All Chapters of Hidden Legacy (The Lost Luna): Chapter 61 - Chapter 70
249 Chapters
Book 1: The Lost Luna - Ch. 61 The New Luna
Daemon's Point of View Having Adriana in my arms again was pure bliss. I would never let her go if I could help it. After we made love, I held her in my arms while she napped for a short time. Between her injuries, the walk and incredible sex, I had tired her out, but I was unrepentant. I had been worried that Adriana would pull away from me after everything that happened, not that I would have blamed her. I hadn't treated her as well as I should have, and because of that, Adriana was put in a position that nearly cost her her life. Making it up to her would be my life's work if needed. Making love to Adriana was one of the most incredible feelings. Knowing that the Moon Goddess made her just for me made it all just that so much better. I lay beside her, just watching her as she napped. When she woke, it was close to lunchtime. "Let's have a shower and then lunch," I suggested. Adriana smiled in agreement, so I mind-linked a request to prepare lunch and make some sandwiches. Ad
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Book 1: The Lost Luna - Ch. 62 Falling In Love
Adriana's Point of View Daemon and I were now walking back to the packhouse after a meal and a drink at the local pack bar, Shifters. I enjoyed the entire day with Daemon and didn't want it to end. For the first time, Daemon declared to everyone that I was his Luna, and I was hopeful that our relationship would continue progressing as it had been. What I really wanted was for Daemon to declare his love to me. How would I get him to state this without seeming as needy as I was feeling? Was I supposed to ask him straight out? It was times like these that I missed being able to talk to my mother. We never did get a chance to have all those discussions about boys and growing up that Callie seemed to have with her mum. I honestly can't think of any other way of finding out other than to ask him. It felt like he was showing me he cared, and I certainly felt wanted. Was this love? Maybe it was, and I was just that clueless. I just wanted to be entirely sure that what I feel for him is the
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Book 1: The Lost Luna - Ch. 63 I Need To Be A Better Mate
Daemon's Point of View Adriana opened up to me last night, and I fully understood where she was coming from and her emotions. I felt humbled that she had shared her feelings with me. Like her, I had felt vulnerable too, but as an Alpha, I needed to be the one to look after and protect my mate. I never wanted Adriana to ever feel unhappy about our relationship. I wanted to be the rock of her life, so I needed to work on communicating with her. Something that neither of us was good at. I needed to be a better mate, and I was going to be, starting with making sure she had recovered from her ordeal. As soon as Adriana had awakened, I served her breakfast in the seclusion of our bedroom. The Omegas were already downstairs preparing food for those of us who lived there. I had them put breakfast on a tray which I took upstairs to Adriana. Food is one of the love languages of shifters, and feeding our mates was a way of letting them know we love and cherish them and could provide for them.
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Book 1: The Lost Luna - Ch. 64 Taking A Risk
Adriana's Point of View "I intend for us to be working together," said Daemon. "We will be a team." "Okay," I replied, somewhat confused. I would have expected us to be a team since I was his Luna, but from what I gathered, the Alpha was still the boss. He was certainly bossy enough for both of us. "Usually, the Luna looks after the womenfolk, and the Alpha takes care of business. I want more than that for you.," Daemon continued. "I want us to make decisions together for the well-being of all pack members." I was a little shocked. It sounded like Daemon was putting me in an equal position to himself. I wasn't entirely sure if that would work. What if we had differing opinions? Whose opinion would we go with? I wondered what Tyler and Adam would make of it. What would his parents think? "Don't over-think it," said Daemon. "If we communicate properly, then we can make this work." I just hoped he knew what he was doing. After breakfast, Daemon led me back upstairs again. We had f
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Book 1: The Lost Luna - Ch. 65 The Planning Begins
Daemon's Point of View Adriana and I arrived at my parent's place. She was nervous about meeting my mother in case Alana didn't like her. She seemed happier when I reassured her that my mother would love her as I did. Loving Adriana was easy. It was a no-brainer that everyone else would love her too. We were led into the dining room, and my mother called for Christina to come downstairs for lunch. When she came into the room, I introduced her to Adriana. "I remember you," she said. "Daemon! You didn't tell me the piano player at the restaurant was your mate. Geez, brother! You're impossible." "Yeah. I should have mentioned it. I was having a moment," I said, feeling rather sheepish, so I smiled and hugged Adriana to let her know she was my everything. As we sat down to lunch, I watched my friends and family interact with each other. Although Adriana was nervous about meeting my parents, they all seemed to get on with each other. Even my little sister Christina was talking animated
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Book 1: The Lost Luna - Ch. 66 Welcome To The Family
Adriana's Point of View After lunch, Alana, Christina and I went into the lounge to plan and discuss the mating ceremony. We had just sat down when another female about the same age walked in and joined us. "Stephanie!" called Christina. "I'm so glad you could come over and join us. Do you remember Adriana, the pianist from the Luna Restaurant? Well, it turns out she is our Luna." "I remember you," Stephanie exclaimed. "I am so pleased to meet you." I vaguely recalled Stephanie, but with all that had happened since that night, I was struggling to remember her. Christina explained that Stephanie was Tyler's younger sister. It made more sense after that, and I could finally place her. When we had driven back to the packhouse, Christina and Stephanie had returned with Adam. Stephanie sat down, and we got on with the planning. It was going to be held on the next full moon, which wasn't very far away. Merely a few weeks remained, leaving barely any time to organise it. "As soon as you
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Book 1: The Lost Luna - Ch. 67 Ceremony Preparations
Adriana's Point of View The following day, Alana and I went to see Lexi. It wasn't just the two of us, as Daemon had insisted that I was accompanied by a guard at all times. There was no arguing this with him, and I didn't even bother. Just because Brandon was dead, it didn't negate the danger I was in. Kree was still alive. Knowing I had a blood witch after me kept me from being reckless. With our escorts, Carlisle and Wilson, we headed out. The idea was to have my measurements taken and discuss the type of gown I wanted. I had a vision of what I wanted, but I was also mindful that there may be some pack traditions I would have to follow. Lexi welcomed us when we entered the shop, and Alana introduced her to me. "I am so thrilled to be making your gown, Luna," she said. "Lexi is the best stylist we have," Alana declared. "I'm your only stylist," she joked. As soon as I met Lexi, I was reminded of Callie, and her friendly nature immediately appealed to me. "Almost any style wou
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Book 1: The Lost Luna - Ch. 68 Perry St. Claire
Adriana's Point of View Carlisle and Wilson drove Alana and me back to the pack house. An unfamiliar car was parked outside, and dread filled me. I wasn't sure how this meeting was going to roll. Being a rare hybrid Wolf-Shifter was nerve-racking. As I thought about what the Alpha Council representative would do with me, I was unsure what to expect. Would I face discrimination as I wasn't a purebred wolf? Slowly, I forced myself to get out of the car. I had evidently dawdled long enough for Wilson to hop out of the passenger seat and open my door. Embarrassed, I quickly got out and mumbled my thanks. I still wasn't used to this kind of deference. My feelings and thoughts must have been easily read as Alana touched my shoulder and said, "It is going to be alright. Nothing will happen to you; we'll make sure of that. In addition, your mother wouldn't have felt comfortable with the 'holding doors open' for Luna." I smiled my thanks at Alana, and we proceeded into the packhouse to meet
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Book 1: The Lost Luna - Ch. 69 The Witches
Adriana's Point of View Excuse me, Perry St. Claire," I said as I walked towards the door, "Where are we going?" "Please call me Perry," he answered, "and may I call you Adriana?" I nodded but stopped walking while I waited for him to fully answer my question. After a brief, but uncomfortable pause, he did. "We are going to meet the witches currently sealing your borders. They will most likely have some questions about Kree that they wish to ask you," he replied. We all went down the packhouse stairs to meet the witches outside. As we exited the main doors, I saw three women walk towards us, one of whom seemed to look familiar. "Perry! Introduce us, please," said one of the women. Her name was Delilah, and, as I found out, she was not only the vice Gatekeeper of the Witches’ Council but also Kree's older sister. No wonder she looked familiar. "Breathe," linked Daemon, "You are okay." Through our link, Daemon could clearly feel my nerves getting the better of me. I initially th
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Book 1: The Lost Luna - Ch. 70 Coming Home
Adriana's Point of View I took a deep breath and walked through the door into a past life. It was like coming home after a long absence, but also not the same. "Welcome," I said to Delilah. "I'm sorry if it is dusty, but I haven't been here for such a long time. Not since I moved out after my mother's death and into the city." "It is all good, child," Delilah said as she followed me. Going into the lounge, I saw a photo of my mother and me together. There weren't many of them, and this was one that our neighbour had taken of us. You could clearly see our blue eyes, as we wore coloured contacts then. It was then that I realised I hadn't worn contacts in so long and had been wandering around showing my amethyst-coloured eyes to everyone. No one had commented or said a thing. To think that I might have been able to live an everyday life and go to school like everyone else did just blew me away. Life might have been very different. I told myself to stop thinking like this, as it wasn'
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