All Chapters of The Rogue Warrior: Chapter 71 - Chapter 80
206 Chapters
Chapter 70
Chapter 70    Adrik    After Roman had been removed it was several moments before many but not all had returned back to the conference room. Only to have Gabi tell everyone to go. I was happy that I had the time to spend with Celeste but furious at the mirage of information that was gathered here in such a short period of time. Both Celeste and I looked at one another before both looking back to Gabi. It was obvious by her posture and pacing that she was irritated, upset, angry or all the above.    Taking Celeste's hand I led her away from the conference room and back to my place. I really, really wanted to flash us there but the fear of having her put through the agony that she had been through before had me hesitating.    “You can do your snapie thing. I can handle it, Prince Adrik. I wasn’t prepared before but I think I can manage it this time.” She said in all of her innocent glory. Clenching her hand a little bit tighter I hesitated before I flashed us
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Chapter 71
Chapter 71 Adrik Fighting through her magick I stalked towards her as her hand again began to spark. “WOMAN, I HAVE. NEVER. USED. MY. POWERS. ON. YOU.” I hissed out. “Yet you repeatedly have used them against me. I have been around long enough to know exactly what power can and will do to lesser men. I have punished those lesser men for centuries now. And never once have I ever put a hand to a woman, man or child that could not defend themselves or who had not harmed me or my family first. Do you understand me? Now, I understand that this is all new to you and you do not fully understand how to cope with this information but you will not continue to abuse your power with me, Celeste! I can tolerate a lot from you but I will not continue to allow you to use me as your man hating punching bag. You have issues with men, Fine. We will go down to the fucking gym and we can fight in whatever form you want.” I continued to state in a commanding tone while stalking t
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Chapter 72
Chapter 72 Celeste “How fucking dare you?” I yelled at him once in was safely in the confines of my office. “Drop the spell, Celeste” he said almost on a whimper. The sight of the pain that he was willing to endure just to see me had my heart breaking. “If it hurts you so much, mayyyyybe you should LEAVE!” I tell him a little louder than necessary. I may feel for him and the fact that he was willing to endure so much pain made me coon with happiness, I would not forget what he had said. I was no trophy and would not be treated like a toy. I was the last descendant of the mother of all witches. Alone I held immense power. “It's not that it hurts as much as I am fighting really hard right now to cage the beast. IF you know anything of my kind it is that we have a dark beast within us and when they feel threatened they come out. Right now he is raging and he will not tolerate this for much longer. NOW DROP THE FUCKING SPELL.” He said an
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Chapter 73
Chapter 73 Gabi I was surprised at the admissions of Roman. I had always just taken him for such a hard ass and soulless wonder. But looking at how he looks at Levi and Lucy I could understand. He wasn’t soulless, just extremely hardened. He had been hurt one too many times to trust that when something good came into his life that it was his to prosper from. He was always just waiting for the other shoe to drop. I felt sorry for him. It was no real way to live. Having left the cells with Sam and the large family at our back I was starting to understand the pack life. They were essentially just a very large family. Sam, his beta, and gamma were not born of the same mother and father but having grown up close to one another they were more than just pack mates, or friends they were as close as I was with my brothers. If not closer in some weird and bromancing type of way. Heading towards the conference room the guys stand to the back joking with one another a
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Chapter 74
            Chapter 74                  Gabi    By just asking the room what we were going to do about the Breeder Dens had the room going eerily quiet with angered filled expressions. Everyone here wanted to voice their outrage and contempt.     “Okay, I think it is safe to say that no one here wants any part of those damn low lifes to continue functioning in any sort of capacity. Soooo, I say we dismantle the program and then dismantle them” I say. Everyone is thinking it but no one is wanting to say it. Everyone sitting at the table wants to continue this professionalism decorum. But I will not have it. We are all family here and we need to be able to sit comfortably with one another. We can be both professional and familiar.    “Come on guys, drop the damn act. Everyone at this damn table is in some way or another related to each other. There is no reason that we all cannot sit here together and discuss openly what is on our minds.    “Mine I see re
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Chapter 75
Chapter 75 LucyI knew I had been given a huge responsibility and it had almost felt like Gabi had just given me back a part of myself. I couldn’t explain it though. For once I did not feel weak or the pitied one, I was a strong warrior given a difficult mission. A mission that was of utmost importance. I had to infiltrate the asshats that had taken me prisoner and deliver a blow right to where it hurt them the most. Their wallets. I would say their balls but many of these assholes had none. That is why they prayed on those that couldn’t defend themselves. And now, Gabi was giving me the in that I desperately needed to gain back my confidence and strength. Until sweet Roman opened his fat mouth.“ARE YOU FUCKING SERIOUS?!?!?!” He roared out in anger. What many couldn’t hear was the panting that told everyone that he was seconds from shifting and letting the beast out. “Sam, are you serious right now? What if this was your mate huh? What if this was any one of your mates? Huh? Would y
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Chapter 76
Chapter 76 Savenia At the conclusion of the meeting, I walked with Alec to the dining hall before we could make it to the dining hall, I was swept up into Alec’s arms. Within seconds we were in a lush little apartment on the 1st floor in the opposite direction from the dining hall. “Just what the hell do you think you are doing?” I yelled at him. Looking around the homely apartment I was surprised by the decor. It almost looked to be a woman’s apartment but by the pictures of Alec and his family hanging up I could tell that it was his place. Then my eyes landed on a large photo hanging above his mock fireplace in the corner of the room. The picture was of a younger Alec holding what to be a baby version of him on his hip. The child looked to be maybe 1 or 2 years of age. Too young to stand on his own but yet too big to be buried in a pile of blankets. Standing on the other side of the small child was a young woman. “That is the last photo we ever took as a family.
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Chapter 77
Chapter 77 Alec I was ecstatic that I got to spend the time with Savenia. Though the idea that she would soon be leaving me for the mission that she had been tasked with had me all sorts of pissed off. From the story that Lucy had told the group, had me wishing that I could say no. Yet, I knew that voicing that thought would push Savenia away from me. Savenia was a hard woman to love. She was all tough and warrior-like. Yet had no actual training. That I would ensure it got rectified soon. I may be rusty myself but knew that my sister and brothers would have my back in ensuring that she had the proper training before this upcoming mission. ‘Lil sis?’ I linked Gabi. ‘What is up Alec? If you are linking me to ask that I retract Savenia from this mission I will tell her you begged me not to.’ She linked back. My sister had always had a certain sass to her. A sass that was backed up with her confident combative skills. ‘Wasn’t asking, that would be a waste
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Chapter 78
Chapter 78 MarcusI found my mate Mari during one of my first missions to the packs. My tour was to go around to the nearby packs The Black Stone, Devils Ridge, Yellow River, and Red Lake Packs. While at the packs I was to assess their warriors training and gauge the need to start up a traveling Combative and SERE’s Training program. I had wanted to head up the program since my father had started the Alpha’s Academy. Though back then it was called the warriors academy. Our goal at the time was to provide the packs with the best defensive training. Yet most packs would only send their Alpha’s. So my father renamed it the Alpha’s academy. After watching several of these so-called Alpha’s come in here and fail even the basics of maneuvers, I had seen the need for training on a deeper level. If their Alpha’s couldn’t even fight then how the hell could their warriors. Everything starts at the top. So, with my father training the Alpha’s, I had the idea that I could trav
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Chapter 79
Chapter 79 Marcus Looking around the room I didn’t know exactly how to tell my family the story that had me deceiving my family. “Listen, I know that you all do not need to believe me or trust me but I need you to listen to me.” I began. “Son. You better start telling us something because right now, I think this entire room is about to explode.” My father said angrily. “When Antony called to have us move back, I was upset. I didn’t want to disrupt my family and uproot them. We had a very set routine and we had really worked hard to get to our positions. Especially Mari. I couldn’t expect her to give up everything she busted her ass to achieve.” I began. “Like none of us didn’t” Abel barked back. “I gave up my martial arts tour.” “I gave up tenure.” Alec stated. “We all had something to give up to come home but we fucking did it Marcus.” He sneered at my name like it was poison on his tongue. “I get that and I am not saying
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