All Chapters of Virgin Sacrifice To The Last Lycan: Chapter 141 - Chapter 150
250 Chapters
#Chapter 141 My Mortal Mate
Justin POVIt was my fault. All of it. I was the one who gave Helen the potion to make her mortal and I was negligent in how to handle her lack of strength. It was like she was mortal, a human again, and I could have killed her if my Lycan came anywhere near breaking loose during that moment with her.I was furious with myself, my Lycan needing to run, to exert every ounce of ferocity out until my mind could clear. I found Randy on the brim of the pack, keeping the warriors company on watch.I shifted at last, panting and exhausted when I doubled over in the grass. Randy shifted as well, mortal and confused, but no where near as furious as me. He looked oddly calm, waiting for the storm to brew with that rogue William.“What’s wrong?”I shook all over, trying to make sense of my horrible mistake tonight. “My mate, Randy. I—she just—I should have—”He looked through me with an eye of distain, I could tell he knew what I was aiming to say. “Should I go check on her?”I nodded, though he
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#Chapter 142 Dream Prison
Justin POVShe whimpers aimlessly through the night. Randy and Russo both sat with me near the fireplace, steering conversation away from my mate as she was drug right back into the Huntsman possession. The sun was threatening to come over the horizon outside when I had enough.“I have to wake her up somehow,” I snarled.Randy caught me first, Russo standing between my beta and my mate, as a failsafe backup in case I made it any closer. I looked through the pixie on Russo’s shoulder, furious with the small creature.“You can’t wake her up, it could send her into shock,” Randy huffed. “You have to let it play out. He didn’t kill her all those other times he invaded her sleep, Justin. He won’t do it now.”“I can’t be sure of that until her eyes open,” I snapped. “I have to save her. She needs me.”“She needs to let that monster out of her head naturally,” Russo added. “Let it happen and when she wakes up, we will be able to give her another dose of poison.”We all watched the pixie flut
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#Chapter 143 Believe Me Yet
Helen POVI tried to sit up, sore and weary after my last stent with the Huntsman.I block out his torture from my mind, reaching to find my mate but there’s nothing in bed beside me. Instead, Russo stood by the window, watching intently while little Freya sat perched on the edge of the bed before me.“What’s wrong?”Russo turned quick, his eyes cold and dark. “Hey, little Luna. How are you?”“Sore,” I mumbled. “I don’t remember everything. I just know I was back in his dungeon again. I was supposed to be safe from that, Russo. It doesn’t make sense. I had to take that stupid poison to prevent all of that from happening.”“I know but…” he looked to Freya. “She was only trying to help the wounds on your face. Her dust seemed to heal everything, instead, which included the poison. I’m supposed to give you another batch of it as soon as you wake up.”He pulled out the small vial and set it down on the nightstand. I hated the taste of it before and it made me feel so weak and pathetic. Wh
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#Chapter 144: Wolfen Warfare
Helen POVI obeyed my mate for a week while my bones realigned and healed. He was surprised I had done so well after taking his super poison every morning, but I never really did take it.At last, I convinced him to let me see Martha, so I ran over to her little hut, only to burst through the door and find Oscar in the living room, his face fallen in his hands. I took the seat next to him, his eyes lifted and bloodshot.“What’s wrong?”He paused for a long, heavy moment. “She’s gone, Luna. She left.”“What? Why did she leave?”He bit his lip and spoke in a raw, rough voice. “That mate of yours said she was crazy, but we both saw it, Luna! It was unbelievable but it happened!”“What happened? Justin wouldn’t tell me much.”“We just saw some kind of man with Ezequiel when he was taken from the house.”“Wait, he was taken?”“Yes, of course he was. He loved True Mates, he would never want to her this pack. I promise.”“Where did this man take him?”“I don’t know, Luna,” he look pitiful an
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#Chapter 145 Pains and Gains
Justin POVI chased her until I felt like my lungs and legs would explode. She had gotten too fast for even the likes of my Lycan, which seemed both impossible and impressive.I wasn’t sure if to be angry and or delighted by my little white wolf mate.But the facts still stood in offense to her being honest of me. If she could shift then that means she never took that poison, so all this time she could have been hiding the truth from me and the Huntsman has still been attacking her, or she stopped taking the poison recently.Either way, I felt like I had been lied to and stabbed in the spine again. Every time I just want to do what a good mate is meant to and it ends up like this. She runs off, defies me, and leaves me in the dust.I couldn’t determine if it’s a death wish or a defiant strike where she has to go against everything I suggested. Either way, I didn’t like it, and I refused to find her beaten and half-dead in a field somewhere because of that damn Huntsman. Again.“What’s
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#Chapter 146 – Enough is Enough
Helen’s POVSomething inside me snapped, even more than when I had slapped Justin. A sort of rage had taken over.“I hate you,” I screamed.Hurt flashed through Justin’s eyes, but I didn’t care. I was beyond caring anymore.Justin growled at me. “You don’t mean that.”“Oh yes, I do,” I said, beyond caring that I was making a scene in public.Anger, frustration, and hurt all flickered through Justin’s expressions. Part of me wanted to feel bad for causing my mate this much pain, but the more I’d been thinking about it, the more I realized he’d been doing nothing but causing me pain for months. And the worst part was I was sorry for what I was doing, yet I never saw a hint of remorse from him.“You don’t mean that,” he said again, his alpha voice angry and commanding, as if he would tell me exactly how I felt even though he had just gotten through yelling at others for telling him how he should feel.Some little voice tickled the back of my mind. Justin never responded well to other peo
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#Chapter 147 – On My Own
Helen’s POV“I know that werewolves are always two parts to a whole.” I stared intensely at him while I laid out the framework for my question. “We have mates that are two parts of a pair. We have two sides to ourselves: a mortal and a woven one. We are all about dichotomies, but you are insisting that I am a dichotomy that can’t exist.”Justin had stopped responding to me, and I wasn’t entirely sure why he hadn’t stormed off yet, but I was going to continue to press my luck. These things needed to be said. They’d been brewing in me for a very long time. And his insistence that I just surrender everyone to the mercy of the Huntsman while he continued to disbelieve me staunchly had finally pushed me far enough to ask something that I had wondered about but hadn’t found the words for yet.“How do you think I could exist as two beings who are so different?” I asked him.“What do you mean?” he snarled. Justin was clearly near the end of this conversation, so I’d have to make do with what
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#Chapter 148 – Taming the Inner Lycan
Justin’s POVWhy? Why was Helen turning on me?We ran through the forest in my Lycan form, me doing everything in my power to keep him running instead of ripping apart Helen like he wanted to.She’s rejected us. Our mate has rejected us.Those words kept running through my lycan’s head. I knew how he felt, but I was also calm enough to understand that our connection, our mate bond was still there, just as it had been before she had spoken all of those horrible words.What did she mean I didn’t love her? How could she possibly say something like that? Of course, I loved her.Yet, against my will, Helen’s comments wiggled in, chewing on my brain like insects feasting. They were painful, and they wouldn’t let go.Had I really treated Helen that badly?A little tiny voice in my mind said, yes, you did.I snarled at that voice. I didn’t want to hear it. “I love Lily!”Do you? that little voice asked. Or did you love her the way your father loved you?“My father was a monster,” I snarled. N
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#Chapter 149 – The Meaning of “Partner”
Justin’s POVI gaped at the audacity of Russo’s question. Then sputtered a response. “Helen hurt me first. I was only trying to help her understand the seriousness of her actions.”Russo nodded. “I think that might be part of the problem. I think she’s upset you’re treating her like a child who needs to be taught or punished rather than a mate who’s supposed to be your partner.”“Partners don’t stab each other with poison knives,” I screamed.Again Russo just nodded calmly and took a step back away from my raging lycan. “Let’s look at this from a different point of view,” he said. “I want you to explain to me how the mate bond works because you’re right. I’m not a lycan. I’m not even a werewolf. I’m not even in a partnership with one of my own kind. So why don’t you tell me in your own words how exactly this is supposed to work?”“I’m the alpha. She’s my Luna. Her job, along with the job of everyone else in the pack, is to follow my orders.”“Without question?” Russo asked.“It wouldn
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#Chapter 150 – Devising a Plan
Justin’s POV“I never wanted my lycan to have control,” I snarled.My lycan’s claws came back out. I tucked them under my armpits. I didn’t want Russo to be wrong. I wanted to be able to control my beast. So I wasn’t going to let him see that I was starting to get out of control.“See,” he said, pointing to my hidden claws. “Like right now. You’re irritated with me, and he’s angry because he doesn’t take perceived insults well. That agreement between the two of you allows him to get the upper hand. I think, at least in some small measure, those times when he ran completely out of control, both of you were feeling at least somewhat the same.”“Interesting.” My claws pulled back in, and I ran my hand through my hair. “So you think that if I’m angry and he is angry, it gives him an open door to do whatever he wants and run away with me?”“Yes,” Russo said. “So you have to find a way to be calm even when your lycan is all worked up. That way, you can keep him from running amok while you h
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