All Chapters of Hellbound!: Chapter 51 - Chapter 60
110 Chapters
At Dark Igor, Ezekiel who was busy with his invention he had started off since three days ago. Since the enemies have discovered what type of machines they would be using for war, it was possible that they might want to steal them so Ezekiel moved all of the weapons over to Zeres home in the Stretch Streets of Viscarria. Except the one he was creating right now. There's a possibility that this one might not work until he had given it thorough check so he didn't bother with it. Besides, no one was able to create the Kind of weapons he creates so they were apparently safe. Abigail turned to Zeres and held his arm with Care. “Relax, you only have this night and tomorrow to completely formulate a whole new strategy. It wouldn't be that difficult would it?” “Abigail, of course ideas are hard to get. We literary worked all day and all night to get this plan a heat. But, I ruined everything.” Abigail sighed. “Listen, sitting here and blaming yourself would not change anything. We all
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After the trio had decided that they would go haunt for the enchanted peacock and get it's blood ready for use. And the haunt would be that day, Zeke locked up the manor as they would be traveling to Viscarria. Zeres who wanted to leap with Abi in his grasp was blatantly refused by Abigail herself. She couldn't endure anymore of that torturous ride in his arms. It angered him to the extreme. Abi had informed him of how her prowess had been uniquely developed that she would be able to run, although not as fast as the vampires, but at least enough to meet up at their slow pace. Abigail kept running like the wind, using Zeres as her guide because obviously, he was leaping really slowly so that Abigail would only follow suite without getting herself lost or something. As they kept running, on the highway leading directly into Viscarria, Ezekiel suddenly paused in his movement and of course, Zeres was forced to stop too, and from afar, Abi was starting to slow herself down wondering wh
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Demon Rogues
Suddenly, the environment tensed all of a sudden, the wind grew chilly and mostly because the weather in Viscarria was only 23° degrees below the normal temperature. It was cold but the change of environment chilled it even more. Abigail's hand gripped the hilt of the longsword as she prepared herself for a fierce attack. Or wait, she doesn't even know how to use a sword. So that means, it would only be wasting her precious time. Without precision, she dismissed the blade and positioned her hand ready to manipulate gravity if need be. Then, out of the blue, something dark and scaly emerged and shot towards them with a terrifying speed. Ezekiel easily grabbed that one by the neck and the next minute, the head of the demon came reeling off it's head and black blood spurted all over the place staining them that didn't do any action. “Gods, they have been feeding on the carcass of dead humans. Reason for the black blood. They are so. . . ugh!” Ezekiel hissed as he pushed the dead body f
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Abigail looked around only to see the bodies littered about the hard asphalt. Most of them turned to have jagged faces all to the edge. Their eyes were like round ball, some even lost their eyes to the battle as they now looked like an orchid creature with dead instinct. Ezekiel began to pick the bodies up. They definitely must clear the mess up because if humans residing here in Viscarria come to witness such, or probably see blood and bodies on the highway, they would obviously begin to wonder what had happened. They would get terrified of even the smallest of thing. That was why it was necessary to clean this up even though they seems to be like a thousand of them piled up. He needed blood or else, his vampiric speed would eventually stop working too and that mustn't happen because if that does, there would absolutely be no way he would be able to get to the city in Viscarria. “Zeke, do you think we should lunch on their blood?” Zeres asked as he could already taste how bitter i
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Abigail couldn't believe that her blood level was dropping rather quick but, seems like Zeres forced himself off but that when it was already too late. Zeres managed to get Ezekiel back to his senses because the blood itself was enough to knock any vampire senseless and Zeres ran to Abi who's strength had left her. “Abi, Abi! Please am sorry. I-I couldn't stop myself. Good lord what have I done.” Ezekiel on his own part froze for a fraction of seconds before realizing that an incoming vehicle was miles away. His speed Keyed in that instant and he began to pack the bodies until there was clearly none left to view except for Abi, Zeres and himself. Even the black blood spurting around was instantly cleared and somehow, drinking Abi’s blood had somehow invoked a strange kind of strength within them which Zeke realized wasn't his usual kind of vigor. Before the incoming vehicle could approach, Zeres held Abi and Zeke held his shoulders as they teleported straight into the castle where
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Abigail and Ezekiel moved around the balcony while Zeres sat in there, thinking of another plan. He had constantly been calling on Zeke but, seems like he gets comfortable with Abi’s company and Zeres found it really enchanting. Because normally Ezekiel didn't at all like anyone apart from himself to come even an inch close. It was also because of Zeres that he got himself a girlfriend if not, Quincy would never had been a story to tell. Zeke himself prefer his company and to him, that was the best. Zeres didn't even bother to wonder why he wasn't feeling a ting of jealousy about Zeke approaching someone he loves. If it was another person, he would say that they had an ulterior motive but since it was Ezekiel, he had to cope. Abigail held the railing as she stared at the height where she stood. “How many brothers do you have?” She carefully asked. “Well, I have four. Am the eldest. Cole is my brother's name, the one born after me. Then, Azriel is the third son's name. The fourth
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Beauty is in the eyes of the Beholder
Abigail was walking around the stone area of the majestic palace as she stared about each menhir's glowing with it's lusterless black and glinting off with apprehension. Mostly, the look of the walls of the palace had a unique type of color and smoothness. While every normal wall would have rough surfaces even a bit to the slightest, this particular one was built in such a way that all around the contours, corners and angles not even a single rough surfaces was found, that to Abi’s shock. Is this a perfect wall. Was this known as the perfect wall of Viscarria? She was wondering when all of a sudden, someone bumped into her. This young man. His hair was disheveled, his skin as smooth as Zeke's, she saw resemblance in him, it was as though she was looking at a mini version of Ezekiel but this was not Ezekiel though it was one of his brothers. The young man tried to recollect if he had seen her before because, obviously she wasn't someone related to the royal household so, why was she
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Kai finally looked up after discovering that Abi's attention to the beautiful garden had been diverted. And now, seeing his elder brother staring back at him had his heart ringing out in intense panic. Those eyes held murderous intent. As though all of the bloodlust was defiantly directed towards him. There was a sudden pang on his chest. He felt as if a heated knife was placed atop his chest by just seeing the way Ezekiel stared at him. Those deadly glare could send one to hell in an instance. Kai then returned his gaze to Abi and called her name. “Abi, I don't you think it's about time we head into the palace. The garden is causing much harm than good.” Abi looked at the young man. “Let's go meet him.” Kai was suddenly shocked. With the way Ezekiel stared at him, it would only be passing the message for him to stay away from her, so he had planned to take her in and then Disappear from there. But now Abigail was telling him that they should go meet him. Ezekiel was a powerful
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Abigail couldn't stand what Ezekiel was saying to his young brother. She was almost about to cry at his words and Zeres noticed her sudden change in mood and he was surprised. Things that mattered to Zeke shouldn't be bothering her so why was she acting as though she was hearing a very terrible news. Truth is that, Zeke had always been like that, not caring even though one hurts or suffers for his actions. He was a true definition of a heartless man. He was known as a man with no heart, he was immensely clouded with that particular dark aura that when one notices they would be able to tell whom had arrived. Abigail walked to Ezekiel but the man stopped her before she could come any close. “Abi, I told you earlier not to get involved with my brothers. You had asked for their names and I had given you not minding though. He's my younger brother and I would treat him the way I want to.” Ezekiel said his voice bringing utmost fear to her being. Right now he sounded heartless and Abi sta
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Abigail sat by the garden which was illuminated by the pale silvery light of the moon as she tried to discover a way to start the search. They were supposed to set off by now since the moon was out high in the Sky, and the light would guide them nevertheless. She tried to use all that she's learnt from that nightmare, all that the cyclone gods lineage had invoked and released into her. All of the info. It was mostly about Viscarria and the Dark tower in Ki Dollarama. Then a few about how to use some of her powers while the rest remained jailed within her for a while until the will of the gods will be done. Abigail smirked when she marked out the safest routes. She had used her magic to remove blood from herself without being drained. In fact, the magic made it seem as if her blood wasn't pinched at all. She had filled two bottles with it and packaged it in her rough sack. This same sack she uses whenever it's important for her to run her animation business like she always do in New Y
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