All Chapters of Skeletons Of The Marital Closet: Chapter 1821 - Chapter 1830
1926 Chapters
Chapter 1821
She suddenly grabbed Gale's shoulder and pushed her away forcefully. Their eyes met. Gale's eyes were swollen from crying. There were only four people in the private room. Two men and two women. Since she and Paul were in one room, then Aurum and Gale must have... Ivy's eyes widened slowly at the thought. Ivy forgot her own situation! Her heart was filled with shock for Gale! Despite being in the entertainment industry for so long, Ivy had always maintained her purity, never getting involved in scandals, never seducing wealthy men, never accepting any hidden rules. She only gave herself to the one she loved. So, losing her purity was heartbreaking for Ivy. However, her sadness, compared to Gale's, was completely different. Ivy was single and unmarried. Gale, on the other hand, was married to the most powerful man in Sea City – Shawn!If Gale had a relationship with Aurum, then... then..."I'm sorry, Ivy, it's my fault. I've implicated you. You could have stayed pure, but now... I
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Chapter 1822
Ivy trembled all over, and she felt her mouth clam up. She had actually thrown herself at Paul?"It's not your fault, it's not you." Gale held her hand. "I know you're not that kind of person, Ivy. It was just the drugs taking effect, controlling your brain and body."Ivy looked at her tearfully. "But, if that was what happened to you, then you..."She must have experienced the same because they had spent the whole night together. Gale lowered her eyes, her eyelashes trembling."Ivy, do you remember what you said to Paul? Do you have any memories at all?" she asked.Ivy shook her head. Her mind was blank, and when she woke up, everything had already happened. Everything was set in stone."Me too. I can't remember anything," Gale said.According to Paul, Ivy had clung to him, throwing herself at him unconsciously. So, was Gale doing the same? So it must be true that she and Aurum had slept together?At this moment, the last glimmer of hope in her heart turned into nothingness. N
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Chapter 1823
Just the thought of it was enough to make one feel overwhelmed! "Maybe, nothing happened between you two. It was because Paul was sober. He wasn't drugged. Both you and Aurum were unconscious, so it shouldn't be possible. Now that things aren't clear yet, you..."Gale shook her head. "Stop, Ivy." Her mind was a mess and a blur. She did not know if it had happened. She had no memory of it at all. However, the facts were right in front of her, denying it was difficult. Just because Shawn believed in her, and she believed in her own character, did not mean they could pretend nothing had happened. She could not deceive herself. She also understood that there would always be a thorn in Shawn's heart. This thorn had to be removed, and it could not be left in his heart forever. Otherwise, the wound would only get deeper, then fester, become inflamed, and eventually have to be cut out!"First, find out the whole story. With Mr. Wood's power, investigating what happened last night and findi
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Chapter 1824
"Come here, Galey. Come," Shawn said.He opened his embrace for her."I want you to come to me on your own, into my arms. Just like before, with no difference at all," Shawn said.Gale was taken aback, meeting his gaze. "Like... before?"Was everything exactly the same as before, with no changes because of last night?"Yes. Come, Gale, come to me," Shawn replied firmly and directly.It turned out he did not walk over to take her hand because he wanted her to come to him on her own. He was waiting for her. The Gale from before would always joyfully run into his embrace!Gale wanted to go over but hesitated. She felt dirty. Shawn did not speak anymore but maintained his open-armed posture, waiting for her.The two of them stood there in a stalemate.Time passed second by second, and finally, Gale could not bear the anguish in her heart any longer. She slowly took steps and walked up to him.While she was still hesitating whether to lean into his embrace, he had already tightly
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Chapter 1825
There would be no traces of this place very soon.That was all well. For Ivy, this place would forever be a reminder of her nightmare. Soon, this place would be demolished and rebuilt. The place in her memory would cease to exist. She walked with her head down briskly, arms folded around herself, rubbing her arms incessantly. Suddenly, someone blocked her path.She saw a pair of shiny leather shoes."Ivy."She hesitated, lifting her head to face the man in front of her.It was Aurum.Before last night, Ivy had a slight admiration for Aurum. She fantasized that perhaps, with time, they would grow fond of each other, appreciating each other more. However, Ivy knew that she was not worthy of Aurum anymore.Aurum looked at her, a hint of reluctance in his eyes. "You and Paul..."Ivy trembled, instinctively stepping back, pressing herself against the wall. "I don't want to hear that name!""Then, are you still planning to participate in this film?" he inquired.She bit her lip, si
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Chapter 1826
Ivy could endure all the pain by herself, but she could not bring herself to terms with Aurum's kindness. There might have been a future between them, but it felt impossible given what had happened. She fantasized that perhaps Aurum's regretful gaze stemmed from his belief that she was no longer pure.Ivy took a deep breath. "I don't blame you or Gale. I only hate the person behind all this manipulation, and even more... Paul!"Paul was clearly sober, yet he claimed she had seduced him, unable to resist. Was that not just an excuse he came up with? He could have called the police, left, or taken her to the hospital. There were so many options, yet he chose to have sex with her."It's already happened. We can't change it; we can only accept reality. Ivy, I hope we can still be friends. I don't look down on you. You're a victim, and I will find out the truth and help you get justice. I'll handle Paul. You can ignore him; just focus on playing your role."He lifted his hand, gently re
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Chapter 1827
What a good child, what a harmonious family. It seemed like she was about to lose it all. Gale felt ashamed to face Joshua and Nicole.Gale nodded. "You pick first. I'll give you whatever star you want, okay?"Joshua breathed a sigh of relief.His passion for astronomy, aviation, and the universe was ingrained in his bones.Last weekend, Lucas took him to the space station, where he saw astronauts. They even took a photo together, which he framed and put on his bedside table. He treated it as his treasure and looked at it every day when he woke up and before he went to bed.When the servants came to clean, he would not let them touch it. He wiped it gently by himself."Let me have it first; I'm younger. Mommy, you have everything already; you don't need to name a plain old star. Besides, what's mine is yours, right?"She had everything? Yes, she used to think so too, but now she feels differently. She had been robbed of something important to her. Gale suppressed her thoughts, u
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Chapter 1828
He had clearly underestimated Aurum too much, which led to this series of events.Gale stood under the shower. The warm water washed over her body as she closed her eyes, tilting her head back, letting the water cleanse her from head to toe, over and over again.As her hair stuck to her shoulders and face, Gale felt so dirty. She scrubbed her skin vigorously, rubbing it until it turned red and sore, almost washing away her skin. Her skin was wrinkled and swollen from being in the water for too long, but still, she did not stop.She felt it was not enough. She was not clean enough.Outside the door, Shawn checked the time. Gale had been in there for an hour already. He knocked on the door with his fingers. "Gale."No response.He knocked harder. "Gale! Answer me!"The sound of rushing water accompanied Gale's voice. "I'm still showering.""You've been in there long enough.""Not enough.""Enough!" Shawn's voice rose. "Come out, or I'm coming in."Gale fell silent again. Shawn
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Chapter 1829
"Do you know what you're doing? How much does it hurt me?" Shawn said with a tinge of sorrow in his voice.Gale's body trembled."Gale, stop punishing yourself like this; stop abusing your body. It pains me to see you like this. I don't want you to continue like this..." he said.She turned away."What you're doing is pointless; it won't help at all! What you and I need to do is find the person behind this, find the truth, find evidence, and not punish yourself!" Shawn said. Gale murmured, "Truth? What is the truth? Even if everything comes to light, what happened between me and Aurum is a fact, something that can't be changed.""Even if it's a fact, so what! Gale, I won't blame you; I don't care!""But I do! I can't face you. I'm not worthy of you. I have no right to stay by your side!" she shouted.Seeing Joshua and Nicole, Gale felt even sadder. Their faces gleamed with innocence. They did not know what had happened. So much could change in just one night! A tear in their p
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Chapter 1830
"Shawn..." "Yeah, I'm here," he replied immediately as she spoke."Don't you despise me? Not even a little?" Gale asked."How could I despise you, Galey?""But I despise myself."Shawn sighed, reaching out to embrace her, but she resisted, pressing against his chest, unwilling to be intimate with him."Shawn... I feel dirty. Even after showering, even after I've changed and I'm technically all clean from head to toe, I still feel an invisible dirt," Gale said.Her eyes moistened slightly, she blinked quickly, retracting the tears. She lifted her head, locking eyes with Shawn."I know what you're thinking. You don't blame me, and you think it's not my fault. I also know. I'm not at fault, I'm the victim, but I can't change what has happened."Shawn, I'm not worthy of you, and I've let down this marriage."This matter will become the deepest thorn in both our hearts. Even if you don't mention it, I don't think about it, but it will always be there, the elephant in the room."
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