All Chapters of The Alpha's Catalyst: Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
146 Chapters
The unexpected kiss
MARCUS P.O.V Some minutes later we all sat to hear what had happened to her and the young man who said his name was Tyler. She explained how some people had seized her after they made it into the haunted house and how when she awoke, she found herself in a building but I knew she was hiding part of the details."Who captured you because from our research most of your friends must have been a part of this conspiracy," One of the reporters asked her.Alicia sprained her eyebrows as she told them that she never saw their faces. "The lights went off and all I knew was that some people were after me but I couldn't tell who they were," She said."And where were your other friends?" The reporter asked."I had no idea," she shook her head abruptly. "One moment Tyler was with me and the next he wasn't there and when I had called out to the others none of them were anywhere around," She answered."So what you are saying is that your friends were also victims to this crime and not suspects?" Th
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The reckless Intension
MARCUS P.O.VThat noon I walked the street like a complete wanderer. It was almost like my father's curse was walking on me. I was both a lone wolf and without a home however i wasn't totally hopeless,I had a goal and that was to keep my mate safe and prove my parents wrong about their decision to drive me away and I am grateful that I met a few loving folk which I can't classify as family since they don't have a clue about my cruel werewolf side.By eight p.m. that day I walked into a club house. I don't know why I was there because I hated the noise but I just needed something to distract me from the tragic feeling of disappointing my pack.The music was loud and many people were dancing under the different colours of light flickering at the centre while I walked down to a counter where drinks were being served."Hello," I said to have the attention of an Irish skin coloured lady who just finished attending to a customer and she lifted her gaze to me but lingered.I had no clue the
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Unleashed wrath
MARCUS P.O.V My eyes were still dizzy the next time I realized myself but this time I could feel that i was no longer in the loud and noisy club hall rather I was on a bed.I tried to move my arms but they were weak. My head was resting on a soft pillow and my eyes staring directly at the blue bulb on the ceiling and finally I heard the sound of the door.I couldn't move but I managed to push my eyes to the entrance and there under the shady light I saw someone walk in closing the door gently I looked away again and I heard the sound of the door lock. It's even worse now because whoever it is was only setting a trap for herself, she was planning her own death at every reckless step she made.I might be weak for now but only the moon king knows what will happen to her if she touches my body. Still in my thoughts I felt the weight of someone on the bed as I looked sideways, I recognised it was a lady but I still wasn't sure which one since my sight was blurry.Seated by my side she to
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ALICIA'S P.O.V My eyes fluttered open the next morning as the first thought that came into my mind was the kiss I received from Marcus last night. I don't know why but it put a smile on my face as I held my pillow close to my chest.I whined in happiness and I just couldn't wait for his next visit. Why did I let him leave?I shoved myself off my bed as I walked down to the door, I had to check up on Eddie to know if he was already dressed up for work which i knew he would, I grabbed my cell phone as I made my way down stairs to the sitting room and I found him already dressed up but he was in a conversation with someone over the phone.I could tell from his countenance that it was bad news so immediately after the call went off I walked up to him and said. "Hi dad, Is everything alright?" "Yes," He sprained his eyebrows after another sharp sigh. "I was just informed of a fight which took place In a nightclub and it left a young man in a critical state," "How bad is it?" I asked"My
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The Alpha's secret
MARCUS P.O.V"Buzz... buzz… buzz…" The vibration of my phone awoke me from my sleep as I gently opened my eyes. I was so weak and could feel my head spinning. Where am I? I whispered to myself, gently sitting up. It was a small stable with grasses littered on the floor as I could see three horses and beside me was a manger.I couldn't tell how I got here and even as I tried to think my head gave me hurting bangs in return, I pulled my gaze away from the horses to my hands."Goodness," My eyes spring wide and my heart begins racing at my sight. My hands were covered in blood and my shirt was stained in bloodI hovered my eyes back to the horses to see if I had hurt any of them but I didn't, and just that instant I recalled the lady who had tried to rape me last nightThe visions of what happened weren't still clear but I knew something occurred. I hope I didn't do it? I hope I didn't do what I was thinking? I thought to myself because I thought I killed her, I thought the lady at the
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The date
MARCUS P.O.V "Is there a problem?" Alicia asked as she waggled her eyes to me.The problem wasn't who Jason is because I knew he was a vampire, the problem was how did he get so acquainted with Alicia? "Is there something you guys aren't telling us?" Kathrine asked."It's nothing," Jason broke the silence between us. "I know him from somewhere and in our precious contact we got into conflict," Katherine's suspicious countenance altered and she said. "If that is the case then today is the right time to get united again," "Can I have a moment with you Alicia," I said to her but before she could utter a word Jason held her by the hand."No, she is going nowhere," Jason said.I wanted to react but starting a fight with a vampire in a restaurant wasn't a good idea especially when I can't change freely to my werewolf form so I held my peace.I glared at his hand which was clinging tight on her wrist."Let go Jason, you are hurting me," Alicia said but he wouldn't but held his fixed gaze
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Led by a prey to slaughter
MARCUS P.O.VIt was a two hours ride to Morgan's little home in the village and Alicia and I had spent hours in a conversation about our likes and hates. I made sure she did most of the speaking and I did the listening but we tried as much as possible not to speak of anything aside from human lifestyle.She told me a lot about her experiences when she was away from California, she told me about her beautiful life with her aunt and amazing friends, a time when she was free to be happy and had plenty of laughter. Sitting still and listening to her while she poured her heart out, smiling and crying was the most beautiful thing I have ever seen and it was a life that I am sad to steal from her,I only hoped that getting into her life wouldn't destroy those sparks, I was determined that no matter what happened I wouldn't make her like me, she had to be a human like she is.When we arrived at Morgan's home, he was seated on a short wooden chair at the front of his one bedroom flat with his
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In the edge of truth
MARCUS P.O.V "What do we do?" Travis said but my mind was far from his question.How would we escape this without me triggering my wolf form? What will Travis say If he sees my monster side?This is a wrong time to show what I am but if i don't he will die. I could see the glowing eyes of the dreadful lions sneaking out of the bushes. There were three lions and the other seven were lionesses.While I kept observing them Travis shot a bullet at one of the lions but he failed to get the shot since his hands were trembling.I thought the gunshot would scare the lions away but it didn't, rather It provoked more wrath in them.One of the lioness mounted towards Travis as he shielded himself with the gun, however the weight of the lioness dropped him to the floor.The teeth of the lioness gnashed tightly on the gun as it fought hard to pull it off and force its way to Travis neck."Help Marcus," Travis said, still struggling to get himself free from the cat but couldn't and the other lions
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Will you be my date?
MARCUS P.O.V "Travis please…" Alicia pleaded.I stared at his angry eyes and I knew he wasn't going to accept our plea."He is a monster," Travis answered. His statement put fright on their faces. Morgan's wrinkled skin got worse and I could tell that he never wanted it to be true."How could you say that sweetheart?" Emily said."I am not kidding or making up stories, I witnessed it myself, there were ten forest lions and he fought against them swinging them haggardly on stems of trees," Hearing Tyler's accusations, Morgan asked me if all he was saying was the truth.There was no denying it now so I had to answer plainly. "Yes, I am not human,""You lied to us, you said that you fought against only one lion but there were ten?" Emily said like she was hurt."Why did you not tell us what you are?" Morgan asked."Because I know that you will not accept me for what I am," I replied.Travis affirmed my prediction to be true. He was never going to accept me so he suggested that I leave t
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Alicia Lindsey, will you marry me?
ALICIA'S P.O.V When Marcus brought me into the restaurant I knew something was off, we just had a bad day so why he insisted we had this meal was something that i couldn't understand. Probably it was a make up for what I had witnessed in Morgan's home but I didn't see a reason why he would do this because of that since he was the one who was hurt and not me. Even while our conversation went on I relaxed putting up all the amusing biography of my childhood which I enjoyed but what Is happening right before my eyes is something unexpected.I loved Marcus but even though I do I wouldn't want our relationship to begin this way. "Marcus, I am sorry but I don't think this is the right timing," I said but what came next was stunning."Yes It is. This is a magical moment for me and for once in previous times i can tell that you believe I am upset but I'm not. it's been so long since I felt this way and your answer today will change my life forever, I am more happy than I have ever been befor
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