All Chapters of A Crack of Faith : Chapter 121 - Chapter 130
140 Chapters
Chapter 90
Chapter 90 “What are you thinking?” I whispered to Luke. I bite my lips as he look at me and our faces are so close that made feel something. We did it again without realizing and we’re now back at our bedroom and he’s next to me and we’re close to each other partly because the kids are sleeping afraid that they will wake up and the second one is they might fall from bed especially that they’re moving very much when they are asleep. “The kids, their future… our future.” He look at me intently at that. “Can I asked you something? You don’t need to answer if you can’t.” I nodded feeling quite nervous what he’s going to ask. “Why did you not want to change the kids’ surname? Is it because I’m not worthy?” I immediately shake my head and sigh at that. “No.. it&rsquo
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Chapter 91 Part 1
Chapter 91 Part 1 “Ana, what really are we?” I stiff when he asked me that question and by looking through his eyes I can’t feel but bite my lips as I feel guilty… Luke deserves an answer but I can’t give him one… because something is holding me back and I can’t even tell him what is it because if I do I feel like I’m sabotaging all the years we’ve been finding a way to get the culprit… and it hurts me that it’s his mom, and he doesn't deserve to be one of the people I should be suspicious with because I can see through him that he’s serious and sincere and also we don’t get choose our parents. “Luke… I’m sorry.” I shake my head and he nodded and him giving me sad smile made me close my eyes tight. “Can I asked wh
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Chapter 91 Part 2
Chapter 91 Part 2 “Is there something wrong?” Luke asked moving to the side of my bed with concern face. “Ana.” I snap back from reality when I felt Luke’s hands to my shoulder and I gulp as I look at him. “I’ll call you back tomorrow.” I said to James on the other line and put my phone down, “Did something happen?” Luke made me sit at the edge of the bed and I bite my lips as I’m lost of what should I tell him… I can’t tell him the truth… and James found an evidence… which means we can make an arrest warrant to Chloe after sending the evidence we gathered to the police. I sigh and play with my hands. I knew something like this would happen… I’m happy about it but I’m disappointed at the same time because Luke and
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Chapter 92
Chapter 92 Early in the morning the people started to come at the house little by little and every time someone arrive I notice that they would look at Luke and give me a questioning Luke and I would just smile at them not giving them an explanation. I think it’s best to tell everyone later and I know that they will be angry about it but it’s already here and Luke said he will help us and I believe him… I can see that he’s sincere and he wouldn’t sabotage us especially that his kids is on the line. Yes, family is important from me too but a family that’s doing something wrong is that I need to address and they wouldn’t listen and would do anything just for their benefit? I would cut them off especially that I believe that every life matter no matter who that person is. “Is Pearl coming?” Mom asked while we’re
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Chapter 93 Part 1
Chapter 93 Part 1 “I know you hated my mom but that was rude, she just want to get to know you and the kids… she’s slowly accepting us, Ana.” My brow creased as Luke follow me to the parking lot and take the stroller from my hand as we walk to the car. His words pierced though my heart and I can’t fathom why he said that to me right now as he heard our conversation. “What do you mean by that? You heard how she insulted me and saying that a lot of people hate me because of my attitude! She was angry because I didn’t accept her proposal like that because I want to see her business plan and want to look at it and think about it.” He stopped when I stopped walking and look at my face. I felt hurt and I don’t know why he doesn’t understand me. I know it’s his mother but I don’t know
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Chapter 93 Part 2
Chapter 93 Part 2   “You understand me right? I hate him right now. He doesn’t understand my point and when I told him he’s now saying sorry. I mean I want him to do that but I also want him to understand my side without me making a point to him. It’s his mother but… yeah, I forgot I’m just the mother of his children.”   Early in the morning, we’re all busy in gathering information about the new info that Pearl gave me and we’re investigating when it started and the people involve and the likes but in the middle of that I can’t help but tell Kate about my problems and concerns.   “I understand. It’s his mother after all but I also understand you and there’s no way to handle this better than cutting him off.” My eyes widen as he said that but slyly smile after seeing my reaction. “I’m kidding, I was just easing up the mood but the best thing to do is observe him if he re
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Chapter 94
Chapter 94 3rd POV Since Cassie arrive, some of Ana’s burden was lifted because Cassie has been good in taking care of the kids while she work. She trust Cassie that much that she leave her the kids when she’s going out and also because there are security around them that made her feel more at ease and at the end of the day Cassie would tell what they did for that day. “I’ll head out, Cass. I’ll be back in time for dinner.” Ana kiss the kids and bid her goodbyes before leaving the kids. They we’re playing in the backyard when she remember that there is a play ground and she thought the kids would play with the kids around the neighborhood as they are always at the house and aren’t interacting with other kids. She immediately called Ana and
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Chapter 95
Chapter 95 When we arrive home I was still panicking and I couldn’t breathe well thinking of the kids under Chloe’s care. I still haven’t received her text message and it’s making me more anxious as in my thought I would do anything she wants me to and I would give her what she wants as I want my kids to be safe. Everyone is here and calling people for help and I’m pacing back and forth when Luke arrive and he looks so confuse and when he found me I stopped pacing as he went my way and hold my hand. “Why are this people here?” The security is tracking where they lost the twins and Cassie is also here crying and feeling guilty for what she did while I’m trying to calm myself down even though I know I can’t… I know I will when I see the kids whole, unharmed, and alive. 
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Chapter 96
Chapter 96 It has been two days and I haven’t heard anything from Luke and the kids must be confuse to what is going on but because we have a lot of visitor like their grandparents, aunts and uncles they didn’t felt the emptiness but I do… the atmosphere is different and it feels weird that Luke isn’t here… we didn’t promise each other to stay in each others side forever but he did promise that he will help me get his mother and he even offer me a ring… does that not mean something to him right now? I’m beginning to doubt him but the small hope inside of me is whats keeping me alive and being strong for the kids is my priority. “Ana… Luke is here.” My eyes widen and I snap back back from the deep thinking as Pearl said that. I was just sitting in the living room watching the kids play while Pearl has been staying for the past
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Chapter 97
Chapter 97  I didn’t even realize the impact of that one single post on social media. Everyone was going crazy about it and I only found out now that I have woken up from my sleep. Kate is here and she’s talking with Pearl while I’m reading every single article we have on social media while of course watching the kids eat in their high chair. “You seems shock.” Pearl smirk. “I thought you know the power of the social media the moment you posted that statement.” “I know but not to this extend. Some people are saying I’m just making up stories because their speculation is Luke broke up with me and I wanted to get back.” I pouted at that. “and his mother’s business is slowly collapsing.” that serves her right. I know how hard it is to establish a bus
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