All Chapters of Loveless CEO: Chapter 111 - Chapter 120
121 Chapters
The feeling from deceit
"Susan is awake!" Echoes in as John walks in so happy. In shock, Xander holds his hands. "What? Are you serious?""Absolutely! I just got off the phone with Ketty. She says Susan regained consciousness some minutes ago. Let's head over now so we can see for ourselves."Turning around in his chair, Xander being anxious, says, "This is goodnews! We need to get to the hospital right away. Let's go, John!" They hurrily rush out of the room and into the car parking outside. John starts the engine and they speed off."I can't believe she is awake. It's been a week and a few days since the accident. How is this possible? Well, I am so happy. I always knew she was strong enough to overcome anything." Xander mutter, raising his head up with double minds about what to believe and what not to."I don't know, but its incredible news. We need to find out what she remembers about that night. If she can tell the face of the Kidnappers or anything peculiar." John says while his hands in motion on the
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Everyone is a suspect
After some hours, Ketty comes back to do her regular check on Susan, then remembers that both young men were late to the hospital today. After her work, she goes back to the waiting room, standing right in front of them, raising an eyebrow. "Well, well, well, look who's here. Mr. Xander and Johnnie, my lover. What brought you both late to the hospital today? Have you been running around all day? Or you–"Xander slightly taken aback by his thinking, cuts her off. "We had to make a few stops before coming here. It's been a hectic morning. Am sorry that I didn't tell you." Xander apologies also for taking her sweetheart along the few stops, here and there.Ketty, curious and wanting to gossip as the hospital sometimes is so boring, "Oh? Tell me about your little adventure. I'm all ears to try it on what you two are up to." John briefly interrupts with chuckles as he tells from ketty's expression that she wants to gossip, but he knows Ketty should know all the full details as she has a l
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All a lie after all
"Whoops." Xander exhales lightly, standing outside the police station, his heart pounding in his chest. The air feels heavy, suffocating almost, as he contemplates the upcoming divulgence. He knows he has to embrace the truth, no matter how painful it might be. If Susan's parents were responsible for the death of his own parents, fine. But he can't hold it against Susan. He's already undoubtfully in love with her and she is the one for him and he can't let vengeance cloud his judgment. As he steps in, the heavy oak doors swung open, revealing the bustling police station within. Detectives hurriedly moving from one room to another, their voices muffles by the thick walls. He takes another deep breath, steeling himself for what lay ahead while he closes on a distance to the front desk. "Excuse me," he calls out to the officer behind the counter. "I'm here to see Detective Reynolds. Is he in?""Yeah.""And do you mind pointing in the direction where he is?"Just as he conversed with the
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Connecting The Untold Dots
"Wait... Wait a minute." Xander stops for a second, stunned and shocked. "You were the doctor who delivered me and ketty at the hospital?" "Wow... Ketty? Is that her name?""Yeah. Dr Godfred or whatever you bear, but you sold my sister under my aunt's influence? Is that what you want to tell me?" Fast running tears run down Xander's eyes as he rethinks everything.Mr. Godfred with a heavy sigh, "Yes, Xander, it pains me to admit it. I was weak, and under the influence of your aunt, I made a terrible decision. I sold your sister to ensure her safety, or so I thought at that time. So did your aunty think, but I couldn't sell her as my heart will not sleep. I gave her away to my elder sister, who was married and didn't have a child back then. So instead of selling, I gave her over. I know that nothing I say here can make you forgive me and my act, and I take full responsibilities for my actions."Xander's emotions surge with anger and sadness coursing through him. "How could you do such
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Her memory loss
"Doc... Doctor! Doctor! Please come quickly!" Xander howls out of the door and the Doctor on duty for the night shift rushes into the room, noticing the urgency in the voice. "Oh, it's you, Mr Xander when did you step in?" The Doctor asks him out of curiosity. "She's awake!" Xander cuts in, pointing to Susan's bed, paying dumb ears to how he entered the hospital premises without a sight.The doctor hastens to Susan. "Wow. Just stay aside. Let me pay attention to her." "But why is she asking me who am I? And why is she in the hospital? Doctor, what's happening?"The Doctor examines her while trying to calm both Xander and Susan. "ma'am, how are you feeling and can you recall the last incident before the hospital?" He observes her expression and lamentations."Am feeling okay, but sore on my body, it's feels like I rolled from a hill down. For the last thing that happened, I can't recall anything, and why am I at the hospital?"The doctor, after listening to her, turns to Xander his s
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Finally to be dusted
"How are you feeling?" John gives her a warm hug. "We rushed here as soon as we received Xander's call." Seeing John, Susan's eyes light up with recognition and relief."I was wondering when you'd come. I'm so glad to see you." She looks at Ketty, her expression confuses. She drags John much closer to whisper into his ears. "But who are these two people with you?" John and Ketty exchanges puzzle glances, their minds racing to understand the situation.John is so lost. What is happening here?" He questions in his mind. "Susan, don't you remember? This is Ketty, your sister-in-law to be, and my sweetheart. And the man beside her is Xander, your boyfriend.""Boyfriend?!" She chuckles for a while and breathes down when she sees it wasn't funny and no one else was laughing, obviously herself. "Wait a minute, you're serious?" "Of course. I am,"Her brows furrow with confusion clear in her eyes. "Miss Ketty? Mr. Xander? I'm sorry, but I don't remember any of you. According to the doctor, I
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Justice At Last
A bustling morning outside the courthouse as Xander and his sister, Ketty, strides purposefully towards the entrance, leaving John to watch over Susan until their return with good news. While walking down to the courtroom, Xander whispers, "finally sis, we're here. The day we've all wished and worked for and those responsible will finally face the consequences.""Absolutely, bro. Susan deserves closure, and we owe it to her to fight for the truth. After what has happened to our family, the separation and the ordeals, things like this should be put out as an example to warn evil people of what the consequence of their actions will be," Ketty replies in an angry tone.Inside the courtroom, the session begins. The police inspector presents the evidence, meticulously laying out the case against the suspects, which are Miss Ava, Mrs. Tina Godfred, and her husband, Mr. Godfred. The instigator and her accomplices."Your Honor, ladies and gentlemen of the jury, we have substantial evidence th
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Wanted A Lone Time But Didn't Get One
"Hmmm. Susan, I need to tell you something, something that will be hard to say and even harder to believe. But I need you to listen, please. Growing up living with my aunt, whom I loved so much. She was like a second mother to me. But little did I know that the woman I adore is," he breathes heavily. "In fact, the devil herself." Susan, knowing nothing is wowed, "What do you mean, Xander? How could your aunt be...?"Interrupting her, Xander continues. "Just listen, Susan. It's important you understand as it might help you remember some things alright. My aunt recently confessed everything to me. This week, she finally got to pay for her crimes and is now in prison. She is charged with murder, kidnapping, and manipulation. It's unimaginable what she has done." He hisses.With an unbelievable look on her face, she adjusts to ask him. "Murder? kidnapping? I can't believe it. Who did she...?" "She killed her only sister because she was obsessed with a man. That man was my father. My aun
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The Perfect Donor
With the insistence in his tone, ketty asks the nurse to stand behind her. "We need immediate medical help here! She has lost consciousness, and we need to examine her condition thoroughly. Please call for another doctor to stand by."Both Xander and John exchange worried glances and quickly leave the room to find another doctor while Ketty focuses on examining Susan. As they step out, they sight a doctor coming out from the ward near to that of Susans. He stops him, explaining the matter. "Ooh, that's what the scream earlier on was about?" "Yes, doctor." "Let's get going then." He follows them."Come on, Susan, wake up." Ketty keeps muttering to herself. "I shouldn't have let you walk out on your own, regardless of your insistence. What have I done?" She pats her forehead, blaming herself.---Several moments pass as Ketty carefully checks Susan's vital signs, monitors her breathing, and performs various neurological tests. When the other doctor steps in again after a while, he loo
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The long lost happy moment
An hour since the blood transfusion and the machines read loudly. Susan slowly opens her eyes, her vision blurry at first. As her surroundings come into focus, her first sight gazes at Xander, sleeping on a small couch nearby. She tries to sit up, feeling groggy and disoriented, but she still holds up persistent to wake up but she falls back asleep. As soon as ketty hears some sounds, she stands to observe Susan. Just then, Xander wakes up, feeling so tired. He rubs his eyes, looking around the room, seeing John Ketty, who appears to be staring. "What..." He chuckles, surprised. "What happened? Why is everyone staring at me and is she okay?" He takes a fast glance at Susan.John relieved, smiles back at Xander's facial expression. "Bro, you're awake. Susan had a moment of distress after the blood transfusion, but she's stable now. We're still trying to figure out what caused it. There is surely nothing to worry about.""She is showing signs of waking up. Let's stay by her side and mon
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