All Chapters of Skeletons Of The Marital Closet: Chapter 161 - Chapter 170
1968 Chapters
Chapter 161
Susan laughed even louder. "Oh, Mr. Wood, don't say that..."She just wanted to hoard these supplements on purpose, making Gale unable to supplement herself.She has disliked that child for a long time and will do everything possible to make Gale lose her child!"Aren't you supposed to be hospitalized to take care of your baby?" Gale took a deep breath and kept her emotions calm. "Why are you here?""The doctor said that my condition is stable, and I can be discharged from the hospital.""Your home is in the River View Apartment."Susan raised her chin proudly. "Mr. Wood said, from today, I will live in Temperley Hall. Because I am pregnant, he wants to accompany me more. He wants to see our baby grow!"What? Let Susan live here?What about her?How about the days after this? Will it be over?Susan was looking for trouble every day, coming up with all kinds of schemes to target her and the child in her womb!Moreover, Susan was also pregnant, in case... Susan lost her baby a
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Chapter 162
Her villainous proud face was nauseating.Gale chose to take a step back. "Okay. Then you live in the master bedroom. I live on the first floor."Anyway, the farther away she can be from these two, the better!Susan smiled tenderly. "The guest bedroom on the first floor? Oh, you have become a guest. Do I have to entertain you?""I can't bear it.""Mr. Wood, then do as you wish."Shawn looked up at her. "No. Gale, you live in the servant's room at the back."The whole living room was quiet as soon as these words came out.The housekeeper's eyes widened in shock. "Mr. Wood, this...""What is your status? You are not a host or guest. The servant's room is the most suitable for you. It will give you a place to stay." Susan was about to burst out laughing."...Okay," Gale responded.The maid's room would be better than living on the floor of the master bedroom.At least she has her own space!She does not have to worry about sleepwalking into Shawn's bed, and she does not hav
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Chapter 163
He responded nonchalantly and looked out the window irritably. The servant's rooms were lit.The servant's rooms are in a house behind the main house, hidden by the tall walls of the villa, and could not be seen at all.The housekeeper said, "Ma'am, this is one of the better rooms. Are you satisfied?""It's good, thank you, housekeeper.""It's so simple and small. Will you be fine?"Gale laughed. "I'm really happy with it."She wanted to leave Shawn and sleep alone.She has to control her breathing when sleeping with him in the same room.How comfortable she was now.She finally had peace of mind. She could wake up in the morning and roll around without anyone bothering her, watching her, or controlling her."You are too easy to be satisfied." The housekeeper said, "Ms. Susan...""She is Shawn's favorite now. You should not go against her because of me, lest she targets you."The housekeeper left, and Gale was so happy that she wanted to dance in circles.Although Susan li
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Chapter 164
"If a man really likes you, you don't need to do anything. He will want you and will do whatever he can. It seems that Shawn doesn't like you as much as you imagined…"Well, Shawn almost killed her several times.Can he still really control himself in the face of his beloved woman, Susan?He was too selfish. Those who are ruthless to themselves will only be more ruthless to others.Gale was about to leave, but Susan did not want to let her go. "Don't talk nonsense here. Mr. Wood is very good to me!""Oh, congratulations to you then.""Gale, what are you doing?"Susan stretched out her hand to pull her, but Gale avoided it. "I still have to go to work. I don't have a life as good as you, where I can rely on a man. Don't waste my time." As she was about to leave, she looked up and saw Shawn standing not far away. He looked at this scene indifferently.When Susan saw him, she immediately complained, "Mr. Wood, you come to save me, Gale, she just... scolds me!"However, Gale was
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Chapter 165
"Susan, this child... Since he doesn't exist at all, let him not exist!"Susan didn't understand, "Huh?""Abortion, find a way to have an abortion. "The dean said, "Let the child be gone.""Dad, without the child, Mr. Wood would not be so kind to me!" The dean smiled, "This non-existent child has value, then when he goes, it should also be valuable. Susan, it is definitely not for you to have a miscarriage casually, you have to pull a trick!" Susan's eyes lit up, "You mean Gale?""Yes!" The dean nodded. "What would happen if your child died in her hands?"Kill two birds with one stone!It not only solved the fake pregnancy but also condemned Gale!The crime of killing the baby of the Wood family would be enough for Gale to suffer forever!"Dad, you're still smart!" Susan nodded excitedly. "It's a brilliant idea!""Shh, it's not easy to do this, there can't be a single mistake, or we'll be the unlucky ones at that time. ""There's still time! Besides, I live in Temperley H
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Chapter 166
"You can't blame me just because you are bad at catching?""Okay, Gale, I have to..."Summer suddenly came over. "What are you guys up to? It's working hours, yet it's noisy here!"Duphine's face changed.Summer was higher in the ranks than her, and she was Gale's good friend!She might be done for!"Ms. Summer, I... I asked Gale to do something, but she didn't like it, so she fought back with me.""Really? In the company, we still have to follow the rules. The system needs to be enforced. Gale, there is something wrong with your work attitude."Duphine looked at this situation, a little confused.'Hey? Why didn't Summer stand on Gale's side this time?'Strange.Immediately, Duphine regained her confidence.She hurriedly echoed, "That's right, She's a big deal in the jewelry department, looking down on people... Ms. Summer, one day, she will even look down on you!"Gale coughed.She knew Summer too well.Every time Summer wanted to be cruel to a person, she would act in
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Chapter 167
Summer whispered, "I can't deal with Shawn, but I can help you in everything else. Don't be angry with this kind of person. It's not worth it, and you are pregnant.""Okay."What they did not know was that this scene was captured by the surveillance camera overhead.Shawn watched the whole process.When he was not around, Shawn noticed that Gale smiled more than usual.Her eyes are clear and lively. When she smiles sincerely, her eyes are curved like crescent moons, just like when he first saw her.When she was arguing with others, her eyes rolled around, and there were many small, spirited expressions.What about Gale when she was in front of him?Lifeless, with lowered eyes, she looked like a docile kitten, but as long as he provoked her, she would show her sharp claws and scratch at him fiercely.Shawn thought deeply that he had made her like this with his own hands.Perhaps, after a long time, Gale would completely lose her ideals."Mr. Wood? Mr. Wood?" Fiona shouted sev
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Chapter 168
In the living room, Susan was sitting on the sofa, scolding the servant, peeling the pomegranate. "You can't even do this little thing right. Look at how you are peeling it?""Ms. Susan, I will peel it again for you."Forget it. It's already late. Why isn't Mr. Wood coming back?" Susan said impatiently.The housekeeper replied, "Mr. Wood has dinner tonight and will be back later.""Ah? Then I am supposed to eat alone?""Yes.""What about Gale!" Susan asked again, "She's just a small employee. Why has she disappeared!""She is busy drawing design drafts."Susan became more and more irritable.Ever since she made the abortion plan, she has been obsessed with implementing it quickly.Everything was ready, and she only needed Gale to show up!If Gale does not come back, the plan cannot start!Finally, after nine o'clock, Gale came back.Susan suddenly regained her energy and sat upright on the sofa, waiting for Gale to come through the door, and give her a slap in the face!H
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Chapter 169
"I've already gone. What can you do to me? Do you still dare to touch me?"Susan deliberately started to provoke her, arousing Gale's anger.Seeing Susan's disgusting face, Gale really wanted to slap her.However, she held back.She could only grab Susan by the collar. "I warn you. My parents are my trigger. If you dare to touch them again... I swear, I will not let you go. You pay with blood!"Gale's eyes were firm.She rarely showed such a fierce expression, but she had because she was angry with Susan.The last time her father was splashed with boiling water, she always blamed herself for not protecting her father.Such a tragedy cannot be allowed to happen again...for a second time!"Let me go." Susan had not expected Gale's reaction to be so intense, and she could not react for a while. "I didn't do anything to your mother.""You can't be going to see her for no reason!"Susan pulled her hand. "Let go of me first. I'm almost out of breath..."Gale glared at her fiercel
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Chapter 170
What about Susan?Once she left Shawn, she was nothing.Rely on yourself to be the most powerful!"Heh, now you are like an ant. Anyone can step on you." Susan began to approach her and softly said, "Gale, give up the child..."In the distance, The sound of a car came closer and closer.Susan knew that it was Shawn's car.The time was almost up. After preparing for so long, it's time to act."I won't give up! Never! Give up this idea. Who do you think you are to teach me a lesson!" Gale replied."Don't you want to know the father of the child?""One day, I will know!"Susan smiled disdainfully. "You would never know... Come on, Gale, come with me. I'll take you to the hospital. The process is very fast now."She reached out and held Gale's hand.Naturally, Gale would not have any physical contact with her and hurriedly avoided it.However, Susan insisted on holding her and kept her hand up.Seeing this, Gale realized that something was wrong.She stepped back more quickl
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