All Chapters of Virgin Sacrifice To The Last Lycan: Chapter 91 - Chapter 100
250 Chapters
#Chapter 91 The Same Team
Helen POVRusso held open the door to the vacant house and I fell inside immediately, unable to have any more strength to go further than the foyer. Russo made sure to lock the door, falling beside me so he could see my face, covered by my matted, bloody hair.“Little wolf, are you okay?” he gasped, his voice a stark difference than it was at my father’s packhouse. He is so calm and concerned. I’m glad he isn’t the ruthless and callous Fae he was pretending to be at the dinner table. “Helen, I’m going to pick you up, okay?”Before I could stop him, he lifted me off the floor. I gasped alive, my back on fire as it pressed into his forearms. My fists curled into the fabric of his shirt, begging to be cut loose.“Here, here,” he panted, lowering me into the bathtub. I slid onto my side, trying to alleviate the pain on my back. Lifting up the back of my shirt, Russo groaned, “moon goddess… Helen, your back…”“Whipped,” I breathed. “Nine—nineteen times.”“Why, Helen? Did your parents do th
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#Chapter 92 Missing Link
Helen POVI kept my head down, knowing Kesler had one thing on his mind when desperately wanting to make me suffer. He is an alpha male, a dark coated wolf who reminds me too much of Scott.Now, above ever before, I wished that Kesler had the same fate of Scott.Maybe this would be over quickly. Maybe it wouldn’t hurt as much as I think. Maybe, just maybe, I’ll black out and be granted unconscious to avoid feeling anything at all.Kesler reels back his boot, brining it across my temple and throwing me into the side of the bathtub. Blood marks the floor already, but now there’s more. Crimson is such a terrible, painful color and it lines everything now.“Fuck, that felt good,” he mumbled, inhaling like stepping out into fresh air. “Let’s get to the real fun, though, little Luna.”He straddled my lap and I just tried to stay calm, knowing what is coming but not knowing how I would handle it. I laid back and shut my eyes, feeling him rustle around as he tried to get comfortable while I w
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#Chapter 93 A Vote
Justin POVI pace the porch, watching the intake of wizards all whisper and gossip around the town square. My body is sore beyond measure, but my mind was working overtime trying to make sense of everything that has occurred.Randy jobs up to the house, taking a set of jeans that I toss in his direction after checking on the warriors are the border of the pack boundaries.“He’s almost here,” Randy huffs, shaking his head. “What do you want to do with him when he gets back?”“I want to know why he left in the middle of the night at a critical time!” I barked. “My father is ill, my pack is growing in size, and he goes out for a midnight stroll and comes back hours later? He has some explaining to do.”Randy glanced over his shoulder, gulping obviously. “Looks like we’ll get our answer soon.”Russo limps forward toward my house. He’s wearing a pair of worn pants, his entire chest and abdomen smeared in red, crimson blood. I flinch at the downwind of his scent, the smell of that blood so
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#Chapter 94 A Disturbance In The Night
Helen POVI duck to avoid the slap that I know is coming.My father has been down here every night since Russo ran off, leaving me behind. He can’t contain his rage anymore. He’s furious with me for being such a disappointment of a daughter.He knew I didn’t kill Diana and I’m still suffering for her death. If anything, I feel so bad for my sister. She was a tool used by my father and my step-mother to forever torment me. She was tool, a weapon, and she died because of them.Not because of me.His next slap connects and I collapse onto my chest.“Fuck,” he snarled, panting through his exasperated sighs. “I can’t win with you, can I? You just never stop fighting me, Helen. You have to break eventually.”I spit to clear my lungs, the blood splattering against his boots. He hissed at me like a snake.“Worthless spec,” he snarled, swinging his boot back, ready to find its way into my already broken ribs but he stopped. Looking over his shoulder, the light from upstairs pouring into my bas
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#Chapter 95 She’s Already Dead
Justin POVMy warriors wiped out the rest of Fiery Cross in no time. The Luna died quickly, not as she had deserved, but I couldn’t ask them to torture her like she tortured my mate for her entire life.I wasn’t sure why I felt the need to be so vengeful. I just did.My warriors outnumbered the entire pack left under my mate’s father’s rule and now he lays in the living room, his breath stilling as he bleeds out from a gash along his entire chest and sides. He wasn’t going to heal from that wound—that’s for sure.I took out a small vial of wolfsbane from my pocket. I hadn’t even needed to shift to help in the fight. It was over before it even began.I tipped the bottle sideways, watching the thick, syrupy liquid dare to drip out of the vial and onto his chest.“You’re too late,” he spat, speaking through his gritted, blood-stained teeth. “She’s already dead.”I looked to the Fae, shaking his head as he frantically looked for my mate around the house. “She can’t be. It was only a few d
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#Chapter 96 Our Time
Helen POV My body was stiff when I woke out, laid out on the floor of a dark, unfamiliar room. Joy was still aching from our treatment under my father’s rule, but the scent in the room wasn’t anywhere near that of Fiery Cross pack. I could pick up Justin’s scent in the mix of heavy, lapping smells in the space. I shot forward, needing to find my mate, but in the dark my head met the bars of a rusted cell door. I fell back with a cry, my entire exterior marked and throbbing and pulsing. “Justin,” I panted, speaking through a locked, pained jaw. “Dammit! Justin!” Little steps came down the barrack steps and I finally could take in that I had been thrown into a cell at my mate’s own pack house! The Alpha, The Last Lycan, came down to face me through the bars. I tried to stand but melted to my weary, weak knees moments later. The world pressed into my shoulders, pinning me down at the aura that was leaking from my mate. His thick and hot anger was slapping me into silence, and he did
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#Chapter 97 My New Cell
Helen POV I was dropped off in my cell, wrapped in a towel and soaking wet from my bath. I still had soap on my skin and the freezing cold basement of the pack house wasn’t helping me calm down. I panted my cries, screaming for my mate, hearing the scuffle continue on upstairs with Randy and Justin. It took all I had just to try and stand up, to look through the little wardrobe of clothes Randy put together in my cell. I slipped on some silk sets of pajamas and fell into the soft bed with heavy blankets. My skin is tainted all over in marks and I know I don’t even look like myself. But Justin knows me. He should know I would never hurt him. The fight upstairs grew louder and I ducked under the blanket when heavy, pounding steps came down into the barracks. The cell door unlocked at once and hands grabbed at my wrists. I gasped into a scream, only to see Russo standing over me, not Justin. “I know, little wolf,” he groaned, handing me a bunch of snacks and foil covered foods that
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#Chapter 98 She’s Out Cold
Justin POV I hated sleeping in bed after losing my mate to my father. After having her stab me, it only made things significantly worse, and my nightmares controlled a lot of how I slept at night. The nightmares crept back into my mind, jolting me alive while I shot up off the couch in a damp, cold sweat. I fell asleep by the dim fireplace, on the couch, somewhere her scent hadn’t touched thankfully. Wiping my tired eyes, I caught a glimpse of Randy in the kitchen, making something in a plastic cup and scurrying off to take it to the barracks. It’s nearly midnight by now. Why is Randy going down there to pester with my mate? I finally had enough of my guessing, stalking down the creaking steps to see my beta bent over the bedside, feeding my mate a cup of pink liquid. Her eyes hardly even opened and when he was sure she swallowed it all, he laid her back comfortably in bed. I grew somewhat jealous to see another male dote over my mate, his movements gentle and kind and loving… un
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#Chapter 99 Let Me Love You
Helen POVI paced the cell for exercise, needing to stretch and move and walk just so I could focus elsewhere from my troubled last few nights in this jail. I haven’t seen Justin at all but I could feel his presence upstairs, him and Randy getting into a lot more arguments than normal.I laid down in bed, giving my sore muscles a break, but the steps coming down into the barracks made my heart skip a few beats.Justin raced into my cell, his hands reaching to grab at me but Randy came from behind, throwing him aside. I screamed, cowering in bed, seeing Randy’s wolf come out and Justin’s Lycan breach.I didn’t need to know the specifics why they were fighting again.I bolted from the cell, rushing upstairs and thankful I had gotten exercise as a warm-up. Russo caught me on the porch, pinning my back to the wall. I panted, confused, my heart racing right out of my chest.“They—they are fighting,” I panted.Russo nodded and peered back into the house, rolling his lower lip between his ro
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#Chapter 100 Loyal Luna
Helen POV“We stand with the Luna of True Mates pack.”I flicked a look over my shoulder to see the wolves and wizards alike all kneeling with that claim.Justin’s anger only grew more ferocious.I aimed to stand, to ask them to not pledge to half of this mating bond, but Justin had better ideas. He snatched my arm in his grip and yanked my into his warm, familiar side.“Now that we’ve settled this,” my mate snarled, pushing past his downtrodden beta, he pulled me through the house and dragged me down to the barracks under the home. He pushed me into the cell and I fell onto my palms with a gasp. “You belong to me!”He slammed his fist into the cell bars nearby and I inched back away from him, towards the concrete wall with little light streaming from the outside world. I held a wounded, scratched palm to my lips, the scent of my blood filling this small space instantly.“I am so furious, my Lycan can’t even handle this mess!”I sniffled at his rage. Seeing him teeter on the edge of c
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