All Chapters of The Lonely Wolf: Chapter 41 - Chapter 50
57 Chapters
41. The Hospital
Brain PovPart of the surprise that i didn't plan but am helping with from here is Dad and Mom have decided that as soon as Anna makes it out of this, they will be stepping down from Alpha and Luna. That means they will be handing the roles down to us. So they are planning a huge party for our home coming. I have my sister planning a few things at home for us first, and foremost is the Alpha Sweet has been redone, not redecorated yet because it's still being used right now. However, when they step down, the room becomes mine, and Annas and my parents will either move into the huge cabin nearby or, if there talk, means anything a vacation not long after they retire.As of now the extra rooms in there have been emptied already there are three and I've decided on uses for all of them two are babies rooms for now. As the kids get older, they will get the other rooms on the Alpha floor, but for now, they should stay with us. Also, Anna said that as infants, we should keep them all in the sa
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42. Another Issue
Annalise POV He cleans his self zips hos pants and crawls back beside me. Where he lays on his side, holding me close as one hand is rubbing my stomach. That's how warm and feeling protected I fell asleep . I wake up. I am not sure how much later, and I hear Brian in the shower, and I smile. I get as comfortable as I can and fall back asleep. I wake up from a nightmare, and I'm glad it wasn't real, but then i hear a noise. I look at the door, and someone seems to be sneaking into my room. I don't see Brian anywhere, and this person is walking creeping toward me and the way they are behaving its like they shouldn't be here. I know I just had sex but Brian did most of the work, and I'm in no condition to try to fight. I quickly link Brian, and he says, "I'm getting some coffee." I tell him, "Someone is in the room, and I don't know who." He cuts the link, and not long after, three people come storming in, turning the light on temporarily blinding me. Then Brian comes in almost midshift.
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43. The surgery
Brians POV They hurry around and get ready as Anna and I look at each other. Unsure of what to expect next, this is all so much, and what if something goes wrong. I breathe deep and hold her hand tight. They come over and put up a devider blocking us from her stomach and then they ask her " do you feel anything we are doing" I look down and see multiple people poking her in the stomach and she says "no" They start to clean her stomach which was weird. After they cleaned her is when the cutting started, and I had to look away. My first thought was to save her because they were hurting her, and I couldn't do that because this is an emergency. I stare at Anna, and she's looking at the ceiling, and that's when I realized there's a mirror up there. Against my better judgment, I watched as they separated her abdominal muscles and made another cut into her uterus. This seemed to happen in fast forward, but it probably took longer. it just seemed fast and scary in the moment. We watched as t
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44. The Babies
Brian POV The next day we woke up to absolute chaos the babies all needed fed and changed which was a given but my mom showed up with there cloths Then my dad came by with like every male friend he has to show off his grandbabies. Then Annas parents came and brought their kids, of course, so the babies meant their Aunt and Uncle on one side so far. Then we started getting random visits from pack members wanting to see the new future Alpha which since he was first born is Rykers birth given right unless he doesn't want it then he can give it to any of his current siblings. Everyone cooed at them people brought more gifts and told Anna how amazing she did women were especially impressed saying things like" i thought one was bad I don't know how you handled five' thats future issues too in my mind how can two people control five kids. I need to stay calm. That's not anything to worry about right now. we may be outnumbered, but we still have the upper hand because they can't walk or talk
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45. For My Family
Brians POV I saw his eyes glow it was pretty but so very different and confusing . I've seen eyes that appear to glow like maybe they are reflecting light or something.. This was not like that at all it was a glow like what you'd see from a toy that glows in the dark. It wasn't a crazy strong glow, but it was there and amazing. I watch the whole thing happening, and I don't understand it. Jasper is a baby, but I swear he knew what was going on and pretty much showed Anna what to do. Then, together, they healed Arthur. That's so weird to think, but it's what I saw. They both touched him, and since I was holding both babies, I felt this energy. It was flowing around them and was so strong like a rushing river, and the concentration on their faces was crazy intense. How does a newborn look intense like that it was so weird to watch, but it was also amazing. Anna was on the couch lying next to the baby bassinets. I think her and Jasper fell straight asleep. Im not surprised, though, bec
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46. Investigating
Brian POV The next morning, I head straight to my office, and as I do this, I try to link Anna, and she doesn't respond. I link my mom and dad. They verify she's still asleep and the kids are, too. I let them know what I'm doing and that I thought I heard the guy mumble a few familiar names. I thought he said the names of two of the most vicious and violent super natural beings ever heard of. It may sound weird because here I am being a werewolf, but we also have stories we don't believe in, and one of them is the story of Noctis. This was a group of six supernatural creatures that were not "normal." It's in books and told as a legend they were vampire hybrids. It was told that it was a few couples that formed this miniature clan to take over, but there have never been any proven facts that they actually exist. It was a set of twin females identical, not fraternal, that are part Vampire but on their moms side was seers. A seer is a witch that can see things that haven't happened. The
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47. This Is Bad
Jeffrey POV My head is spinning, and I can't think of what to share first. Brian is asking so many questions, and this is my favorite subject. It's just that i used to say they are real, and I always believed it too, but if they are, then we could be in some real trouble. I decided to just explain what I know to Brian. " Ok, so I guess I should just tell you everything I know. I heard the basic stories when I was younger, like everyone else. That wasn't enough for me, though, because I thought it was real. I wanted all the details I could find. I dug so deep that people thought i was crazy but that's not what was going on. I was worried that if they were real, it wouldn't end well. See, this group is after control, and by control, I mean complete and total control. They collect everyone who helps them. I never found proof they were real, but I know everything about them. It all adds up because the people being attacked in our pack are special." I Brian takes the chance to ask, " Spec
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48. Tons
Brians POV I was surprised that in one day I found out so much and not just that but now we have plans. I grab my cell and start to head back to my family. On the way I call every Alpha, I can think of first and foremost. Of course is Travis, i mean, why not start with the pack my sister is in. I tell him the whole story he wants to help and liked the idea of joining a bunch of packs in one area. We talk a little longer, and I decide to pause for tonight. So I can spend some time with my beautiful mate and perfect babies. I tell Travis I'll talk to him later. He agrees and asks to be updated if anything new comes up. He also said he'd be looking for people to join us and I told him the only rules are not anyone that is an enemy of anyone already joining and we all have to have an Alpha meeting somewhere to make sure everything is good for everyone. He says, " sounds good. i will pass it on to everyone and also get lists of their enemies if they want to join." We say the goodbyes, and
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49. Getting Prepared
Brian POV Instantly everyone went into get ready mode mom and Anna directing everyone to get the two buildings by our meeting hall ready dad had to go out with some men to see if the hall would be big enough for everyone and if it wasn't we'd need to make have to rethink things. This may be the biggest meeting of Pack Alphas in years, and we talked to everyone involved about this. we don't know everyone's enemies yet, and if any show up, we have a temporary truce called. This way, we can all meet and see if there are any issues and maybe even work some of them out and see if this is a viable solution.The meeting hall needs cleaned badly, especially after dad did a few little renovations with the men. They somehow took out two walls without ruining the building and the support it ended up being perfect after that. They called a cleaning crew, and after it was cleaned so well, you'd be willing to eat food off the floors we sent out the organizers. They set up the tables and made it re
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50. Help?
Leon POVI take a deep breath before I continue. " I could tell she was my mate, but she was unconscious and not answering when I spoke. I crawled in to get to her, and she woke up freaking out. She wouldn't speak, and she tried to crawl away. I begged her to stay and told her she was my mate. She stops trying to leave, and she turns around and looks at me. She leans in and smells me, and she starts to cry. I reach out, and I wrap my arms around her as she collapses on me. I rushed her to our hospital, and they said,"she has a few broken bones and lots of bruises. She also seems dehydrated and mal norished, but we can help with that. She doesn't seem to have any major injuries, at least physically. This may be a regularthing shes covered in okd scars. Just so you know." Not sure if i should explain faster or just tell the story i clear my throat but the Luna looks at the door just as it opens the lady in charge of the hotel lets a man in and he shuts the door. He comes to stand by the
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