All Chapters of THE ALPHA'S VAMPIRE MATE: Chapter 61 - Chapter 70
120 Chapters
EVANORA'S POV"Princess Evanora."I smiled at my dad as he referred to me as a princess as I walked towards the dining. Ever since the coronation had ended, he barely called me by name again without adding the prefix 'Princess'."Good morning, dad," I said then took my seat. "How are you doing?""I'm great," he replied to me with a joyful voice. "Splendid, in fact. Tell me. How was your night? Did you have a good night's rest? And how was your coronation? You enjoyed it, didn't you?""One question at a time dad," I laughed lightly as he bombarded me with questions. "I am fine. The coronation was great and I had a good night's rest. Thank you.""That's great," he smiled then filled his mouth. "I saw you trying to mingle with the members of the coven. How did it go? Were you able to make some friends?""I could have if you didn't drag me away almost immediately," I said with a playful scowl. "Remember?""Don't say it like that," he laughed lightly. "I had a good course, didn't I? I intr
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EVANORA’S POV“Are you shy?”I blushed at Blade’s words, uselessly trying to cover my naked body to hide it from him. “No, I’m not.”“Oh, yeah?” he pulled me closer to him, pressing my body against his. I could literally feel our skins in contact, igniting an unexplainable spark within me. “Look at me then.”I raised my head from his naked lower body to look at his chest then have my gaze meet his. He looked hot. So hot just as he did minutes ago as we had sex. His gaze was intent, staring at every inch of my body and in the long run, managing to get me to blush from excitement.Smiling at me, he wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me in for a hug, kissing my back as he did. His hands stroke my hair gently and I just knew what was about to come next.“Do you have to leave now?” I asked, knowing after he showered kisses on my head, he was going to get up to bid me farewell for the night. “Evanora-”“No,” I cut him off, shaking my head. “Don’t leave. At least, not yet.”In res
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BLADE’S POVI chuckled to myself as I watched Evanora scurry out of the woods. It was a sight to see as she threw her clothes over her body, I couldn’t help but just stare. My smile quickly dissolved as I remembered I also had somewhere to be. Just like her, I had an appointment and thought it was just with the recruits to join them in training, it was just as important. I immediately got fully dressed and set back to my pack. I had no idea what the time exactly was but I knew by the time I would be getting to the pack, they would either be almost done with their morning training or completely done.After a couple of minutes more of walking, I finally arrived at my pack land and immediately headed to the training ground, ignoring most of the greetings on my way.Just as predicted, I stepped in to meet the recruits giving Adam a final bow, signifying the end of the training for a day. I groaned as I watched them disperse then walked towards Adam.He spotted me coming and immediately
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EVANORA’S POV “Princess Evanora!” I froze as I heard him call out to me again in an even louder voice. Busted. That was exactly what I was. Remaining in that same position, I refused to turn to face him until I could literally hear his steps behind me. I shut my eyes, took a deep breath, and waited till he tapped me on the shoulder and turned me to face him. “Evanora,” his voice was harsh as he spoke to me. “Where the hell were you all these while? Where are you coming from?” “I-” “And don’t you dare lie to me,” he pointed a finger at me. “I know you weren’t home all night so you better just come clean about where you were all along!” I swallowed. He was obviously so mad and it had to be my first time witnessing him get consumed by so much rage. I didn’t dare utter a single word, having absolutely no courage to lie to him. “You aren’t going to respond?!” he grabbed me by the shoulders, letting me go almost immediately to shake his head and massage his temples. “While I was h
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EVANORA'S POV I must have heard wrong. There was no way in hell my dad actually uttered those words. I tried to lighten my expression then raised my head to meet my dad and the prince both staring at me like they were expecting a response from me. I knitted my eyebrows and concentrated my gaze on my dad. "What did you say?" "Princess Evanora," he said in response. "Were you not listening to me?" "I got lost for a second," I replied to him. "I think I heard something wrong. What were you saying?" "We talked about how the vampires in the woods are being a threat." "Okay?" "And how we need to keep ourselves safe." "Okay." "And in conclusion," he said with a light smile. "How we think it'll be best you get married to prince Andrew. You two should get married." I blinked continuously and after a while, his words finally sank in. I didn't hear wrong. It was really happening. My dad was right by my side and telling me to get married to someone whose last name I didn't even know
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EVANORA'S POVI ran faster than I'd ever did not stopping until I got far into the woods. I had no idea as to where I was heading towards as all I knew was that I needed to leave the palace and be far away as possible.I needed to breathe. I just needed to be myself for a while as it all felt suffocating. It was terrifying, like a bad dream but heck, it was really happening.It was so hard to believe that one moment I was smiling with my dad and feeling extremely lucky to have him by my side and the next, I was mad with anger wishing he wasn't in my life. I was blinded and bonded by my own rage and had no intention of breaking free.It was crazy. He was crazy. Was that what being a princess meant to him? To just sit back and have a bunch of people I barely knew make my life decisions? To do whatever he asked me to simply cause he was the king and I was the princess?Maybe if it was regarding different issues, I wouldn't have had a problem but not regarding my getting married abruptly
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EVANORA'S POVI froze for a second as I heard the twig snap behind me. One thing was sure, whoever was behind me wasn't interested in announcing their presence in a friendly manner.With a deep breath, I slowly turned. I had absolutely no idea as to who to expect so it barely took me by surprise when I spotted a couple of unknown men behind me.They looked hefty and were in strangely familiar-looking attires, obviously from a different town. There were about six of them and as our eyes met, they slowly started moving to circle themselves around me."W-Who," I voiced out, trying to not stutter. "Who are you, people?"One of them who I guessed was their leader stopped to let out laughter. "That's surprising, princess Evanora. You do not recognize us?"I swallowed. "Who are you guys? And how do you know my name?"This time, they all laughed at me, making me the odd one out wondering what was so funny."Oh, right," the dude resumed talking. "The last time we were to meet ended up pretty n
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EVANORA’S POVI had resigned to my fate of getting kidnapped by my dad’s enemies and probably getting killed in the process. It was exhausting and a lot to think of but sadly, I was left with no choice.With another sigh leaving my lips, I shut my eyes and allowed the darkness to settle in. I had only done that a few minutes though as I quickly got interrupted by the carriage taking a sharp turn, having me immediately open my eyes. “What is going on?” I tried to say but it only came out in muffled sounds as the carriage kept on taking sharp turns at intervals. It felt like they were going faster than normal and before I could fully process what was all happening, I felt myself get thrown to a side as the carriage crashed into a tree.Still tied up, I heard noises coming from the men in the carriage. It started with a quick exchange of words and quickly changed into grunts and sounds of anger.“Don’t let them get to her!” I heard their boss yell and immediately felt the carriage becom
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EVANORA'S POVI spent the rest of the previous day locked up in my room and was pretty much intending on doing the same all day again.My mind was a mess and I still wasn't ready to face my dad after our last encounter. The feeling seemed to be mutual as just like me, he didn't bother showing up in my room.I skipped dinner the previous day and breakfast the next morning. I was weak and barely had enough strength to get myself downstairs to eat. Not that I wasn't hungry, I just couldn't get myself to actually chew and swallow food with so much on my mind.My maid had obviously noticed something was wrong as every time she came to my room to get me downstairs to eat, she always offered to bring my meal to my room instead. It was useless though as I always rejected her offer, leaving me to voluntarily starve.A sigh escaped my lips as I rolled over in my bed and pulled my sheets over my head. I was tired.Before I could allow myself to get drowned in a pool of my thoughts again, I heard
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BLADE’S POVFuck, I missed her so much.It had only been a few days without me not seeing Evanora but it felt like it had been years. According to the guards she kept on compelling me to come to meet me, but she was busy with stuff.I couldn’t help but worry about her though. Ever since her coronation, she seemed to have gotten busier. It must have suddenly gotten so stressful for her to be packed with so much stuff to do that she couldn’t even afford to see me.I wanted to see her so bad. To hug her until all her tiredness dissolved. To kiss her until she felt relieved and free from all her responsibilities in my arms. But for all that to happen, I needed to see her first and that just wasn’t happening.I let out a groan as I got out of my bed to get ready for my day’s activities. Mentally scanning my schedule for the day, I let out a sigh of relief as I realized I’ll be done early which meant more time to spend with Evanora later.That was of course if she was finally free enough to
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