This place is beautiful, I would love to bring Harper here one day. Man, I miss her, I just hope I get the chance to tell her how sorry I am about what happened with that damned witch. We passed some strange creatures; some we had only heard about. Kai wasn’t about to mess with any of them after what happened with the Baldander. I am hoping we can get to the dragons and get the weapon before nightfall. I can’t wait to be back on my way home. Truth is, I don’t know how easy it will be to get the weapon. These dragons may not be willing to just hand it over. I will kill every last one of them if I have to. Nothing will keep me from protecting Harper.Kai and I finally make it to the base of the mountain where the cave entrance is. There are two large men standing guard. Something tells me that they are not just men. Their eyes are glowing red. They are definitely similar to Thane’s
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What Was That
CHAPTER 69: WHAT WAS THAT STUFF~Tanner’s POV~I hear the sound of something boiling in a pot, and I smell something like lavender? I open my eyes, where am I? “OH shit! HARPER!” I pitched my body upright, banging my head on… the ceiling? What the hell? “TANNER! You're okay!” I didn’t even see Harper coming before she threw her arms around my neck. “Tanner, I have been so worried about you. I was afraid you were never going to wake up!” She began to cry. Suddenly, a strange humanoid creature starts smacking her hands away from me. “Okay, Okay, OKAY! I’m going! You know I have been waiting days for him to wake up!” Harper said to the creature. It came up to feel my head and hand me something to drink. “Drink, for pain.” It said to me. I looked at Harper to make sure it was ok. She nodded her head. I drank the liquid down and frowned at the taste of it. It was quite salty, yuk! “Where are we?” I whispered to Harper. She giggled at me. She didn’t bother whispering.
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CHAPTER 70: IRIS~Gabriel’s POV~ “I can’t believe we flew on a fucking dragon!” Kai said to me. Any other time, I would be elated, but right now, my mind was focused on something else. Kai and I walked back through the swamp on our way to the witch’s hut. I have the dagger in my back pocket. She said I needed to bring it back to her once I have it. I turn to Kai. “You kill me if I attempt to sleep with her.” I say through gritted teeth. “I’ll smack you around a few times, don’t worry.” Kai said to me. He was eager to get in a few hits without my Lycan knocking him the fuck out. Both he and Tanner always liked to get free licks on me. This one I would happily give Kai. I need my ass kicked for what I put Harper through. I called and left a message a few minutes ago. I had to stop at a payphone, I know old school, right? We had to land outside of the town and walk the rest of the way. I couldn’t fly into town on a dragon’s back and expect the human military not to be aft
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