All Chapters of Skeletons Of The Marital Closet: Chapter 1731 - Chapter 1740
1968 Chapters
Chapter 1731
"Gale!" Shawn walked in, his face grave as he glanced at her pale face. He looked at her flat abdomen. His hands hanging by his side trembled."It's okay, it's okay." Gale was not sure if Shawn was consoling himself or her. "As long as you're safe.""Shawn..."He sat down beside the bed, holding her hand and lightly kissing it. "I'm listening. Go ahead."Gale looked into his eyes. "Did the doctor tell you?"Shawn hesitated for a moment, then answered, "No. He told me to ask you myself."Wow.The doctor was speechless.Gale cleared her throat. "So, do you want to know?""Of course! Gale, whether it's good or bad, I should know. Your health is the most important thing. You can be angry with me, blame me for being too close to Ivy, but please, your body comes first," Shawn replied."I'm fine. Nothing happened. I just need to rest for a while longer, then I can go home."Shawn was taken aback. "Can you go home? You don't need to stay in the hospital?""No, because..." Gale gr
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Chapter 1732
Gale also wanted to play a prank and tease Shawn a bit!She ended up shooting herself in the foot.Shawn's face turned dark, lips pursed, not saying a word.He looked a bit scary like this.Gale did not say anything either. Right now, she could almost be considered a patient. How would she have the energy or inclination to tend to his emotions? Women on their periods are usually irritable. Nobody had the sense to provoke one. She thought she was already being gentle and kind. After a while, Shawn suddenly got up."Hey, where are you going..."Only to see Shawn walk to the water dispenser, pour her a glass of hot water, and when he sat back on the hospital bed, he placed his palm on her abdomen.He gently massaged her in circles."Will this feel better?"Although his tone was a bit cold and his expression sour, Gale knew he had compromised.After all, she was his wife."It will." Gale nodded quickly. "But it still hurts...""The painkillers haven't kicked in yet. Just wait a
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Chapter 1733
Shawn wore a look of disdain on his face, yet his hand encircled her waist. "That doesn't matter. What matters is I'm here to take you home."He had already given Aurum respect by delaying his arrival for so long. Otherwise, he would have been here much earlier if he wanted to come. He probably could have arrived right after he had blown out the candles."I was just about to call you. Isn't this called telepathy?""You didn't inform me when you left, but you expect me to come pick you up when you return?""Because you're my husband. If you don't come to pick me up, should I let Aurum take me home?"Shawn's gaze turned cold. "You dare.""I do. It's a good opportunity to invite Aurum to our house. Joshua really misses him, and they get along well. Nicole also knows Aurum. When we were in the small town, she used to say Aurum was like a superhero, always there to help with anything..." Gale replied.Shawn's gaze grew colder while Gale's voice grew softer.She was getting bolder at
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Chapter 1734
"Scary? Gale, are you afraid of me?""It's just when you said Aurum would marry a substitute earlier, you look scary.""Who says he's the loser? Am I the winner?"Gale swallowed hard. "If Aurum really ends up marrying someone similar to me, wouldn't you find it abhorrent?""Not at all, because that person isn't you," Shawn replied.Gale shivered, goosebumps rising.Men's thought processes were truly incomprehensible, especially their intense desire for competition."Anyway, Aurum and I have agreed that we'll be lifelong friends, and he'll always be Joshua and Nicole's Uncle. In the future, we'll still have more interactions. Don't be like this every time. It makes it difficult for me.""Next time you meet him, you can bring me along.""Bring you? Are you sure?"Would Shawn sing a birthday song for Aurum on occasions like today and offer birthday wishes?Just thinking about that scene made Gale's scalp tingle.Shawn said mildly, "Sure. Can't there be a third person present w
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Chapter 1735
In hospitals, people's characters were often revealed. So many men could not have been as attentive as Shawn.Back home, it was quiet.Gale was not at ease and went to check on both Joshua's and Nicole's rooms before returning to the master bedroom.Being a mother has its downsides. After having children, they become the center of your world, the most important part of your life.Meanwhile, Shawn was flipping through the calendar."Do you not care about your own body at all? You didn't get your period for months?" he asked without lifting his head."So much happened during that time, Joshua was hospitalized again. Where would I have time to worry about all this? Besides, I wasn't feeling any discomfort.""From now on, I'll remember it for you."Gale pulled back the covers and slipped into bed. "Alright, remind me when the time comes then. If it turns out I'm pregnant because my period didn't come, then it's your fault, and you'll bear full responsibility.""I'll take responsib
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Chapter 1736
However, Shawn would not speak ill of Aurum to Gale. If he did, Gale would not believe him; she would think he was being paranoid, trying to discredit Aurum, and would become unhappy. This might play right into Aurum's hands.So, Shawn simply replied, "I don't feel comfortable with you going anywhere alone.""I'll take care of myself. I want to grow old with you, watching Joshua and Nicole grow up," she said.He gently stroked her hair. "Gale, I want you by my side forever. As long as you don't leave, I won't give up!" Shawn smiled.He was not afraid of whatever Aurum had in store. He would steadfastly protect Gale. However, it would be best if Aurum did not aggravate him. Otherwise, Shawn would not be courteous. He would not allow anyone to take Gale away from him and would eliminate any threats without mercy."What did you give Aurum for his birthday? Tell me," Shawn asked.Why was he suddenly curious about it?Gale answered truthfully, "A scarf."Shawn's expression changed.
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Chapter 1737
She could only knit during her lunch break and after her dinner. This meant Gale had to hold a needle and yarn every day, knitting in the office and at home! It was such a public display. Everyone would know she was knitting a scarf for Shawn. He must want to show off proudly."Why are you so awake? Are you no longer in pain?" Shawn pressed the hot water bottle against her abdomen. "Not sleepy either?" Gale was about to reply when she suddenly remembered something and kicked him. Shawn raised his knee, firmly pressing her down. "What's wrong? Trying to murder your husband?" She smiled gently at him. Her smile made Shawn a little flustered. He could never resist her radiant smile. She asked, "Did you forget something?" "Hm? What?" "Sleep on the floor!" Gale poked his chest. "Who gave you the courage to sleep so boldly on the bed, next to me! Do you think I forgot about it?" She had actually forgotten and had just remembered it in a flash. How could she let Shawn know?
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Chapter 1738
Shawn asked, "Did you drink tea or coffee?""No," she said.Well, she did have a little bit of red wine. Really, just a tiny bit. She was afraid Shawn would notice, but she did not want to offend Aurum, so she took a small sip. She did not even dare to swallow it all, so it barely reached her throat.Was red wine not supposed to help you sleep? Why was Gale feeling more and more awake? There was a restless heat in her body, and she did not feel like covering herself with the blanket."Think carefully. Is there something you're hiding from me?" Shawn asked calmly.Gale shuddered. It was so dark that he could not see her expression, yet he could easily guess what she was thinking. Shawn's voice came again before she could figure out what to say, "Tell me the truth."Alright."I had a sip of red wine. I drank it with Aurum. It was a special wine he brought, some special vintage. He kindly offered it and even poured me a glass, so I..." Gale said."I see.""Just a sip! Just a tiny
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Chapter 1739
"Huh, the door's not locked!"Fortune favors him, indeed!He gestured to Nicole, shushing her, then quietly pulled down the door handle, pushed it open, and motioned for her to follow. The two of them crept in, cautiously tiptoeing into the master bedroom. The curtains were drawn, making it quite dark inside. Joshua and Nicole assumed that their parents would be cuddled up against each other. Even if they had a disagreement, they would at least sleep back to back, ignoring each other. At most, one would sleep on one end and the other on the opposite. When they entered and saw what lay before them, they were utterly shocked! Blankets and pillows were spread on the floor, with someone sleeping on them. Due to the dim light, they could not clearly see who it was. Another person lay in bed. This was quite a surprise and did not meet what they had in mind! Joshua gasped in shock. Nicole covered her mouth, staring at the person on the floor, trying hard to discern whether it was her
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Chapter 1740
Now, both kids were accusing her, making it seem as if she had committed some unforgivable sin."It's okay, you'll get used to it." Shawn stood up, bending down to tidy up the blankets on the floor. "It's alright, you two don't need to worry about Daddy."Joshua's eyes lit up, suddenly rushing forward and hugging Shawn's leg tightly. "Daddy, you're so pitiful, how can Mommy treat you like this? I feel so sorry for you, I'm so upset, you're such an important and powerful man, how can you tolerate this treatment?"I wish I could sleep on the floor for you, to ease Mommy's anger! You've suffered so much, why didn't you tell me? I would've definitely helped you!"Oh, my poor Daddy..."Shawn's mouth twitched involuntarily. This was really over the top.Nicole, who was usually calm and gentle, was now following Joshua's lead.She ran over and hugged Shawn's other leg."It's okay, Daddy, Joshua and I will always love you, always care for you. Mommy went too far this time, we'll make s
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