All Chapters of The Rejected Luna Twin: Chapter 81 - Chapter 90
154 Chapters
“Good day, dad,” Terry greeted as soon as he entered his dad's office.Tyson did not look up from the bunch of files in front of him in response to his greeting. Terry worked for that into the room and stopped a few inches in front of his father's desk. “Good day, dad,” Terry repeated, a little more loudly than the first.“And what is good about the day?” Tyson finally answered, still not raising his head, the only thing he raised was his spectacles further up the bridge of his nose. “I'm sorry for not showing up the other day, I got caught up with another business,” he tried to apologize. Tyson was tired of his son's frequent childishness, or rather his lack of interest in their work. “Excuses excuses excuses! That's all you know how to do! you already had a story cooked up as an explanation, right?” His father fumed and slammed his palm so hard over his desk that anyone in the room would have felt the vibration it caused.“I'm sorry that I'll try to do better next time,” they reb
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The room was quiet for a long time and Mike didn’t have to be told that something crucial was about to come up. The evidence was in Terry’s facial expression. “I don’t have all the time in the world, Terry; what is the matter?”“I need your help,” Terry started and Mike started to wave him aside while muttering words he couldn’t hear but knew where clearly dismissive, “I know! I know that you think—I’m back again and I know you think I sound like a brown record at this point, but it’s the last time, I promise.” “You do sound like a broken record,” Mike snapped before bending over to pick up the pieces of the vase carefully. “I’m listening to you anyway, what’s it this time?” “I need your company bus, Mike?”“What?” Mike looked up and the pieces he’d gathered fell from his hands, making a loud noise. “What did you say?”“Listen I—,”“It’s not happening, Terry. I’m never involving myself or my business with your shady deals anymore, alright?”“Hear me out for a minute will you?”“I d
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Ellie struggled in fear as some sketchy men dragged her into a black van from her boutique. She fought the heavily bodied men with all her strength only to be suppressed and carried away into the sketchy part of town and into an abandoned warehouse.The insides of the warehouse were dark and dusty with rusted and old factory materials stored haphazardly within the poorly maintained building which had leakages almost at every turn.Its smell was pretty much toxic from the smoking of the thugs camped in the abandoned space alongside the unkept state it'd been left in.Ellie was tied on a wooden chair, her hands were behind her back in restraint and each of her feet was tied up with the legs of the chair. She looked up in horror, her hair matted on her face as a result of her tears mixed with sweat from the amount of struggle she'd previously engaged in."Let me go!" She screeched with a crazy look, struggling furiously with the restraints which had been so expertly tied by the thugs bef
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Her head ran in different places she panted on her bed, both scared and enraged. Even while still being a threat to her and her baby, she dared to appear in her dream. While in her bed, Ellie contemplated going to her father's house that midnight. But remembering what's the seer had told her, it was hard for her to make a decision.‘….You will have to perform the indoor lunar rituals every seven days at a new altar you will prepare on your own. Secondly, do your best to avoid visiting public places within the 9-month period of your pregnancy….’ these words rang in her head.“No, I have to go see father, just this once. He has to know that this witch started messing with my head,” Ellie muttered to herself as she got out of bed, grabbed her car keys and headed out. “Where are you headed to, Madam? The security guard asked concernedly rushing from his post to where Ellie was trying to get into her car. He had been specifically ordered not to let Ellie go out of the house on her own, an
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Birds chirped high above the forest. The branches of trees slapped themselves in a challenge of who would be the best at standing tall when the end wind was over playing with them. Rabbits, squirrels, and other wildlife crawled all around the forest. The howling of the air also celebrated the joyousness of the people celebrating in the surroundings. The full moon basked in all its glory, radiating light all around the people who were celebrating in the heart of the forest.The forest was home to the rural dwellers of the other side. After the hunting session was at hand again, the entire pack would make merry and enjoy the rest of the night off. The prey they got from their hunting were prepared and the pack would have a great feast to celebrate the blood moon ceremony.It was a tradition the pack had inherited from their leader, which they had separated from due to an unavoidable clash. Madon, the leader of the pack, had wanted to stop the tradition after the separation but he had s
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FLASHBACKCamille twisted her body to the rhythm of the music playing in the club. She felt very happy to be in the club that night and it was not because she liked clubbing but because she was finally able to be with the one person who made her feel extremely happy whenever they were together. Being at school had made her miss him so much that she couldn't wait until she saw him.Although he had come to see her about three times during her stay, they were stolen visits and so the stays were limited. Plus, they had to be wary of the fact that some of the royal werewolves' guards her brother had set after her to protect her secretly might spot them. Camille had always expressed her fears to her lover and she had made sure that they took extra cautious.It wasn't that she wasn't brave or she feared easily but with the situation on the ground and the entanglement surrounding their affairs, Camille knew that being careful and discreet was the only way they could carry on the relationship
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“Pregnant?” Damien and Camille both chorused in unison, smiles perking up at the corner of their lips. It was the least expected news, but it was the best one Damien heard in a while. He had always imagined I would be like an expecting father since his first marriage. But had practically forgotten about that when his first wife died. Or maybe the trauma of his first loss caused them to bury his dream alongside his once favourite memories. Now he felt warmth in his heart, like that of someone who had been brought back to life. He was grateful nothing more terrible happened to Aria. What would have happened if he did not pass by that road? It was too terrible to think of.“Yes,” the doctor affirmed.“Thankfully she's out of harm's way, but would need to show up at the hospital for a proper check-up,” the doctor added, packing up his things back in the box. “Why's she not waking up then?” Damien asked, still a little worried about her condition.“She will be in a few hours, you need n
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“What do you mean by you've not found her yet? It's been 24 hours since I filed a report yet you have not found anything? What exactly have you guys been doing since then?” “That is exactly what I've been trying to explain to you. It's just been 24 hours since the report was made, meaning that we've also started searching. Kindly be patient and let us do our job, I'm positive that your wife will be found very soon…”“Of course she will, whether or not you are positive. I don't want to have to return here only to hear no news of her,” Gerald pointed out strictly to the police officer.He desperately tried to hide the fear he was feeling about the fact that Ellie was missing. She could have at least called or tried to pass him a message about what she was up to, but there was nothing. When Gerald returned home and found out about Ellie, he felt his head running around in circles. They had both clearly been warned against her travelling, or even stepping out of the house…more so she did
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Ellie stared at the ceiling for a few seconds as soon as she blinked awake. The last thing she remembered was getting carried by someone. She sat up slowly on the bed and scratched the back of her neck, further sighing. “Who's house is this?” She asked no one in particular and glanced around the room with her eyes traveling to and fro. Ellie I also remembered hearing voices in her sleep, voices which belonged to the owners of the house she supposed. She let out a loud yawn from our throats and stretched before standing up from the bed with another stretch. As if that made her remember she was pregnant, Ellie quickly placed her hands over her stomach, when she could still feel the bump, let out a sigh of relief. Ellie found it post it note by the side of the bed, which read,“Hi lovely, I'm stepping out for a couple of minutes or so, will probably be back before you are awake, but if you are already reading this, it means I stayed later than I expected, lol. Will be there soon, don'
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That morning carried the kind of weight of laziness that weighed down upon a man’s soul. The kind of whether that made a man just want to sleep for a very long time. Terry olled up on every side of the bed in a weird kind of fatigue he couldn’t quite understand. “I need to get up,” he mumbled into the silky pillow he had his face buried into and before he knew it, he’d slept for another 20 minutes. He shot his eyes open upon realizing how unproductive his day was looking. “I need to get up,” he convinced himself again and this time, he felt his bones harnessing the power of his words. The laziness was beginning to dry up and it made him feel a childlike kind of powerful. He was still planning his day while he laid sprawled on the bed looking lifeless when he caught sight of one of his gym gloves. The thought of the numerous routines he had to do attempted to make him weak again but he groaned himself up and made a weird arch with his stretch. He shoveled himself into the bathroom, b
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