All Chapters of Wet Dreams (Erotica Collection): Chapter 231 - Chapter 240
374 Chapters
Book 219: Lost Molly
Lost MollyIntro- He was older and someone a bit razzy, a timid Virgin girl like molly decided to finally get a good taste.Molly's P.O.V.For a moment, I was completely lost in his lips. I was scared, that’s for sure. I didn’t know what to do initially, mostly because he was so much stronger than I was. I kissed him like there was no tomorrow, The two of us simply stayed in that position, and while I tried to kiss him back, his lips were just too domineering, and soon, it started to become obvious what in the world he wanted. He wanted to overtake me, and while I was a bit unsure of if I wanted that, I then realized the truth. It was fucking wonderful. I loved the feeling of it, being at the mercy of this damn man, letting his lips twist against my own, his cock immediately hard against my leg. That was when I realized it. He was huge. I didn’t want to think about that just yet, or else the thoughts may become too overwhelming. Instead, I kissed him with a passion, and that’s when
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Book 220: Third time's the Charm
Third time's the CharmIntro- Three best friends one hot adventurous girl on their toes, a very articulate cock tease and seductress.Freya's P.O.V.This was a mistake. I definitely shouldn’t have come on to any of you. I’m sorry.”“Come here, freya”James passes his drink to Jason and takes me in his arms, pulling me into his warm chest, and I nuzzle deep into his hold. His arms are around me, holding me tight, and it takes my lust-craving mind to realize he’s picked me up and I have my legs wrapped around his waist. The heat of his bulge pressing against my bare, starving vagina.He pulls me up to face him, and I lean forward to rest my forehead against his, our breathing hard and shallow. “You know I want you all, I don’t know how to control what I’m feeling inside,” I whisper, digging my hands into his hair. “It burns and aches and all I know is that when I see you, all three of you, it goes away and I can finally breathe again.”“My God,” he says and then his lips are on mine
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Book 221: Rules
RulesIntro- She was to obey his every rule!Ian's P.O.V.I reach up, tracing the flutter in her neck, enjoying the satin of her skin beneath my palm. Unconsciously, she tilts her head, giving me more access and proving me right. She’s not scared of me. She simply thinks she should be.She stares deep into his eyes, I see the same hunger for them that I have. I continue softly, stroking her cheek. I let my hand slip down her neck, a finger tracing along her collarbone, and delight at the goosebumps that rise against my touch. Her eyes flutter closed, and she lets out a soft sigh. I wait until her eyes open again, this time dark with desire, but I have to hold back a little. She must know.“There will be rules, and you need to follow them.”Her eyes flash, and she pulls back, breaking our contact as she looks at me warily. “Rules? I don’t think I like the sound of that.”I chuckle and lean back in my chair. “I’m sure you don’t, but you must follow them or you must leave for your own
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Book 222: Checkmate
CheckmateIntro- And they were lovers, who spoilt each other with enough love and affection with gifts too.Danny's P.O.V.“Please, open your gift. I’ve been burning with curiosity about whether you’d like it.”I say to her smiling.Hailey lifts an eyebrow but nods and begins tossing tissue paper around like confetti with a smile already on her face.Her curiosity piqued, she reaches deeper, pulling out a heavy wooden box wrapped with a silk bow. “What is it?”It’s a rhetorical question as her hands are already tugging at the bow, a delighted gasp coming from her lips as she opens the box. “Oh, my gosh, they’re beautiful!” she exclaims, lifting out the first piece, an ornately carved piece of white ash. Appropriately enough, it’s the Queen. “Are these hand-carved?”“Yes, each chess piece is done by hand,” I tell her, letting her explore each piece. “The board’s walnut and beech, and the pieces are ash and black oak. I thought about getting a stone board, but I decided a folding board
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Book 223: Trap
Thirst TrapIntro- Just an intense Make out sessionSarah's P.O.V.I fumbled in my purse for the card key that we needed to swipe in the elevator to take us into the penthouse.“I’ve got it.” Sebastian reached into his pocket with one hand. With the other, he spanned my lower back with his palm and guided me into the elevator. I leaned ever so slightly into his touch, not wanting him to take his hand away. He did, and I frowned a little as he pushed the button.The doors slid shut.“You enjoy when i touch you?"Seb spoke so low it was as if he hadn’t meant for me to hear him. My breath hitched, and I nodded. He came closer and touched me again, putting his hand on my lower back. He dipped his head, and I could almost feel his lips in my hair. Almost, but not quite. He was just far enough away to tease.With a maddening slowness, his hand traveled up my spine a few inches, then down again, stopping right above my ass. His thumb caressed me with a long, slow touch. I looked straight ahea
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Book 224: God of Love (A Greek Love Story)
Eros's P.O.V.We got back to our hotel suite, and I’m nevertheless feeling satisfied in a way I haven’t felt in a long time. It wasn’t just taking the time spent down at the beach. It's because it's with Athena.. She has this impact on me. She makes me prefer to gradual down and recognize life. And At this moment, I’m a very appreciative man.“I’m going to take a shower,” she says over her shoulder as she walks towards her bedroom.I slip off my damp clothing, and I hear the bathe flip on in Athena's room. I glance down the hall to see her bedroom door standing wide open. Interesting. Furthermore, I pad down the hallway and look into her room. The bathroom door stands open as well.If that’s no longer an invitation, I don’t understand what is.Athena is in the shower. I could see her via the opened door, The water is steamy, however it hasn’t clouded up the glass yet. She stands under the shower head with the water cascading down her naked body.I’ve been ogling her all day at the beac
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Book 225: Bridgeton Style
Intro: His eyes had followed her all through the night and he was mesmerized unable to approach her he watched from a distance until he saw her running outside the ballroomAnthony’s P.O.V.He rushed after her outside the garden and searched for her. There she was, Sitting on the grass so still she might have been a statue. She was hugging her knees to her chest, gazing up at the night sky with an expression of serenity that would have taken his breath away if he weren’t already so wrecked by fear and fury, and now by relief.He made his way slowly, she must have been lost in her thoughts, for she did not seem to hear him. At about some steps away, however, he heard her sharply draw in deep breath, and she turned.“Lord Anthony?He didn’t say anything, just kept walking toward her.“What are you doing here?” she asked, scrambling to her feet.“I might ask the same thing of you,” he snapped.She drew back in surprise at his display of anger. “I couldn’t stay in there and I—”“So y
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Book 226: Daddy’s New Experiment
Daddy's New ExperimentIntro: It's that time in Marie's life for her to explore and go back to her explorative sex life. She's got a new daddy and she intends to enjoy every moment of it, it's also that time in Kenneth's life his sassy sexy neighbour who's searching for a daddy..Marie's P.O.V.“Daddy, put me down.”Marie squeals as he strides across the hall. He carries her effortlessly to the master bedroom before tugging back the comforter and sheet and depositing her on the mattress. He removes her black flats and set them on the floor, his hands coming to her thighs to rub up and down the sensitive skin.She squirms, already so aroused she’s panting.“Are you nervous, honey?”He asks herShe nods. “Yes, Daddy.” She squeezes her thighs together.He strokes the outside of her thighs. “Daddy will be very gentle with you, okay?”He murmurs and she gives a slow rapid nod.“Can you roll over so Daddy can unzip your dress?”He asks smiling at her She scrambles to roll onto her tummy, and H
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Book 227: Escaping The Rake
Escaping The Rake Intro- Juliette once had a bad but sensous run in with one of the takes of London 2 years ago and the scandal of that delayed her from catching a good suitor but now that's she's been reduced to nothing but a wallflower she intends to fulfill all her wants and desires.Juliette's P.O.V.The dance came to an end, and Juliette excused herself starting for the retiring room. However, she did not head in the direction of the room on the first floor. Instead, she started searching the ground-floor rooms, knowing that if Lord Henry had gone anywhere, it would not be where the women gathered to refresh themselves for possible gentlemen admirers.Searching each room, she came across a billiards and music room before the library caught her attention and the flickering of a single candle burning somewhere in the room’s depths so Juliette peeped through the door and entered when she spied Lord Henry standing before the shadowed grate, whisky in hand and staring into a pile of
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Book 228: The invitation
The invitationIntro- He noticed how much she stared at him every day right outside her window she noticed him too and their want for each other overrides their résistance.Micheal's P.O.V.Thank you for having me over for dinner,”He murmurs grinning widely..She swallows nervously. “I believe you invited yourself, and you might want to wait to taste it before you thank me. “I tasted the cookies, so you’ve already won me over even if your main course sucks. And now I’m going to taste your lips, so it won’t matter if we eat dinner or not.”He says and her breath hitches, and I give her about a second to deny me before I lower my mouth over hers. My racing heart calms the moment our lips touch. There’s an odd, instant connection I’ve never felt before. It’s so powerful that I slide my other hand up her back and angle my head to the side to fully consume her.I slide my tongue along the seam of her lips and whisper, “Open.”She whimpers and leans into me, her hands going to the loops in
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