All Chapters of THE GREAT ARRANGEMENT: Chapter 61 - Chapter 70
87 Chapters
Rory has been somewhat quiet recently, but he did ask me to his place whenever I have a free Friday night with Lucas. Sincdidn'ton't have someone to help me around the house, I gladly accepted his offer to prepare my tea. I knocked on the door at almost 7 o'clock; he told me to get to him by half past six, so I thought I would keep him on his toes (I had actually arrived at this location at 6:20 o'clock but didn't want to appear too eager to arrive early, so I sat in the car; here I am now, rocking up fashionably late).The nerve of him to say something like that! "You're late."I snarl, "At least I showed," and walk away. He gives me a friendly smile and a peck on the cheek before rushing off to the kitchen. After that, I open the bottle of wine that I brought along because whatever he is preparing smells incredible."Are those glasses in your possession?" As I look over the bottle of wine in my palm, I pose the question. I open the cabinet behind him, move toward it, take out two gl
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I have spent all week on edge, as I typically do. A peaceful evening at home is the last thing I need right now, so I've decided to accompany Kerry and Ben to the movie theater tonight instead. We are going to see a movie that they both choose, which likely means there will be a lot of aggressive and violent scenes. This is probably just what I need, as it was mushy romance movies that got me into this issue in the first place.As I approach Ben in the Costa Coffee shop inside the movie theater, Ben yells, "Hey, I got you a ticket!""Please accept my thanks, and where is Kerry?" I ask.Ben's response is that she is "on her way." He glances at the watch on his wrist. But she's going to make it just in the nick of time.She makes it in just in time for the movie, and as we step inside to claim our seats, the rest of us grab some food from the crowded concession stand. As was to be expected, the movie has gore and firearms; nevertheless, there are a few dashing service members, so it's n
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Since it had been almost a week since I had last heard from Rory, I was beginning to feel concerned; in fact, I had even contemplated asking Kerry to get in touch with farmer John to find out how things stood. It seemed as though Rory's phone was turned off because none of his calls picked up, and all of my messages were delivered to his voicemail, even when I called from a different number (just in case I was blocked).Before taking drastic measures like getting Jen checked out by a professional, I thought I'd look at his Facebook profile. When the first post I see is about her and him, I'm delighted I checked the thread. Yes, it's possible that her family intimidated him, but from what I could see, they didn't actually put a pistol to his head when they took the image I was looking at. It was him riding a horse while she was in front of him, their bodies pressed against one other, making me feel physically ill. My hero is what the caption underneath it says. If that doesn't give aw
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My expectations regarding Liam's kissing behavior were not met. I have known him for a long time, and I always thought he would kiss in a way consistent with his personality—gently and softly. However, he kisses me in a way that surprises me by being forceful and powerful. As he moves away from me, I move closer to him, and it surprises me how desperately I want him to proceed. Liam is dependable and kind, which may be exactly what I'm looking for, which is probably a good thing given that he's not Rory.We continue our kiss while we are in the taxi, but happily, Liam insists on returning home as we come up in front of my house, and the taxi stops. I am standing by the side of the road, watching as it proceeds to deliver Liam to his house. I'm glad he didn't come in because I was so drunk that nobody knows what would have occurred between us, and I know that I wouldn't have been ready for it, although my inebriated self believes I would have been. I'm glad he didn't come in because I
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It rings and rings until it finally goes to voicemail, at which point I silence it. After that, I'll call it once again. I am officially a psycho bitch, but I don't care since I'm too far gone. I am aware that I am behaving irrationally, but there is no treatment available for how I am feeling right now, and I am also aware that I am unable to stop myself. After three attempts, he finally answered the phone when I called him.Oh, I'm going to be so prepared for this.In a hoarse voice, he greets you with "Hello." Although it makes me happy to hear his voice, it also makes me upset."Are you still with us then?" I snap.“What?”"I don't know why you haven't called me Rory. What exactly are you up to?""Listen, this is not the right time for this," the speaker said."Oh no, it looks like I have some free time. Why do you believe you can treat me in such a manner? Promise me everything, and then disappear from my life completely?He tries to sound "darcy."But I cut in. “No. If you were
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When Kiran drops Lucas off, I don't want to talk to him about anything because I don't want to bother him. I will take him with me if he cannot care for Lucas for several days. Since he had a good experience working on the farm, I don't think there will be any problems with that.After getting ready for the night and seeing that Lucas is as exhausted as I am, we decide to crash in my bed and watch multiple episodes of paw petrol, which is my favorite.While Lucas is dozing next to me, my phone goes off, which wakes him up. "Hey," I mutter under my breath as the video downloads.The gleam on Rory's face has returned; overall, he appears in much better shape than yesterday. I whisper to you, "You seem better today," as I notice the change in your appearance."I can feel it," is his response. Although he is only half-dressed with his normal naked chest, I assume he is wearing those light blue trousers he prances around in. He is sitting on the sofa, and I can hear the TV in the backgroun
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"I'm sorry that I had to drag him along with me. I'm so mad at Kiran for letting me down, and now he's being an arse about it, but I didn't want you to go through this alone because I care about you.He approaches me and places his finger on my lips as he moves closer. "Shush, don't be too serious. He will be a pleasant diversion for me, and I will enjoy having him here."Yeah, well. I'm concerned about the conflict that could arise with Jennifer's family.Sincerity compels me to confess that I would not permit you to be here if I believed there was a possible conflict. They have not been able to make any calls or make touch with anyone, and it has been promised that they will not be out for a very long time. I was told that they would be down for a very long period."And what about her?" you might ask."I need to sever relations with her, so I have requested her to abstain from attending the burial," you may say.Lucas is taking a careful inventory of his surroundings to orient himse
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The wide open spaces and plentiful fresh air must allow Lucas to sleep. I remember that Rory left the house just before five this morning when it was raining outside, and I put my arm out to Rory's side of the bed. It is chilly, and I recall that he did so.Before going into Lucas, I make sure that I'm dressed appropriately. When we walk downstairs, I cook breakfast and pack Rory something to take with him since I enjoy playing house with him, making me feel wonderful. As we pack up, I look around and see Rory huddled beneath a tractor beside one of the barns.As I get closer to him, all that can be seen of him are his legs since they are sticking out from under the enormous machine. "Hey," I say to him.That crotch is so distinctive; I'd recognize it anywhere!As he pulls himself out, Lucas chortles at the state of his face, which is caked in mud and oil. At this moment, he appears to be extremely filthy and extremely overheated. I stand before you and say, "I brought you breakfast."
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My hands shake when I get into the car. She is standing on the pavement, and I try not to glance in her direction. I don’t want to look at her smug, smiling face.By the time I get back to the farm, I have had twenty minutes of precious overthinking time, and I am a mess. I call Rory as soon as I pull into safety, and by the time I get to the farmhouse, he is standing on the doorstep, waiting.“Hey,” he says as he opens my car door. “What’s wrong?”Tears are running down my cheeks, I look at Lucas, who is safely asleep in the car seat, and I climb into Rory’s arms. “Tell me, Darcy, what’s happened?”I close the door and lean against the car to keep my jelly legs steady.The bitch really got to me!“I saw Jen,” I mumble. “She basically threatened Lucas.”He strokes his hands down my arms as his jaw tightens. “She did what?”“She said, as long as you don’t do anything stupid, Lucas will be fine.”He clenches his fist beside him and shakes his head. “Who the fuck does she think she is?”
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My hands shake when I get into the car. She is standing on the pavement, and I try not to glance in her direction. I don’t want to look at her smug, smiling face.By the time I get back to the farm, I have had twenty minutes of precious overthinking time, and I am a mess. I call Rory as soon as I pull into safety, and by the time I get to the farmhouse, he is standing on the doorstep, waiting.“Hey,” he says as he opens my car door. “What’s wrong?”Tears are running down my cheeks, I look at Lucas, who is safely asleep in the car seat, and I climb into Rory’s arms. “Tell me, Darcy, what’s happened?”I close the door and lean against the car to keep my jelly legs steady.The bitch really got to me!“I saw Jen,” I mumble. “She basically threatened Lucas.”He strokes his hands down my arms as his jaw tightens. “She did what?”“She said, as long as you don’t do anything stupid, Lucas will be fine.”He clenches his fist beside him and shakes his head. “Who the fuck does she think she is?”
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