All Chapters of The Witch & The Full-blooded Lycan Prince: Chapter 91 - Chapter 100
119 Chapters
Chapter Eighty-nine (Dane's POV) Present Time
We portal back to the house but this time, Saraya took us to the woods just a few meters from the house. She looked back immediately after we got through and I did as well, noting she was ensuring Raedwulf Lykaon and his human passed through the portal just fine. The guardian engulfed her in his arms, and she clung to him like a child. I watched her body shake and he gently rubbed her back, murmuring soothingly to her. When he saw us looking at them, he raised a thumb in reassurance. Saraya nodded and kept walking. "I have heard tales about the Central Northlands but never been here. It is true it is an endless winter night with the stars shining the brightest," she said as if to herself. "I think it is beautiful," Evanore said. "But to live endlessly with no ray of the sun… not feeling the heat on the skin…" "A perfect place for the creatures of the night…" a guardian said. "Indeed," Evanore replied. "Do you ever get tired of it, Commander?" one guardian asked. "Central
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Chapter Ninety (Saraya's POV) Present Time
I obviously haven't gotten used to the time difference in both realms. It felt like we have been away from the children for days when over here it had just been a few minutes. I supposed that explained the children's baffled look when I rushed into their playroom to gather them into a tight hug. "Welcome back, Luna," Thelma, and Sarafina greeted. "Luna," Aragorn and Duke bowed and then promptly left the room. The nannies left as well after meeting Alora and Evanore. "Come my darlings let me introduce you to your Aunties," I said, drawing them to sit on my lap. "Hello, darlings," Evanore said as she gingerly raised her hand to brush Tabitha's cheeks and then Keanu's. The children gave her a hesitant smile and then dart a quizzical glance at me. "This is my elder sister, Aunt Evanore," I said. "Evanore, this Keanu." "Hello, Aunty," Keanu said with a shy smile, barring his small white teeth with the cute canines. Evanore's smile brightened and she drew him into a firm hug. "
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Chapter Ninety-one (Dane's POV) Present Time
All movement ceased as I got to the porch carrying my pups. "Wow!" Tabitha said in awe. "They look like you, Papa," Keanu whispered. "No, they don't," I grumbled. Tabitha raised an eyebrow at me. I chuckled and pressed a kiss to her nose. She giggled. Reverting my attention back to the guardians, I saw they had got up from their seats, Anastasios Martas left his space and walked towards us. His eyes were fixed on the pups and from the look in his eyes, I understood Evanore's reaction earlier. The poor bastard looked captivated. "Hello, I'm Anastasios Martas…" he said offering Tabitha and Keanu a handshake "Are you our uncle?" Keanu asked. Anastasios Martas swallowed and a frown furrowed his eyebrows. "Technically, yes," he finally said. My daughter cupped my chin and did that thing she often does to make me look into her eyes and arched an eyebrow at me again. "Is he your brother?" she asked. "Why are you pressing me about this right now, little one?" "Papa, yes
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Chapter Ninety-two (Saraya's POV) Present Time
Appearing in the barn, we found ourselves sardined with the captives. I almost gagged at the stench of unwashed bodies. Evanore coughed and gave me a glance, and as if we had both planned it, immediately created several portals to the woods where the wagons were waiting for us. Everyone rushed through, leaving Dane and Anastasio Martas with Evanore and me. We waited until the last person crossed over before we did as well. Dane immediately went to stand at the edge of the woods. I’m guessing to see if the greenish smoke would carry to our end. He then sniffed and made a low growl. “We need to get out of here,” he said. “And go where?” I asked. He seemed to ponder the question for a bit and then said, “The infirmary close to the wild region would be a good start. Perhaps having Lycan inhabitants there would make the wild rogues stay away. We have enough room to pitch tents and the building there would serve as a common room. There are bathrooms and a store where we can keep supplie
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Chapter Ninety-three (Dane’s POV) Present Time
We didn't go to the house this time, we headed straight to the suburb. It appeared I had indeed underestimated Vrionis as Bertulf claimed. The bastard obviously had some sinister plot forming in his dark heart and was moving way too fast and networking in the most dangerous way. Crippling his plans would not only be to our advantage but also curb whatever mayhem he was planning to unleash on the offspring of Gala. It was funny how our plans keeps changing. The plan was to allow Saraya to regain her memory at her own pace but now it appeared we must box Vrionis into a corner to make conquering him way easier and I was certain this latest discovery would be major. Alora led us to the factory grounds with Raedwulf Lykaon by her side. Since we couldn’t go through the main gate for obvious reasons, she took us to the side of the fenced grounds and paused to look around as she had kept something there prior to our visit. "What are you looking for?" Raedwulf Lykaon asked."Something to us
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Chapter Ninety-four (Dane’s POV) Present Time
Holding up my hand it came straight to me and I grabbed it by the hilt. Throwing my head back, I let out a war cry. The guardians resumed disarming the werewolves while I weaved through, killing every single one in my wake. When I got to the other side of the room, I lowered to pick up my weapon's souvenir and held it up, walking back through dead bodies. I went to offer it to Evanore. She slid the ring with the crimson pendant off the Vrionis' severed hand and closed her hand around it. She vibrated and her very form flickered as if she was fading. She murmured incarnation to destroy the ring's potency. When she opened her hand, the ring had turned into specks of dirt. She allowed it to pour to the ground and it faded away into thin air. "I have a question, which one of you is Bob?!" I heard Raedwulf Lykaon thunder and looked in his direction. He had grown as tall as the ceiling and was bearing down on the humans with firearms. Some tried to flee and he snarled, causing every single
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Chapter Ninety-five (Saraya’s POV) Present Time
I wasn't surprised to find out we couldn't portal directly to the mountain where Selene; the moon goddess’ shrine was, which was the same place the guardians were kept. Anastasios Martas led us through woods and rocky plains as we found our way to the mountain. Dane had made the arrangement for Jared and about twenty gammas to follow us with wagons carrying supplies. Dane made Evanore, Alora and I ride in the carriage at the start of the journey but we chose to join them much later and walked alongside everyone else. Evanore automatically fell in step with Anastasios Martas. Alora went to Raedwulf Lykaon and put her hand in his. Dane was behind the wagon with Jared and I went back to him. "Why do they call you guys guardians?" Alora asked in a tone that sounded like a whisper. My lips stretched in a smile as I wondered if she knew about the Lycans' super hearing ability. "I will explain it to you when Commander is not right behind us listening," he whispered back in a conspirator
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Chapter Ninety-six (Saraya’s POV) Present Time
Finding my way down the dip end, I climbed down and followed the flow of the stream until I was hidden from view by a large boulder. Feeling adventurous, I took a peek from behind it to ensure no one followed me. My lips stretched in a smile as I quickly took off my clothes, took a quick peek again, and waded into the stream. "Aaahh…" I let out a contented sigh. The water was surprisingly lukewarm and just the right temperature to soothe my aching muscles. The fun of walking alongside the guardians had made me forget they were way stronger. I was certain Evanore and Alora would be regretting our earlier decision to abandon the comfort of the carriage now. Going underwater, I stayed there for a few minutes until my lungs were begging for air then came out drawing in a large breath. The hair on my skin bristled just before strong hands wrapped around my forearms, I let out a gasp when I swung around and found myself looking up into beautiful hazel eyes. "Dane," I breathed and heat s
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Chapter Ninety-seven (Dane's POV) Present Time
According to Anastasios Martas, the only way into the temple was through one entrance which happens to be the main one. That inadvertently meant we were going in blind to face whatever was in there, head-on. I knew then why the guardian had thought they needed Saraya. They figured she was the only one who could shield them well enough from the effect of Selene's torch. But now, they don't only have her, they have Evanore whose powers had been funneled to make the shrine possible in the first place. And also there was Alora, a human, who might be immune to the effect and might come in handy. Raedwulf Lykaon suggested allowing Saraya to go in first to retrieve the torch. I immediately said no, not wanting to sacrifice my woman for any of this. If it all went to hell, I would prefer she escape to safety and go back home unscathed with Alora and Evanore. As for the rest of us, I truly could care less. I agreed to go in first instead, tailed by the rest of them. Besides, if Isid
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Chapter Ninety-eight (Dane's POV) Present Time
"Commander?!" Alora called in a panic. As chaos ensued from our back. The guardians started to battle each other while Evanore and Saraya struggled against Selene's witchcraft. I gave her a side glance and snarled, "You know your mission!" Ramming into the two enchanted guardians in the center of the human barricades, they struggled to contain me as I reached for the hook holding them to the spot. Yanking it out, I wrapped it around five of them, causing them to struggle against the hold. The other five came at me giving Alora the clear passage to the shrine. Not holding back my punches, I pounded each one my fist collided with. Noting how relentless and brutal they were. One buried his claws into my side while another went for my throat. I dodged, grunted, and used the claws of the one behind me to stab the one in front of me in the chest. Blood oozed out, streaming down his chest. His eyes screwed up in fury and he rushed at me. I gave him a quick jab in the throat and lifted
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