All Chapters of The Alpha's Catalyst: Chapter 131 - Chapter 140
146 Chapters
MARCUS P.O.VLast night the pack lost their Luna, they were left without anyone to put their hopes on since I have not yet decided to take the place of my father as leader of the pack. I miss her so much, but I couldn’t help but hope that right now she is with Harold.I had just one more thing to confirm. I had to find out my father’s will, I had to find Lucas Wayne and retrieve the briefcase my father left me because only that case will determine if I will take up the position as leader of the pack or not.For the meantime, Flynn and Rina resided still in Catalina Island with Alicia, Maxwell and the rest of my father’s pack. Kelvin was still unconscious but it was certain that he would recover.When the sun came up I left the house with Ronald and Wilfred. We took a vehicle heading back to camp where we left Daniel. Upon our arrival we found him still lying unconscious on the floor.Wilfred and Ronald put him on the chair. “We have three minutes more before he regains consciousness,”
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MARCUS P.O.VIt took over an hour before we arrived at the city on Catalina Island. Everyone was having fun as usual. It was unlike what I expected. I expected to hear rumours flying around about the riotous sounds coming from the mountains but from what I can see, it’s evident that the sounds of chaos never crossed to this territory.“We are pretty lucky,” Ronald voiced the thought in my mind. “I can’t imagine what would have happened if they all heard those aggressive and riotous battles which occurred last night.”“Sure,” I said, then looked down at our feet. “Come, we have to change these shoes,” I said. I took them to a cloth shop on the island and I bought a change of dress and also new pairs of shoes for myself and the both of them.We freshened up in a hotel, changed our outfit and afterwards we left to the shore to book a ship heading to California. Luckily there were a few reserved seats so we took the ride. As estimated, it was going to take us an hour before we arrived on
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ALICIA P.O.VMarcus left earlier today leaving me and Maxwell with Flynn, Rina and the rest of the pack. He said it was important that he retrieves the briefcase his mother told him his father left him before dying. He promised that he would be back before sunset in the evening.There wasn’t much to do at the moment so I helped the pack to arrange the cave. They never wanted me to help but I insisted, it was quite unfortunate that even Maxwell wanted to help them set things up and there was nothing I could do rather than let him do as he please. However I never allowed him to stray away from my sight because even after the battle I cannot entrust him to any one of them.“The boy is more charming than I expected," I heard a bass voice behind me. I turned around and unfortunately it was Gaius."Yes, he does have a charming side," I smiled then turned back to Maxwell who was putting some broken rocks back into the potholes on the wall."I just hope that behind those charms there is a lit
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MARCUS P.O.VIt was a long ride but finally we arrived at Los Angeles. It felt good to tread on new grounds but it was also terrible to know nothing about the beings that might exist here and if they were friendly or not. However I would rather prefer that Los Angelis was free of any shape-shifters or beings alike.“Marcus, we should get going if you don’t want me to change my mind,” Wilfred said.“I know, hold on let me check the GPS so that we can know which way to go,” I replied, taking out my android phone as I turned it on.“Wait, are you being serious right now. Are you telling me that you have no idea where we are headed before bringing us on this insane trip?”“Calm down Wilfred, this is also my first time treading on these grounds,” I answered.“You have not been here before, not even once?” he exclaimed but thankfully his voice didn’t draw attention since the wind was boisterous.“Come on, what’s the noise all about?” Ronald asked, walking up to us with a little bag pack he
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MARCUS P.O.VThere was a large cloth shop just opposite the eatery so we hurried inside. Luckily our clothes didn’t get wet that much. The cloth shop was large and fancy and there were a lot of people purchasing stuff inside.“This place is magnificent,” I said, then walked up to one of the attendees. “Excuse me miss,” I said and she turned to me.“Good day sir, how can I help you?” she said.“This is a large shop and I will appreciate it if you help me locate some good linen for the elderly ones,” I said.“Sure, I can help with that, please come with me,” she replied. With her help we were able to locate the section where the choice clothes were and afterwards she left us."Remind me why we are doing this again?" Ronald asked."We are not doing this for ourselves, we are doing it for Daniel's parents," I replied."What!" "Trust me, I know what I am doing," I said."Marcus, are you crazy? You haven't even seen her parents in person to know if they are fat or slim and you are already
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MARCUS P.O.VFinally this was it. I am finally close to either running my entry life or saving myself from a lifetime of guilt."What are you waiting for?" Wilfred said. I looked at him and then I pressed the doorbell. We waited for a while but there was no response."Marcus, are you sure this is the right place?" Ronald asked."Yes, I am," I replied. I rang the doorbell a second time but still there was no feedback."We should just go," Wilfred said."No, let's try again," I said and just when I was about to press the button the third time the door opened up and standing before us was an old lady with grey hair.I expected Daniel's mother to be old but not as old as the woman standing right before my face. "Hello… How can I help you?" The woman asked."Sorry for disturbing your peace. Are you Mrs Smith, the son of Daniel Smith?" I asked.He furrowed her eyebrows as the wrinkles in her face got thicker. "Yes, I am," She replied.My heart skipped at her response. I could tell that Ron
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MARCUS P.O.VThe fear, the sudden unfolding of the eyes as her eyelashes quiver, her hands kept trembling while she stared at us. I knew what that stare meant, this was the kind of countenance a person makes when confronted by assassins.“ you saying that you are shape-shifters?” she stammered.“Yes, we are,” I answered. “You don’t have to be afraid, we are not here to hurt you, we are here because we want to ask for your forgiveness,” I said to her.“No,” she quivered. Her phone was just beside her so she reached out to it at once and she dialed 911.“I know you are afraid of beings like us, but some of our kind is decent,” I said but she clicked the button anyway.[Hello, this is 911, what is your emergency] I heard a female voice over the phone and just then we were interrupted by the doorbell.“Save me,” she whispered. The phone dropped from her hand and she jerked up swiftly making her way to the entrance door. I could tell that she was frightened and in a lot of shock.“I t
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ALICIA’S P.O.VThe pain of losing a child was terrible and it wasn’t something a parent would wish for. I couldn’t understand the level of pain the old lady was going through but could only imagine it. Even right now I feel sorry and indebted to her.The dark cloud had already covered the sky when Meredith escorted us out of the house. She wrapped her blanket around her body to protect her from the cold breeze and by the time we arrived at our car she looked down at Maxwell. “Thank you for showing me what you showed me earlier. It felt good to see her face again,” she said to him.“You are welcome ma’am. I know you needed it,” Maxwell replied.Hearing that got me curious but I guessed it was best that I don’t ask. I was okay as long as whatever he showed Meredith made her see things differently.“Guys, I think we have company,” Ronald alarmed us. I looked to see who he was speaking of and from the distance I saw a young man approaching with a bottle of drink in his hand.“Daniel... Ma
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ALICIA'S P.O.VSix years passed after we reconciled with Meredith and her son Daniel. Even after these six years Marcus had not retrieved the briefcase from Lucas. However, he Still assumed his position as the Alpha of his father's pack.He wasn't the only ruler of the pack since I was ruling beside him. To me it all seemed like a dream. And when speaking of a dream I am talking about the story of a feeble human who fell in love with a charming beast, a mortal chased and hunted by a pack for years was now ruling as Luna of the same pack that tried to kill her.Now the feeble mortal is known as the most revered Luna since the history of the Dominik's pack. And not just that, but far stronger than any Luna who had ever ruled beside the Alpha.Looking back from where I am I was grateful for everything that I had gone through. All my efforts were worth it and even my son, the one they say will doom the world had the most charms than anyone else.I was not only glad to have him but I am al
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MARCUS P.O.VI walked inside the building while holding Alicia’s hand. The hall was filled up with both humans and werewolves as rock music filled the air. There was no strange pack present; I made sure that the sentinels never allowed any werewolf from another tribe to venture into the island.Everything was coordinated just like it should be and I trusted my pack to be great at blending in with the humans without causing any arousal, and that was all thanks to my late parents who taught them well.“Marcus, look who showed up,” Alicia said. I looked only to see that it was Katherine. I saw the excitement over Alicia’s face.“Will she be a burden to you?” I asked.“Are you kidding me,” Alicia said with a frown on her face.“Sorry, I was only joking, go on, go and have fun with your friend, I will keep an eye on things,” I said to her.“Okay, please watch Max but don’t spy on him,” she said.“Yes ma’am, but you know that they both mean the same thing…” I was yet to complete my statemen
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