All Chapters of JEREMY NOBODY : Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
68 Chapters
Chapter 31: Who said I was doing it for you?
Jeremy sat at a table in The Aviary, an exquisite restaurant where he often enjoyed his Tuesday lunches. The elegant ambiance, impeccable service, and delectable food always pleased his discerning taste. He had become a regular patron, earning the privilege of having the entire place reserved for him every Tuesday. With each bite, he relished the flavors dancing on his palate, savoring the culinary artistry before him. As he indulged in his meal, Lucas approached and stood before him, awaiting his attention. Jeremy raised an eyebrow, silently conveying his unspoken question—Why are you standing in front of me while I'm eating? "Yes?" Jeremy finally inquired, combining the words "What do you want?" and "Why are you standing right in front of me as I eat?" into a concise phrase. "Sir, Mr. Grey is outside," Lucas informed him. Jeremy let out an audible sigh. "Tell him he can wait until I'm finished with my lunch," he casually replied, nonchalantly continuing to chew his food. Lucas
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Chapter 32: The Call
"Well, I guess we're done here," Melissa said as she gracefully rose from her seat. "You should stay. You can order anything you want. The food here is exquisite. Besides, it's not every day that a girl gets to have lunch with someone as captivating as me. Consider it a rare opportunity." Jeremy suggested a mischievous smirk playing on his lips. Melissa hesitated for a moment, then smiled and sat back down. "Well, if the food is as remarkable as you claim, I suppose I can stay a little longer. But don't let it get to your head, Mr. Nobody." Jeremy couldn't help but smile in response. There was an undeniable chemistry between them that made this encounter all the more enjoyable. His eyes sparkled with amusement as he admired Melissa's spirited nature. "Your hair," he began, a touch of genuine admiration in his voice. Curiosity tinged with a hint of self-consciousness, Melissa interrupted, "What's wrong with my hair?" Jeremy's smile widened. "No, no, there's nothing wrong at all.
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Chapter 33: The accident
Jeremy sat in his office, his eyes fixated on the surveillance footage captured by Steve's car. The screen displayed undeniable proof of brake tampering, revealing a deliberate act that had caused the accident. A surge of anger mixed with determination coursed through Jeremy's veins as he watched the distressing video unfold before him. Earlier that day, Jeremy and Tony had rushed to the scene of the crash, their hearts pounding with worry for their dear friend, Steve. Witnessing Steve being carefully placed on a stretcher by compassionate paramedics, surrounded by concerned onlookers who had called for an ambulance, intensified their concern. The atmosphere was chaotic, with reporters and police officers eager to unravel the mystery behind the incident. United in their deep concern, they followed the ambulance to the hospital, their minds filled with thoughts of Steve's well-being. Swiftly, Steve was taken into the emergency room, where doctors assessed the extent of his injuries. I
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Chapter 34: Sinister Revelation
As the night enveloped Mr. Woods in peaceful slumber within the confines of his home, an unfamiliar noise disrupted his tranquility, rousing him from his restful state. Intrigued yet cautious, he resolved to investigate the source of the disturbance. However, as he stepped across the threshold of his bedroom door, a sudden and powerful blow struck the back of his head, causing him to crumple to the ground in agony. Dizziness and disorientation clouded his senses, and through a hazy veil, he faintly discerned the silhouette of a man looming above him. With trembling fingers, he touched the back of his head, sensing the sticky warmth of his own blood before succumbing to the consuming darkness. Lucas swiftly gathered Mr. Woods' unconscious body and carried him outside, where a sleek black Opel Vivaro van sat idling, awaiting their departure. Placing Mr. Woods within, Lucas climbed into the vehicle, and the driver, aware of the urgency, sped away into the night, leaving behind no tra
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Chapter 35: Torture
Gradually, Mr. Woods regained consciousness, only to be met with a searing headache that pulsed through his skull. He winced, closing his eyes against the pain, and attempted to move his limbs, only to discover that they were tightly bound. Panic surged within him as he surveyed his surroundings—an empty room, devoid of any comfort, with a single dim light bulb hanging from the ceiling, casting eerie shadows. Disoriented and plagued by thirst and hunger, Mr. Woods wondered how long he had been unconscious. He tried to wrench his arms free but felt narrow straps dig into his flesh. He cried out in pain and stopped trying to free himself. Desperation gripped him, and he shouted for help, his voice a blend of fury and fear, the stale air choking him. Suddenly, a creaking sound reverberated from the rusty hinges of the door—a signal that someone was approaching. "Seems like our new acquaintance has finally awakened," a voice exclaimed, infused with an unsettling excitement. Mr. Woods
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Chapter 36: Torture 2
Chapter 36: The Cruel Game of torture "Pumpkin?" The man in black called out to his partner, the lady in black. "Yes, my love?" "Could you please enlighten me with your definition of torture?" "Torture is the act of inflicting excruciating pain or suffering upon someone as a form of punishment or coercion, aiming to extract information or compliance," the lady in black replied with a sly grin. She held a peculiar device in her hand, and upon noticing Mr. Woods's gaze fixed upon her, she smirked and whispered, "Don't concern yourself with me; it's him you should fear." Slowly, Mr. Woods lifted his gaze to meet the piercing eyes of the man in black. "Do you hear that, Mr. Woods? This isn't torture; it is merely the prelude. Starving you and binding you is just the prologue to true torment. So, tell me, Mr. Woods, what is your deepest fear?" the man in black inquired, yet Mr. Woods remained silent. Why would he ever reveal such vulnerabilities? "Are you afraid of death? Well, if
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Chapter 37: The Blacks
Ever since Steve's accident, Lucas had noticed the change in his boss's demeanor. Concerned, he approached Jeremy, who seemed lost in thought. "Are you alright, boss?" Lucas asked, hoping to offer some support. Jeremy snapped back to reality, his mind consumed by thoughts of finding Drake Lockman. "Any updates on Drake Lockman's whereabouts?" Jeremy inquired, his voice tinged with frustration. "Nothing yet, sir. It's as if he vanished into thin air," Lucas replied, his determination evident. He had never encountered such difficulty in locating a person during his years working for Jeremy. "Keep searching. And what about Mr. Woods? Any progress with him?" Jeremy asked, referring to the individual the Blacks had been tasked with interrogating. Lucas shook his head, his expression reflecting disappointment. "Mr. Woods remains unyielding, refusing to divulge any information." Jeremy's frustration grew, his tone sharp and commanding. "It seems the Blacks have lost their touch. Inf
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Chapter 38: Hospital visit
As Jeremy made his way through the hospital corridor, a chorus of laughter reached his ears, catching his attention. Curious, he halted halfway to Steve's room, his focus drawn to the source of the merriment. With a slight smirk playing on his lips, he pushed open the door. Inside the room, his eyes quickly surveyed the scene. Steve, looking considerably better, lay on the bed, a hint of stress still etched on his face. Tony, seated on a couch at the far end of the room, wore a mixture of relief and concern. And there, seated next to the bed, was Melissa, her radiant presence commanding attention. Jeremy's gaze lingered a moment longer on Melissa, taking in her captivating appearance. Her flowing red hair cascaded down, shimmering in the light. She exuded elegance in her black gown and stylish boots, her features flawlessly accentuated by her hair styled up, revealing her jawline and cheekbones. As she turned towards the door, their eyes met, and time seemed to stand still for an ins
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Chapter 39: Closest friends
Jeremy's hospital stay ended sooner than expected. The news he received from the Blacks wasn't pleasant, but it would suffice for now. Tony offered to accompany him, and Jeremy accepted. Together, they drove to the location where Mr. Woods was being held. Arriving at one of Jeremy's storage facilities for his imported goods, they descended into the basement where the Blacks awaited them at the door. "Mr. Nobody, Mr. Grey," the man in black addressed Jeremy and Tony respectfully. "Let me clarify. Mr. Woods is willing to disclose everything, but only to Jeremy," Tony inquired. "Yes, Mr. Grey," the man in black replied. "Open the door," Jeremy commanded, and the man in black unlocked it and pushed it open. The four of them entered the room. As Mr. Woods looked up at the newcomers, he wasn't surprised to see Jeremy. "Jeremy Nobody," he muttered to himself. Who else would have the audacity to do this to him? "Good, you're finally here," Mr. Woods said, his gaze fixed on Jeremy. Jer
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Chapter 40: Ryan Winton
Melissa slowly opened her eyes, the persistent beeping of her alarm clock interrupting her peaceful slumber. Groggily, she reached over to turn it off, longing to return to the comforting embrace of her soft pillow. However, her tranquility was short-lived as Nicky barged into the room, frantically searching for something. The cacophony continued with Sam's boisterous cooking, which made Melissa snap her eyes wide open. Frustration welled up inside her, and she grabbed her pillow, muffling her irritation with a scream. "Can't anyone find peace and quiet in this house anymore?" "Quit whining. Besides, it's time for you to wake up. You can't stay in bed all day," Nicky chided, her eyes scanning the room for her misplaced earrings. "Any chance you've seen my earrings? I can't find them, and I'm running late. Could you be a dear and help me find them?" she pleaded. Melissa let out an exasperated sigh. "Find them yourself and leave!" she shouted, tossing her pillow in Nicky's direction.
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