All Chapters of Love Slave to My Devil CEO Boss: Chapter 131 - Chapter 140
501 Chapters
Our Resolution
I could feel her pain and her stress; however, I couldn’t truly say that I sympathized with her. Everyone had their own problems and mine happened to come with putting enough food on the table for me and my mother. So, I didn’t really want to hear about the sorrowful story of a rich heiress and her struggle to marry the love of her life against all odds and all that. “Did Kyle admit that he stole that storyboard from me? He came to my room saying that he wanted to pick up his things and then stole that storyboard,” I spat accusingly.Then, this dear Elizabeth person came to me and screamed at me for seducing her husband because of that same incident. “At first, I didn’t want to believe it, but Ace presented some proof. On top of that, I felt like the storyline seemed to be something that Ace would have come up with. When I confronted Kyle about it, he finally admitted to it when he was faced with Ace’s evidence. Once again, I am very sorry for everything that happened,” Elizabeth ap
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Truth Comes to Light
“I see…” I mumbled, although I couldn’t quite see anything in that situation. “In the end, as you can see, the engagement was dissolved and our companies are still rivals with me as the CEO and Elizabeth as the new CEO of her company,” Ace concluded before he smiled at me. “Right…” I said with a nod of my head. “Why are you so speechless? Don’t worry too much. Elizabeth and I have nothing but respect for each other because we work in the same field. She’s still young and has many things to learn, though…” Ace said teasingly. “Sorry, I honestly never expected this kind of outcome. You know, both for Project Alpha and also your relationship history with her…” I admitted honestly. “That just sounds very misleading. I never had a relationship with her,” Ace corrected me with an amused smile. “Right. Ok…” I whispered.“You’re clearly still confused. Sleep over it. Let’s head back, I’m bored out of my mind,” Ace said.He got up from his seat before turning and offering me a hand. “Ok
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Facing the Consequences
“Well, as you have just heard, that is how it is…” Ace said without much interest. “If they truly withdraw, then it wouldn’t be a stretch for us to win the competition,” Richard voiced with certainty. “I agree. Plus, we can revert back to using our original storyboard as well,” Julianna chimed in. Suddenly, the atmosphere in the room had relaxed. Things were finally looking up for the team again and the prospect of our company winning the competition seemed realistic. “Karina has something to say. Please listen to her,” Ace said sternly. Everyone quietened down as they waited for me to speak. After Elizabeth’s announcement, it seemed like they were less hostile towards me, but things were very far from normal or how it used to be before this all started. I stood up from my seat as I tried to keep my knees from giving out from under me. “First of all, I would like to apologize. I am in fact the source of the leak. However, I would like everyone to know that the leak was never int
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Trial and Verdict
“How do I do that?” I asked. “I don’t think Elizabeth is willing to publicize the fact that her husband was directly involved in stealing confidential information and she would probably appreciate it if you didn’t mention it to anyone. I guess keeping it vague would be better…” Ace advised. Oh, right. I did not anticipate how Elizabeth wanted this all to play out. This case was a complex one. It was the prime example of how one mistake led to another. How one lie also led to another. I stared at Ace and nodded my head softly. Ace was right. During the entire press conference, Elizabeth never mentioned Kyle as the culprit. She just said that her company was guilty but never highlighted her husband’s involvement. I was starting to wonder what Kyle did that made him deserve a woman like Elizabeth and then I hoped that he would suffer severely for the problems that he’s caused all of us. After snapping out of my thoughts, I looked straight at the panel of board members who were eager
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To the Rescue
It seemed like I was going to lose my job after all. Surprisingly, I didn’t feel devastated. Instead, there was a sense of calm like I could accept it all with wide open arms. I could embrace it…“As a result of the above ruling, the board has decided to implement the following disciplinary measures. First, Miss Miller’s promotion will be frozen for one year. Second, she will not be rewarded any bonus for this year end. Third, she will work under strict supervision of her supervisor from now on until she can improve on her duties. Lastly, the company retains the right to terminate Miss Miller’s employment immediately for any suspect of foul play. That is all,” Ace stated firmly. …That’s it?I blinked my eyes rapidly as Ace’s words began to sink it. Where is the part about my immediate job termination?“If you fine with those terms, then please sign your name here and then you are free to go,” the woman instructed as she presented to me a document along with a pen. Of course, I was m
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Another Storm
Finally, we decided to settle for a safer choice of going out to a newly opened fusion restaurant that I wanted to try. I was relieved that in the end, Ace decided to drop his idea of visiting my mother, at least, for now. It would hurt me financial to not get my bonus and promotion, but it was definitely better than losing my job. In a way, I had Ace to really thank for that. I doubted that he would be wiling to take much credit for it, so I didn’t verbalize to him over and over again how thankful I was that he saved my ass this time around. However, I did make a mental note to do something for him in return. As he liked to say, there was a right time for everything. That night after dinner, Ace drove me back to my place. It felt like the calm after a storm had just past. After the dust had settled somewhat about the information leakage, I felt like we had some down time before we needed to jump into working on Project Alpha in full force. Now that we got our storyboard back too, i
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End of Secrets
It’s going to be extremely difficult to explain our way out of those photos. Although we didn’t kiss while we dance, the truth probably doesn’t matter. We looked too close and familiar with each other and that wasn’t going to support our case. I should have kept my distance from him. After all, I’m nothing more than his secretary. “Spend the night at my place, Rina,” Ace said casually. “What?” I said in disbelief. With everything that was going on, he still wanted to bring me to his place?“No, I can’t do that. Everything is already such a big mess the way that it is,” I declined immediately. “You can’t go back to your place tonight. Those reporters are going to be swarming around your place for a few days if not for weeks,” Ace pointed out. He’s right. However…“That doesn’t mean that I have to spend the night at your place. Just drop me off somewhere and I’ll find a hotel,” I muttered before sighing. “I can’t let you do that. I’m partially responsible for this so you’re coming
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Taking Him Home
“Yes…” I replied truthfully. It’s no use to lie about it now. “I can’t believe it. What is going on? Please explain to me, Rina!” my mother started wailing through the phone. I knew that she was extremely upset and confused. My chest felt tight when I imagined my mother crying because of me. Although I tried to make her proud and happy, I’m the one breaking her heart right now. I wiped my tears from my eyes with the back of my hand. Not surprisingly, I had started crying for real. My mother’s tears only triggered mine to flow even more than before. “Give me that for a moment,” Ace said softly. Before I could protest, Ace pulled my phone out of my hand. My eye widened in shock, but it was already too late. I watched through my tears as Ace pressed my phone to his ear. “Hello. This is Ace Hills, the CEO of Jessen’s and Hill’s and Karina’s direct supervisor,” Ace introduced himself calmly to my mother.I couldn’t hear what my mother said to him. Apparently, she had stopped shouting
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Request & Promise
My mother’s eyes widened as her hand flew to cover her mouth. She stared at Ace in shock before she turned to stare at me as if asking me for confirmation as well. “I’m sure that all the gossip must have blown everything about our relationship out of proportion. The truth is, we started dating shortly after Karina became my secretary although we knew that it was against the company’s policy,” Ace announced quite proudly. In my mind I could hear a cracking sound and the more that Ace spoke, the louder that cracking sound became. I looked around to see my whole world cracking up and then it all came crumbling down around me. “It’s not like that, mother!” I cried out as I stood up from my seat. “Sit down, Rina…” my mother said sternly. Her eyes narrowed at me, and it made me feel like a young girl again. My mother could be very strict sometimes, but she wasn’t unreasonable. Although she was shocked, she was still willing to listen to what Ace had to say. With a resigned sigh, I gave
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Staying Over
Suddenly, I saw a scene of my mother scolding Ace and Ace looking all remorseful. The corners of my lips curved upwards before a small laugh escaped from me. That would be so funny…“Rina!” I heard my mother calling my name and knew that they were finally finished with their private conversation. Time for me to return to the living room to face the two of them again. When I sat back down in the chair next to Ace, the atmosphere in the room seemed to have changed completely. The strain and heavy atmosphere had entirely disappeared. “What did you two talk about?” I asked curiously. “Nothing much. I just told your mother here how serious I am about you and how you’ve always refused to be my girlfriend,” Ace said before he smirked devilishly at me.“Why did you tell her that?!” I snapped at him. I turned in panic to see my mother giggling a little. Whatever Ace said to her, it seemed like she was now more relaxed and assured than before. The change in my mother’s reaction and demeano
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